Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-18


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I ; I j • I i 1. i 1 : 1 i ;j . I I ■ | i 1 i 1 1 ■ . • 1 I - s . 9 II J i j| 1 1 0 ! • ; I I I ; J j t| I I I . _FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART _______ NEW ORLEANS, LA., MONDAY. JANUARY 17. 1921. Fair Cn inds. Fourteenth day. P.usiness Mens Racing As-.oei.il ion. Winter Meeting of ."•! days. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Steward--. E. C. Smith. M. Macfarhtn nil A. C. M.-hle. Judges, J. i:. Campbell and J. McLennan. Starter. A. B. Dade. Bacing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. hicago time 2:15 p. m.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. KnilO FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1921— C4«5— 2— 117. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. QaQ~X"xO Maidens. Colts and Geidinss. Special Weight j. Net value to winner 00; second, 21: third. 14. Index Hoirses AWtPPSt;A Vz "4 Str lin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8~ 52201 CORNSTALK S :: I«* lJ J VVilliains.i li Louohoiin »;-.". 7-:, 7-1d-:: l-c 53201*HAPPV BUXTON w III l 1 5 r M Buxton J Dundee I E -F 7-:. I -5 .V!414 STAMP w 111 5 -J - : :• F CltilettlS A Clopton 8 12 N -! 7-10 52114 BULLY BUTTONS will 3 I 4- 1- E Pool .1 11 Baker i S 13-C1 1-3 PADDY WOLF w 111 U |G Stack M ,V .1 Lowsfn 10 30 31 S "■ : iV..i SUNDO a ut 1 S i; C M Garner Hail Broa 1". S 3D i El time, 11%, 23r-,. 3f 1». Track fast. Winner Br. c, by Granite -Broom Com. by Cesarion trained by . F. lark: hred by Mr. J. II. Loii.-heim t . Wint to post ;,l 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start u 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- Ing. COBNBTALK. seemingly a good colt, was forced to race wide, but caaae around .n the turn and won under restraint. HAPPY BUXTON began well and. showing s good order of speed, mad.- a fast "d game Bnisb. stamp was in closest pur-ait to the last sixteenth, where he tired badly. P.LLLV BUTTONS Inol no mishaps. Tl tiers orcre always far hack. S. ratcbed Toin Hare Jr.. 11 1. K9/I 4 A SECOND RACE— 3-1 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1: 11 —G— 116. Pane Sl.OOo! ITyear.olds. »3 afi "4 "i "i Maidens. Special Weights. Net valu? to winner S700 ; .second. 00: third. 00. Indes Horses " AWtlISt « .. » sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C ~P 3 518BS»UT UP iv u 103 2 G l1 lJ J J MneyK P Marshall a 7 i; 4-2 52394 = VCLCAN1ZE will 1 i S - : -" r» K CltiletUL" Gideon 2 3 17-107-131-3 53359 PLATO w 115 8 •" I I. Lyke I" Dnjnne 13 IS 1". 5 zl 52 2 .To -si; COVE wb 111 3 1 l« I" ll ErlcksnJ Hewitt 2] 1i;-5i::-:i-.". 2-3 52394 OBSTINATE wn lea 6 11 lo_ 7 5* "_ .1 WdatckMaryiand Stable 33 3D 30 12 49564 LOCARNO w U4 a 7 V 63 - g v Wright O .1 Long 31 33 25 I1 DOMINGO w 114 11 II 7a; :■= 7 .1 Conley Parnura v Plaer M 28 15 t; - 51233 LADY FRAPPE « l«9 7 a 8 - S3 8s B Pool ; C Denny 31 2S 2" 13 E 5SS94 ZAINER wa 114 10 : l» 13 7"::-; .1 RodgezJ A Braum la 23 12 S 23 SURMOUNT w ill 9 I SJ 13s *3» 19 .1 WIHtarnsH Stoddard n 12 U a 2] ■;,is,s:! DORA W « MS t 16 11 1! 