Shreveport Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-20


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I 1 SHREVEP0RT FORM CHART SHREVEPORT. LA.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1921. First day. Bhreveport Jockey Clut.. Winter , ! Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear: temperature 70 . Iresiding .ludae. Joseph A. Murphy. Starter. James Osborne. Racing Secretary. J. ]*,. CampbclL " ; Ra ing starts at I-.SH p. 111. Cliicao lime 1!:30 ». m.. •Indicates appreiiliec ntlowance. BQTzl FIRST RACE— 3 1-2 Furlongs. No tracft record. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. «-8Ad€7 4 Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt " u j _ , : 1 1 1 i 1 1 j o, Eej s Owners h c P S~ 5-J83-J ST. MAURICE w 11:. :; 1 r 1* 1* N Tiller FeUcan Stable :;-.", :»-ioi-j l-;; iT UNA v. 1 1 1! t. L- :■ L". 2- A Kichcrk.J Arthur 1.7 24 1.7 E " I : r - -,4-: BELLE WRACK . n: ::• V A Collins ., Hernandea 4 G :; 7-101-3 ! ! .v:8i-i BABY EVELYN 11SJ 1 ■". : VI E BarnhamT D . 1 :; r, 5 «-» l-J j . 52816 M17ZZEY 115J 1 7 I . • : .1 II BorkeW 1 Heruhardt LO 24 1.7 r, 2J. , .•■.•47» MALA F. v. 112 7 • 7 7 8* I. ArOB J J .Ma lone 1.7 24 :0 7 3 MALZAVENA w 11 1 I V i 7 R KomelliH AY .Moore 15 S 81 7 :; I Time. 27. 49. Track heavy. ] j ; Winner if. .. by 8 bb Evcb Break, by Hamtnorg trained by J. v.. Wagaoa; bred by Messrs John j D. Carr h Bro. 1 Weal 1.. t".st .,t L:33. At post 1 minute. Star! 1 1 and slew. Woa easily: second and third driv- ] bag. ST. mai Kit 1;. showiag the mmt apeed, raced int., .. good had at one.- and won all the way. LINA , laced in eh — -t ]. iii-nit for the entire way and made a game tii.Mi BELLE WHACK raced gamely, but I was tirnag throagh the last siztecath. I.AI.V EVELYN had no mishaps. The others were far ba -k for M the eatire nee. j Scratched Radical, 11.".. Overweights Kvelyn. H-. pomi.N: Muz/.-y. 1"_.. .; EbQ7Ra SEC0ND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. No track record. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- : llOlO ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys . -.■ u u~ C V S j ; ."•J7i.- PEPPKR1 POLLYwb 3 !7 1 z V 2 2* lJ L McDottT J Pendergaat 8-5 9-5 9-5 7-131-3 M r.-H:: LADV MILDRED w S IM 7 I l-l 1J 1 -" II EricknonW F Straaaa • :; :: 1 1-- i 2567 ST. JUST win:. :: 1 :v_ r :V ::- V .Murphy J L C. ruler N 10 7 H 1 r.iiu.i TONY SUTTON w i 102 4 7 43 :.■ :, I* J McCo W AbTord 1 .7 4] 7 , »-5 .■.•.•7i;i SIR JOHN A"i:GNHw : 11.7 1 :. : r :. a Collins WSi Vincent 4 5 4 a-5 7-w L • 52582 ECHOLAND wb 3 8M 1 •• :.;1 c- 1;- V H Gn .-.i-vllill . • Wendel i«i :v SO s ., 51888 DAHINDA wb 5 118 :■ .; 7 7 7 7 R RonielliC Clime 28 » "" 1 4 Time. 26. 53. 1:074.,. 