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| l ! 1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Wednesday. January 12. 1921. Keity-s I day Lower California Jockey Llnb. Winter Meeting of 1-" or more d.:.s. Weather clear. Presiding steward. Francia Nelson. Associate Stewards. .1. Coffroth and Leon Win-. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Win;;. Raring s-.-nts :,t 1:30 p. m. Chicago time 3:50. rOQCf First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongj. June 23. VS1VWV 1916— 1:055— 3— 118. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. KqulT. Odds. Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. S8M2 Prettj Haby MM l» .1 i;i;iss 1970-1C0 ."•l«8 Brmltana 103 - B Marin. -Hi 2C60-100 .- -if»l ol. Murphy 107 ■:_ N Foden 670-100 51M2 Nellie WltwerlM 4» : Teargln 520Thirty Bevenlla 5 R Dority NO 1 o 5 »»." !* I ;. Admit lb: S] R Carter M»-M0 ."il*l 7 Perch 101 T_ I Martin, -v. 640-lOi ] 5StCl:Dod A. buns n:; mi Bone t3GO-M0 52120 MnriePa Pel Ml 9 R McCrann 52212 !l. K. Asher 100 10s M Blaoghter 88* 100 ] 52082 has. Cannll 115 11 A Zeigler 100-100 1 vMlltllel field. mataela paid. Prettj Haby. 1.40 straight, I, pi.H-e. slC.Ltt show: lainitana. 0.00 place. 0.80 -now: Col. Ilarphy, 85.40 show. KipiivabMil booking todds -Pretty P.aby. 1970 to inn straight. ."Ill t.. Hill place, 710 to 100 show: i.rmitaiia. 880 to Kid place. 440 to 100 show: Col. Murphy, 170 to 100 show. Time. l:093i. Track good. Winner .1. Hosklas, ch. m. !. by Sir Johaaoa Irish Girl II.. by Boyal Emblem trained by I. Hoskins: bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to p"st at li:H7. At post 7 minutes. Start r.ood and slow. Won driviag; second and third the same. Beratehed 52210*81ster P. .by. 32. overweights — Pretty Baby, 1 pound: Hago K. Asher, ::. l9fi1 Second Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 191G— uatJKiJ. 1:38—3—95. Purss 00. 3-year-olds and unward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqatv. bid-. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straijrht. 52321 Gold Flush IM l» M Mattbewa TlOEO-lOD 52240*Brown Boo M - B Taylor 523143Chattan Crt U0 S* I: Carter 68fl MM 52238 Prophecy 110 r. C Gross 1420-1W .-.-i-!! . c. Doolj ni ■" ; R Dority 169 -100 o.-i;: entervllle as 6* B Marinelll 2S0-100 BtSK*Chantreas W7 7* Rowe 1240-MO 52278*Ev. HarrtganVIS I* M Slaughter 340-101 ,"i.,.*77 Mlghtj Leverl06 a- r McCrann 52277 z Maud M. 1"S 10"* P Martinea 380-100 32333 JosenU 11- 11 J Clemehta 8790-100 vMlllllll field. mntaels paid. Gold Flash, field. 3.00 straight. 0.80 plac. .33 show; Chattaa Court. 0.00 -how. K.piivabiit bookiag i ild- Gold Flush, field. 1050 to 100 straight, 74" to 100 place. :;:!n to 103 show: Chattan Curt. 430 to 100 show. Time. IAI-. Track good. Winner— A. V Moltera eh. i:. .". by General Roberta Flush of Gold, by Boyal Flush tral l by w. Singleton; bred by Mr. L. A. Blaalagame. Went to post at j:j~. At post 5 minutes, start rood and -low. Won driving; second and third the same. Beratehed — 52313 Ttajaa, mv Overweights Brown Hoc. 1 poaad; W. 0. Dooly, 1: Mlghtj Lever, 1. KOOCO Third Ract — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. UitOXJt* 1916— 1:05 s— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. E.piiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straipht. 52I07 Blanchlta IM 1- E Taylor MO-160 r»l*J8l Lady Small ,o:; 2» M Slaughter :;4.-10o 52233 Riposta 113 * P Martinez ipi-bio 52168* Ann s !• r D Marinelll ;• ■• ion ..■.".*.;" • i .. ie i •• ie . • T Klni.lo 52 10K Ciil I i I POW II I 52062 Red Man i!" . M nl yre I U lofl 52231 *Elj !".• B ! Redf rn i ilX» 108 .-»I«; h; Uohlie Rose MS ••■ . Ulaaa ■■: ph. .-. I!»!K - i mm. 1 103 10 N Foden 52258 I obbj 1Tb HI Jl 11 Purity j tMiitinl field. si uiutiieis paid. Blanchlta. 1.23 straight, $."..oo place. ,441 show; Lady small, si. ihi place, .03 -how : Riposta. .-ii -how Bqnlvalent bookiag odds Bbuekita, 433 U» 103 straight, l.ii to 183 place. 70 In 103 show: Lady Small, 100 to 100 :.i to 188 show; Bipoata, PI l 100 slew. Time. l:084j. Track good. Winner . I,, ni. 8, bj Peep o Hay V .initess lima, by sir Dixon trained by W. Gargaa; bred bj Mr. Thos. c. McDowell. Went to post at 2:53 At post 1 minute. St ni straggling and slow. Woa easily; second and third iii h in. Snatched 52250 Maater Fraaklin. 110. Overweights Baby Girl, - pounds; Ely, i: Goldie Rose, I; lie t by Fib. I. 5 uouo 9°. fi Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile.. Dec. 20. 1916 _l;ll%-_t— 118. Purse S500. 3-y«ar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner £0: second. 00: third. 