11 II B Pollard Cain A Sanford 15 31 25 10 3 Time. 23, iS-b, 1:14. Track fast. Winner P.. f. by Wrack Janina, by The Scribe trained by J. McKiaaey; bred by Mr. Thomas .1. Clay I. Went to pest at 2: IT. At post. 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CUT CP, after being under hard restraint for the ftrst three-eighths, raced into the lead with a rush on the stretch turn and held YCLCANIZB safe in the linal drive. VULCANIZE was forced wide on the stretch turn when ZAINEB tried to run out. but held on gamely in tin- linal drive. PLATO finished with a rush and would have boon second in a few strides more. SEA COVE showed speed, but tired in the last eighth. SIKMOI NT showed a brief Hash of speed. ZAINEB set a fast early pace and |iiit. Scratched 52394 John Arbor. i;i; 13338 Marjorie M.. 109; 52133 Lamaore, ill: 52394 Annes Pet, 169. Overwi Ightsi Plato, 1 pound. JT «~ A ,t Cr THIRD RACE— 3-4 Kile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1:11 Vi— 6— llu.l Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds O and -I ~i tJ and upward. Claiming. Net value lo winner S700: second, f200: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt4 Vs % Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P S~ 53923 MURPHY wn 8 114 12 2 lJ lJ IS 1 - M Garner W Lock 2J -o i-5 ::-5 59919s SANDY II. w I Vfi l 1 3J 2J " L Aron I- Parrar 8 13 !■ 1 I rilrl im.aisi: w T 113 11 I 31 -P a- »J P WdatckW L Drake 33 .". 5 2 1 18933 Miss MINKS wn 4 108 2 1 : :- P .1 Grub** J M Goode 8 li 13 1 2 52329 CIRCULATE was ill 1 :. lJ 5s ■". .- .1 W MpHyM Suiiili li _: 25 13 i -• $■ ■: itkst PULLET W5134 5 3 7 7! S3 8» .1 Roberts C R Daly C 8 5 2 1 ."2:12-. LOT8 w E IM 8 I L.,J BJ 71 7 .T McCov I: 1; Denny 3J S :. 1 1 1I«« ; BANTRY wn cill 3 8 .•• 3»J 8 83 II HamtnJ K Nash 31 38 39 bJ C 51999 GLASTOl w 8 M9 all U» llJll " H GregoryM Kelly 9 M M 13 8 5ISK1 GLOOM « 4 192 13 7 :.- 1 9 MS L McDottP J Jochnm 30 33 34 l- S 53272 Mi:i:. ROSE w MM 7 12 13 13 T.J il G Babic M R Pons ::u :: 39 12 6 5215S«LOWELL wa 5 b .1 EM s1 1;- in".. .1 .1 MneyJ M Nunamaker 26 25 28 8 1 .".•.•271 TONY SUTTON w 3 101 M 13 M3 12 13 13 A Richer kW Alford M 38 M U i Time. 23. 47 "3. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner B. g, by McGee -Intrigue, bj Kingston trained by J. Booth; bred by Mr. Charles W. Mi re 1. Wint to ]i..-t at :!:l7. At post : miaates. Start good and sl.nv. Won driving; second and third the same. MCRPHY was sent Into the lead with a rash and, under good riding, set a fast pace ami just listed to win. SANDY II. . away Iorwardh and s.ivii mttcll ground on the turns, was going fast at the ei.d. BLAISE, probably best, was away 1 rly and raced wide, but finished fastest of all. MISS MINKS ran a good half and tiled. LOTS closed a gap. I IKST PULLET had no mishaps. Scratched 15923 Knltur. ill: 51393 Little Handle, KM; 52341 Philanderer, 195; -".2271 Tom Beach, 191. Overweightx Miss Minks. 1 pound. Rv941ft FOURTH RACE— 7-S Mile. Feb. 8, 1915—1 :24-J— 3— lloT Argonne Purse. Purse t3asilTr-JbO il.oCJ. S-yaax-ohls. Aliowanceb. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third. 50: tourth. 0. Index Morses AWt PPSt % ___ % Wtr Pia Jockeys wners~ OHO JF~S ;• .;•,:. BROWN CHECK wr. M4 2 8 7** 1 1: Pool 1: R Bradley ~V-:i~i !-5 T-im-if 52S35 IIOTHERATION wn M8 * 7 B» :. 