Sixth Race [Sixth Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-18

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SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 4year*olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 13, 1915—1:44 4-5—3—104. NOMINEE, ch. g. 6 112 By Voter— Lore Apple, by Chuctanunda. Trainer. A. V. Thomas. Owner, Nugent Bros.. 52419 F.Gnds 1 1-1 IW.faFt 12 MB 7 4 2 1 1- I J Heup-l 1C Lad, Pit. Walter Turn bow 52379 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:4Smast .% 112 0 4 1 2 2l 2| H King 11 Carina, Lad. Scourremuu 52276 F.Gnds lm7 iy 1.46-r,good 3 114 13 12 8 7 7J 6" J Rodgezl4 On High, Salute, MeAdos r2!i F.Gnds 1 1-8 1 :54Hf aat 7 114 6 2 2 3 ?.■ 6*3 J Rodgez 10 Austral. Scourgemen. Cap. City E2M6 JeTaon 11-4 248 fast 4 110 2 1 1 9 9 9-8 H Lun.-d"d 9 Capital City. Great Gull, Aintral 53637 JaTson 3 -I U14%fnat 1S-5 11C S 9 H 6 ",*1 F Cltilettill Approval. Lack Bay. Iullux 11775 .bison :;-4 1 1G good 11-6 IM 7 4 2 2 2"* F Cltilettl B Marphy, Chesty, Circulate ON HIGH. br. f. 4 101 By Zeui— Maical, by Sain. Trainer. J. Koberison. Owner. J. Robertson. "2419 F.Gnda 1 1-4 i. "".-.-.iast 7 IA3 2 2 8 4 5] 11" K Martin 16 Noatiaee, Lad, Lit - l F.Gnda 1 1-4 2:07»:,fast 31 166 I 2 4 2 2" 2* C Ponce in Solid Rock. Warlike. Austral 52276 F.Gnda lm70j l:46%good 3 1".". •: 6 6 :. U. I* C Lonee 14 Salute. MeAdoo, Hank fHiiy 62694 JeTaoa 3-4 1:15 slow 7 MB .. 8 7 7 7" J Roberts Kt M. Maxim. PlalaBIlL Tru kstar 53831 JeTaon 1 1-M l:49Hfaat 4J !»i 4 6 7 6 r.2 4*J S Mitchell lb Aztec. Colonel Lit. Indolence 61938 JeTaoa 1 1-M IM fast 8 M 15 5 I 3j B»l S Mitchell B CapLBaraa, OscBfroaca, PeggyC. EMS JeTaon :v-4 1:1S fast 8 109 J 2 3 4 3| 3* D Hopkins 9 P.. Jeans. Lov.sLanell.. SsndyM. KOH-I-NOOR. blk. m. 7 103 By Dt. Leggo — Priceless Jewel, by Plaudit. Trainer. R. Venters. Owner. H. J. King. 62398 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:4Msfaat lo MB 4 2 J I l| I* J .1 Mnev «t Walk Pp. Blnebaaaack, Aurum 52359 P.Gnda ImTby 1:46 fast 10 MB M 12 11 io B»l 3*» J .1 Mneyl4 Relate, Wild Flower. I»r. Mass 52232 P.Gnda 3-4 l:U%Crry 6 107 11 11 ll ll* B*| ■ Smith 13 Rnrgoyar, Keziah, Mickey Moara EMM JeTaon J!- f 1 :» 1 J6 S B 10 10" io-"- K Smith ll Manalte, JeckSeet, Part Light 51986 JeTaon 3-4 l:16%hvy 7 io» 9 7 8 8* ssi F. s-nith 13. A.Oallap, Manalte, WiasMeoana 17733 Thncliffe 3-4 1:15 fast — 15K 4s F Chiavta « Th. Nigbter, P. fancy. Irontloy 17661 Wdbine 3-4 1 :14Vfast 19-5 Mi 1 2 2 2l 33 OWIMIs 9 tni.-o, Waterwood, Fait Aceoropli IWINIWIN. b. g. 5 103 By Voorheet— Othale, by The Judge. Trainer. E. C. Crockett. Owner. J. L. Knight. 