untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-22


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THE ONE AND ONLY L Chief Observer! 35 CENTS PER COPY For sale at all news-stands everywhere. Mailed ten weeks, .00 CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY l: WE ORIGINATE— OTHERS IMITATE. Jj T TODAYS FREE CODES: NEW ORLEANS— Virginia-8-21-18 HAVANA— Vermont -6-20-11 I TODAY I 1 ANOTHER BIG 0 SPECIAL and believe me. says the CHIEF, here is one that should TOW-ROPE FIELD today in a common gallop. Why, this one has worked so well that it appears that only a BROKEN LEG could stop him from winning. Here is the one place for you. Under no consideration fail to get this trick today | and go strong. Last Weeks 0.00 Special GALI0T 4-1 WON I Positively the only 0.00 Special that started ■ c for us last week. Saturday Before .00 Special GENERAL HAIG ....8-1 WON For this special go to your news-dealer and ask 1 for the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter I" Only 50c, and is for sale wherever Daily Racing t I Form is sold, or mailed two weeks for .00. i PRINCIPAL AGENTS: CINCINNATI, O.— All Principal News-stands. ST. LOUIS. Mo.— Wm. Laser, Lobby, 705 Market • ! ST. LOUIS. Mo.— Foster Book Co., 410 Washington Street. I | LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Eilcr k Goodman. 227 4th Ave. ■ , COVINGTON. Ky.— S. W. Cor. 4th and Scott St. : INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. — Moeslein. 112 Illinois St. DAYTON. O.— Euphrat. 129 So. Jefferson St. NOTICE — Chief Observer is not connected with ■ any other racing publication. Avoid fakes. ! The Chief dockers | J " DAILY SPECIALS SOLD ON ALL PRINCIPAL STANDS— 50c DAILY » NEW ISSUE WEEKLY BOOK OUT TODAY— 25c c TODAYS FREE CODES: NEW ORLEANS— WYOMING-49-30-50-54 HAVANA— COLORADO-3-29-56-42 This weeks issue contains some REAL LIVE I ONES. Ask for the CHIEF CLOCKERS WEEKLY REPORT. Onlv 25c a copy. Yesterdays ONE BEST: PIMLICO 8-1 WON Wednesdays BIG OCCASIONAL: SCOURGEMAN 6-1 WON Mondays XXX OCCASIONAL: MURPHY 3-1 WON Last Saturdays XXX OCCASIONAL: ST. ISIDORE 9-5 WON BIG XXX OCCASIONAL TODAY J A LIMIT PLAY is what our Clockers advice is , to go to this one. ASK YOUR NEWS-DEALER ! FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKER S OCCASIONAL. Only . ONE BEST TODAY Will have no trouble in winning this race, as this is is the proper spot. CLOCKERS SPECIAL will 11 win easily. Ask for THE CHIEF CLOCKERS S DAILY SPECIALS. Only 50c. NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER YESTERDAYS SHEET GAVE 4 WINNERS OUT OF 7 RACES THURSDAYS SHEET GAVE 2 WINNERS WEDNESDAYS SHEET GAVE I 5 Winners Looks like you are missing a good thing when you are not retting the O.K. 50c DAILY AT ALL NEWS-STANDS 50c MAILED DIRECT 1 WEEK .00 National 0. K. Publishing Co. 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. k ! M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT it Pedigree Authority Managing Director r Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY • .llTl--|M.lll|. "HIS 111 r.iiulaml. Irelaud, France, Auxtmlia, Argentine Repulille, etc. All Transactions on a Commission Basis. I nminnrrC including age, color, IMC C rbUlbnbho *~a«. ..aUainmen: ™ J Sound Matings Selected, 0. . All Data in Connection with Blood 1 Stock I u i-ii islitii. LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY I THE MAN WHO KNOWS when they are ready to win with them. If you ou dont believe it. just give me a trial. I have been after this information for a long ng time and have finally landed it. As this information *- costs me a great deal I will let you in on it if you guarantee to make a .00 straight bet for °5 me on what I send. Dont wait, as you cant afford rd to miss this offer. Write or wire me at once. J. G. BURT 984 MISS. AVE. MEMPHIS, TENN. N. L l: Jj T I I 1 | I ■ c « THOROUGHBRED, ml Challenges THEM ALL ! II WINNERS TOR 35 CENTS THOROUGHBRED costs but 35c A WEEK. Less than 7c A DAY. Why continue to pay •Dopesters" . that sit in an office 50c to a day? Some of them use our ratings with SUCCESS. So can YOU. ■ THOROUGHBRED enables you to Handicap the card every day, in 15 minutes. Out of 21 races ratings figured best: MONDAY. JANUARY 17 " Happy Buxton 5-1 2nd Sea Cove 16-5 Lost Murphy 16-5 Won Brown Check.. 