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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. March 6, 1918—1:41—5—117. CLIP. br. g. 5 103 By Sain— Clip Hook, by Watercress. Trainer, L. Crist. Owner, L. Crist. 52079 Havana 1m". ly 1 : 44" 1 10S 2 3 4 1 1" 1* F Wilson 8 I.nn. r:tii:i. S..I Cilsey. II. .main :is.v. Havana ImSOy l:4C%fast 8-5 10" 7 4 2 1 1« V B Kenndy » IVgoon. 8. Stalwart, Misericorde 51815 Havana lm50y l:48Ha;ood 2 193 .. 6 4 3 2* 22 B Kenndy 6 JackHlll, B.Cbange, BIBHnnley 51752 Havana 5] f lllrrood 3 M2 1 4 3 2» Z| F. Atkinsn 7 ..Stone. Dragoon. Laogb.KyesII. 61894 Havana lm59y 1 :.".7--.siow :: 102 ! 6 S 5 4 :,; E Atkinsn 8 DukeofSirby. W.Dream, Masket 51111 Havana 1 2:01--.hvy 2 M2 4 0 4 3 21 * K Atkins n 7 Doke of Slielby. La Kross. Velie BLACK THONG, b. g. 5 103 By Swnener. Blarney or Irish Lad— Ascot Belle, by Trainer, P. ,T. Williams. Owner, Williams Bros. Galuard. 52017 Ilavana i l-M l:41*4faat v S Ml 4 :. I I 11 1 II Kenndy B Lariat, TimothyJ.Hogan. Balger 51875 Havana lm..oy 1:47 good 1-2 MB I ." 5 .". I B*| .1 McCoy •". DonMetlL, T.3.Hogan, Blaaoary 61794 Havana ll:45%good.2 195 S S 1 S «■* 21 .1 McCoy B Dolph. Jelllson, Candle Light 51754 Havana ImSOy 1 :50%good 2 192 •. 3 :. 2 Ill* J McCoy *; Bassean. Doana Grafton, Assign .1713 Havana 51 f l:l2-..slov 8 105 5 5 S 4" 3*1 J McCoy B Prascnelo, W. Crowa, U Hester 51379 Ctarchl 1 1-M l:49good 22 IM "J 7 7 3 zx 1! i! stono 9 J. C. Stone, Oarlock, ltib BUCK NAIL, blk. g. 9 103 By Leonid — Bessie Rembert, by Dungarren. Trainer, L. F. OLeary. Owner. L. F. OLea ry. 52092 Havana I 1-16 1 :."•: .:i. ad 7.". 110 2 6 5 I I " 3 " « Eames 8 Pas deCbanee, B.Prince. D.Baff 1895 Havana lin.ny i : 1-5 M7 :: 7 7 r, ■_•- |i r. Kenndy 8 Dragoon, Mackenzie, Flj Heaae ."1771 Havana 1 1-16 I . ..rood s 5 ic| :, 3 ;, :: :;• 1; R Kenndy 8 r eBabHfre, LaKross, S. stalwart 51693 Havana 3-4 l:21%alow 2 KiO 7 7 S ti ii;Ji OMahy 7 Kewessa, Sen.Jamcs, B.llunlcy 51575 Havana I l:lt4andhvy M M7 7 7 S 4* 2« W Crump 7 B.Prisce, BalaBose, M.HoUins 51394 Church 1 1 I-1 : : ., fast 15 1W s 8 S •:. 61 6*1 W Mors. yl2 Krank #., Keep, Warlike" ."■•"so Latonta I 1-16 l:47%faat 14 107 1112 11 11 91 .■- .1 .1 MneylS Lotbabr, Jackatraw, Bombast LARIAT, br. g. 5 103 By Rapid Water — Tourmaletta, by Lissak. Trainer, D. S. Fountain. Owner, D. 8. Fountain. 52105 Havana 1 l-M :.. hvy 6-5 196 Jill 1 ■"• 1« V Hunt 8 Mildred, Bbyaser, Leinster 52069 Havana 1 l-M l:48*4fast 1 M3 3 6 ■:. 