52364 P.Gnda 3-4 i:i::=-tast 20 108 8 ll ll M* * " t Jarris 12 laa Kay. R*aow Qirl, CarilneB. " lift_ Latonia 3-4 l :i.-.-.hvy io H". io M M K" i"-n N Barrett n Bwp.Glance, Currency. Laacelot EM86 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 9 MB S 8 6 E| 43 W Jarrell 11 Thtt McGee, Serbian. Larry B. 00461 lexton 1 1-1C 1:45 fast 11 113 1 2 2 I 6| 8s W Jarrell 8 DaaciagSpray, RraestR leateA. 50352 Lexton 11-16 1:46 fast 11-10 112 12 2 1 1- 1* K Pool B Goanaaad, JeUteaa, Trophy MMB Lexton 1 1-16 t:45%faat 11 107 1 3 2 2 44 3«J E Pool lit Trooper, W.H.Pearce, liar. King 48274 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :52!r fast 71 110 2 1 1 1 3 3*1 W Jarrell 10 IarisMaid, Boar.Lad, J.C. Stone PADDY DEAR. ch. g, 7 112 By Celt— Wyola, by Wawekns. Trainer, S. A. Clopton. Owner, S. A. Clopton. P.Gnda lm70y l:4fi*andfaat M MM M M 16 3 " :;: 1 Rryson 11 Colpnel Lit. Walk Lp. Mab 62256 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:5 hvy 6 1"7 8 3 3 3 B S*1 K Lryson B Rearge Duncan. Betsy, Serbian E2333 F.tlnds 1 1-16 1 :53 -f,mud ::0 112 3 7 3 4 4* 4* F Bryaon 14 IlabalilL. H.C.Hch, Bbaaaock 7-17.4 JeTaon 1 1-8 1 A%faat 8-5 112 l s 5 3 -54 6J P Cltilettl 13 L*y Ward, Blgh.Lad, B.Haaspaea E3MS JeTaon 1 i-i 2:0s fast 5 161 :: 3 5 ." 3" 1*1 P Cltilettl it CapitalCity, UrealUaR, Aaatral 51951 Jefson 1 1-4 2:12 hvy 10 lo;: 2 3 3 3 Xal 2aL F Cltiletti 7 11. C .Match, Cap. City. JkKeeves BETSY, b. m, 5 102 By Ballot— Degenerate, by Tenny. Trainer. 0. E. Pons. Owner, E. Lob.. 524M P.Gnda im7 l:44%faat M Mi 8MB I 81 8*1 L Aron 11 Crba.Raaihler. Rokaierer. R.Idea 62378 P.Gnda 1-16 1" SBfi B 8 8 I 8* 8 " L Aron .» Mab. apt. ltiirn . Liht Wine 52255 FCnds 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 10 MB 5 7 7 4 3»| 2* C Ionce s GcorgeBnacan. S.-rbiati. RaaaaM. .2203 F.Gnds 11-16 1:51 hvy !• 104 6 4 4 5 5- B" C Ionce s DoogiassM., Berbiaa, QnaBlonde 52072 Jefson lm70y l:4y":.hvy I MB 4 3 4 3 3* 2" C Ponce I Bfiadaaa, KltatteaCah, W.Tnlmw 51889 JeTaon 1 1*43 fast 12 MB 8 7 7 6 6" B*# C lon-e lb Lt.Perkiaa, BdyMae, IiadyWsrd BOND, ch. g. 7 107 By Ethelbert— Boudoir, by Octagon. Trainer. W. M. Cain. Owner, Cain and Sanford. 62256 P.Gnda 1 1 -M 1 ■."•i-.-.hvy 3 M8 2 1 1 1 I* I] K Pollard 7 Verity, TigerRoee, HighlaadLad ,.— . P.Gnda 1 1-16 1:51 hvy S 105 2 2 2 1 4 P|E Lollard B DettglasaM., Serbian. irnHlMulc 521M F.Gnda 1 1-8 1 g i":: 4 :: 3 4 3* 9 1: Pollard lb Austral, rlraargraiaa] Cap.Clty 52041 JeTaon 1 1-16 1 47 fast 10 102 2 11 4 2" 8*3 K Pollard LS Ifaakg, Cold. Dawn. Nel.Yorke 538M JeTaon 1 l;41s4good 15 MB 1222 8* 3*1 E Pollard 7 VgAdaat. W.Plewer, Boagteemi EMB7 JeTaon 2 4 1:17 hVy IS l8 E 4 t; :- 7 " 1". Pollard 13 Itagsaaa, Man-ay. Aalteipare 5192.". JeTaoa 3-4 1 15. .fast 30 111 I 3 4 5- 6*|"B Pollard 12 Marphy, Jerk beet, Madrono SCOURGEMAN. b. g. 6 108 By Stanhope II.