Thirty Leading Horses of 1920: Records in Money Winning of the Fleet and Splendid Racers Which Fared Best in the Lavish Distribution of a Memorable Year, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-06


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THIRTY LEADING HORSES Of 1920 1 RECORDS IN MONEY WINNING 0E THE FLEET AND SPLENDID RACERS WHICH FARED BEST IN THE LAVISH DISTRIBUTION OF A MEMORABLE YEAR The story of the deeds of the hor-i- of 1090 i- now completed. It i- replete with aetata of inten-t. That Man a War should prove their leader in all particular- was foreshadowed by hi- illustrious career as a two-year-old and was ■ matter of common expectancy. His record for the year is flawless and produced noire money than was ever won by ;;n American three-year-old. Few would have selected Lxterminator to excel Sir Harton in the matter of money won. but this stalwart warrior of the track is irea to -urpri-injr thiiiys. and not only did excel Sir Harton. but was tin arcead beat money winn.-i ..f the year. The splendid and unbeaten Try-ti r i- third in the money winning list .-mil in his hi-t race] did ■aaaethiag to the credit of no other tv o-y.-ar-old when he look up his full stake weight of ll!L pounil-and ran a mile in 1 :HS--, in winning the Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, truly a wonderful race. The vastly improved Boniface was the mainstay of the powerful .1. K. L. Roaa stable, and ia a raaapaiga if tweaty-sis hard races was only thrice unpl.-.i ed. He is fourth in the li-t and aol far in froat of the 1 I.atonia Championship Stakes winner Cleopatra and the Kentucky Derby winner laul lone-. Step Lightly, the Fatality winner, and Leonardo II.. winner of the Hopeful Stake-, followed clo-ely. Had it been the singular 1 fortune of one man to poaaem the foregoiag noble racer- he would have broken all records with -table earataga of 18.t0and. fortunately for the peace of mind of competing owners, the eight stars belaag to eight different peraoas. A riehaesa of woaderfelly katereatiag racing that brought joy to many thou-and- of spectator! i- inolv.d in tin- following coiidensed records of the thirty leading money-winning horses of the year: Horse. Col.. Sex. A. Pedigree. Owner Sts. 1-t -Jinl Ord Inp Amount Man o War c. :. Fair riay Mahubah. by Rock SaniKilen Kiddle Kmll 11 n n I 08,140] i:terniinator g. • Mi-lice Fair Kmpie— . by Jim GoreW. S. Kilmer. 17 1 » : 1 . 52.405 Tryster blk. c. L Meter Pan Tryst, 1". St. Am.iiil .11. M Wliitney. ■ I I 1 I 40,900 Boniface h. h. 5 Tran-iai Cerin.i. by Meddler I. K. 1.. Roaa. .20 11 !l : A 47.505 Cleopatra eh. f. I Cerryra -Galilee, by Galliaale W. M. Coe....l5 ti 3 a l 4i .7:n Maul Jones g. 3 Sea King May Florence, by Hamburg R. Marr 13 I L 12 B 44.C3*; Step Lightly f. - Iltimus — Tripping, by Delhi W J. Salmon. .1J 4 1 2. .". 40.471 Leonardo II. C. 1 Sweep- Ethel Mace, by Troubadoui J. W. McCletad 4 4 I I I 3ti.07s Careful br. f. 1 Wrack Mindful, by Star Shoot ... V. J. Salmon.. 17 12 104 34.:!s8 Dr. Clark cfa. g. 3 Broomstick Mana-ine. by Peter I Man H. M. Whitney. 10 7 4 14 32.081 , 1 On Watch b.-c. 3 Colin Uubia Cranda. by i.n-inan.i;, W baft. ...32 W •"• 3 .i«i.7!:; Hie Iorti-r b. h. •" SueeTe- Ballet Oil. by SI. Leonards K. H. Mcl an . . 13 H - : - 28,044 Mlato II b. g. H Suuilridge Miss Konahl. by Hay ■ Monald V. V. Thraves.ll 7 ." B 4 27,006 ! Ipset oh. e. I Whisk Hroom II. Mankliurst. by ii Tatar n. P. Waitaey. • 2 3 t» i 20.0001 Wildair b. c. 3 Broomstick Verdure, by Meter Maull. M. Whitney. 17 ." .". 4 3 JClUdi I Mrudery b. f. 1 Meter Man— Molly Fltodera, by I Bargaaaaster H P. Whitney. 8 ."■ l i i -jo. » ." i I Cirrus b. c. 4 Traceiy Morningside. by Meddler. S. C. Hildieth..l4 I o II 3 25,108 Sir Barton c. 4 Slar Shoot Lady Sterling, by Hanover I I K. L. Roaa.. 12 o J 3 J L4.4!U Irish Kiss b. g. .". Orpiment --Suligeiia. by Soiinian. . . SunnylM Stablels s 2 "i 3 24,107 I ; Hla/es br. c 3 Wrack Hlazing Star. by Star j Shoot II. Parr Ml C 3 -1 8 L3.1! 4 Mad Hatter b. c. 4 Fair Mlay Madcap, by Rack Sand.S. C. Hildreth. .30 :» 3 4 t U3.S34 : John M. Drier.. .eh. c. 3 Whisk Broom 11. Wonder, by Die- i guise II. M. Whitney .10 0 1 L 1 3.17 Maul Weulel c. :i Goldea Maxim Lady Lexlagtea, 1 by Hastings M. ,v J. LsteiiiKi P 2 0 .. 22,035 Baby era ud b. c. i Oranife Babe, by McGee I. K. L. Ross. .28 12 " 4 6 Iu.lss St. Qaeatia ....a. g. 4 His Majesty The MarchiaaeOa, by ! i Sain Dunn and Ca,,11 . .3C, M 111 ti 7 is. 471 Bondage eh. h. 1 Ogdea Fair Atalant;.. by Kaighl | of the Thistle J. Arthur 34 7 H 8 11 Ml. 211 I Lion iMOr eh. .-. 4 Hen., Aile iiiir. by Cap*. Hancock J/. K. L. Kos-.Ml 11 2 :; 3 18.908 Slippery Klin g. 7 M.aiinockbiiin Schwalbe. by Sain . . . SuiinyMd BtaMelO .". 8 2 8 18.80] I Yellow Hand ..b. g. 3 U. . ■ Vi 11. w Sea. by Malta- gon It. T. Wils.m... 21 Ml 7 1 3 18 204 Natuiali-r b. g. ti Kab.lais Nature, by Meddler .....I. B. Widener. . Is C, | s 1 18.008

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Local Identifier: drf1921010601_1_3
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