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TIJUANA FORM CHART ■ TIJUANA. Mexico. Sunday. January 2. 1921.— Thirty -fourth day. Lower California Jockey Club, t Winter Meeting of 125 or bom days, Weather clear. Presiding steward. Franeia Noi«on. Associate Stewards, .1. W. coffroth nn. I Leon Win?. start-;-. , Harrj Morrlasej Racing Secretary, 1 •■• r wing. Racing; start- at 1:50 •.. m. I Chicago time S:fiO. KOIOQ Firai Kare— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 191G— xJA±ov Mi._2_ 105. Pane 00. 2-year-•II . Coir, and Gildings. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: .-.etcnd. 00: third, 0. Rqalv. Odds. lad. II.T-e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight ! Wolfa Cry 118 IIKD nn i" Id Cn atwd Boj IS ■ • v tiinpby l» 108 Ashland 118 P M rtlnei Inco«rnance 118 4J W J OBrien "• I 8 CapL Clover 115 ."• N Foden 1468-100 Mid. Stories lis 8* R Fator i: 10-100 Dewy FleW lis 7 C Cross 1420-108 fOoajntei » bettiag aa Nevada Stack Farm Stable entry. mntuela paid. Nerada Btoek Farm stable entry. .20 trail 1. 84-44 Place, 34-20 ahow; Creatwood Boy, 13.40 place, 84.40 anew. Eqaivalenl m k i mit odda Kevada Btoek Faraa stiitil.- parry, 310 to 100 atraicht, 100 to loo place, 110 to 100 ahoUr; Creatwood Boy, 17 to phi place, 230 to 100 -how. Time. 36%. Track fast. Winner— Nevada Btoek Faraa Btabiea hr. e, hy Honey wood Knmiaa, by Alluding traiaed by W. s. Death; bred by Nevada Stock Faraa. Wont t.i poet at 1:55. At peat 1 minute. Start I I straggling and -l.iw. Won eaattj : ae« 1 and third driving. Fi91Qft Second Race — 1 Mile. June 17. 1916 — j*±oj i:3s_3— 95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner. 50; second. 00: third. 0. Eiiuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. Stit«**WeHr* HI 1" Rowe I58-1« 51S48*TUJan m V E Taylor 1000-WO 52483 Gift in s* l* iiiiriin.z " -1-" i .-.-Jill Canate M 1*1 » Willis tl284-180 30159 Class A. 101 V W Hinphy 53418 Mi Lodte HI fl N Foden 200-188 52148 Fitzgerald 113 7 R Dority 18280-100 52019 Petelaa 113 8s! i: Graves 808-108 52144 Audrey A. W •• Q Yon rein W»-l 5IK7H Tom Cam 113 W* W Perry 12850-100 5»01!» Jennie small 111 11* COraa 1810-Wfl 52000 Leo ll. 113 12 .1 Roberteon ■ Muluel field. . ! mutueta paid, Weig.-i. 1.00 straight. .80 place, .00 ahow; Tiajaa, .80 place, 88.40 ahaw; Gift, .00 anew. Rqoivak ni I king odd- Welga, 450 to loo straight. ISO to loo place, loo to 100 show: Tiajaa, 340 io Hid place, 200 t.i 1 show; Gift, Ml 1" 100 show. Time. 1:434, Track fast. Wiaaer— Clear Lake Btabiea br. aa. B, by Kins laaaea- Wealth, by Rainbow trained by C. C. nuu-inert: bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Weal to poet at 2:18. At i o-t i aaiaate. Start goad Bad alow for all bat Audrey a. Won driv-m_: aiicoad and third tie- aaaac, 91 Q1 Ihtoi Race — 1 Mile. June 17. islets and .1. ,7 J. 1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: secend. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Tnd. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 51998-Quid Nunc 113 1*1 W Hlnphy 688-188 521 1 1* Hi. kory nut 106 2«J P Hum U0O-108 ftt000*F*k 8hannonM8 :: ■ B Marinelll 100-108 5214H Dand] Van Ml -C W Perry 1CM-1M 51441 Prevaricate 113 S B Fator t2O8O-lO0 51978 Jim Winn 140 U H Battle s,:i,,-i,M 1 52149;F.. Dtehaaata 108 7l Rowe 1360-MO 52442 .Mis- Wells HI s- t "Willis Cifl-KKl Siom Phil Martin in N J Robertson -!