Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-22


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iK I ! |_ . ri » « 1 5 •" B " ! ." ."i ." : B .". •" ■ ■ I1 " ■ ■ l: " _ Z ~ _ Ii 5 - . - .-,1 .-■ 5; 5 1 81 -. .- .2 | j, « s. ■ tj : I,, „ — m t | : T- £ I j " •• I • 5J I „ M ee "I " U — B * 1 -"; -. ml -.; EJ - ?2 -." "~ ... ., 21.0 _ *J "* ,. -1 ■ m _ A1 Bl 1 ,-, 52 52 5 2 j 52 61 siie 8 a„ Ja HAVANA FORM CHART HAV1kt; ?,!JlBVl;„FMAYvJJtNUt,RY "• 1921 Ur""t:1 1,ark ■•"■•t.v-cightl. day. Cuba -America,, •l"k- •"" A"" ■"• ■"! •■• Weather clear: Meennj£fj0;s,,,ore temperature 90 ret.,o!. M.,,lath;,,!soI,l,UUiSf,r- E ,a"Ml;l1* i""1 V • ,tr""- «tarter. James F. Milton. Racing SeTT Bacing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:57 p. m. . «lmli7-ates apprentice allowance. 52510 FIR£T RACr.,~3-4 MU£ Jr- 8 1920-1:11-6-102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and y**-y J-vr upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. I"ltx Horses AWtPPSt* W »BtrHn Jockeys Owners OH C P 8 " -! I i I . uu-KbUv r-~ WB " " "- Il 1* 1 C H MillerK J Sullivan g-5 s-3 7-0 3-5 1~T - • NliK,MV WI :" ::J -■■ ,! Ken,dyW • Wesfr-1nd:: :■ . -..; 0 ..24.1 POLKS Pon-v B. wn. 112 4 3 7- 7« ;,. ::". 1 Fletcher C H Gilrov ■• t t 1 - - - gIJI.,wl?iBtt8SDOR ,u-" • m ■ "- ,;,,k " [i EcottBo? xSo. stt r I 1 !;"J r -•Tw-e iiH - "•■;;" :; 5 4- lIJ-15 I. Pen.aanll B Swan 84 28 24 I I • JI66 Li 1 1 ilk diss .,-•• wse. ■. 10 10 1 1*8 7" ii.. j Dreyer T cheek u r, r, c -ifio-"./-!..-!-, ",;:;VJ * ]" " 47 W AIf■"•, Umeneetter 10 10 28 4 I .•!. . B.-NA-BREENA we. I K 5 S 8= si f 8= F Durl.-v F B Canra 13 II II I lllll VAuuVLIK " "ir ! :i:" •• :" A ■fcI-«taM B Tlrpse.n H H N . ..il2. J. WALKI-.lt w .; 1111 km W 1" 14 N OMahyA C Niehaua 28 20 a 8 1 Time. 235. 473. 1:14. Track fast. 1Sr,.,lkrB.llllt,/M •"* **** S"!m 11"- SJ7° +»*• *»•**■ """"- N.B8 Place-. S3.50 Bqairaleal booking sdtfcj Jake- V, Id. 86 to 188 straight. 45 to KO place. 35 to 100 show Prince Itonero. 130 to 188 Place. 75 to IOO show: Pokev I;.. 50 to 188 show B. g, by st. Vetea— Beaette, by Maeette traiaed P.M. Wlaaer— ay Krown: bred by Mr. J. s. Mul- Went to post ;,t -;3-. At posf :; n,i„Mtc-s. start geed and slow. Won Immlilv: riTlsl and third driving JAM H-.I D. after begianiag slowly. w;,s rushed „„ to the leaders in the first quarter anel p.iv -oi." ri 1;,"l,;,ft,r ■•"""i"- " • -or turn, but had to be shaken up „.-ar the end to outstav PUINCK liovisr J ! riueer Ui!"i",T " J* ", , |,OKl:V P *«• !1 "" "as g„i,,g fastest at the li.iish. in si iion km .i--oi:i.l. and I.11 ilk Bl BS bath qait after showing the most early speed. overweights— J. Walker, 1 peaad; Heaeal Ceerge, 3. 5251 1 SEC0ND RACE-3-4 Mile "Jan. 8. 1920-1 : 11-6-102. Purae_|7e0..yea7rordi"ana *£g*** J-J- upward. Claiming. Net valuejo _win_ner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt* V4 % Str Fin JockeT- Owners "TTMl C P IT- 5i471 MTNCIT AI. w 4 101 :• 10 10 7 4"t 11. F Wilson I: 1 Carter I , ? •• ; - ..2S87 AIXT DKD.Y w3 BJ I 1 4 S 1" 1 AMcI.hlii.T Hodge - I " J J ;■- 2108 HAMAN w I lo-i i 7 nil" 8 I - a Pickens II ,.„„- - j tt - -E 588S8*HECOND COUSIN w 4 M8 M 8 :. »i 1 .1 Francis O I Foster 7 : 52848*NOBLEMAN wak 8 Mi I 3 8*4 1| H N .1 B rneal K l-.-iiahan 1. 7 7 w .■ - .J-.3K7 GOLDEN RED wa 8 148 7 t 8* fit | | A Tryon C. L F.este-r a m -o 1 1 r.8887 TRIUMPHANT wa 5 It?l 2 5 2- 2» 7 7W CahnodyF Rector I .", J .;!J *••.! l.1,,10,1 W8B5M8 E - l s»k :. 