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i , I | . I I , i I , |j I I 1, ; 1 i ! i| , I I 1 I CAPTAIN HERSHLER FIRST » Takes the New Orleans Feature Race in Easy Fashion. ♦ Josephine Wiedel Best in the Race for Two -Year-Olds — Threat of Rain. i RY .1. L. DKMPSF.Y. NLW ORI.KANS. La., .laimary 13. --The prospects of a heavy storm was instrumental in decreasing tin-Fair Graeuada attendance- niaterially this afternoon. but the sport did not suffer in any respect anil e-lose finishe- wen- agaia the rule. Intermitti-nt showers ranae down asnrfcsg the afternoon, but the force of the storm pas-eel around the track and Hie c-ourse continued fast. There wen- main withdraw al-fiom fear of a possible change in the KoinK. but the absentee of many in tin- cases ,,f big prospective fields contributed to better contest-, for it tendril to eliminat interferi-ncc-. which has been deeideelly noticeable of late. The 81,588 parse at a mile and seventy yards had only five starte-rs. with Captain Hershler a pronouiic-ed favorite and an easy winner from Yico-Cliairman. with The Wit in third place. Captain Hershler indulged Amaze with the lead for the tirst half mile-, but when lonce- called on him be raced into the- lead with a ru-li and always held Yiee-I Chairman safe through the Yice-Chair-maif- race was a feed one-, but that of The Wit was disappointing. Mose l.ow.-n-tein uncoi er.-.l a orwl thine in he two-year-old dash, which began proceedings, in bta .losephine Wic-del. which wa- allowed t-. drift stoail-ily back in the betting until an avalanche of money poiire-el into the- betting pavilion and almost caused a panic aassag I he price epioter-. She won in uame style-, bit! sin- was aided considerably in her victory by the fact that Baahfal ran out on the stri-te-h turn, as did Relle Wrack. The extreme outsider. Rully Muttons, was elascal b her at the finish, with Rosa Lee- ill third place-. lie- steadily laapmilag Baa court, favorite, mail.- good in the se coiiel race after he appeared to be well beaten, but be ranae from far hack in the stretch to outstay Silver Spritus and .loo Whipple-. Mary Head came in for a good deal of attention in this race, but she aajil badly after lining the first qeartei in the lead. The winner was claimed by L. Trotter for sl.7X . In- having purchased Hanrt- sweep from 1. Dunne prior to the race to have a re|lleseula I ion. Apple Jack II.. hacked to the exeltt-ion of the others in the third nice, added to the of the layers when he raced in his best style and won after having led for the entire distance. Jock s.-ot and Leatse Y. foaghl it out hard fee eecaad place. THREE STRAIGHT FOR DAY 0E PEACE. Day of Peace made it three -iicocs-i o victories at thi- track when he le-el the- eleven others that started in t lie fifth race, but In- was extremely lucky in win from Prospector, which met with all sort- of baterfereace daring the naming and th.n landed in -e ■■ otnl place with Plug town third. Additional rain after the fifth race caused the Hack to take on a slippery -urfacc. but retain firmness underneath, as Indicated by the mile and a nisteeath in 1:47% tamed in by Mali, which had to be forced out to beat Captain Rums home in tbe sixth race. The- I umlndlni race, also at a mile and :l six- teenth, braaghl ikf.vea pin ten to tin- barrier and re-uL.-d in a victory for Corson over Nominee, with Lad in third place-. Hronrgiaaaa. the favorite, and Ian II.. another w e-11-backe-d one-, racing disap-IM.intinxly. Sandy Mac was claimed from the- sixth race by O. Wi-n.h-l. represented by Hilly Stuart, at a cost of 81,888. Jockey Kinu was tin- first to come under the Stewards ban for raagh riding and was -uspendeel for five- days as a result ..f his csaaing acmes -liarply with Day of Peace from an outer position and caashag a aaix-ap on the first turn. There was . onsiderabe e-M-it.-m.-nt before the racing when fire- started in the -table tenanted bj Bnxtea Banbary, BrocknaiUcr ami Rtui Fisher. For a while it was thaatght, on account of tbe Ugh wind, that a conflanration wa- imminent and owners and stable attaches stood ready to turn the horses out from the different stables. Those in the stalls of the baraiag stable, about twenty in number, were released in the- infie-ld before- the feared spread of fire-. Them was but little damage to tbe stable