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NURSERY BRED YEARLINGS ■ ♦ i Twenty-Three Youngsters of High Degree Bred by Maj. Belmont. » • ■■ All Have Been Well Named — Man o Wars Sister, Mirabelle, a Beautiful Creature. i i i BY EXILE. t.kxinc.ton. Ky.. January 17. — it is MaMfblag ■well gone to have bred ur hi one time owned the Lading sire of the year, tin- loading breed mare ■in L the year, the heat rac horee of tin- year and tin- record price atalUea of tin- year. Sueii. beer- vi r. la the 1808 record of Major August Itrhaiat. owner of tin- Nursery Sliul. This, perhapo unproio- • iiiiteii. mh.iss in blondalock breediag is due in great port to the importation of one stallion and four mares. The hone was. of course. Kock Sand and the mares Fairy Cold. Topiary, llautesse and Merry Token. Rook Sand, as in 1919. again lipids the winning brood mare sire list. One of Book Sands daughters. Mahubah. is the dam of the champion Man o War. Pair Play, ; t the Nursery Stud, heads the winning sire list. Pair Plays dam is Fairy Gold, which is also the dam of Friar Bock, .olden Measure. Flittcrgold and • iolden Dream. Tag jar; is the dam of the St. Lag** winner Tracery, which oraa sold last summer for a record pi ice lo an .Vitelline breeder. Merry Token is the granddam of Mm o War. llautesse. ffinngli none of her iiroduee earned any great distinction in 19_0. is nevertheless the grand-daiu of Omar Khayyams vani|iiisher Hourless. In what better fashion can one of these invigorating winler afternoons, by those of us who love a horse, be iwil than in a visit to the Nursery Stud, the objective, of course, the yeariiaga. .V ojaiet, mannerly lot I fou:nl them. Pifteeu of them running in the spacious paddock adjacent to the house, each and ever; one of them ready to be caught at will and that staid old matron Nineveh hantv there lo mother the lor. Off to the left another seven arare tiaahu right alongside the highway, too. where the motor cars continually race I»ast. unnoticed. Naturally, those who have to do with the race borae when In- is in training come in lor Mel of the kudos, lint I am here to tell TOO the man on the farm, lie who has the briagiag up of the embryo racer, is deserving of as much acclaim as js the trainer who puts the finishing touches on a successful racing pi oparation. NURSERY STUDS 1919 CROP. Here is a list of the Nursery Stud yearlings with their names: • ispr.y. .h. c. bjr Fair Play olympia. bar Each Sand. High Hand. br. c, by Fair Play Haute Boche, by Kock Sand. DiagnUB, b. «. by Fair Plav— Bragnot. bv Rock Sand. Messenger, ill. c. by Fair Plav -Mission, bv Bocfc Sand. Dahlia, rh. • •. by Fair Play- Doom Boca, bv Bock Sand. Violet Flay. br. f. by Fair .Plav -Violet Bay bv Back Saed. How Fair. br. f. by Fair Play— Hoar Hand bv Back Sand. Felside. b. f. by Fair Play Felicity, bv Kock Sand. Mad Hand. br. f. by Fair Plav -Madcap bv Back Sand. Mirabelle. eh, f. by Fair Play— Mahubah. bv Kock Sand. J.nstrous. b. f. by Fair PIOT Till I Ileal, bv Hock Sand. Metal, br. c. by Hourless- Monota. by Spearmint. I.Miuinist. b. •. by ilouiless — l.umincuse. bv Mae-dona Id II. Beatitude, b. f. by Hourless--Helvale. bv Water-vale. Amusement, br. f. bv Amii itia. bv PaaUago. « ishinere. cb. f. by UoMliao Catapaw, bv Leaa- berg. Songstress, br. f. by Hornless Signpost, bv Trap Bock. Shanty, oh. f. by Hourless Shelving, bv Trap Hock. Dalle Hour. b. f. by Hourless Beldame, by Octagon. Pluck Hour. blk. f. by Hourless BaUot Prod, bv Meddler. Back P.ottom. b. c. by Bistouri -Book of Cold, bv Pock Sand. Hourly, b. f. by Pomim-rn— Hour Class, bv Bach Sand. HOW THE YOUNGSTERS "SIZE UP/ Of roaree everyone is interested in the sons and daagbtera "f the leadlag rdre of tBSi, and well they may be. for seldom, if ever, have I seen a ■tore masculine well-grown, energetic or determined yount-ter than Olympias golden chestnut son. by Fait Play. More sjz,. than most he has a large star and vell defined tapering stripe. Thai is an eager, reetleea colt, orhich oetaaa folly conscious of !ns qaaHty. Tiailinga have I seen, not a fear, but in all candor I eaa say this one has few ei|itals and no superiors. Dragnets Diagram is lira a a en correct Itoeo, is bnafceewi iik»- and nna-culai and certain to train. An at tract ne. btgh-tailea oit. prrbagu a trifle sluillovv in his girth, la the Haute Kochc, brown, by r*eh" Play, and Moaetal brown, by Ilouiless. baa aoiaethJag of tie Bpeanaiat ahaat mm. As tor tht iUJee collectively I believe they ate imcii batter than the colts. Tile firt to line up «»« a pa by Hourbss — Bclvalc. It is amazing the leufcth Uourhs unri.irn. to his progeny. Cotn-atettd iuc particularly of the first fifteen to tin two brown daughters of Fait Play, the one from Hour Hand, by Book Sand, and fbe other from Violet Bay, ami also to Hourless blown daughter Amusement, which is from Atunitia. by Hasting*. She has. a wide blaze in her lace as has Irudeiy a filly of site and substance and brvil on the beat approved plan of ajatiag fit Simon onto Melbourne. The Hour Hand filly How Fair, which, except in ci lor. is i -s fair as fair can be. has sjz.e to recommend her and is a pleasing sight to see. It is such as these that will do still mole to dis sipate the rather false and fast -waning prejudice that has for so long existed against fillies for racing use. even in the face of the Futurity win of Step Lightly, the ever ready Careful and the performances ,,f Irudeiy. However. I suppose all ot you wish to know .something of champions rioter Mirabelle. Colored as is Man a War. a chestnut. | Mirabelle has in every way fulfilled her early promise, is of more smooth and perfect contour I than her illustrious brother. I found her unili--I niayed by the living motors, a peace with all the world, porbapo in contemplative expectation of raciaa lame to coie. A real filly in every way is Mirabelle. balanced to perfection, the running I hind legs cf the Fair Plays. It is treat lBCk that the beat of tie winners in the .fining years will be bred. Another of the highway seven which a deserving of special mention is the black aud all I black filly named Plack Hour, by Uoerleaa — Ballot 1 Bred, by Meddler— Beldame, by Detagag, aud */bl h I ruu on down to Queen Mary. Bred to run, is she not, and lo -ks the pari besides? Then there was | Signposts brown daughter by Hourles*. :l race l mare surely to admire. Songstress j., bet name. And SignpoM, by Trap Rook, from that famous stud mat ron St. Iriseilla, dam of PlIeCUHaa and Strom -beat In all. the Nursery Studs 191 yearlings are as IBtely a lot as one would wish lo bee. May luck attend them.