8= 1, Penman W L Oliver a 81 81 I I 58488 TRRIBLE BUSANwa 4 mi :. 1 |j pa. pa ,s B K.-n ,,hs T Baxter 6 5 6 2 I 100 ONWA .... 7111 I 1 7««8|18 M w AndsnP. Plliiaga 10 10 I 83 4-5 Time. 233. 49. 1:155. Track fast. 82 mutiiels paid. Punctual. 7.00 straight. 88.88 place. .S4.;:o show; Ann! Deda. 85.78 place- v! 70 show: Hainan. 88.48 show. Keiuivabnt booking adds Pnnetual. 751 to loo straight. 300 to 1H place IU to 188 show 11nt Deda, 185 la 188 place, 85 to loo show: Hainan. 70 to 188 show. Walehn!"" " l *******— CwadBteat, bj Caiere trained fay B. It. Carter; bred by .Mr. Morris p. s,„„XVpi vt" ." "■ tl ,"M ,i1,"i,l,,,7- S,-"- «"" ••"" -il"«-- Won driving; so,,,,,,! and thirel the sain. II v, Mil rr AI began slowly and for back was in the early running, but rleei with a rush in flushed .amev llvulv""" I" NT "v. T"" 1:"t,M "■" M "■" ""■" -"-.tender all tiie way and finished gam.-ly HAMAN closed and a gap linishe.l with a rush. TKRBIBLE SlSAN was eased whea si uu Bftw settiag the pace te the stretch. up Overweights — Second Cousin. 2 pounds; Triumphant. 1L. 52512 nwJf"3"4 M» an- 8 lM:10i.7uriVZee~~ 4-yea7.olds~and *****-» ■*-** upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50;_second. 00: third. 0. adex Horses AWtPPSt * fr %and.t Fiu Jockeys Owners O U O P B r?lxri5«5N W: !7 " l * r: r 1" l H«nmanll H. r.1-1 JTl 1 1-:; „ut ",H-,:i fllSH w 4 105 :: I Ll ? « :: 44 | P B Barnes I Holmes , -. 52331 •POMHKHNi: w :. 104 1 I » l -jnu :;- R Lc ,-1, rr. oni 1 s, lbie ■■ l ■ ,"", ,52431 IFOUK.TI: w. 4 lot 12 Vi U 1 S BoV! T v"X ■ ■■ 5.5 Z% 52888 ORLEANS GIRL wa 1 K 2 L.-ft at the post. F Wilann .1 D Millln li IS I- 4 to Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. 82 mutiiels ,,.-,id. Koran. X4.30 straight. 8848 place; Hush. 8848 place; no show mutuels .„],| Bqairaleal booking odds Keraa, 115 to loo straight. 85 to 188 place; Hush 243 te, loo place * """,," " by HttoriMW Ceaaaaaa BWe, by The Ceaaaeaaer trained by A. D. World- bred bv Uessrs. Williams Bros.. Went te pe.st at 3:23. At post 3 Biiaates. Start good and v|,,» l,.r all but ORLKAXB UIBJ Warn easily; ~eom4 and third drirlag. KOBAS raced lata a haag lead la the early running and was pul line i u",..,,1,1 /., r"1"11 " "-l"" riahioa and easily outstayed POMERENE. The latter ran lairly we-ll. POLAR CI B qait. ORLEANS GIRL refused to go Scratched . ,2320 J us Scheer. 107. Overwc-ights Mush. 3 poaads. 5251 H F0URTHACE_3-4 MjleTCJanTsTmO-l ai-lM.PurOOrsTyear.oldTTnd UaUXO upward . Claiming Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. JP«_ii0I?!-? AWtPPSt * H H Btr Tin Jorkevs Owners ~ O "ll O P a~~ jiJSJISiLi!, w" L" "1 : y ••1-v -" "■"■ Domlck o Hobaea !T5 s-5 3-0 i-:: .i.lOH-AK.LK 1 1 h ., we. .,10, .-,,. ,, _;,- vi F Wllscn c. Price K a 8 1 a-E :h; •TWENTY SEVEN • 7 BM ,; ,; a* 4s „ a* F Smith P Boogbaman U H 21 1 , ■ 52887 l-A.T A. ... MPI.1 WB4M8 I I |« is ,-■ „, r ,;.,„ r- m RldgV ? T I B-6 0.,7-Mlss SWEEP w«112 8 7 s I 7-5 R McDottG K Allen | ,; ,. ■• L= 52885 l.Ain HESTER wa ., rrj , , L,, :;, , , w ,, 8tLVoAenon u g g , ., Time. 23%. 47%. 1:14%. Track fast. U "" ,tam,«*t •*• |,h"" s-s" ■ *•: TwenVsVven? .88 Aw! Aigrette, soak, place. .so skww; Bqairaleal booking odds Clark M.. 148 t.. loo straight, so to 100 place 4o to loo show- Aigrette. i.-r.-tt.- to 100 pi.,,-,-. 