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JEFFERSON PARK The horses which seem fcest in Fridays races are: Jefferson Park, New Orleans, La., December 23, 1920. 1 Old MeKeuna. Royden, Pansy Blossom. 2 SEClEOLA, Louise Wynne, Lady Granite. I! Nominee, Too the Mark, Rack Ray. 4 Murphy, Mormon, General. 5 Sagamore, Columbia Tcnn. Hadrian. 5 Malvolio, Lorena Moss, Alhena. 7 On High, Le Gaulois, Aztec. J. L. Dcmpsey. New York Handicap, 1 Old MelCenua. Pansv RIossom, Rovden, Old Rose. 2 North Shore. Ilantoon, Louise Wynne, Segu- rola. 3 Nominee. Hack Ray, Kirsties Cub, Day of Peace. 4 Imcelof, Mormon. Murphy, General. COLtMRIA TENN, Ablaze, Ettnhe, Ground-Swell. ft Malvxdio. Salute, Lorena Moss, Alhena. 7 -Le? Gaulois, On High, Aztec. Colonel Lit. Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. 1 Old McKonna. Pansy RIossom. Kleve. Royden. 2 Ilantoon, North Shore, Iuise Wynne, Segu- rola. 3 -Nominee, Kirsties Cub, Toe the Mark, Rack Ray. I Mormon. Murphy. Yuphank, Lancelot 5 COLUMRIA TKNN, Lieutenant Perkins, Ablaze, The Portuguese. 5 Salute, Lorena Moss. Kingling II.. Malvolio. 7 Aztec, I.i; Gaulois. Orenzo, Indolence. Observer Handicap. 1 Old McKenna, Reoswaw. Pansy RIossom, Pin dar. 2 Sogurola, North Shore, Plantoon. Mary Erb. NOMINEE, Rack Ray. Kirsties Cub. Hoiwver. 4 Lancelot, Murphy. Harry Rurgoyue, Mormon. 5 Columltia Tenti, Aldaze, Hadrian. Sagamore. Kiiislinil IL. Salute. Malvolio. Lorena Moss. 7 Aztec, John I. Day. Orenzo, Bluebannoek. Consensu of Rnmlicapa, 1 Old Mi-Keinia, Royden, Pansy RIossom, Eieve. 2 Segurohi., Pkiiitooii. North Shore, Iiuise Wynne. 3 NOMINEE. Rack Ray. Kirsties Cub, Toe the Mark. 4 Lancelot, Murphy. Mormon, General. 5 Columbia Tcnn, Sagamore, Ablaze, Lieutenant Perkins. 0 Malvolio. Salute, Kindling II.. Lorena Moss. 7 Aztec, Le Gaulois, On High, Orenzo.