— Salamis, by Sensation. fTrainer. J. H. Tevis. Owner. N. B. ..ayfield. 52379 F.Gnda I 1-16 l:48ftfast 13-5 116 9 16 9 G •■ 1 .1 Rodgesll Corsoa, Nominee, Cad P.Gnda lm7*j l:M%faat 4-5 1C8 ill 9 3 3" l N Bnrrett 13 oui.-rK.. Roisterer, W.Tnrabow P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:47*jifaaf E MB 7 S 4 3 21 2» L Morris 12 Jerry. Chesty. Corson E2181 P.Gnda 1 1-8 1 :54*if aat 20 164 5 4 4 2 11 21 J Heupei M Abstral, CapitalCity. Lottery 51971 JeTson 1 1-8 1:56 hvy I M7 12 12 12 .t 16 M * H King 14 Sunduna. I-ad. Ixirena Moss E1B48 JeTson 3-4 1 :l4-f.f aat 10 11011 10 10 11* M»» N Barrett 12 BkBay. ArcbPlotter, Ur.Stmfer 16412 Jefson 1 1-16 1 :45-»-,fast ! Ill 3 4 4 5 G« 5» O Willis 0 Sun God. Franklin. La r me PASSING FANCY, ch. g. 7 108 By Hurst Park— Idle Fancy, by Ben Brush. Owner, L. F. Marshall. 11586 JeTaon lm29j l:46*4siow 6 ill 3 2 2 2 li 21 TC Bhnpaonlb Hoadiai. Rroaco Lilly. H.Mabel 41571 Jefson 3-4 l:16%faat 8 11". 5 3 I 6*1 61 0 Willis 12 Laagdea, Earlymorn, Pluriada 41543 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :4",Sfast M Ml 3 11 4 6- 7|, Willis lit Lata, P. O. King, Dal wood 41338 P.Gnda lm70y l:46*4faat 30 1«1 6 4 3 4 12" 12" W Hoag 14 Kenward. Paula V., Say 40621 Jefson 1 1-16 l:57%mud 12 111 3 2 2 3 4= 41 J Hanover 8 P.Connelly, W.sLast, B.Fvorlte 40592 J »f son 1 1-16 1 :50 igood 20 108 J 2 2 2 3 3J 3*i J Hanover « L.Uampson. S.Stalwart. Medusa 4ft".T4 JeTaoa I l:43%alow 13-5 112 6 6 6 7 6= 6" A Johnson 7 M. Jumbo. Ilantagenet, Breezy SERBIAN, ch. g, 5 103 By Ivan ths Terrible— Arline, by The Commoner. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner. H. Neusteter. Gnds 1 1 16 i:-i -.,fast :; lie 3 I I 6 P 6*f, A Collina it Koh i-nooi. Wklp. BlaahaaauB 62255 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 134 10s 2 1 1 I 8* 3* A Collins s George Daacaa. Retsy. Susan M. 62236 F.Gnds I 1-16 U53%htry 5 MB 3 2 2 2 2 3* A Collins 8 D.oflViice. Deckmate, y.Bloode 52269 P.Qnda 11-16 1:51 hvy 3| 109 ill 1 1" 2 A Collina s ltou-lass S.. Qaeea Bloada, Bond 52096 Jefson 3 4 1:14 slow 20 MB 5 6 7 9 B»« A Collins lb Trooper. Port Light. Title 51629 Jefson 1 1 7 IM 5 3 4 6 7 7" A Collins 7 Slioot On, Aniaz.