88 to KM» show; Twentv Seven. BS to l.HI show st„v,Vii"""r I! * ,V K,"ihv"r" Ala N • ■» BanU traiaed by D. Baaaaaaad; bred by Mr. Harry "T.v.rvi" ,:i ■""■ V ","" ,:! "" "*-■ su" -"""l ■■■ "I"" " i .Hiving: seeaad I third the 52.rl 4 FIFTH RACE-1 M- March 23. 1918-1 :38%-6-105. ParaOMBX 4-year.oldsInd tJA**-P-1-a: upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third 0 l"1"* ITJ8 AWtPPSt WV % Str Km Jockeys Owners ft Hfl ■ 52267 RANCHER w .-. u;, 1 j |i p ,-. ,. is. j Francu, j Walters i i 1 1 ■■ ilT •;«5ha«iv ",:!!?: 7 - - !l " 4J ,,JG ManganO K Va« Wlakle 1 4 1 M 7-io 52888 STEPSON wse 0 ,07 s ! ?1 V% V V I s 1 0 L- C Mlodteton j 8 g X* f -1-3 enlsTiPT "■IS1! ! S :; :" « 7i R -cDottnoSdVsUhle 7 7 g, £ C2482 REOBTARI w -, 10. I I J» 8 8 I A Pick • Aa J J McCafferty " 58 50 »»tl 58 24 10 , . Time. 23%. 48%. 1:13%. 1:40%. Track fast. .,J: t, v;:ur:;Li ■ N-2 ■"- sjt" ""■ *«• **« • • -•*. »- n— . *.* t?™*£«!andu"* ::: " * vUu-- ■ " "• sW: s— »-*■ ,;:llN,"" »WW «•*• -l,.lin,h traiaed ... -lames irilagginl ly Van Ky; br,-,l by Mr. MTeSl to past Sl 1.10. At p..st ■■ uiinutes. Start g-o.1 am! si,.,,. Won , auleting : racsaaj and third driving. RANCHER outran the others from the start, drew away lata ■ long lead a* the baekstretch mid liinilly won i:i :i .inter. sweet ULSIC wai sore in her preliminary gallon, began slowly aad waa oat paced la the early running, but lalshed fn-t and eaattjf out-tajed the othera. 1 * I K was oetftaaaed by the lir-t two, hat easily disponed ef the tirtag HARAN. Overweights Araatsttce, 2% pound-. 91 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117.1 Purse 00. JafO Id 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. lades Borses A Wt lPSt w; ""**. % str Kin Jockeys Owners ~ O 11 C l~ 8 .•••»4:?1 PAS ll: CHNCE WB . Ill l» VV Tump Y R Padgett I 4 t 7-."i 7-10 88311*SEA PRINCE wa I 108 2 3 6 I •"."• . .1 Francis II E Swan •; I C 2 1 ." ifi.VIXM.PH a I K».. ■ i 44 3** 1* **1 B KenndyW ll Hall 8-5 8-6 8-6 1-2 1-4 SS48S •ATTORNEY MUIB w 6 10 I . 5" i | I I] .• Wilson a G Robartaon 5 S Ij I 5 I 52382 LJTHOLICK ara till 3 1 l l 1- 1" 5«J K Barn - A !• Davidson 2] l 1-2 C8393* PAULA V. »i; ; id I 1 2J 2**1 V 6 R L caster M R Thompson 2] 3 I 1 2 Time. 24. 48. 1:14"5, 1:48%. 1:44%. Track fast. |S aaatael* paid, Pan *e Cbaace, 1.70 straight, .80 place, 84.80 show: Sea Prince, sis.70 place, 3.88 show: Dolpb, .18 show. Equivalent hooking odd*— Pa* de Chance, 485 to H" straight, SM to 106 place, ll" to 100 ahaw; Bea Priace, 885 t Pm» place, 4 lo to 100 abow; Dalph, 55 to loo ahow. Winner Ch. g, by Onaoadale Hear de Marie, by Meddler trained by W. R. Padgett; bred by Hasan I. 0. A G. H. Keeae. Wont to pael il 1:40. At paat 1 aiiaate. start good and alow. W Irirlag; aeeoad and third the same, pas DE CHANCE, after racial la close pur-uit ta the last eighth, Inisaed fast and won in the ln-t two strides. BEA PRINCE araa far back to the stdetcb turn, from where be dosed up with a raah, init tired in the last twenty yard-. DOLPB ran well, hut tired after taking the lead. PAULA V. was on the inside in the stretch aad roatd not yet through. LITHOLICK set a good pace to the ■tretea and qait la the linal drive. Osei aeights — Pas de Chance. 1 poaad.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012201/drf1921012201_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921012201_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800