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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. ERIDAY. JANUARY 21, 1921. Pair Granada. Eighteenth day. Baalaeaa Mens Racing Association. Winter Meeting of 33 daya. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Stewards] E. C. Baiith, I Mait.ulan and A. C. Melile. Judges. .1. B. "amphell and .1. McLennan. Starter. A. 1.. Dad". Racing Secretary. .los"ph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:15 p. a». Chicago time 2:15 p. mi. Indicates apprentice allowance. £? fy pr -t £* FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15, 1921— 3443— 2—117. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. DaDlO Maidens. Special Weighty Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt H Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S .VI393-*OXF. PIX W 107 - ■• 2*1 1" E Joeiah J Dundee 41 81 6-6 1-6 88443 stamp w il". M I I* - D Connellys A Ctoptoa : t; .: . 6-5 3-6 33393 BABY EVELYN a 11- B 1 ■■ :;:. R Martin T Doyle I 1." IS 6 :: B2353*CAMIL LA S W 107 5 6» 41 T Jarvis .1 H Baker 16 IS 1. S 21 LITTLE AM.M1E w 112 1 1 Sl 5» A Collins; l.auer Stable 10 IS la 0 3 B8483*MI8S FINN W 112 13 S 7J 6* K Iool ■! C Milam 2 18-513-51 1-2 82443*MUZZET w 107 :: S 4; 7»s ,| McCoy W D P.ernhardt JO ::0 :: vi •; 5347fi PLUNELLA w 11:: 7 ." B" I .1 RodgrexT W OBrien 20 24 15 n :: 52373 LOTTA G. W 112 . 11 »1 H E Smith Hall Bros IS 20 20 I 4 62S40*LAND SAIL w 107 I 12 llM0:l J Roberts C Van Shoick Ij IS S 4 2 ."2340 KATE BRUM MEL w 112 1_ 1" 10i 11- C Ponce H Roseacher B IS IS I 3 IWItKW ELL TAPS w 112 C 1 12:1 12 H King R .1 Brown B 10 M I - B24CS*SOME MODEL a !"7 11 13 13 13 M Har*aonC N Darke .".« M uo -jo in Time. 1225. 2433, 37l/5- Track fast. Winner — ltlk. f. by Bruniniel— Ten Pin. by -lark Point trained by W. Black; bred by Mr. John S. Barbae. Went to post at 2:15, At post 4 minutes. Start j; 1 and -low. Woa driving: second and third the same. ONI. PIN wa- away well, followed STAMP ilosely and outstayed him in the tinal strides. STAMP set a fast early pace, but tired near the end. BABY EVELYN raced forwurdly from the start and tin -tahed gaaaely. CAMILLA s. lalahcd faat. LITTLE AM.Mli: was well up all the way. MISS FINN. beginning from an outer position, lost much groaad by betag forced wide on the turns. Orerweights Plaaella, 1 iiound. • _ "jfaT pr -t fW SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918 — 1:11M — 6 — 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. OaiDld Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00, Index Horses AWtPPSt hi *k % Str Fin "Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 5 1 40! JULIA N. W M 4 1 2 2 l 1° K Pool C Nvckola 2 3 2 4-.". 2-5 r.;::4i philanderer we. hi 7 :: ll 11.31 2- F smith .i c Calui 4 5 iti-5i;-o .;-; S lS4S*TOUT OB vb 10G i 7 ; 4: l| S I P Wd-tikC A Applegate 10 IS 1". 0 " 50284*MARGTE DIXON wa 10:; 2 I 7- C] 4* 4- N Everett ■ Torrell 20 20 ij :. 21 51905 MACH. GUNNBB w 113 3 E 3* 2- 3 S1 L Lyke 1: A Lane 21 I S 2 1 r-JifiPHlEN wi: 111 II 9 U 7- . • J J M*neyP I Putnam .". 