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: i 1 f r I ,- [ v 1 ii t ■• - 1 d 1 - I a a ■ • I e t i il n ii n a .•■ t ,1 ,. ,- ■ •[ 1 J " x| p ; s ■ I e u a ENGLISH STALLION FIGURES Interesting Data Obtained in Considering Total Winnings of Their Progeny, el.V E E. COISSEEI.. I LONDON, England. February .".. Sonic- inter, -t baf i-onipuri-on- an- obtained from a aarvey of the -tud careers of the ieediaic tweaty stallions in the Inileil Kingdom in 1!l20. when the total winning;* of their offspring are eon-iileied -inre they fir-t made their aiipearance on the Britiah turf. The foiiowinu li-t Kivea the date of each atalHoa* runners first raced: the numlM-r of rare* aron up ta the- ead "I" the 1930 aeaaoa, ami the total anieaal of -take- won. cm lulling place nioiu . and credit lag half stak.- oalj in all in-tami— of dead heal-. The icwjetered fees for the 1!I20 stud season ;ire al-o appended with the exception of that of Charles HMallev. which wa- prai ricallv a private- stallio.i after th.- sprim: cf l!il!». It will be noted thai he is the fiist repreeeatative of tin- St. Simon line. tbeaah lo- is aappiHted by Prtace Ialatiiie. Chaucer ami Simon Sepmre Their -lock altogether won l." 4 lace- .inel 9V7S.Mu in -takes. |, a v,.ns ngv different storj id haw been ii hi. Aheal thai tine- i a- beieimiiii; ai. parent that the Brad Or male- line would aoea liecome a powerful rival if the St. Simon line !: the figure- ipwtrd ii will he- -ecu that lolymeiu-. Bacbelora Double. Orby and Cyhtad repres.-nt the Stockwe-ll line liirouuli I Bead Or. Their offspriaai have win B81 races and -lake- worth |1,SI6.54S, which lotah swamp th. Si Simons. Sunstar, Mantel and Sunder, however, re pre neated the- Vedette line- threewh Specujuin. This haa alwaya been rujhtlj regarded as a line epiite aeparate from that of lalopia son of Vedette, si, it would not be .iiiite- fall ... add their j totals to those of the represent:! lives of St. Sim in carried everytfaiag before it for rloae ntioa twenty year-. STATISTICS Or SIRES AND PRODUCE. Iolyinelu- IMC, Bag. la ml. by Cyll.-n. Mai.l Marian, si. .".On. Dill. i»:;i» |.J 9822,900 suhsiar MM, Baa, la ad. by Baadrkaga Dv.ris. .si.ruai i»i.-,, n."... oIioini The Tetiaich. Ireland. b. Hoi Herode Vuhreii. S2.IHHI. 191s. 99 1-l 282,090 Tracery 19991, Anceatlaa. by Ko -k Bead T piarv. S1..".IHI. Pals, 4! E!."- sru Hachelors Dcaible 1999, Ireland, by Tie- ilcnnis Dark Do.iah. sftlo. 191S, li.i 302.283 I Cluirbs Ohtalley 1997 Ireland, by Dea- inoiiii -Oeedy Twe shoes. Dili;, 89, 179.999 Orby deadi. by Oian Bheda H. 1912 17o 12 991,819 I Bayardo dead, bj Hay Boaald -t.ulieia. i»i4. 7.". 1-2 :m.7i.7 1 lrinee I.ihiline 11998. Iniled States, by Peralaiaaoa Lady Lathtfeot, 92,999, 1918, •» 117.11.-, Speaimini 1999, Ireland, by Carbine Maid of th. Mint. M70. 1011. 109 12... 994,900 Cybyad iDHrtti. Baglaad, by tylleee Gad fly . Dili.. ..7 1-2 108.999 CTwacer 11990, England, by St Sine u Caaterbar PilgTba, |1.900. loio. in.".. . . R2S.193 lbu Herode 1994, Irelaad, by Lc Samari in, Ho, l; 91.099, 1911 li«» 12... 2KS.94S Kantoi ilsi*7i. Irelaad, bj Qaeena Blrthdaj Metrj Wife. 9493. 199d :i2s 1-2 . .. 180,099 lianj of Hereford 1919, Praace. by John aGaaat— Caater, 1899, IB19, 29 i; tiri iwyaCerd 119917. England b ,lohu eOaaal Paaterbury Pihrriai, *l,," t»o. 10D , stt 1-2 179.999 Lemlx-ie 1 1907 1. Enulatid by yllene -Oa lieiri. 11,000, 1916, 97 I37.29S I.oimoi- 11999, Iielind, b. l-incla-- -St. Laavaiae, 993, 1919. 29 SI. 191 Simon Bqeare 1904, Baglaad, bj St. Maaai BweH Marioi ie IMS, 1912. 121 1J2.72S Sunder 1907, England, by Suiidrid.! — Divorce Court. ,000. 101." . 5.". 1-2 !lj,!i.".0