Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, January 18, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-18


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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing "tarts Ht 1:50 p. m. Chicago time B:oO. ® Superior mud runner. x Good mud runner. * Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Kliukers. First Race— 5-8 Mile. 3-year-oMa :iml upward. Claiming. Track record: May jo. |»a» 59 4 107. T.mI ivs Did. Hone. Wt. Bee. A.ut ilMu. .v.Miisi Madam Harry . ...ion 1:08 4 IB. .725 52188 Dot* Hi! 1:92% 4 lln T.ii :-sm;2 •Attn s. i.mi 1111:92% 5 108.. 713 ■ ■MCI •Maiaie Barber 6 ION 713 52981 Jnaeaia Ill 1:0- 5 MS.. 713 50203 i: ire .i.nii. - .... :t 69. .715 ■"••_ VS. Little Pointer .... J- 1:04% :1 97x710 52881 bMightj Lever Mi. I MS..705 .".2210 Camouflage ii. iMi i ios..7 o 31917 Kraa i;. Mi in 1:04% 11 W8..7UU .■" -i»7 Aderork lor. ] :o:i:, a ion. .700 90778 Viona Nail i.Mi y 198.1700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. S-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Ian. 2s. 1918 — 1 : ."..-. — 8 — 118. .".Jill bWalter Hack o«t 1:98% •; 112X725 5249S: Ilat4ie McCarthy ..188 1:07% 8 110.. 720 ."iJStil : Chattan Loan 31109 1:08% 3 189. .715 320S1- Duly Faabiou 1091:98 7 109.. 713 52171 Merry Law 119 1:07% 8 118. .715 523333 Naaledovatl 110 1:07% 7 198 Tin 52108 Poaitan 112 1:87 7 190 705 52238 -lil.ist in,. 110 1:09% 8 109X705 52386 *K1 Babio 101 1:10 11 104X710 39528 Colonel Matt 8 109x700 52382 Red M.111 110 1:97% 7 189. .700 52258 Master Franklin ..114 l:us-., 9 199X790 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. S-year-oMa and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. l. 1999— 1:48%— 9— 122. 52401* •ModJate 98 1:44% 4 198. .723 52298* Anna Jackson 4 198. .720 5240!!* *II.ii..liilu 119 1:48% 8 198715 52403 Kaner 108 1:48 8 119x715 52885 bPoiat to Point 184 1:43% 7 110*713 5220U Knay Bird :. M..710 52192 Patny Mack 113 1:49 19 110X710 5225ft Ctardcm 5 118. .793 52422 .lim Winn 1.M1. .. .1 119.. 700 52403 Commander 110 1:44% 5 110:. 700 52884 •Argenta 193 1:80a 7 110*700 52277 U.«tnl IM B US. .798 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year •old* and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 28, 1918— 1:03%— S— 118. 52259 Clear Ike Wav KM 1:97% 1 189x723 . 52214 Dimitri 198 1:08 10 109X720 52400 P. M lv 80 1:07% I 194. .74 $ 52238* Boeellis 119 1:98% 7 107-71:. 5238*1 Smiling Maggie ...198 1:98% 8 108X713 I 52148 •Shamrock Green ..111 1:07% 5 103.. 710 j 52300 Pcfoh UM 1:07% 8 197X716 52406= Rinoata 11" 1:07-.-. 7 113*716 52406* •Thirty Beven Ill 1:97 B 110X705 52230 l.lt.viirv James 109 1:07% 8 112x703 .".2277 AH..- Carr iMi....|nf 1:89% 7 117.711, , :..IJ7 Applejack 1 7 1:97% 7 197X798 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. :! year old* and upward. ABowance*. Track record : Dec. l-h. 1916 111-. 8—118. 52438 bXIUHTHTICK 121 1:12% 11 115x725 Mini blliedoden 118 1:12% 8 113X713 :c:il7 l.F.dwin.i 189 1:12% 4 119. .719 I 52337 l»i..n ted 197 1:13 4 112X719 i 52439 bWytnewoud 101 1:12 5 118. .716 i 52318 liSail.ir ins 1:14 ."• 145X716 i 52384 Kirkwood 83 1:13% 3 100.. 793 52303 Pj x 98 1:13% 4 115. .793 51547 War Cry 115 1:14% •"• lis. .70". 51983 Mi" Btathem 107 1:13% 4 119.. 788 51983 Britain* Atty 129 1:14% 8113X798 Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Track n ord: June 24, ion; 1:43 :i -119. 3-year-ehta and upward. Claiming. 52385 *Baby Cal 198 1 : 18% 8 H 2 723 1 52388* »Verdl I. 1 192 1:47% I 190. .720 1 :.j::i.t *Beveler inf. 1:1; 6 101x715 1 52338 bBo Tllle 188 1:48 4 193x715 52385 Water Willow 189 1:45% 5 102X715 52440 bllorace Lerch 92 1:46% 4 112.. 710 | 32215 *Marie CoaacU 193 1:49% 5 1984:793 Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-oida and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 29. 1916 ill-. I HO. 52438 bJobn .ir 111 1:12% 8 117X725 ! 52363*bBilIy Joe 1111:13% Si 107®72ti | 52302 Tawasentha 98 1:14 :: 98*715 52423* Beea Wing 144 1:14% l 197X713 52424 On-bid Kin;: 113 1:14 8 112. .715 32366 *bXeg 11- 1:11:. 6 112X718 1 32406 *Me 118 1:14 9 1120710 52283 *l». n Joae 118 1:13% 6 1124:7051 • 5243K* 1nkon 189 1:18% 4 169..70SJ | ! .-.j::c,i: AV lie MontgomerylOS 1:18% 8 109.. 789 i[ 52385 *bDeckband 118 1:12 7 108*700 52038 Misa Manage 199 1:19% 5 112.. 798 I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011801/drf1921011801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1921011801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800