10 2 1 52020s MARY FONSO wa 101 B B S* S1 ■ 7 .1 Roberts Huffman and Lane 10 12 12 S 21 51422 CHARLOTTE C. a I !S 1 2 ! N SJ s! H McGrawC J BrockmiUer 12 IS 13 i 52271 TOM ROACH ara ill S 11 1"- 10" B H B RomelliC W Hall 24 20 20 10 S 517,,5 DR HOWARD wi; ll:; .". S 41 scio-KC W HeinchJ s Ownbey 10 15 IS t; .: 4S03731JUR W 11". M 10 H 11 11 11 W DksonR V Haymaker 24 20 20 10 5 Time. 2345. 4743. l:133/i. Track fast. ■ViI1I1.r — Br. f. by Peter Qalao — Nell Wilder, by Btooaaatfck trained by AV. Perkins: bred by Mr. Charles Nuekols. Went to post at L:43. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-inj;. JULIA N.. in goad form, was saved under restraint to the stretch, where she rushed into the lead to win as her rider pleased. PHILANDERER showed the BMat early speed and made a game Baiah. TOUT OR finished fast after eleaiag a gap. MARGUBRITR 1IN»N" ran a gaad race. MACHINE GUNNER tired badly. Scratched 61000 Peppery Pally, ins: B2100*Hope Princess. lis: 52185 Superb. 113; 4 233 Tommic C.. 100; 51003 Drown BUI, 100; o2144 Lady Frappe. 10C. t »et weights Lara, -i poaada; Mary Konso. 0. p«« Br-g Q THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918 — 1:11 J 4 — 6 — 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds QaVOlO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt tj~~%~Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 51707 CINDERELLA ar f 148.14 3 1 li 11 l|E Alartin H Liagenhach I S ." 2 1 15282 1 midi an ara I MO I t 4* 2] 2* 2 t Jarvis R Scberrer ess ;"23!5-RAC.AZZA WW 4 140 3 2 : J B1 31 Sl C Pone- t; P terson I 10 7 2] S-5 52272 GENERAL ar U 115 I S N N 8" 4* L Lyk .1 D Wilson 10 12 12 ,r, -: 523.05 TEACHERS Pi:T wi; 4 102. 1 S 7; 41 5»* 5* .! J MpeyG C Denny I 10 M 1 2 5*375 FLYING ORB wa 4 MS 12 1 2 : V A Collins C A Applegate 31 •, 5 2 1 5»028*A.1.KASSI.N wi: l". 110 1 8 M S 7 J .1 BfeelepetaE K Bryson 30 30 12 I 52375 ASSUME ara I no ii r. 13 iij s m r Marphy . Leonard 14 3 S l-S 51110 ZONE DARMBB w 1111 5 ."» 12- 12- !•■ !" H J Burl..-;: .1 Brannon 30 30 34 12 S CtlS4*KINGLING 11. ara 8 UO t M 10- 10 1 10 J McCoy J P Mayberry 34 34 34 12 C 52415 .Miss MINKS ara 1 M 12 7 3* 41 ll1 il" H King J M Goode 1 4 2. 1 1-2 C2S21 MOUNTAIN DEW wi l 104 7 12 8» 7 12 12 W Obert E Petera 50 64 S3 24 M GlD47*LABGHETTO WB 4 103 4 11 111 13 i3 13 B Joslah C Buxton 2 J 20 M 12 4 Time, 23M,. 40%, 1:1325. Track fast. Winner -Br. f. by Celt — Toots, by Top GaUaat trained by C. Jones; bred by Mi. Herman Flippea. Went to poet at 3:11. At post 2 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CINDERELLA raced into a p".d had at once and. setting a fat pace, won all the way. M1DIAN ran a goad and ootatayed RAGAZtZA through the Stretch. The latter came wide into the stretch, but iaished fast. TEACHERS PET finished well. GENERAL showed improvement over his last race. ASSUME began -lowly. MISS MINKS dropped out of contention in the Brst quarter. • Scratched — 52377 Lieutenant Perkins. 1"S; 50813 Destroyer, 113: 5241." Circulate, 110; 17042] I.a Daiae, 100. Overweights /.one dAnaee, 3 peands; Miss Mink-. 