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i . ! t l 1 s | ! g -j I J ■ 2 ■ ■ 2 2 , ■ r 7 70 Ii A K ; ! _ P c , 0 $ .", .■ -~ I I 2, I [ . I ; i; I 2 ; 2 ; 2 , ° ; u , " Ill loo M ; J. J. £j „, ,* iili j. 1: ,1, 5 ai s . zj *: 1; 2. »« 52 •»- W 52 •". •"»: U r* Di 188 jig 100 ,-h • C. K„ geeoel |l| Blue Bl TIJUANA FORM CHART « 1 TIJUANA. Mexico. Thursday. Januarj 20. 1921. 5 Forty -ninth day. Lewer California lackey Chile. •" Winter Meeting ..f 12.". or nie re- days. Weather B " cloudy. ! ." Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate ."i Stewards, J. w. Coffreth ami Leea Wing. Starter, ." Harry Mori is-,. y. Bacing Si-cri-tary. Leon Wing. : B Baeing Start at I :.". p. 111. Chicago time. 3:.".0I. .". 52 5 0Q First Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— •" 59—4—107 . Purse 00. 3-year-olds. ■ Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Bqniv. Odds. ■ Ind. noise. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52423 ■•Slater Polly 10". !■* M Slaughter :lpi-101 I1 88448 Woodrose 111 V R llaywarcl SM-MI 52382 Frivolous TO : Thompson ::0 l-100 " 52382 Lit. Romper 114 «1 P Martinez 2!«hi -ion B8SSS Charmant 110 :.- E Pator U388-1M ■ 52400--Sp Squirrel Ml ■- B Taylor I4M I"-1 ■ 82881* John Lake 181 1* 1! Marinelli DJ8-1M l: 52018 Don. o Blue 110 8| L Caugel l:l.".i-100 " 58881 Wis, .lueigc- 112 h] Podea tSMB M8 _ S1715*DUie Mason I0."i 10- 1 Powell S8M-MI Z 5216»*Picot 187 Jl1 C Whltttngton f ~ 52488 Miss Spears 105 1 t; V.argin f _ t.Mutuel field. Ii S2 mutiiels paid. Siste-r Polly. *s.20 straight, 84.80 5 place. 88.88 show : Iraae, 88.88 place. 82.80 - show: FrlToleas, 88.48 show. . - Bqairaleal booking odds sister Petty, 818 1 • KW .-,1 straight, loo t. 1im» place, r.o to 188 show: Weed .-■ rose-, su to loo place-. 10 to 100 show; BThroleas, 5; to 100 show. Time. l:05i. Track heavy. 5 Winner — G. K. Archers 1,. f. 3. ley Buhy Bird - 1 81 -. Bed Wing, by Downpatrtck tratoed hy G. 1: .- .2 Archer: lii.-el , M r. T. II. Byanl. Went to jiost at 1:51. At post 3 iniiiute-s. Star! good and slow. Won driving; second and third | the same-. Overweights Woodrowc, 4 pounds. j, 52 504 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920 « —59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year- olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner s. 50. second. 00: third. 0. ■ tj Dqitiv. Odds. : I,, Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. „ 52888 Ind. Brigade KIT l C Thompson K88-M 58881 M Burette IN 9 R McCrana sra-imj — 52335 J.J. Murdoch ill .: K Hayward 18I8-1M m B21SS*Canraahmck i •» 4 4- B Taylor 1381-181 t 52S88*Dode Adams 1111 :,: 11 .Marin. -Hi 8KVM8 | : T- 52298*L. Josepaiae 105 «-. M Slaughter itiSi-100 £ I 42062 B. Shilling PS 7» P Martinez 52333*Daisy X. pi; p c Whittington 240-i» j •• 52260 tlcl Squirrel ::i ft Q i.-argin tiat-lM " 5281S*TiaJan m lo-i 11 How, 1100-100 I • 52423 Sadie 1 . ..•. 11 N Foden M8-MH 5J 52400 Black Spray lus z r Carter | fMatael fi.-hl. S2 mutiiels paid. Indian Brigade . 828.88 straight. 88.88 place. .48 s]„,W; MRdred Baretta, 2.20 place-. |7.88 show: .1. J. Murdock. S11.20 show I „ M Baplraleat 1 king odds — Indian Brigade. lirtlO to straight, 848 to KMt place 278 to 188 show; ee Mildred Kuretta. 518 to 100 place, 250 to 100 show: "I " J. Murdock. 