-. Speedster 11563 Jefson lm7»y 1.51-ihvy 2 110 111 1 li l1 A Collits 33 WarClub. L.Mt.loy, UigbldLad KEZIAH, br. m, 8 98 By Ildrim — Kerchief, by Lissak. Trainer. E. F. Gasser. Owner. C. W. Gasser. .Gnds 1 1-16 l:48%fast ■■ 108 7 3 6 I •• 7 T Jarria ll Chesty. Our Birthday, Qalway 62232 PsGnda 3-4 l:18*£hTy M 101 9 8 7 6* 24 T Jarvis 13 Rargoyae, Mie. Moore. Val.west 517M JeTaon 3-4 l:17%hvy 10 167 6 7 7 7= 6*1 J Roberts 12 Mormon. Safranor, Big Idea 51070 Empire 1 1-4 2:09*.-,fust 4 112 3 5 4 E 6- 6" L Ensor 7 Creaniull. Challtager. T. Brooks 510.6 Empire lm70y 1:47/r.hvy E 112 6 5 4 I 33 3" L Ensor 8 Horlir.. Guebuid. Asterisk 5672b Jamaica 1 1-16 l:46%faat 6 113 4 5 5 4 2J l" L Ensor 7 Sir Clarence, Gueland. Lovely 5059X Jamaica 1 1-M l:4S%faat 20 IM 12 5 1 1» 25 J Mooney 7 Paddy Dear. Uegreso. K.Agrippa THE PORTUGUESE, b. g, 6 103 By Amadis— Umbrosa, by Ayrshire. Trainer, R. E. Watkins. Owner. R. E. Watkins. 62379 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:48*Afaat ■ M5 16 6 7 9 J Henpel 11 Corsoa, Nominee. Lad 52354 F.Gnds S-4 l:13%fnst 5 ill s 7 7 6 C*S J Henpel 12 InaUay, RnlahowGirl, CarlineS. 5221S F.Gnds 3-4 l:16%raad 15 115 8 S S 8S 6*» J Heupei 10 .la«o. BhOOt On, Marie Maxim "2029 J.-f: son 3-4 l:l4%faat 20 113 8 3 E o i-l J Heupei 9 CoIbiaTenn, i. -Swell, Sagamore 51904 Jefson Elflrf?%faet 4 3 110 4 I 2 2- 2iW lleinch 13 JlceOoebel, CarlineS., Val.West 61429 Bowie I I l:22-r,fast 5f 110 4 3 2 25 1] J Mooney 15 May W.. Amackassin, Sadie D. 8BMB ltr.70y 1:41 fast 6J 107 2 7 7 7 7s 6"i W Mor s.-y g Antoinete. Biddled-e. Corson GAL WAY, ch. g, 5 98 By Havoc or Galatine — Irish Lass II., by Donovan. Trainer, G. C. Milton. Owner. V. Galla. " P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:48*Afaat 12 1"" 1 :: 2 2 2L ::• E Joatah 11 Chesty, Oar Birthday, Handfull 523M P.Gnda ImTOy 1:46 fast 2 MQ 3 2 2 3 3 f,R .1 Roberts 14 Salute. Wild Flower. I t. Moss ."2232 F.Gnds 3-4 l:ls-.hvv 7 ill 6 7 6 3*1 6*| J Ilodgcx Kl Burxey nc. Keziah. Mickey Moore ": lOJefnon 1 1 :414.-,good 5 Mb 3 3 4 6 6" 6*1 J .1 Mney 7 Tonng Adam, WiblPlower, Bond 51947 JeTaon J l:44.,hvy 7 114 4 11 1 1] 3] J Rodges b ILSinan. O.McKenna. Dr.Cbell 11533 JeTaoa 6 f l:f7%faat 30 IM 3 5 4 3J 37 J .1 Mneyll InaKay. Winneceune. ArchFloer SUSAN M.. b. at, 5 103 By Ogden — Queen Marguerite, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer, D. McDermid. Owner. D. McDermid. 622M P.Gnda 1 1 16 1 :51 hvy I M 6 6 6 6 r, 4"T Jarvis 8 George Duman. Betaj, Serbian 52073 Jefson lm70y 1 :50%hvy 4 10415 3 3 7 3* 4-J J Roberts P K. Neptune. Bigkld. Miss Nell EMM JeTaon 11:42 fast 6 164 : S S S 7- B*» J .1 M*neylO Lt. Perkins. BdyMae, LadyWard Q7M JeTaon 1 1-16 i:..::«,ihvy 4 M4 8 7 B 6 6 B* 8 Mitchell s Toss. Sasin. II. C. Baach 516»i Jefson lnsTby l:56%mnd 11-5 102 4 3 2 i 1* Is J Roberts T B.BruinuilIL. Itaneer. T.Brooks 