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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 497 NEW OBLKANS. La.. January S.— Sunday workouts included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy: track heavy - Three-Eighths Mile. I.i" Amaze .".!!.. MC-Magte asile .48 488-Bombast 42 SOa-Martie v. m::. 473-BIne star ....42 4sr, ic-sist :;s 4:il -General Haig...8B% 484 Sundial II. ...42 f!»5 ranmisl :.! 483 -Trooper :!!»"-. ttt-JuYis N :« ■■■-. 184-Tbe Uoor Ki:., Luna 42 Half Mile. 4M Approval 51--. 4tC.-McAdoo ",l , 4!t5 Blue Jeans ...91% 483-Msrg. Dixon .51 MS-Bearerkll] 5I1i 4aS-MaadaIay 52 4i»5 Diamaad Dale. .38% aM-Maeh. Gunner. 31% 484 -Domingo 50% 483-Ophelia W. ...S3 488 Dane Spray ..62% 4«5-Fiekw ick 5P-, 488-Handfail 58% 488-Halute 54% 483-Jackstraw 34% 480-Tarascon 5.T.-. Koh-i-noor ....82% 488-Who ares .....vt 494-I.ord Herbert. ..83 is I Winchester . . . .53 4S7 Mary Foaso . . .54-- Five-Eig-hths Mile. 4i8-Amer. Maid .1:12% l!C Mldian 1 :U4 ■|s7 Pit of Green. 1:00% 486 Pepp. PoUy .1:08 . 495 Pobby Allen . .1 :7-. 4s7- Finland* -rer ..1:11 4*3-Destroyer ...1:88% 48t-Boscoe Goosel*ft% 208-Dr. Bse 1:12% 495-Pib 1H»% 482-Bttahe 1:11 4SSI-P. Traveler .1:lli-, 486-Ead Man 1 :"« 417-Sea Mime ...1:14 48C-Oreen Gold ..1:05 488-Tsat Or l:K -P*f i.iliot 1:14 495 rboten ...1:12 484-Kew 0Neil .18% 4S7 Walk Lp l:«t Three -Quarters Mile. 493-Chief 1:20-,, gggUaaM Fire. ..1:27 488-Claquer 1:22 4td-Marie Maiml:24 495-Cortland 14% 4S7-Mickev Moorel :1»:!-, 495-David Craig. .1:25 49:t-Bepeater 1:24% 495-Episode 1:24 490-Pose* liff ...1:24 495-Frank Mearoel:21% 488-Baanaf 1:24% 494-Frogtown . . .1 :2 % 48T-Bammy Kellyl :18% 494-;rove A. ...1:18% 444-Sir. J. Yergncl :2l 490 Hidden Jewell :25 493-Sr. Queiitin .1:21% 4NS-.lock Scot ..1:23 493-Thimble 1:21 m-Kasamlr 1:20 495-Turf 1:18% 493-Keziali 1:27 Seven-Eighths Mile. 4S3-Hondo 1 :3S 4S7 Km ins 1:41 494-Louis A 1 :• 57 ••.-, 49L-Marvin May. 1:33.. One Mile. 197. Cain de Causel : is , Tactics 1:50 8al light Wine. ..1:32 485-Warsaw 1:47 490 Paider 1:47% Mile and a Quarter. 1 490-Geo. Duncan. 2:21 The track was muddy Sunday morning and no fist work was asked of the horses. All went around the "dogs". 498 Mondays training gallops were as follows: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy: truck sloiipv 1 1 . — Three -Eighths Mile. 812-Csptsin Tom.. 12 49111*1 Sinner ...40 493-Chevalier 41-- 495-Ocean Swell ..40-", 495 Fair Orient ...42 104-Beil Wing W% 484-Grimaihin 42% 482-Bedmoa 13 494 Jeweler 42 495-Koni|XT 88% 441-Kingfisher ....42 486-Kamaay 42 «88-Lady Gran|te..88% 484-8hoot On 40 48B-Lad 41 491 Siigarmint 43 4!I5 l.ady Frappe ..39 488-tVmng Adam.lo 491 K.roni 39--, Half Mile. 4M Alhen.i 59 414-Orlora 54% 495 Plack Knight .56 4Ba-Pil»en 54:- 49i-ltirf Pane 54::0 477-Pitier Patter .50% 492 -Bullet Proof... 57 495-Pomper .".9 493 Celtic Liss ...88 4H-B -ipid Day ...52 188 Columbia Tenn.54 495-Pagazza 55 481-Honolulu 58 4sr, sin ka 52% 484 Humpy 54 491 -Til. Nephew ..55 492-John Arbor ...53 498-Two Pair 57:,:, Mil Linden 59 Trust Of fi.ial . 50 , i9-i Kittle Kieea ..54 sM-Westwood ....M 494-Miss Muffins .57 49«-Yowell 59 Five -Eighths Mile. 497 P.lue Star ...1:10 197 Ophelia W. ..1:11 4931!. ■ Sure 1:10 Sporting Chance. . 1 .117 Bit of Diary. 1:13 Shilling 1 :0S 495 Ilr. Carmen .1:07% 490 Thunderbird 1:12% 288-Josephiae ...1:11 485-Teachera PatlKM Oriental Dressl:08% 487-WIrelesa . 1:08 488-Onr Birtbdaj .1 :12 Three -Quarter* Mile. 407-Bombast 1 :2s Ho Kink Boy 1:22 488-Bargayiie . . . . 1 :2 487-Melk rn 1:28 4S7 Charlie l.k.rl :27 490 Malva 1:20 |sr, C.Mkroaili ...1:23.-. Pid-IiiHux 1:20% 187 Dona P ■ ..1:22 493-Selma G 1:23 195-Oiiininicnd ..1:28 1 17-Siiuonite ....1:28 IM-Kraesl A. ...1:24 495-St. Isidore .1:25 197 Cener al iIaig.l:lK% 190 Sea fare ....1:21% 191: .loiius Imma 1:23% 488-Tbe Decision 1 28 4JI5-.I,.,. Whipple.. 1:22 4K8-Talisman ....1:22 404-Koh-i-aasr .1:22 485-Tailor Mail .1:241 491 -Lovdiuess ...1:23 Seven -Eighths Mile. IM Mlbwiy 1:41 195-S* a Sinn, r .1 :3« One Mile. 493-Pliieliannock .1 52-. 416-8andragaa 11.1:52 187-McAdoo 1:48 413-Warlike 1:52 493-Pi. ■lolicii . ..1:52 The Hack was a -en of mud this morning and the "dogs" up dining most of the workouts. Filter Patter and Trust Official weul a good half J anil McAdoo a goad mile after the "dogs" were removed.