2 2J W HeinchOwnboy and Kinneyg-5 2 2 7 101-:; 52355 LOVELINESS w 87 I 3 4 .1 McCoy M H Pletcher ; 7 7 2 1 52419 TWOPAIR wn 188 S "• 8 ••• -I- 4- P CltilettlS A Clopton 8 8 E 8-5 4-6 : "2171 THARON 1 M6J 1 1 8* 7» 7J 5-J 5 W Wright G .1 Long IS 28 28 7 1 5223DMADEL. LILLIAN v 1 87 S « 3J 2 I ■■ I. McAtei Dunn 9 Cahn E 8 8 2J I 52355 LAS w bis 7 1 :-,:. p js ;■ -■■■ LansTd Plorlsant stable- -m 38 38 M 3 51379 FRIVOL wn M3 3 - b 8 8 8 8 J Ryan II Neasteter On 70 58 M M Time. 24. 485. 1:13. 1:26:5. Track fast. Winner — Br. g, by Black Tone] Benaaet, bj St. Aroaicus trained by W. Hurlev; bred by Mr. Ed- ward K. Bradley. Went to post at 8:82. At post 8 miaates. Start good and slow. Won driving: ut toad and third the same, BROWN CHECK began slowly, but moved up with a rush and. saving ground when coming into stretch, took a 1 1 bad. but began tiring near the end. BOTHERATION raced forwardly from the start and was going fastest at the end. LOVELINESS ran a good race. Twopair raced well and goffered Ithe from iiiteriVi. p. .-. MADELINE LILLIAN unit. PAS ran well to the stretch. Scratched 1 I717:j l nitrd Vehtle. 119. iMiwcicts -llrown rh-ek. 2 pounds; Tharon. 1.. P_»J_ I IT IHTH HACK— 1 1-H1 Mile:;. Feb. 13. 1915—1:44—3—104.1 Old Glory Purse. Purse. *-B*mI Tt Jt 4 ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, S200, third. 00. lades; Horses AWt PPSt _j 1, -.strFin .locUeys Owners O H 0 P B i.5242t»Srr IHIDORE wu # KW I 11 lJ 1 lJ l» II HamtnJ E Nash 2 3 -:7i-2 1-5 523-J1 s.ApL KAUO.N 11. W f lit • 3 i » 9 V J RodB/«3j W iiuUll li I 1 ti-i 1-3 .rum FROGTOWN w 3 MCI 1 I 8| 9 P I F Smith C A Applecate 29 25 M r, • . 32X90-KAR. SHANNON wb 7 JM 2 P P . J 9 r . Roberts G Drumhiller 4 : 7 8-6 1-2 | .-»*: I7 WYOMING w I Hi S Z 2** * - :: 5 II laitisfd Florisant Stable 6-5 7-513-W2-5 1-4 Time. 243;,, 48*-,. 1:11%, 139. 1:45-,. Track fast. Winner— Ch. •;. i. tsidoi — Onega, bj Clifford trained b .1 E. Nash: bred bj» Mr. loba Sanford. Went to post at I M. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Woa driving; -nvml and third the *a*ae. ST. ISIDORE raced into a food lead at aaee .nui. setting a fast pace, was wiaaiag eaaily when his rider began easiag Mm ap and almost threw the rac 9 way. SNAPDRAGON II. was far back to the stretch, where be came with ., great rush aad fust failed to gel n . VROGTOWN ran a --""I race throughout. WYOMING quit after racing in closest pursuit to the -ti-.-t... BARRY shannon was i 1 Amm after going three -quarters. Overw, -itiiit-— l--roat1ivn. p.. pounds. KQA _J_Q SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Kilos. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44*— -3—104. Purse Sl.OOcT 4-yea7-Sl.?*l._ . * olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. | Index Horses AWtPPgt ■■ V S5 Fin -lockers " Owner* O H C ]• S i .-,• : ».-, in BURKYXB wnCll! I r Jarvia s ; Baker 5 B C l 1 I BtSSB -kki km ri: am 7 112 ■ i i1 2 2 2* 2* p Murphy C Knight i :. i 7:..::. StSSSCLAQUER w* 0 112 E 30 .-; VI 3 M Garner B Williams B-fi 2 7-5 7-101 RtJHOFR BIRTHDAY » 4 1M 7 5 t* I I 4J II I.unsf.l Florisant Stable 7 8 I :: 8-5 3395a SPEEDSTER u 6 112 :• 6 .".