3 2 21 F Hunt 8 H. clover. FlyHome, Plantarcde n-017 Havana 1 1-16 nis-tast S-6 Ml 1 I 1 1 23 2 F Hunt 6 BlkThoag, Thn.J.Hogan, Bnhrer 51955 Havana 1 l:42%faat 2 M3 3 2 2 2 1 I* P Hunt » llomam. LadyHester, J.deVales 50305 H.deGe lm79y l:ls-slow 10 111 .". a 3 2 2i 4« A All- n 8 Arbitrator. Bey Bnttis, Calvert 5C-:0.r» H.deGe 1 1-16 1:51 faat 45 104 3 2 2 2 3- 1*1 C Ponce 8 AttyMuir, Tbto.Qaeea, Kilkny PAS DE CHANCE, ch. g. 7 110 Bv Ormondale— Fleur de Marie, by Meddler. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner, W. R. Padgett. •2092 Havana 1 1-: i : -nil 3 IM C 1 1 1 1* H J Connors 8 BeaPrinee, BackNail, DnkeRuH 51992 Havana 3-4 l:15*4faal 1 113 t 1 2 2" P* J Connors 9 Mar.Hollin*, DooMetll., Ava K. 5183.4 Havana 51 f UM good 8-6 112 2 2 2 Ill* .1 Connors 7 HaaterPlatt, MlasBrasb, Winall 51732 Havana 3-4 l:18%slow 7 113 7 7 ". 4"- 4*1 J Connors 7 Blaaeaway, H. Hunlev, Lellafre 51611 Havana 1 2:01=r.hvy 2 112 2 4 5 S V* V% 8 Boyle 7 Duke of Shelby. Clip. La Kross 51666 Havana 6-8 l:i:::v.slow ti 112 2 I I 3s 1 S Doyle 8 Avion. Marty Lou. Nobleman 61291 Laard 1 l:43%good 12 IM s 5 5 5 6lG°A Johnson 8 WarMachlne, Pledra, Dcckmate DOUBLET II., b. f. 4 96 By Fitz Herbert— Double Six, by Domino. Trainer. W. Finley. Owner, M. E. Thompson. 52187 Havana 11-16 1:58 hvy i 193 3 I 8 5 3*1 3*1 I Fletcher 8 BillHanley, JackUealcy, Balger 51992 Havana 3-4 l:16%fast , M 2 2 2 3l 8 J L Penman 9 M.HoUins. P.deChaace, Ava K. 61875 Havana lni5By 1:17 good 6 97 2 2 I 3 ll 1 I Fletcher .". TJ.Hogan, Blaaonry, Huu.Platt 51773 Havana 51 f 1:11 good 3 M7 1 1 2 li 25 E Atkinsn G Lui-Meme. McI Uand, B. Billy "1710 Havana 5J f l:14r.slov 6-6 Ml 5 2 4 8 2:l E Francis f, Lui-Meme. Grey Rump. Sentry 6M89 Havana 51 f l:12%alow 7 100 3 2 2 2" 2 .1 McCoy 8 Gold. Chance. I". Fancy, MartyLou SOL GILSEY. br. g, 7 100 By Plaudit— Dixoletta, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. H. Spargur. Owner, P. E. Graham. 52144 Havana I 1-M _:-iiiy »-j MS 2 4 :: S ; 1** B Lcaater 7 Plaatarede, BiUHnnley, Leinster 52979 Havana im.oy i:4. 2 l-H g 7 I . 4«1 3*1 J Dreyer 8 dip. Bancrana, Hoaaaai 51977 Havana 1 1-M 1 :-!» 2 MS S S S 6* 8» .1 McCoy B Ply Home. Dewitt. Waterford 51916 Havana UaSOy l:4B4fcfast ■ MB : t; •; 7 41 1*1 J McCoy 7 Allsmoke. La-Balafre, Dlazourv 51831 Havana 61 f 1-JHafaat 3 112 3 ! ;• 7- :, • J Dreyer 10 LghingByesIL, Roundel. Vision ."1S00 Havana 61 f ldOtfcgOOd H 109 7 J S 7= B*l J Dreyer 10 Goardsssaa, Allsmoke, Noblemn BIERMAN. ch. g, 7 103 By Polymelus — Shy Missie, by Kilwarlin. Trainer, W. J. Daly. Owner, E. Alvarez. 52062 Havana 1 1:1 Ifcfaat 4L 111 I 2 I :. 4" 4 L.I Badwell B RiversMe, Kan--C..l. 51864 Havana 3-4 l:15**fast 2L IM 6 4 6 7 7J .1 Butwell g T.H.Duke. H.lrincc. T.Ugianll. 