•; km 1 ."»l»«0 IndajC Vhn.oS le" N Foden .- »ll! Sky Pilot 111 11 E Taylor Miituel field. paid. QaM Name, 3U20 atraicht, place, .00 show. Uiekorywat, mi place, 0 show: Frank Shannon. .00 show. laiuivahni hanblaar odd- Qald Nunc. EDO to iihi Rtraisbt, l-1» to Ma place. Km to ion show; Hlck-nryaat, 250 to 1 X1 place, 110 to 100 show; Frank Sliaiiin.n. 30 io 100 show. Time, l:42Vo. Track fast. Winner — Mattln am A Dunlaps hr. g. 12. by Waatsthorpe — Dh tjaaa. by si. Blaise trained by 1.. Matthews; bred by Mr. ». C. Iarke. Went lo ]«tsl at 2:4L At post 1 minute. Slart good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Beratched— 51838 Our Maid, 101. uax«/i *! 9 1 Q 9 fourth Race— 1 Mile. June 17, 191G— 1; 38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 50; second. 00; third. S50. Eaadv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 53138 Horeas 108 1" P Martines n: -ioo I 52111 Zetetic in Si x Foden 380 11 1 B31OT*CenterviUe :»i; ::-_ i; Marinelll 4so-UK 52130 K. of Pythalll 4*1 C Cross MOr-MO 1 5aii ; PaaUaae 113 B* H Rettig MO-101 1 53000 Tok. March 111 8* C Van Dusen 108-108 1 51817 Miss AnniaslOt 7i K Taylor t ■ " -,M70 Madrid 111 B« .1 Mass 8850-108 5-.032*Flor. line 103 I W Perry l:!590-lHi 53003 Patay Mack H:: ]"• R Carter 480-10 i 1 51876 l.istal 111 11 W Hlnphy t tMuluel field. paid. Boreaa, field, to.oo straight. .2o place, . ."». 40 aaow; Eetetftc, .00 place, . so » ahow; Ceaterrille, ..lo show. Bqalraleat 1 kinu odda Boreaa, field. 1930 to i loo straight. HO t.. 100 place, 170 to 100 ahow; t , ! I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 » i Keartic 100 to MM alaee, M ■ 101 ihaw; r»nter- | rille, Ko to ioo show. Time. l:42l5. Track fast. Winner— R. Wnrren"s br. h. 6, by Zen*— Yule- ; tree, by Hastings trained by Y. Clou.l; bred by ] Mr. Bdgar Beaahaw. Went to post at 3:04. At post 1 minute. St:irt food and -low for all but Liatal. Won easily; second and third driving. Bcratched VJ170 Blaner. 101. Overweights Florence din.-. 2 pound-; Mi i An-:! 910 IHtti Race— 1 1-8 M.les. May 23. 1920 UA±O0 1:53—4—109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 50: secend. 00: third. 0. Kqnir. bids. Ind. Heraa, Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 53086*Mikn Daly !"■ lj M Slaughter K 108 52111 Baby sisi. r i"i; •_" p Martlnea HO-100 52149 rlonolnla 10B . N Foden WO-1O0 521S2*Mont Belle 108 4:: B Marinelll 890-108 5-2148- B o.CKchenl II Row - ii;i 5.08; Tours 107 W Hlnphy 1720-100 53111 I.sib.-r I,. 101 7 .1 Shilling iimin. 1- paid. Mike Daly. .*4.oo atraicht, .40 place, .40 -how: Baby Sister, .00 place, .00 show; Hon. lulu. .80 hbow. Bqnivalent boakiag odda- Mike Daly, 180 to 100 Rtraiirht, 70 t.. 100 place, 20 to 100 -how: Baby Si-ter. 10O to IOO place, 50 to loO ahOW; Honolulu. 80 lo loo RBOW. Time. 1:5445. Track fast. Wiener— Arnot Btabiea br. g. 7. by David Tenay Dewiane, by Greea traiaed by ■. . BlUer- 111:111: bred by Mr. S. S. Kakle. Went ■• post al 3:27. Al po-t 1 minute. S»art g.ciil and alow. AYon ea-ily; -en nd and third driving. overweight- Baby si-ior. 1 poaad; Bella of the Kitchen, 4; Eather 1... 2. 9 1 Q d Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. Oi-o-t 2 192o_ lS1— 6— 122. First Running MEXICALI HANDICAP. