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TIJUANA RACING STATISTICS « C. B. Irwin Heads List of the Money-Winning Owners. e Sedan Leads the Horses — Saddle Honors to G. Yeargin — Meeting Big Success. « Tiie goodly sum of 1121,800 was distributed among the winning herueans at Tijuana Oaring the frst thirty-two asyi of the present meeting. There were 224 laces run and the daily average distribution amounted to ,808. Oral crowds have bean in attendance, especially on holidays and Sundays, and the popularity of racing at the Mexican track seems to be growing as the meeting advances. C. P.. Irwin, the leading owner at Tijuana last .•ear. is airain making a KtrOBg bid for the same honor and leads the list at pr.-ent. the following being the « u.: who wn over ,018 each: ©waer. 1st. 2d. Id. Amt. Irwin, C. B |g 17 18 s S.500 Walker, W 10 15 *, 7 _isi, Weant, W. c 8 8 12 8.010 Parson, J. A 9 13 9 5.040 Banders, M 5 s 1 2 S70 Major. K. 1: 5 3 5 LV30O ;""l- B II 4 5 0 2.300 Iooper, .1. M 5 - J 2.0341 Id ickwell A.- rippen 4 1 I 1.II10 Barton. I" 4 u 1 1 s|, Tate, J. W* 4 « I 1,800 Graham, P. K : 0 : i.s m» V:lil- 2 0 3 1.730 suite and Valentine 3 1 2 1.090 Clear Lake Stable 2 o o Looo Poison. W. r 4 1 1 1.55o P«*a. s 3 1 1 1.171 Back. IT. a 1 2 o 1.410 North k Bow. 4 11 || 140O Morris, T. c : t i :.-,,, Pambotli. J. K :t 2 1 1.300 Tam o Shanter Stable : 11 1 1,271 Woodford. J. II 2 2 2 1.200 Araol Stable 1 T; 4 L230 McGregi ry, 7. ; 1 1 t *ao Sedan leads the money -wiaains. horses, of a-hich the fsllswing won orer 80 each: irorsp- 1st. "2d. 3d. Amt. s •" 2 3 2 8 2 010 Wallace 1 i 11 1 Npperhaii : n 1.750 Olympian King 3 1 » 1.740 Hamilton A : 1 o , f.;,,, Ansae 1 2 1 1.51/ M-* I 1 O 1.5110 V ■ -.aland : ; 11 1 .-14 l RiPosta :; 3 1 ] iuo Pledra •_• 3 - ijatj Don Jos.- :t 2 1 1.820 Ik« ill- 3 2 1 1.800 -N,~ 3 1 X 1,180 Horace Kerch : 1 2 1,280 Bwj T : 11 j 1,070 •"1"1 • 3 1 2 1.250 Phr Waul :• it 11 1.210 Uasola a 1 o 1.150 Mndu 2 3 :t 1.150 Little iiuk .- i e 1.150 Be.vd*. l 5 1 1,120 Poollcville 2 L 1 1.120 Robert. L. Owen 2 2 2 1.070 Zdmloch 2 2 1 1.020 Lady in Plack 1 :: 2 l.olo BeTeler 2 1 2 KtMio Smiling Maggie ;. •_• o 1.000 Delaacey 2 2 1 950 Kitty heatham 2 1 1 93o Poronado 2 2 o noo Plunger 2 1 2 son Tillotsou 2 1 2 900 Ninette 2 1 0 S70 Verdi Loon 2 1 I S70 .Marie Council 2 1 0 888 lack Lee 2 1 1 SCO Full Moon 2 1 1 830 May Maulsby 2 1 1 S50 Pierrot 1 4 2 850 Thirty Seven 2 1 1 8fi0 J. Yeargin is the leading rider with nineteen winning mounts to his credit. The following are tile jockeys who rode four or more winners each: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2*1. 3d. Pup. P.P. Yeargin. G 114 19 II IS 84 .17 Marinelli. M »S 15 11 is 54 .15 Callahan. J 5S 15 10 7 20 .20 Hayward. K 88 13 19 11 45 .15 Duggnn, C 88 11 13 11 45 .14 Taylor, K gj 11 o 9 35 .1s Whittingtoa, V -is 11 4 7 20 .23 Mills. L 77 s 12 5 52 .10 Martinez. P 88 8 13 11 57 .09 Barn. I 100 7 10 12 71 .07 Glass, J 77 7 15 9 40 .09 Thompson. C :7 ti 0 1 24 .10 Willis. 0 59 0 3 2 4K .11 ZeJgier, A 81 0 4 2 51 .10 Craves. 1: is 0 :: $ 0 .33 Polity. B 35 5 2 1 27 .14 hiinetta. V 02 5 11 11 35 .OS ratsr, K 49 5 1 $ :u .10 Dross, c 55 5 3 0 41 .of* Jones, II 44 5 0 2 31 .11 Perry. W. . . •. 98 5 3 0 4 1 .0! Bettig. H 29 5 1 2 21 .17 1 Van Dusen. C 29 5 5 4 15 .17 Carter. P 4S 4 5 4 35 .OS lo len. N 35 4 3 5 23 .11 . Hinphy. W 52 4 3 5 40 .os Lowe, P 20 4 1 0 15 .Lo Matthews, M 31 4 4 4 19 .13 McCraaa. B 33 1 2 0 -1 r Taylor, W ::2 4 4 3 21 .12 C. P. Irwin t**ps the list of the successful trainers, of which the following saddled three or more w .niiers : Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Irwla, C. P. 15 Kitsch. P. W. .. 4 Walker. W 10 Byrnes, J. W 3 Weanl. W. C 9 Coffey. .1 ...3 P.arlon. F !» Graham. P.. K 3 Parana, J. a 9 Jones, p. a 3 Smith, C. C 7 Kearney, p 3 ciippin. c. w 5 McGregory, z 3 Hnkill. J. M 5 Mayas, A 3 Major, k. K 9 p. iter. .1 M Buck. W. A 4 Pinkstaff. W 3 McPherson, J. J I Poison. W. F 3 lolk. S 4 Painboth. .1. K 3 Bowe. B 4 Strite. J. L 3 I lie perceatage of winning favorites was below normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation: Number of days 30 Number of races -h Winning first choices Winning second choices 52 Winning outsiders s7 Winning al odds-on • -, Defeated at odds-on 10 Perreatng ■ nf « inning choice* :s