51691 Havana 3-4 1 2M%slow 3 113 5 2 2 2l 2= J Butwell .". Pomerene. Key Ennis. Jelllson 61634 Havana 3 l:17*4atOW 41 103 5 4 4 3J 3=2 G Bulcroft .""» Bro. Maclean, Grundy, P.ofComo 69225 H.deGe lm70y i:4S%faat 51 111J 7 6 6 6 7° 717 K Haynes 8 IHsa Kill. y. Link Bap, Nolawn DUKE RUFF. b. g. 5 108 By Duke Michael— Red Ruff, by Collar. Trainer, J. Hope. Owner, J. de Estrampes. 99 Havana 1 l:44*4good 7 Ml 3 3 1 1 I* 3* P Wilson 7 Pie, Daraley, Waterford -"•J Havana 1 1-16 1 :,".:; -.mud G 193 3 2 2 2 3* 4" F Wilson B Pas deCbasce, S.rrinee. ICkNail ."■.21 Kwrth 1 IS 1 :.", 10 110 4 1 1 1 1* 1* K Pollard !1 .T.n klteevos, S.Rock, C.Washton 5C896 Kurth 1 1-16 l:474ftfast S MB 2 1 1 1 1* 1 B HayWrd 8 Flame. Hondo. Douglass 8. 69828 Kwrth lm70y 1 : 8 MB 7 4 4 4 53 5 J J Grune 8 Diomed. Tricks! ei-IL, Philistine 5C717 Kwrth 1 1-M lB*4taat 15 MB 2 4 3 4 Sat 4: L Aron •: High. Lad, DsaBodge, Biddledee ABBESS, br. f. 4 101 By Buckhorn— Admit, by Ingoldsby. Trainer, 0. Muckenfuss. Owner, 0. Muckenfuss. 51M2 Havana 51 f i:i4.-,hvy 15 192 4 2 I •:■ 6 " • W Hi. Tour 7 Balger, Hnatress, Gnardsssaa 62123 Havana .• f i :i r-.-.hvy 5 lot 3 ■: 6 S 6« F Wilson 8 Waking Dream. Fleer, BayWbea 61852 Havana •" f l:09%fast 15 ld-5 9 M M 8* Si W Jarrell 10 SBppery Silver, Bed, Kewessa 61814 Havana 51 f 1:M good 10 103 5 -". ." 6 9* E Atkinsn 7 Pa* seCkance, H.Piatt, M.Brash 51689 Havana 51 f l:12%slow M MB 5 ess s- B Atkinsn BG. Chance, Doable tIL, F. Fancy SLIPPERY SILVER, b. m. 5 106 By Anneath II.— Supposition, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, W. A. Carter. Owner. Araonia Stable. "2i09 Havana i I MAfcgwod 1« Ml 2 G 5 5 6* 5" R Lcaater 7 Pie, Daraley, Doke Ruff ."2047 Havana 61 f 1 :0S-.-,f:,st 4i 112 4 I 2 PJ .".;: I- Merimee f. Polar Cub. Avion. HoCBlr !• ! Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 2 MB 3 - I 3* 3*1 P Merimee 7 IaulaV., Tlu-Pirate. Amer. Eagle 51863 Havana 61 f l:09*4fast 21 107 « 3 l l1 1* A Pickens 10 Bed, Kewessa, Marty u u 61799 Havana 6-8 l:96Hcood 21 110 1 11 V- V A Pickens 7 Dtirella, Bea Batter, Roundel GUARDSMAN, ch. g. 6 108 By Suffragist— Teo Beach, by Bobby Beach. Trainer, H. A. Cotton. Owner, H. A. Cotton. 52205 Havana 3-4 l:18**good 24 IM I 2 2 11 1] .1 Carmody 8 L.Hester, Bttdder, Jaaaita III. 52162 Havana " . f l :i4--.hvy 19 i«i 1 l 3 ■■- 3*1 J Dreyer 7 Balger, Hnntress, Coant Boris 52059 Havana 1 1-16 1:ts-.tast 12 113 2 4 4 S 51 .V" .1 Botwell 8 Harry Glover, Lariat Fly Home 52017 Havana 1 1-16 l:4l-,fast 12 103 6 6 r, ; 6 6*1 J McCoy 8 BPkTbong, Lariat, TbaJ.Hogaa 61863 Havana 51 f l:09%fast 31 105 10 7 fi C2 53 P. Kenndy 10 Slippery Silver. Bed, Kewessa 67899 Havana 5i f l:10-good 3 104 2 1115 5- B Kenndy 10 Allsmoke, Nobleman. PokeyJane