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner, ,550; second. 00: third, 50. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 51880Thunstorm 138 1, C Van Down 40-100 53037 Paddy Whk 1I4 2 C Cross :.20-100 .v.m :7 Franklin 108 :;s K Fator 70fl 108 5314tCornnado K 4 1 Hum 1260-100 *2 aaataela paid. Thnnderatonn, .80 straight. !52.20 place: Paddy Whack, S2.40 place: 11. ahow mntoets - id. Bqaivaleat booking odda — Thunderatoraa, -10 to 100 Rtraig-ht, 10 1.. 100 place; Paddy Whack, 20 to 100 Ida.-. Time. 1:4325. Track fast. Winner C. Koehlera eh. a, ■".. by Olambala — Nightfall, by Voter trained by l». learny; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilsoni. w. nt to poet :ii 3:5L At post 1 mlamte. Btarl good and -lo.v Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched 52084 Secreaa, 104; 52130* Peerleaa One. 101; 52140Coronado, 35; 52130 lake Bchaa, lot. KOIQK Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June uaxuv 2g 1916_1 :05V5— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-clds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Hor-e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52152*Clde Weeverl83 1" W Perry 1208-188 5l!»8C;incion .OS 2i H Rettig — -MM 53107 *SraiI. Mag.181 ::- R Taylor 140-108 52127 Miss Sedalia 107 4*1 W Hlnphy 848 100 51348 Tillotaon US 5» O Willis 1:,10-100 52108:;*Irish Delay l i." S Rowe 1380-108 52082 ,Har*«an*a H.105 7 N Foden 1510-108 52 108 Riposte 113 Bled. P Martlnea 120-100 mutie-ls paid. Claude Weaver, 7.80 straighl. 8.00 place, show; Cancipn, 4 10 place, ahow; Smiling Maggie, .00 ahow. Bqaivaleat booking odd- Claude Weaver. 1293 to 100 siraight. 830 to loo place, 350 to 100 show: Camion. 1120 lo Km place. 230 to loo show; Smil tag Maggie, 83 to loo ahow. Time. 1:072.,. Track fast. Winner— J. s. McDaniela eh. h, s. by St. Swithon Katy Net wood, by .rays 11 trained by F. Baaaplea; bred by Mr. L. It. laekaon. Went to no-l at 4:18. At peat 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: aecond and bird driving. Bcratched— 51884 Lady Small. 100; 4071* Maud Bacon, 100; 52127 Sweet Teeth, 112; 52082 Smiling Anna. 108. Overweights Cancien, 1 pound: Mi— Bedalht, 1. KOIOC Eiphth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. June Zi. vaxov 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olus and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350; second. 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. S311C*Darnay H2 1; 0 Willis 1W1-V00 BS113*Vrva Cuba HO 2i B Marinelll 270-H1 52132 Minnie H. 1" 8* Rowe 370-108 531S2**Bahy Cal 107 4-i AY Perry 581SB*Jndan David HTi B« J Glass 1410-100 52004*Shenandoah u! i B Taylor 7Nj-lOO .,2 mntnela paid. Daraay, .* straight. 4. 00 place, E2.00 -how; Viva Cuba, 34.03 place, 2.10 ahow; Minnie 11.. ,.oo show. Bqnivalent baafelaaj odds Daraay, 190 to 100 atraicht, Kh» to 100 place, 3 ta 100 show: Viva Cuba. IOO to 100 place. 20 to 100 show ; Minnie H.. :io to 100 al -v.. Time. l:463i. Track fast. Winner — C. I. Worthingtoiis br. h, !. by Magneto—Mizzle, by Kilkerran trained by C. T. Worth-ington; bred by Me— is. Talbot Kro-A. Went to post at 4:3! . At Kist 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Shenandoah. Won easily-second and third driving, Bcratched— 52133 The Gallant, 112. Overweights— Shenandoah, 1 pound. 1