100 t. 100 show. U Time. 1.88%. Track heavy. Winner L. o. Pundtagelands rh. g, B, by Brigade-Wild Irish, h Peiuliae- traiueil bv R, Camp- — bell: bred by Mr. K. K. Biichanani. B Went to at 2:17. At post 1 minute. Start * geiod and slow. Won easily; second and third 1 lag -"; Ove-i -weights Caavaehack, ."• pounds: Black Bpray, -. Barbara Shilling. 3; Sadie D., 4: .1. J. Mar- ml deck, 4. -.; 52505 Tllird Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— EJ - , 59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ?2 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; -." second, 00; third. 0. J "~ Bijuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. ■ Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. ... 52402*.Mai.nchen . 107 1« P. .Marinelli US-MI 52381 - *Humina P7 t II Howe ijJJ 181 ., 82128 Di viand 117 S E Taylor ZM-M8 21.0 50864 M. of Ansel in |i] c Whitgton Q8M BM 58884 Ermitana 181 par N Foden si lin 102 lii- Wood 183 ;. L Powell 788A-18I _ 51017 1 S. Murray 186. 71 C Thomueon 124SO-100 *J BffBf l-l.TSr nl!!1 $ [i , , r-Tn- Mm "* 52100 Baby Faust 116 §*J W Hinph] 80S0-1* ,. 190 Tom Care. 110 10- M Matt hews -1 52488 Blue Van ion 11- r Martinez ■ 52169 Ideal 10.-, |j R McCrann P388-181 m v.Mlltlll-l field. _ mutiiels paid, Maaachea, si 10 straight. 88.00 A1 place-, .-vj.lii s|„,« : Huniina. S-"e.20 place. 82.88 show. Bl Divlanel. 82.88 show . 1 ,-, Bqehraleal booking edda— Maaachea, 128 to 100 52 straight. ."eO to 100 place. 20 tie 100 show; Hunitna. 52 to 100 place-. Kl to 100 show: Dnland. 31 to 5 2 show. j Time. l:03l. Track heavy. 52 Winner 1 Whytvs lr g, 7. by Olanibaln— Mad- 1 61 eheu. by Knight of the Thistle Trained bv Wh.Me; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson 1. Wein to post ai 1 .12. At peat 2 minutes start siie and slow. Won easily, .second and third driving. 8 a„ Overweights Enailaaa. 1 pound: oiih- Weed, 1: Daacaa B. Murray, 2; Baby Faust. 5; Ton Care, 3; Ja Van, 1. r j : I ! ■ 1 : . 1 ■ ! * 1 « j 1 ■ - - - . -y J . , -i 5 ° * •S4 to B by " f. ll 52506 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 —1:11*5—3—110. Purse 00. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52462-Yuke.n 111 1 1 P Martin, v. EPM48 1 52458* Apple Jack 110 2* N Ko.l.-n IlOO-IOO ,52484 Choir MaaterlM V B Taylor :;:0-po 1 52888 Pn tty Bakylll 41 C risompaon 278-KM 1 , 52422*Pralrie 112 Sl 11 Bow.- ::lmi-ioo 52424* Velvet 112 8* ; TeaiRM M88-148 1 52333 Black Wing 114 71 B Hayward HiJO-100 52 157 Keel Man Uu s J cilass 5788-181 1 : 58878 C.Minhlcbh 117 :» W llinphy 3388-M8 | mutiiids paid. Yukon. 88.28 straight. 88.28 place, 82.88 show: Apple- Jack. 88.88 place. 87.48 show: Choir Master. MOO show. Bqairaleal booking odds Yukon. 21o tee loo straight, lid to 100 place-. 30 to loo show: Apple -lack. 331 to IOO place-. 270 to 100 show; Choir Master. 100 to 100 show. Time, 1:18. Track heavy. Winner . It. Irwins eh. g, 4. by Deutse hi and Lady Vera, by Woolsthorpe trained hv C. B. Irw.11 bred by Nevada Stock Iarml. Went to post at 3:0s. At |iost 1 minute-. Star* good anil slow. Ween handilv; second and third driving. 1 Scratched 51788 Baa Biases, 118: 52102 l.-s 112: 52882 Dieaero, 110. Overweights Black Wing. 2 pounds. ] 52507 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. ! 1. 1920— 1:43,— 6— 122. Purse 00. Jycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. - , _ Dqtliv. OdelS. « ."