0. BJaalT. Odd*. Iml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Joi key. Straight. 52304* Bill Joe I-:. r B Marinelll 17 h" 52214*PIunger it". 2° G Veatrgin tso-im 52313 Vukon II :;- P .Martin./ S2t PKi 52258= Pncc l .n t no i -. R McCrann /.".uh-Pk 522 14 x Velvet 1U 5 J N Foden 753-100 52283* LP Ini.-s if] |t E Taylor 2860-ino ."• -.l:7 Mineral Jim 14 7» A Zeigler 2SMO-lOi 32S88:*Gila HO M How.- . mmj 52237* Bon Sante N5 ■ H Joaca M90-18I 32131*Ben Payne no M R Carter t.Mutllel field. in 1 1 1 n. 1- paid. Billy Jo.-. .40 straight, st.Ln place. . !. till show : PhsBger, 38.83 place, s:.iiti -bow; Yukon. .00 show. Hqaivalent booking odd- Billy Joe 170 to 188 straight, 110 to Hut place. :tn to 100 show: Plaager. 240 to inn place, mi to Km show: Yuki n. 180 to 100 show. Time, 1:14%. Track good. Winner P.. II. Bchaefers ch. e,8, by Raasell Bthel T.. by Rlehaaoad trained by W. L. Sehaefer; bred by Mr. Overton II. Chenaiill I. Weal to po-t at :!:]s. At ]mis 1 niiniile. Si.nt Rood and slow. Won easily: second and third drivins. Beratehed 522005Bnsy Bird, 38; and183o*Cobrita, His. "yul tjOQfli Fifth Rr.ce— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916— 1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 20: second, 20: third, 0. Kipiiv. Odds. Iml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 522 15 *Cof field 104 1- B Marinelll 250-100 .* 1!4J The Desert 111 2] 11 Carter 3KO-100 52318 Horaci LerchMS :,• P Martinea MS 140 ! 52362* Darnay 103 4: i:Ta lor 170-Hm 38884 *Mister MklW :. M Slaughter X30-MQ 52156 Kirkwood 93 Sj c Teargln 1 11 10 522 15 : Sea Way ill 7s N Foden nin-liiO ."iiiKJ Cliow N S II B Bower 17SM0 • niiituels paid. Coffieid. .03 straight, 34.40 place, s:;.t; show; The Desert. 328.88 place 38.83 show: Horace Lercfa, .80 show. Iviiiivabnt bcoking odds— Coffieid, 238 lo 183 straight. 128 lo 168 place, so to Kin s|„,u : The Desert, 388 to 188 place. 338 to 183 show; Horace Leu h. 288 t» HlO show. Time, l:41«s. Track good. Winner North . Bowel b. 3, 3, by Modred - Sir!, by Sain trained by It. Bawe; bred by Mr. 1 . P.. Daniels. Went to post at .! II At po-t 8 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. S latched :,l:s::s p. ieriUe, 184. uwvv WQfii; Sixth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. Mav 16. 1920 _o.05:,— 6— 115. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. E.piiv. Odds. Iml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52368 "Reydo IM 1* E Taylor 170-100 52315 Cork - V O Teargln 436-180 32336 Baby Slater !«8 31 P Martinea 1546-169 .V23I8 Louis :■•:. l Rowe 2450-169 82316 *W. AVillowiiT 3* B Marinelll 250-109 58336 *M ike Daly KM V M Slaughter :. m io .■■ •»:; 1. %-a 1 wick m !•• c Gro 2»o-po 33666* Irish Maid 100 s H Jones TOSO-Mu mtiitil- paid. Raydo, 35.46 straight, place. ,011 show; Cork. .68 place s:;._o show; Baby Sister. .00 show. Kipiivab-iH booking odd- Reydo, 176 t.. loo straight. 1:0 to loo place. 38 to loo show; Cork. 100 lo 10O puce, till to Kill s],ov: P.aby Sister. 38 to ICO show. Time. 2:08u,. Track good. Winner J. Huinbrecht s b. g, 7. by Key Hindoo Trinta. by Sain trained by J. II. Roland: bred by Messrs. Lawrence »V.- Lomstoek. Went to p. -t at 1:18. At paal I minutes. Start .•cod and slow. Won driviag; second and third the same. Beratehed 52386 Btaaley s. loo: r.i7! Links Lady. 36. Orel weights -Al Wick. 4 pounds. il93fifi vuvkiv Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 2g i9iand_i.05i5_3_ii8. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: tecend. 00: third, 0. E iniv. Odds. Iml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52283*Clear Lake l".". l"1- M Slaughter I83-M0 32842 unhid King 114 l-I B Plnnegar ::.i -loo SS286 Walter Mack 11. ::" II Carter H .ie-UHt 52286 *R 1.. Owen ill I- M Matthews :i»-10o 38882 Xt-K 112 -• Rowe 440-100 r,iiH:i l:..s Wing 107 6 C Cross 24-Ma 38188 Criapte in 7 P Martinea 11233-M6 5il74 W. MgomeryKd 8s! N Foden 3131 133 ,"1«7 Harbor M a H B Bower 516S-108 s-j mutueis paid, clear Lake, 31L28 atraigfat, 37.46 place, .20 show; orchid King, .s4.0 place, sl.Lo show: Walter Mack. .00 show. I piivalent lxiokin odds Clear Lake. 488 to ion straight, 276 to 100 place. 168 to 106 show; orchid Kiag, 110 to 100 place, llo to loo -hov ; Walter Mack, loll to 100 show Time. 1:08. Track good. Winner ii. Kellys p. m. 7. by Fountain Soaiate clear Night, by Free Knight trained by E. F. Wright; bred by Mr. William Diet!:. Went to post ai I:iiV At post 1 minute. Start Lr 1 and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. Beratehed S2213Llttle Beach, 107. Overweights — Orchid King, ." pOMsdS.