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NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER I HARVEST KING ..6 to 1 WONi WAS OUR : NEW YEARS DAY BEST BET 1 That we Advertised Would Go in the Sixth Race t and Should Be 5 to 1 or Better. I THIS SURE IS MAKING GOOD! DANCiNG SPRAY.. 8 to 1 WON ; WAS YESTERDAY S 1 BEST BET We Sure Are There When It Comes to Putting Over the GOOD ONES We dont, write a lot of flowery ads and TELL i YOU ABOUT THE SURE THINGS THAT CANNOT i LOSE. AS HOT AIR DOES NOT GET lrOU ANYWHERE. FOR WE KNOW RESULTS LIKE THE ABOVE ARE WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS. JUST THINK OF IT: Oyer 50 Per Cent Winners | On Our Best Bets I since. New Orleans opened. This sure is wonderful, as we have had many a Long Shot on this -ervice. If you cant mako money off of our EEST BETS you had better quit, as none of the ethers come anywhere near our record. We Are Here to Stay ! Others Come and Go We are positively not with any other daily sheet. Remember, you are not dealing with amateurs, hut PROFESSIONALS. ALL IT COSTS IS 50c — DAILY — 50c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS AND OFFICE NOTICE: If ycur news -dealer docs not handle the 0. K. we will mail you same in plain sealed envelope. ONE WEEK .00 The National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411, Baltimore Building Chicago, III. I I J M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT Pedigree Authority Managing Director Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY Corr«N|»ondU-nt» in Knulaixl, Irtlainl, lraiicc, Australia, Argentine HepiiMU" etc. All Transactions on a Commission Basis. PEDIGREES ;iSl..inn""": S15i | Sound Matings Selected, 0.; : All Data in onnectiini vitlt Blood j Stock FumU.lieil. LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY ; ; 1 1 i THE WINNING POST; | j TODAYS FEES CODE: De Soto-Ridden-Obtain-Code-Bestj THE WINNING POST 101 West 41st Street, New York City 15 Cents Per Copy. Per Year. We Have Only Oir Agent in Louisville: EILER and GOODMAN. 227 Fourth Avenue 1 i , f , J TROOPER 15-1 WON FLY HOME. 5-2. WON: HARRY GLOVER. 4-1. ! WON. wore THREE NICE ONES Reported in BOOK NO. 711 of THE STANDARD, How can you afford to be without it when all it, costs is 35 CENTS PER COPY— GOOD FOR ONE WEEK. Gives you a line on the horses that are ready to win ?t all leading tracks, besides a FREE SPECIAL every day. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: October -Orange -54-21 -32 -44. Standard Turf Guide. 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111. CHIEF 03SERVER 25 WEST 42nd St.. Room 515. NEW YORK CITY TODAYS FREE CODES: HAVANA— Florida-11-6-21 NEW ORLEANS— Georgia-24-18-4 Subscribe for Daily Racing Form I : 1 t I ; 1 i i J. F. BALDWIN 1303 Lexington Avenue, New York "Lucky" Baldwin is the only man in New York that deals exclusively on Tijuana races. ii-new r tie- plunging brigade or the ■harp shooting delegation THAT ARE NOW basking in the sunshine of Coronado Beach make a play do you think they place their currency in the mutucl box I If any SHREWD owner or trainer wants a good price does it look reasonable to think he will give up 100 per cent in the mutuel play at Tijuana in advance for the privilege of shortening his odds ? ark you. do vou think so? NEW YORK IS THE BETTING MECCA. And when you join hands with "lucky" Baldwin you are doing business with an intelligent horseman that has never regirteTed a loss for any individual that has followed him. Next Thursday, January 6. a real old-time coup is to be brought off. It is being managed by a shrewd and most successful horseman — the money » is right here in New York now — and I am in a position to tell REAL men about it. Confidence faithfully observed and absolutely expected. Terms: Pay me by wire, after you collect yours, .he winnings of a 0 straight play. Positively no wires to anvonn that does net send rnrreot business or home address. Wire if you want all our Tijuana specials. | I The Reliable, Wonderful, Winning System A powerful, scientific method wherein SUCCESS IS ASSURED. Can be played at or away from the track, on large or small capital. Gives a play in nearly every race and One Best Bet a day, also XXX Occasonals that nearly all win. It is giving some nico-priced winners, such as: Mary Head. .6 to 1 Won Sea Court.... 5 to 1 2nd The Mcor . . .5 to 1 Won She Devil .8 to 1 Won H. C. Basch.7 to 1 Won Murphv 8 to 1 Won Tugs 4 to 1 2nd Fantoche . . A to 1 Won Wfiukeag .11 to 1 Won Capital City. 6 to 1 Won The price is reasonable. You can get my system en easy terms. Send name and address for free information. WATSON CORNELL ST. CHARLES HOTEL NEW ORLEANS. LA. | : j | j THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of DECEMBER, Is Now on Sale Price .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not re-1 sponsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form PublishingGo., 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. T. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. TURF LIGHT Weekly Racing Paper All Cities— 15 Cents— All Stands Gives lli Readers a Free Code TURF LIGHT CODE: Three-Two-Thirteen-Integrity-New Orleans BUY TURF LIGHT TODAY All Stands Dealers Write ! . *£JW ?»e -_-■ _■_-_ _E§ 517 TEMPLE COURT BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. SATURDAYS ONE BEST WON LONG SHOT SPECIAL WON Both Saturdays Specials Wen Its Real Track Information. Get Todays — 50c. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - ■ Alabama In the heart of the Bonce d» Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring! furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK.