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HORSES AT BELMONT PARK * List of Thoroughbreds in Four Prominent Stables. * Fine Band of Two -Year-Olds in Hildreth, Foreign, Gerry and Cochran Barns. ■ - 9 NF.W YORK, X. Y.. Iinuy " .— TTere are the lisis of four nunc lUUM w interim. in comfortable .111:111. -i". .-it Belmont Park. Th* elder barn c a a* tin- pmrftl Hildroth-Sini lair confederacy are nor tabulated. Only tlm-i- which will ei me to the races of 1921 are given. II..- miiii.- and pedigrees ..r LacuUite, Tiiun.i.-r. hip. lnciii iape, Grey Las, e* -■ ■re too well known 10 in repeated. The HUdreth two-year-olds IR a band of young horses. All are doing iM-tter than their talented master, whe i-nt well, and is ju-t now reeaperattag at his New Jersey farm. The Piece lm Stable ought to . lit a smart figure in tins years racing. Its two-yeai olds are promising. Tea-Lee. should, witli fair wintering fortune, he a formidable three -year-old and Audaeious and Fnfilado will a ld l » the strength of "Sandy" McNaughtons hand, which Kiiinmer will .are for in their races. Henry M. -Daniel. Robert I.. Im-itjs artistic 11. liner, hasnt nineli in sight hut his two-yeai -olds: some of these arc promising. Feeder hasnt raced t mat or ancestry, lie was .-: dhrtiacl failure last year, hut i- sound, has a good way of going and may do heit. r. Tin- string of ; if ford A. 1 "o ■htvm hiis seven in il. Smoke Screen .mil St. Michael showed flashes of form la--t year, hut Mi the whole, the fear two year olds and ftc raafllwr . which had a reputation noi sustained hy perforata ace, were not much. All are Now York bred from Mr. Cochran- nian--at Mount Kisco. are the list- of hanea in the four -tables: SAMUEL C. HILDRETH. Traiaer, s. C. HBdreth. Jockey I.. Baade. In Samuel C. Ilildr.ths nnart era, heatdea the older In rs.-s. are fifteen two-year old-. The ST. -KM Sweep -Iridescent ndt wa- recently sold. The remaining fifteen, wilh the price- paM far six, publicly I ill ag III at the Saratoga sales in August last, are as follows: Itrown colt. 2. by Trap Rack Recolte, by Mod db-i : 85.199. Hrown colt. 2. by Menu Saagbty I.ady. by F-h-r: 98,199. Bay colt. 2. hy Wrack Medora II.. by Bahelaia; Sill. ."Ml. Black colt. 2. by /en- Swan, by Herbert: 82,390. Itrown filly. 2. by Zens K1.1n.r-. by Singleton: S2.100. Chestnut filly. 2. by Zeus Ityola. by Mexican: ,100. May filly. 2. by Zeu- I.uda. by Sweep. Hay coll. 2. by Sweep Maripos.-in. by Cy. lades. Brown colt, 2. bv Delhi Mich Decree, by His Higbaess. Bay colt. 2. by Sweep Sue Smith, by Maaetto brother to Hon Ilmnim-I. Black filly. 2. bj Dick Plaaell Martha Maimer. by Seinproii iu-Hay fUly, 2. by -lack Atkin Lottie Darr. by Etheibert. Bay filly. 2. by Short Cra— Tapiola. by The ominoner. Black colt. i. by Friar Rack BeOe of Ormonde. by Oratai. Hrown colt. 2. by The Finn Kiluna. by Goldea Maxim. FOREIGN STABLE Mrs. Louise Viau. Traiaer, s. kfcNaugbtou. Jockey, c Kunnner Audacious, cli. h. .,. by Star Shoot Hold Girt, by pejdta. Fnlilade. b. 111. ii. by Ramrod- La Rllle, bv Mai -donald II. Tea-Lee, eh. f. A. by Celt Network, by lam. Maidens Ballet, eh. f. :i. hy Cell Mallet i;irl. bv St. Leonards. Honey ell. oh. f. 3. by 1 It Honey Hee. by Hamburg. I.Folair. cli. c. 3. by Celt Star Lady, by Star Shoot. The yearlings now two-year-olds purchased at Saratoga -ales with their breeding and cost are: Black colt. 2. by Ballot Treeleea, by Ogdea; 82.409. Hay colt. 2. by Ormond.ile Cloak. by Di- ralae; ,200. Hrown colt. ■!. by Celt Silent Qaeea, by Kor fa 1 -hire: ,900. In-lnut filly, "J. bv Cock a the Walk Irude. bv Meddler. Hay colt. 2, by link o the Walk Keadean II., by C.illinule. R. L. GERRY. Trainer. Henry M.Haniel Feeder, eh. •.-. by Itraa tin- TerriMe Kaaaie Hodge, by Roaninctoa. Larky Kind. b. e, :. bv Fcrole Larky Catch, by Trai Rack. The juveniles pun-has, d with their pedigrees and .os|. -ire as follow*: Hay colt. -J. by Iltiimis Idle laiicy. by Hi-n Hrush: $.Yu i". Bay colt. z. bj Klai Lime. Belpheebe, b] Or siui: ,on Chaataat filly. - hy ITItiataa Plaia .lane, bj Miuvezln. ,100 Buy filly, •_. by Celt Honey Bee. hy Haaaharg; ,000, Chestnut colt. L by link Kinnell Alice Baird by Wool-tllOipe. Chaataat feldiag. 2, bj Titer Qaiace stick Pin. bj MeOee. Cheslnul filly. •_. by Klag .lames - Iround Ducli-e--. by Watenris- Brown colt, J, by l.ough Fajrla Ha mi an i. by Martinet. GIFF0RD A. COCHRAN. Trainer, -lame- Rvaas Beraagliere, b, or b.. .- i. bj Hi- Majestj Veil. by Star Shoot si. Michael, eh. . 3. b] Hi- Majesty Marie Odile. hi Star Shoot. Smoke Screen, b. I 3 by Hi- Majeat Veil, hy Star Shoot. Hanksia. .-h. f. 3. by Hi- Majeat Rarly Rooe, by Star Shoot. Cimarron, eh. f. 3. by if- Majeat] Royal Martyr, b] Cohlen Maxim Hay filly. 2. bv Broomstick Rarly Rooe, bv star S! I. Chestnut filly, 2, by His Majesty Qaitea Drop. by Hamburg.