/L. IIo,s- wt- Fin. Jockey. Straight. , 52488 Bat.Mountn 101 l« H Jean 4i::ii-ion I I 52442 *Gen. Byng 117 2»| o Teargia 170-100 | • 2487 Salgeorge 114 ::-• B Oravea I 52487 The Gallant 114 T- i Martlnei S1and-104 52403*Sh-nandoah 104 5 K Taylor ::10-I0a 5248S*Tambian 107 ;• m Slauajhter 1741-100 • 52128*BoDoIink in: 7» B Marinelli tl48»-!80 52S81*Gold PluahlOS 81 D Powell I788-M0 ■ 52485**Welga no i H Rowe 7b.-10a * 52401 !•■ nch Nurae Ml 10 N Fadiea 5 tMlltuel field. 82 mutiic-ls paid. Battle Mountain. *S4 88 ■ straight. 825.48 place. |ia88 show: Gem. Byng K» place. 88.00 show: Salgeorge-. 84.28 show K.|uivaleiit bo., king odds Battle Mountain 4130 s 100 straight. 1170 to KMt place, 430 to loo show h Ben. Byng. list to loo place, 58 to 100 show Sal- , to geerge, 118 ed kmi show. Time. lOVs- Track heavy. Winner K. Biekaefla b. g, 1. bv Meatgaeaery— d .ilieiinniss. by Sain trained bv P. Bicknell- bred L L. Nevada Stock ram. Wont ot post at 3:31. At post 1 minute. Start p good and slow. Won driving; second and third d the same-. Scratched— 52488 Cehrita, 112. 1 1 1 , 1 : 1 | 1 ] ! « I I , | I • ■ * 5 ■ s h , to d L L. p d 52508 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-1 year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 90; second, 40: third. 0. Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Stmichf. B244B*Regreeo iBl |k p Martinez BaVBM 52318 War smoke ios 1" R Carter S24 100 52364 Ill. D. s.-rt in:, Sl H Rettlg 1840-1811 5243! Franklin 102 4 11 P.o,e SMB-HC 52301 Vulcanite 146 S* ii McCrann :ji;.i-ioo 5248S*Sallor H4 gsj r Whlttgtba Sd.apr 522 15* Jake Schaa 10: 7 G Yeargla 14J -Pki 52262 -Lie bi K B*| B Marinelli lnn-ioo 52318 Thrift !iS 9 L Cauge-l l:;i;.i-loo 82 mutui-ls paid, Begrc-so. 87.88 straight, s." .s» place-. 88.88 show; War Smoke, 88J8 place. 85.80 show: The Desert. * show Kepiivaieni booking edda Regreoe, 288 la MM straight. 188 te 1im» place, 88 i» 188 show: War Smoke. 310 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; The Desert. 148 !• 188 show. Time. 1:514. Track heavy. Winner C P.. Irwins eh. g, 7. by Hastings— Arlino. by The- Commoner I rained bv C. B. Irwin bred hy Mr. c. C. Patrick 1. Went to at 3:55. At peel 1 miiiule. Start good and slow. Won handily: secoad and third dri ing. Sc-rate -In-. I :.2.lsi Nebulous. mi- 52481 Horace Lereh. IO. Overweights Thrift. 3 panada; War Baaeke i-Vulcanite-. 3; Bailer, 2; Liola. i; Franklin, 3: Regreso, -". 52509 Seve"th Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1, 1920— 1:43 a— 6— 122. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Kepiiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52405 Y.-rmak 11. 1, J Class HIO-loii 52 405 Audrey K. US 2* P Martinea 1S40-10D 58458* Mediate 181 M Slaughter 1728484 52885 *»Ch. Holters 107 41 • G Yc-argin 210-100 52132 KtOCky Boy 110 5* M Matthews 5E98-104 88481 Reveler Wt I B Marinelli tv -101 82 mimic-Is paid, Yermak. -54.IKI straight. 82.80 place. 82.88 show: Andrey K.. 85.28 place. 88 08 sh..w: Mediate. 88.88 show. Kepiivalc-nt booking oells Yermak. list to Inn straight. 40 t.e KKt place, 88 to 108 show; Audrev K.. 188 to 100 place-. 58 lo loo show: Modiste. 90 100 show. Time. lO1. Track heavy. Winner — W. L. StaufieliPs eh. g. 8, by Ormon-dale — Lady Alicia, by Sir Dixon 1 trained b W. Stanfield; bred by Messrs. J. Q, and ,. ]| KeCPa. Weal to |H st at 4:15. At post 1 minute-. Start good and slow. Won c.andily; second and third driving. Scratched ".2215 Raneeraft, loo. Overweighls Modiste-, l pound: Kentucky Bay, 1.