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r I ; ! t I s : - i ■ THE Commissioner 50 CENTS DAILY For sale at all Wews-stands everywhere AGAIN WE WON WEDNESDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: SCOURGEMAN 8-5 WON WE ALSO CAVE TO WIN COLUMBIA TENN .. 9-2 WON TUESDAY S BIG COMMISSION HORSE: FAIR ORIENT . . 8-5 3rd WE ALSO GAVE TO WIN STAR TIME 9-2 WON RANCOCAS 20-1 WON HANK ODAY 1-2 WON MONDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: CAPT. HERSHLER .13-20 WON WE ALSO GAVE TO WIN FARADER 1-2 WON JOHNNY DUNDEE .. 4-5 WON SATURDAY S BIG COMMISSION HORSE: Eddie Rickenbacher. 4-5. Won WE ALSO GAVE TO WIN GENERAL HAIG .... 4-5 WON MY REVERIE 7-10 WON The ahove is a complete record of the results of the seven races as you can see. The Commissioner Produces Results * and wo are not afraid to advertise our results. Ths Commi-sioner employs capable source-, of information in addition to a valuable stall of expert Handicappers. When you pay 50c for our publication you are getting the best money car. buy. TODAY Another Big Commission Horse and again the Commissioner advises one and all of » his clients not to fail to get this one today. This a one he considers better than any of the ahove. Ccr.t fail to order yov.r Ccmrr.issicner early. Go to your Newsdealer and ask for the Commissioner : only 50c or mailed 2 weeks .00. Address THE COMMISSIONER 103 WEST FORTY-SECOND ST.. NEW YORK CITY r AGENTS: Louisville. Ky.— Filer and Goodman. 22? 4th Ave. Cincinnati, O. — All i.ews-stands. v Covington. Ky. — Rob. Gordon. 4th and Scott St. i St. Loui,s, Mo. — Wm. Laser, lobby 705 Market St. Dayton. O. — Euphrat. 129 S. Jetferson St. a AND " ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES b 7 0 NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER "TODAYS BEST BET" . GOES IN THE SECOND RACE il SHOULD BE A GOOD PRICE AND HARD TO n BEAT. HAS SHOWN NOTHING IN HIS PREVIOUS RACES. WORTH MANY TIMES THE PRICE OF THE SHEET. 50c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS 50c NATIONAL 0. K. PUB. CO., ROOM 411 Baltimore Bid?. Chicago. 111. j 1 ; t, . a „ I 517 TEMPLE COURT BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. HERE IS DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION: JANUARY 8: ONE BEST WON LONG SHOT SPL...W0N JANUARY 10: ONE BEST WON LONG SHOT SPL.Lost JANUARY 11: ONE BEST WON LONG SHOT SPL...WON JANUARY 12: ONE BEST LOSTLONG SHOT SPL...WON JANUARY 13: ONE BEST WON LONG SHOT SPL ...SCR SINCE THE BEGINNING OF NEW ORLEANS MEETING 41 DAYS 50 PER CENT OF OUR ONE BESTS HAVE WON. 50 PER CENT OF OUR ONE BESTS HAVE WON. A flat wager on our ONE BESTS to win ihowt a profit, on anlj 15.U1 ilajrM out f tae li did our KbfH fail lo have a winner. Remember, OURS IS INFORMATION WIRED DIRECT FROM THE TRACK EACH DAY. Get Todays Sheet. 50c. or mailed weekly. I | NEW BOOKLET OUT TODAY DONT FAIL TO GET ONE. Gives the best line on horses that is to be obtained, besides Code to FREE SPECIALS. DONT MISS TODAYS LIVE ONE SHOULD COP ALL THE MONEY AT A GOOD PRICE. March-Applc-22-93-44-54. THR STANDARD TURF RtIDR. Room 403. 22 West ftuin. y Street. Chicago. Illinoii gLUSCUlliU: fur DAILY RACING FORM CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS PER COPY Fcr Sale at Ail News-stands MAILED 10 WEEKS .00 CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY TODAYS SPECIAL CODE: NEW ORLEANS— Vermont-14-13-12 WEDNESDAYS ONE BEST SCOURGEMAN 8 5 WON LONG SHOT COLUMBIA TENN ...9-2 WON WARSAW 8-5 2nd The above were the only three given on Chief Observers Daily Track Letter. TODAY— BIG 0 FREE SPECIAL again appears exceptionally well placed and no mistakes will be made, for the Chief has received the 0. K. Go to your newsdealer and ask for the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter Only 50c and is for sale at all news-stands where Daily Racing Form is sold. Or Mailed 2 Weeks for S5.00. JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY. TUESDAY S ONE HORSE SPECIAL: DARK HILL 3-1 WON I had a strong remark on him and told yon that the-. have been giving him secret work-outs. TODAY I have the final word on a speedster that goes today and lrom what I know about this one it looks like a walkover for this horse. Dont miss it. Mailed, . one week. JACK FIELD Room 701. 501 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. NEWS DEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE. STABLE BOY This information is wired down to us from the Fair Grounds by a STABLE BOY. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c DAILY. WEDNESDAYS ONE BEST: SALUTE 5-1 WON Tuesdays Extra Special Won SPECIAL ONE BEST TODAY Our man has not overlooked any move that this horse ha-, made of late and he states that the money is down good and strong on this bird today and his edvice is to have a very good play on it. EXTRA SPECIAL has the foot of this field and should throw off the others. STABLE TIP is worth a cood play. The Chief dockers DAILY SPECIALS We Give 2 or 3 Good Things a Day SOLD ON ALL PRINCIPAL STANDS— 50c DAILY SATURDAYS ONE BEST WON FRIDAYS ADVERTISED XXX SPECIAL R0L0 9-2 WON TODAYS ONE BEST is a horse that our "Clocker" thinks highly of and the way this one has been doin of late he should have little trouble in copping this race. CLOCKER S SPECIAL i% in the hands of a wise bunch that make very few mistakes. MAILED 1 WEEK: 2 WEEKS CHIEF CLOCKER 501 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. NEWSDEALERS WANTED FULL PRICE Will Be Paid for MAY and JUNE, 1920, Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. THE WINNING POST TODAYS FREE CODE: Lemonade-Tracks-Soon -Silver-Slush THE WINNING POST 101 West Forty-first Street New York City SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama la tha heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring* furnish a certain cure for kidney disease*. RATES: 5 PER WEEK.