■ 4. :. :■- .1 .1 MneyP P Lettellier 6 7 t ! I E2878 SANDY MAC w 4 111 11. : ._ I * w MeincbO Wendel 15 29 31 8 : I ."»;r K MANDRINS COATw 5 112 2 9 I I 8 ■■ G Stack M Lowenatein 59 N9 199 39 15 5*877 CHALLENGER w 4 110 8 7 7- 6 7 7: s- .1 Roberta E Peters 8 It 1" 4 :• : ."•.•:ir. 7 MARK WEST WB41M 3 9 8» 7s 8* 9 9 I. Morris Hunnyland SUblelS 39 26 M :. Time. 24V3. 48. 1:11%, 1:40. 1:99%. Track fast. Winner--it. g, by Peep oDay Farley, by Frankfort trained by J. H. Baker; bred by Mr. C M Corbaal. •Feat to post at 4:27. At post 1 minute, start g.....l ami slow. Woo eaaily; see— d aad third drir- . ing. HARRi BFRGOYNE set a fast pace from s,„,M after the start aad eaaily won all the aray. RECK.MATK ran a a 1 race and Baiahed eaaaely. CLAQLEB losl ground by racing whh the turn-. bal anished fast. OlR KIRTUDA1 ran udl. SPEEDSTER bad uo atiKhaps. SANDY MAC .| iit. Scratched- 5227: ilhihahiali 11.. Ki7: .",j:p,s- ar-aw . 112; 52326 Colonel Lit, 11": 52223 Bpearleae ! 11U: :.j:C.s l.azy 1.. ■■!. 1"7: ..i;Lii7 Siiii-.tiit . llii: ■.L,:,.77 Kttali.-. 112. KQA JLQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Ynrdu. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42 ;— 4—113. Purse ,000. l *-9*4~and~andi*y 3-year-olds and upwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third 00. ndex Horses AWtPPSf" i Sti Fin .Tot keys Owiiera O H C P S 5«Mfi CSON RAMBLERwb J 89 8 7 7J 6«J 2 I I1 1: Joa h R P Bhanner 15 15 15 6 :: C«SSS ROISTERER w loo 2 3 1» 11 li 2 2» T .Iar .s R L. R««era 6 I K - 7-1" I 52tt4*BIG IDEA ara 4 199 11 - 2| 3] :. 3k .1 McCoy I. B Kraft M 12 12 E - 52S99* DROOKLAND ar C 10? M 11 12 .• 7" # 4 .1 Roberta D MeDormid 15 29 29 8 4 | 5tMS3*LORENA MOSS ,wa a M2 112 13 IP 11". 5". 1, McDotU Canniffe 6 7 I : t-5 BtSlS*LOTTERY WB 7 197 IS 13 IP W :•." 8 .1 .1 Mnev Marshall Bros 7 10 19 4" 2 :riAiH MAGNET LAND wa 5 U2 5 4 5 4 tj 9J 7 G Stack M ,v .1 Loar*ata 12 1- 19 4 J 5t*7S*BETSY or S Mi . t W •• 8 s: S- I. Aroti K Lob 39 49 40 15 - :, u;a DR. SHAFER wb C 112 G •; 45 VI 4* VI 9" J RodgesW Joaea s 19 M t r,-.-i7l LOUISE WYNNE w 3 :n;r II 9* 13s 12s 12U9g M BchwUT H Wilson I at B 1 «-5 PtSSaPHILIPPIC wi: 7 107 2 19 8» 81 W 11-11 .1 ShelepetaE K Bryaon 69 99 9 29 1 r.llZA BALAROSA ara 5 ill :■ 5 .: 7- .v..lO1 J W MphyJ W Beaa 10 15 15 I .VM1! OREXZO aSllt 7 .14 14 14 P- i; c, Babin F H smith 39 M 30 12 8 .v.3!»K AURUM WBC115 12 1 8* 12» PiH 14 L Lyke E Arlington 13-53 13-61 1- ; Time. 24V 48V 1:14»5. 1:41. 1:44V Track fast. Wlnaer- B. r. by Pebblea CUaiber, by Voter tralaed by i:. C. Lacaa; bred by Mr. laatea Batler. • Went ti pool at P.M. At p..st 1 minute. Start o.„l ami slow. Woa driving: aecoad and third the saate. CRIMSON RAMBLER, after closlac a j::ip. moved up with a roah and eatatayed ROI8TEREB at the end. ROISTERER showed the most speed, hut was ttriag at the Baish 15I ; IDEA tared prom-laeatly ■ and Baiohed well. BROOKLAND eloacd a hi- cap and so did LORENA .Mt»ss. AURUM waa ! always badly beatea. Scratched — 52233 Paul CoaoeUy. 113; 5S087*Repeat, 83; r 241lt Pansy Bloaoaaa, KiO: MlT.t Westeraaaa !.:.; 52396 Gadliag, 105; 52376 Alexaader, llL. OTerweightM BaUroaa, 4 p.. mid-: Crimson Uamld, r. 1; Loaiae Wyaae, !_■.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011801/drf1921011801_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1921011801_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800