5: Mountain Dew. :; pr4J P2r-| q FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:3745— 5— 106. Cinderella Purse. Purse tliO At/ ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second. : third, 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses A W t I i St hi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P B 523! « DANCING SPRAY w 5 101 i S V 1- ll 1 T jarvli Treacy 4c Walker 1 1 4-101-3 oat S23D0TAILOR MAID WB S 148 2 2 :: _"i 2 2 21 H King U W Atkinson 21 31 14-64-5 1-4 f 2403*MARIE MAXIM a I "1 I I l 1 S" B* V : M SchwtxR H Harvey i 12 io :: i ."2357 »INQU1 Rl W I 4 I 3 4 5 4 5 4 .1 McCoy Wahl.ok Stable .", 7 5 8-5 1-2 52478 MISS RANKIN w3 84 I 1 2 C 3] 4 .". L McDOttO Torn I 13 1.7 IS 4 4-5 02807 ESCARPOLETTE W 4 145 E 5 SI 31 41 Fell. C Pom. B L Moor.- u 10 h 2] 4-3 Time. 24. 47"5, 1:12«5, 1:395. Track fast. Winner Br. m. by Rapid Water— Alberta 11.. by Handspring trained by -I. II. Baker; bred by Mr. George Of. .1. Blaaell I. Went to post at 8:35. At aoet 1 atlaate. start co »l aad slow. Woa handily second and third driving. DANCING BPRAY suffered from Interference on the Oral turn, but raced into the had in the hist half and held TAILOR MAID safe in the stretch drive. TAILOR MAID raced prominently from the start and made a came finish. MARIE MAXIM came again and laiahed fa-t alter seeming to tire badly. INQUIRY naiehed well. B8CARPOLETTE fell in the last eighth, eeeamiagly from exhaustion. Overweights Tailor Maid. 1 poaad. PT 4J era- |-| FIFTH RACE— 1 Kile. Jan. 11. 1916—1:37*5—5—106. Jubilant Purse. Purse SL803. *J £d%y 6d 3 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses A W t P P St hi */* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 82404 PI MLICO well l: 3 4* 41 li 4* V H Gregory E L Loubat 4 4 4 2. i:-:. 58308 MASTEB JACK wa 141 B 9 9 t* B* .• 2":- il HamtnJ E Nana 4 8 4 s ." 7-1 52201-THI-; FOREIGNER w 112 5 C I :.1 B 3] ■- L Morris Sunmld Stable 10 15 10 4 2 53440 LOVELINESS w lot 1 2 |t 3» 41 11 4 .1 McCoy M H Fletcher 4-5 2 2 4-5 1-3 83445 CORILLA a 147 7 5 •"• i; i ,- 5» ■"• C smith B Roaonthal :. i a :; S-S 53473 GILT PRINGE ara M01 4 8 3| 2*121 7 • ■■ I Conway C II Smith 10 15 IS S 23 S3S3S*PETRARCH i 104 l 1 7 11 5] 4 7- V Wright G .1 Long* :. 4 4] 4-5 7-14 584741 OCEAN SWELL wa 104 ! 7 2 U Sl 21 B3 .1 .1 Mm. ll c Plather I 14 8 3 7-6 £2341 THE MOOR wa NO 8 4 8* 9 :• 9 9 G Stack SI .V: .1 Lawatn 15 15 15 t; :; Time. 2435. 4835. 1:1*. 1:41. Track fast. Winner— P.. ■. by /.c-u- Ib.rla. I . Heat] "i Navarre trained by T. Y. P.ornmin: bred by Mr. K. Beashaw . Went t.. post at :i:r.l At poet 1 minute. Start gaad and slow. Woa ea-ily: second and third driv-ing. PIMLICO, after raciag forwardly from the start, bast maeh groaad when be bolted oa the stretch turn, but caaae oa with a rash into a loag had in the last sixteenth. MASTEB JACK caaae from far back in the last quarter. THE FOREIGNER raced well and aniabed gi ly. LOVELINE8S aet the earij pace and qait badly. OCEAN SWELL and U1LT FBINGE quit. PETRARCH tired la the stretch. Overweights Gilt Priage, i_. pounds. CrOBTrt-j SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :44"i— 3—104. .000~Added 4-year -OaOX olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second, 21: third. 