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j K0RAN?S SMASHING RACE , | ! : Six-Year-Old Mare Scores Impressive Victory! I in Havanas Main Race. ; HAVANA. Cuba. February 19. li. Herder- si year-eM mare Koran raa a aaaaahiag race to account I ! ; for the El Caatre Peder Handicap, the chief feature; : ef Hatardaya praffraai at Oriental Park. Bhe araa ■ away fa-t and. rai inv Taiola into defeat, held on, 1 to the lead with ran- courace. not only ■arceaafally , reaiatiag Bhreeeea atreajc atretck challeage. but 1 j | drawing away at the end. Atta Hoy IE. the- fa j rorite, wa- struck on oae ef hi- ankles on the flral ■ turn and dropped back, but aeeaUagly ree ovc-red 1 aad waa raaaina faal at the ead. There was an exdtiag finish t . the fifth ra c . • .Ic-lli-on. running iu the- eo|,,r- of n. I.. Footer, ■ aaatchiag victory from Plrewerlk iu the !a-t -trid-after the latter had led throughout. Fin w crth-peiiormaiice - wa- a good one aad In- wa- righting hard at the end. II. 1". Whitney- Noontime was an iil-tandini: : e-hoic e in the two-year-old race thai btgaa the aft.-i n-.oi.s sport. Inn wa- never prominent in the running, Ella* .. Athgarven and Concorrea finisii ; lag ahead of her in the order named. There was! • .-, krealy contested fini-li between the fir-t men-1 tic. ned pair. Elia- o, ju-t maaagiag to gel ap ia 1 the final -nicies. Flip wa- another dlaappolnting favorite. TlMca easily takini; her aeaaare ia the aecaad race. Flip showed the- way to the la-t eighth and appealed an 1 easy winner, when she tired suddenly and Te sc. • : under a roaaiag fini-h on the. part of lenman. j panned Int. raring into a big lead at the ead. I Peaaaaa eauae back in the third and this time . bronght 1 »e the favorite. The Baqalrer, a winner. aiino-i iluplic-aiint hi- perforaaaace in the pracedlag - lace. lie kept the tavoiile in a forward poeitioB ami when the paceaaaker tired iii Ibe stretch sent 1 the- son id Euke Mel.uke- to the- front and the race was over. After Lady Heater had ael a «.. „l pa. c t,, the I last ehfhtk in i he final race of the afteraaea ahe tired, leaviag lanma .1 and .b.-e ch- Vales to fight it. the former artnniag by a half length. The jockeys that will ride in the Cuba - American Handicap hnaorrow are: Geaeral I. M. Uoaeea. I Fickius: I.-i-i tine. Francis; Hilly Harton. Ken 1 i nedy: Fright. Wil-on: Whippet, lenman; All Bight t : ii. Kc l-a. . an.l Mogeaa, Hunt. .1. II. Itoss.t.i-. formerly rhairaaaa of the I. B. . I j Ship], inj; Hoard and one of the foremost breeders - and owners of thoroughbreds in Califointa. paid a i i brief i-it t" tin- track today dariag the abort atayl f of the steamer on which he arrived from Baltimore c Friday eveaing and which is -, iii-diile-cl to ceuitinue] ej to Paaaaaa and the Pacific coast this afternoon. ! liank Kelly, ICinieily the track superintendent tl | at Oriental Park, arrived today from New Orh-unsl s| on an exteaded v i-if ! W. II. Molh-n piircha-ed from C. I.eyde. kcr tie-three-year ,■ eld cell Taarecea for a private eea--icleration. Mr-. Hitzler. widow of tin bite Hitzh-r. a i foinier l.cM.kmak.-r who died here- suddenly la-t t winter, is s|,.wl. recovering from ptomaine ],,n ini. Mi-. Bitaler coadael* the drieutal Hotel I iii Ma rianao. which i- largely patieaiaed by berae men. c. Bi Mieke-lwait, wha raced a stable of horaea a in Cuba -i-c-ial yeara age, arrived tedaj ] I iioma- Slieehan e f the police oinnii--i..n board I of St. I/, ins ami wife- were ana Bag today- vhtitora. . I lack Hanigaa. a Havana hotel piopiietot and ;l i regular patron at Oriental Park, returned today y I from New York. Several of the member- of th.- Chicago Athletic ,-. lub aMkhaf a tour of tin- Weal Indies, Paaataal i ami the Canal Eoae were aaaeag todavs riaitora. F. Wilson had his fn-i aeveat since in- accideat t : -e-.-iai da.vs age whea I,.- rode Bhy Ann in the third I race tin- afteraaea Jockey Keaaedy complained after dhtaaeaatlag I from Atta Bay IE aeeaeaa of tin- reaajh tactics pursued by Fields, astride Koran. The latter was - sii-pi-ndi-el for fifteen days. I I