51560 Jefson 51 f 1:10 hvy 20 Ml 7 6 6 5» 5«J E Pollard S Resist. Dr.Citnipbell 50823 Kwrth lm70y l:45%fast 18 105 5 6 « 6 6 6" F Murphy b Lazy Lou, Hush, Biddlcdee DAVID CRAIG, ch. g. 10 103 By Peep oDay— Avon II., by Avlngton. Trainer. R. L. Rogers. Owner, J. Masterson. . I F.O n. is s-4 1 ■ t 113 5 12 12 11-H;W HeinchlS II.Bargoyae, »«pin CUcLaas 52373 P.Gnda 3-4 1:16 koo 1 20 ill s s 7 7r- W HeinchlS H.Bnrgoyne, Blaise. Tliers Pet 51662 Jefson 3-4 1 :14%fast 12 MB 5 5 5 4* 4* W Heineh B Bengali, Normandie, Murphy 51620 Jefson 3-4 1:15 good 15 MB 6 7 7 71 S« W lleinch it Ina Kay, By Heck. Miss Kruter 48517 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 16 112 4 3 3 6 7 7si ■ AmbrselO Mat. Idol. Ur.Cannen, B.Cholce 48295 Latonia 3-4 1:12%fast 2-4 MB 5 3 4 21 11 F Wilson It Alvord, Anna Hallup. Dark Hill BLAISE, ch. g. 7 103 By Box — Domino Noire, by Kingston. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner, W. L. Drake. .".211". P.Gnda 8-4 l:13*4faat E 113 •; 8 t 4- 81 P WdatcklS Marphy. Sandy H.* Miss Minks 52273 P.Gnda 3-4 IOS good 4 111 12 8 :» 3* 2: M Garner Li H.Bnrgoyne, TliersPet, C.Laaa 51726 Jefson 8-4 l:17"-.-,hvy 4 112 4 5 5 !■ T Murray 7 Anticipate. Wild Flower. Brisk cl 369 Churchl 3-4 1 :14"r.KOod 7 110 ti s 5 2*1 li D Connlly 13 Currency. CloriaFnince, Jolm.Ir. 5132S Churchl 1 l:39%faat 20 MB 9 8 7 7 7 s,: M Oajfag 14 MarseJoba, RafasRiley, Maasla 50744 Kwrth lm70y l:45fast 34 96 4 2 2 2 32 3« R Harbne 8 Pierrot. Nepperhan, Dragoon .r0445 Thcllffe lm70yl:44;fast 29-10 104 I-! F Lux 4 Iolite. PeerlessOne. Nepperhan COLONEL LIT, b. c, 4 110 By Granite— Sweet Marjorie, by Goldfinch. Trainer. C. F. Clark. Owner, J. H. Loucheim. 523M P.Gnda Un76y l:46i4faat 4 M3 s 6 4 3 2 1» T Jarvis 11 Walk Ip, Mab. Sentimental 62159 Jefson 1 1-16 l:43%t*at 5 95 9 9 6 5 4» 3| T Jarvis II Sentimental, HkODav. Neenuh 52119 Jefson 11-161:48 fast 4 % 7 7 5 -5 5" 4-J I. MclTott S Sandy Mac. Bengali. Mab b2031 Jefson 1 1-16 I.BMtfnM 1S-5 h7 3 3 1 1 l" 21 J WilliamslO Azlec, Indolence, On High PLENTY, b. g, 5 108 By St Amant— Hearts Desire, by Cupid. Trainer, J. H. Davenport. Owner M. Dattner. 62138 JeTaoa 11-8 1:54 fast 8 le-3 5 0 6 4 3t 8* F Cryson 9 BarOne. OoldenDawn. Cup. City 53M7 JeTaon 1 1-M 1:48 slow 12 107 8 8 6 3 31 2- J Bryson 8 Waakeag; Nelle Yorke. Neenah B1781 .1 fson 1 1-4 2:ll%good 8-5 113 5 3 3 3 3 4 J J Mney B Capital City, Tuffs. Jack Reeves 61746 JeTaoa InrMy 1:48 hvy 20 109 6 6 5 4 4s 4* W Heineh 7 Ballyltell. Bombast. Medusa 61426 Churchl 11-8 1:54 fast 22 110 9 9 9 7 6* 6i G Stack 12 Pilate, Keep. Gourmand

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