14". ~ Index Hurst-H AWtlPPt H % Str Ftn Jockeys Owners O H O P 8 52420-*I.lCKY 15. w G 107 7 l I1 li l1 ll ll J Roberta M Bhlelda 7-101-5 h-joi-i. out 58404 *KUKLUX w 0 101 : 2 21 21 _ . - .1 .1 MneyC W Hall 12 15 15 4 8-1 58877*KIMPALONG wa E ill 3 7 7 7 ": I T Jar is .1 L Knight •. 14 M 2 7-14 St 480* RAIDER wa 7 107 - 1 3 ■■ 3* -■ «- L McDottH Oota 8 12 M 2. :-.", 521 IK PALADIN w 4 11 ." 4* t:: 6! J RodgeaP Arieax ; s 7 - 53440 HANK ODAY wa 9 113 1 ; 1- I I ". I I. Lyke w Lock 7 4 8-5 1 2 50070»WATERWOOD « I 105 1 5 S* 4« 7 7 7 J McCoy C A Lehmaa 24 2S 25 2j Time, 25. 49. 1:14. 1:40. 1.-4094. Track fast. Winner- P.. h. b. Jim GaaTnej Viola P... bj St. Avonicaa trained by M. Shield-: bred by Mr. . A. Plain hi 1. Went to post at 4:2 At post 3 minute-.. Start good and alow. Won ea-ily; second tilil third driving. LUCKY B. net a good pace all the «.o aad won easing up. KUKLUZ ran a good race and waa in doses! and game pur-nit throughout KIMPALONG caaae from far back and outstayed RAIDER in the linal stride-. RAIDEB ran well. HANK ODAY was done after going a half mile. Scratched - -32344 iDark Hill. Ki7: 524 13 Ting -a -Line 112; 52406 TroUas, 112. Over weights-— Kaklax, l poaad; Paladin, l: Hank ODay, 1. pra- era rt SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:4445— 3— 104. Purse ,000. 4-earT OaiDaitMl olds and upward. Claiming. N-Jt value to winner 00: second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 52488 "PLENTY w-k :. I . 5 7 4 l» L Lyke M Dattner 1-2 7-103-5 l-S out 584S8sLOBENA MOSS w 5 104 4 1 41 ." 31 ■:- 2a* F" Smith .1 Cunniffe 8 1 5 S-6 2-8 53448** BIG UMSA wi 1 89 I t c I* l« 21 :, T Jarvh L E Kraft 1; 7 7 I 51844 *RICHARD V. w t KM I 2 7- 7 B I- I .1 McCoy Sdi r and Holmes 6 7 7 B-S«3-5 53483 WARLIKE a 1 M0 E 2 :. 4* 7- 4* E* L Morns s louis IS 80 lii | jj 524 1tNi.w 1:1. W. w ;. 144 s • • - _ ■■ 7 4 i Rob its J L Knight HI 34 15 :. t 54l»ULD McKENNA w 4 W • « «■ I1 9* 7: li Jr.; 1.1 HvUi 10 24 34 b ?j 53S88*HWD PciND wa 4 fl! 8 "? s« 0 I s" it* C AnthnyE B Ogrden 50 50 M I". 1 521 ! «. MA DAM BYNG w c. 5 Ml 1 i 2" V 4" 1 S GautherW I Jordan 34 40 44 1.7 I Time. 24«5. 49. 1:14. 1:40«5. l:47/s. Track fast. Winner — B. f, by St. Aninil Bearts Deaire, ly CupM trained by J. II. Davenport: bred in laa;-land by Mr. Marry Pavae Whitney. Weal to peat at 1:51. At post 1 minute start gaad and -low. W -asUy; aeeoad and third driving. PLENTY moved up steedHj and. raciag lata the had in the stretch, won in a canter. I.oUENA MOSS raced gantelj and out-tayed PIC IDEA. The Tatter set a goad pace, but tired in the -tret.h. RICHARD V. chased a big gap. WARLIKE aniabed weU. MADAM BYNG piit. Scratched 52502 Jackstraw, 111; 53481 Light Wine. ! 7: 53440 Betav, !•!: 52502Sandv Mae, 101; •2285 Paul Connelly. 111: 62138 Jack Reeves. 100; 18100 Verhotee, 108; 40340 Fountain Kav 100; 52378 Goldcreat Hoy. Ill; 52408 Paddy Dear. KKt: 53403 Walter Turiibow. 100. Overweights Plenty, 2 poaada; Warlike. 2,