2-1 Won Wyoming .... 7-5 Lost Harry Bgoyne 6-1 Won LOUISE WYNNE 10-1 LOST t TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 1 Little Patsy . 7-1 3rd Pimlico 10-1 Won Ionia 10-1 Lost Green Gold ... 8-1 Won Columbia Tenn 3-1 Won David Craig .15-1 Won c HANK O DAY 8-5 WON WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19 Flying Beauty 5-1 Won Tarascon 20-1 Lost » Day Lilly ... 6-1 Won Tip. Witchet. . 1-1 2nd Hidden Jewel . 7-1 Lost Winneconne . . 7-1 3rd THE PORTUGUESE 21-1 WON Telling you for past 14 years, its absolutely the best there is at any price. All News-stands, new T j issue today, 35c. Mailed direct, plain envelope, 5 I weeks, .50. TODAYS FREE CODE: No. 311 THF AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED | ORIGINATORS SCIENTIFIC RATINGS AND GUIDE Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, Illinois i • ■ 1 I" t I i • ! I | ■ , : ■ ! J | " » c - ■ j JACK FIELD . THE MAN WHO KNOWS M I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY. I AGAIN I WON! Yesterdays ONE-HORSE SPECIAL Was: PIMLICO 8-1 WON | Wednesdays ONE-HORSE SPECIAL Was: DAY LILLY 6-1 WON I ! i Tuesdays ONE-HORSE SPECIAL Was: "COLUMBIA TENN .. 3-1 WON J Mondays 00 FREE SPECIAL Was: | BROWN CHECK ....2-1 WON I ; I advised everyone to GO TO ALL OF THE Er ABOVE SPECIALS. Can you get anything better than mine? How can you go wrong in following my information? BIG XXX SPECIAL TODAY GO THE LIMIT TO THIS ONE. as I consider it t as the BEST THING that lias started in many a • day. Remember, if you miss this one you will be »" i the sorriest person in creation. I EXPECT IT TO BE A LONG SHOT. Mailed a week. JACK FIELD Room 701. 501 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. • NEWSDEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE I is J , ! is 11 S STABLE BOY J This information is wired down to us from the Fair Grounds track by a Stable Boy. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS STANDS— 50c DAILY Y Yesterdays One Best Won WEDNESDAYS ONE BEST SCOURGEMAN 6-1 WON J TUESDAYS EXTRA SPECIAL WON STABLE TIP ALSO WON MONDAYS ONE BEST WON EXTRA SPECIAL ALSO WON SPECIAL ONE BEST TODAY Ask no questions. Get this one ar.d go to it WIN ONLY— EXTRA SPECIAL AND STABLE TIP are both worth a good play. B LOOK, BOYS, LOOK!! The first fifteen days at the Fair Grounds this system picked only 40 horses. It had 23 firsts, jj 7 seconds. 3 thirds and 7 out of the money. It has not had over two losers in succession at this meeting. Two weeks last fall at the different tracks E , same system picked 114 horses with only 17 out. It had 56 firsts. 31 seconds and 10 thirds. After ;r you buy tais system, then look it up and if it has is not done just as I say. I will gladly return your a money. Get this system and pick your own winners. Price 0.00. J. H. CROSMAN 601 SIXTH AVENUE DAYTON. KY. I k ! it r FULL PRICE Will Be Paid for : MAY and JUNE, 1920, | Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION i ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.! D. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. • ! » Free Parlay Today March-Apple -63-33-35-29 Apnl-Apple-63-25-21-47 Use Book No. 715. On sale now at all newsstands. 35c. Good for one week. THI0 STANDARD TCRF GUIDE. I Room 403. 22 W Quincy St. Chicago. 111. u _. I C J . 1 THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM It won m every track ill I. S. and Canada in in lit.O. not in spots, luit at every ineetiiif;. I poll "" request we will mail you results of all meetings and aa forfeit S-" H if they are not substantially eorreet. Won S7ti7 in month of Deremlier at New Orleans lis with small capital. We GUARANTEE this System 2 to win its cost within three days or its purehase BTiCC will ha refunded. Won over .." UU in Mary y- land last fall meetings. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin Street :: Baltimore, Md. Id, ■ I you ou long ng *- it Stop Guessing Mr. Reader, why not bet on real track information? aV If you want winners get in touch with me at once. I know absolutely. No guess-work. My ty terms are the winnings of a 0 straight, to be wired next day. Only reliable parties need answer. . Wire or write me, 820 Baronne St., New Orleans, lbi I La. I HARRY BAIR, THE MAN WHO KNOWS for °5 rd N. «TTBHCRIRK for DAILY RACING FORM m DAILY RAOINO FORM PUBLISHING OO 10 ♦41 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. y Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Y. . ■ " t 1 c » T j 5 I | i • ■ ■ j . M I | I ! i J | I ; Er 0,000.00 Challenge OPEN FOR ACCEPTANCE TO ALL INFORMATION BUREAUS "I will put up my certified check for 0,000.00, accepted as good by the Colonial Bank of New York, against a like sum deposited by any information bureau — the one of us making clients the most winner on a flat straight play over a stated period to take down the 0,000.00. "New York, January 18. 1921. BILL TURNER." This paper has previously printed a facsimile reproduction of my original check. Bill Turner has made this 0,000.00 and much more playing his stable information. Do you want to win with a winner? SEND WINNINGS of 0 straight play after each winner and help keep the money away from the track, cut expense of sending commissions to other cities, increase the odds for Bill Turner and for yourself win what 0 wins for him, but without limit for yourself. This is the squarest deal in turfdom. This 0 play is not an expense to you. It is worth many times 0, It really costs you nothing on Turners winners. My specials are, prepared weeks in advance : are ready and fit. THE FIRST TURNER STABLE INFORMATION SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY, JANUARY 22; NEXT, MONDAY OR TUESDAY, JANUARY 24 OR 25, AND THURSDAY. JANUARY 27. Every one of these specials costs me thousands of dollars, which goes to the "interested" stable con nections. I cannot win unless you win. I have won 14 times out of the last 18. DAY LILLY 6-1, WON MY FLAN — I will have two or three plays a week, which will be sent to you in code and sent ONLY BY TELEGRAPH, at 8 a. m, Go to the Western Union TelegTaph Company and ask what a ten-word day telegram costs for five messages and then wire or mail me charges to cover the same. I will positively NOT SEND TELEGRAMS CHARGES COLLECT. Do not send me charges for more nor less than five telegrams. My information for the five plays will be sent by wire. They will not be mailed nor phoned you, and neither can you call at our office for them. Send correct business or residence address. Now, gentlemen, if you are unable to comply with the above rules, get your information elsewhere. I HAVE HAD 14 WINNERS OUT OF 18 SENT OUT TERMS — Wire me the winnings of a 0 straight bet. No excuses taken. Unless remittance is wired me the day after each race I will not wire you the next winner. You are at liberty to deduct the cost of telegraphic charges of the five messages from my first winner, FREE — Write for my very invaluable and interesting 0,000.00 Challenge System literature, which is a distinct proposition from my "0 bet for me." It invites all puplishers to an open contest with Turners system. I challenge any author of any system to compete with me on results. RILL TURNER - SUITE 336 - 17 WEST 42nd STREET - NEW YORK CITY it t a • be i »" • J Y J B jj E , ;r is CAN YOU— —DO YOU "BEAT THE RACES" The only way to win consistently is to play in a business-like, systematic manner, the same as you would run a bank, store or factory or other business. Haphazard play, guesswork, tips and "racing luck" cannot be relied upon, where business methods may win. the mew buccbm MANUAL OF TURF SPECULATION PUBLISHED IN KKXTICKY WHERE THOROUGHBREDS GROW Teaches complete, systematic, business-like methods of play — Successful turf speculation at track or handbook — Selection of winners — Long-shot specials — Prompt recovery of losses — Modern methods of flat and progressive play, looking to safety and success. FORTY-FOUR APPROVED SYSTEMS of play, many of which have never been published before; also page after page of valuable information on handicapping, weights, time, track conditions, etc., making it one of the most valuable treatises on turf speculation ever published. FREE— SEND NO MONEY We want every race follower to have our new booklet. It describes in detail what we believe to be the most complete and valuable set of systems and methods of play ever published. Send no money — its FREE. Simply send us your name and address and we will send you this valuable book free of charge by return mail in a plain sealed envelope. The edition is limited and delay may mean disappointment. SEND FOR IT TODAY— ITS FREE ADDRESS SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., LOUISVILLE :: KENTUCKY ~ , - mm mm — — — — ~ a : | i CO.! D. • ! » I 111. u _. in in poll "" and aa paavaaHiaBVaM HV11! aCHVIBFHVaalHIVIIBBl I aQ n 8 [ ■ TTaB b8I I iaB WBB Z.Mm K m aaaaaaaBaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa«BaaaaBaaaaaBaaaBB» DAILY TETTER OF THE TURF REPORTER Real track information. Not the usual sit- off the bat the TURF REPORTER sponsors in-an-office guesswork handicapping, rat- /Ta-. THE CLOCKER. No camouflage. We aim ing or similar stud, which now floods the ■"■TOraSg t0 make it as good as was our Daily Letter country. Wired direct from the track every sSrJ during Californias season. 1905-6-7. Many to us by our own Clockers. The best fl*S of you "old-timers" will remember the rec- Sday in the business, bar none. We tell you right ord we hung up. Letter will give no FREE Specials. Clockers choice in each race. Best Bet of the Day and a Long Shot Special. Thats all. On sale today. 25 CENTS, any newsstand that sells RACING FORM mailed 2 weeks , plain envelope, overnight. A RECORD TO BE PROUD OF. 17 VEAKS SATISFY!*; A DISCRIMINATING PUBLIC. WE OKIGINVlE. THE TITatF REPORTER. OTHERS MUTATE. THE OLDEST PUBLICATION IN EXISTENCE TODAY. HEATED TO SI "HPASS. ESTABLISHED liHM.l NOT TO PARALLEL WANTED— Responsible distributors for the TURF REPORTER and THE CLOCKER in cities where we are not represented. i backed down to 4 2. first start in over a year. Heres what RE-D DM A 11 V Q 1 M/DHI pORTER No. 840 said: "Dont be surprised to see Andy slip this nUIYinllli 0" II tfUIl °"e over on t!le bo ;; at a l,rice- From his works is ready any time they decide to shoot. LATEST, No. 842, says: "SIR GRAFTON, primed for a winning, so watch closely. They are shrewd operators — like a price. I see a mile 1:44, a mighty good work considering track that day." If you appreciate real track information, start NOW. GET THE REPORTER WEEKLY, HABIT. Latest now on sale at all newsstands, 35c. Good all next week. Mailed subscribers plain envelope, 3 weeks. . Saturdays Special:— Thursday-Not-To-On-Can. i lis 2 y- Md. Id, ■ aV me My ty be lbi m OO 10 y Y. Y. Y. I — The Monthly Form Book | containing charts of all races run on recognised . tracka In North America during the month of DECEMBER, is now one sale. PRICE .00. ! Single coplea by mall will POSITIVELY only be tent aa registered mail, with an extra charge of tea i cents for registration. Not responsible for books tent as regular mall. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, M. T. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, M. T. The American Racing Manual for 1921 IS NOW ON 8 ALB. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT tl CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 82nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama la the heart of the Fonoe da Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Opaa all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain oure for kidney disease*. RATES: 5 PER WEEK.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012201/drf1921012201_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921012201_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800