1:1835. Track heavy. Winner Br. f. by McGee Mirror, by Sir Dixon trained by L. Calm: lied bv Mr. Charles V. Moor, 1 W.nt to post rt 2:54. At post 1 minate. Start ... .1 aad alow. Woa easily; s. 1 aad third driv- in.. PEPPERY POLLY had t.. overcome laterfereat-e in the Lit eighth, but raced into the lead near the end and ..n going away. LADV MILDRED showed the most early speed, but began tirfaag 111 the last J eighth. ST, .11 ST was brooght wide into the stretch and finished well. TONY SUTTON had no mishai.s SIB JOHN VERGNE was far back all the way. Scratched -52833 BaByglben, .i7 " Pverw i-1,1 Kcbolillld. ■. pelllals. aQTfi THrRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. No track record. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- " 5-FA"_ " ward. Claiming-. Net value to -winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. j iiele Horses AWtllSt , str Fin Jockeys Owner"" H~r p-s"- •] 52661 hack DAY w I:; 11.7 7 t; 4 i* 1- L .1 H BorkeSnydir « Hni.s r.-i 7-..1 i-IO-TTT - 52II77*MARY PONSO v 1: .: 1 3 • I 2* I, McDottHuffman and Lane 3 S 41 s-:, 7-10 : . - 52718 MICKEY MOORE a 1114 :: 1 I* 2» 21 1: HolwayC Smith .; 12 12 1 •• * •"2272 MORMON waSlU 2 :: :;i. ::- PJ 11 1; RomelliJ 1. Coyle 1 --7 ■ .•-*7t: in:. CAMPBELL was 7 U5 1 -• 2» I 63 :,- H ErickanD B Freeman 1 1 8 :; 7 7 52448 PHILIPPIC we. . IM 8 g 1. : .; B •;. .1 SbeleoetaE K Bryson 24 :;n 34 10 7 .-.0850 PARRISH v.i-.i. 117 :, 7 7- 7 7- 7! R Moier L A Broaddiia 28 34 30 10 .7 s 58445 AMERICAN ROSE or 5 MS I S s g ;. ,s L Aran M R i..i - 1.7 24 17 : 9 - Time. 2C, 5346. 1:09. 1:18. Track hcav -. I Minie-i- P.. g, bj RaUcon Genna, by Babjowaa traiaed by D. Womeldorff; bred bv Mrs p.ertha , Lanignn. - Went t,. |hmI at 3:19. At post 1 minute. Start a 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving, mack BA aras away si,,xiy. but BHrved up steadily and. taking the toad in the krst qbarter kept ■ it and won easing up. MAR POXSO mad.- up groaad and ran a food race. MICKEY MOORE set Ibe j n early pace aad held on gaaaelj lor third place. MORMON was forced back just before reaching the I stretili turn, but was tiriag fasl at the time. Hi;. CAMPBELL had no mishaps 2 t -noii:lii- Mai Ponso. 1 pound. ~ hQTT r0URTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. No track record. Shreveport Inaugural. PiTrl -****** 6 8 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner S350: second 00- third. 0. 7 fadex_ Horses AWtpPSt % Str Fin Jockeys owners o~ Ti r p s ; • .- HH7 Kl.ll: I VinniiKT WB 4 108 4 3 2 V- 2 J 14 L Aron Kd.-I .v.- it.,bs..n :; :;. -. 1-- ,7,77 ■ :l 52614 LADS LOVE « 5 111 3 1 l- ii i V .1 11 BurkeSnyder * line., 1-5 1 4-5 1-4 ont f .,-*:m WARSAW v. si; 7 149 2 4 4 1 :; :: a Colllna LA Broaddaa :: :. 41 8-5 out I » 88718 GRAYSON a SMS 1 2 2* :; _. 4 1 l, McD*ottG Drunihille- 5 7 6 7-5 ont Time. 88, 8f«,, 1:87%, 1;165. Track heavy. Winner Blk. g, bj Peter Pan Paintbrush, by Broomstick traiaed by 0. B. Poaa; bred bv Mr Harrv : . v . ! 1. Whitney 1 I - . W.-n, b. post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won eaaily; second and third dri "-- rLIBBERTYUIBBET followed LADS i.o 1: tin- .0 closely and. passing him is lasl eighth won going away. The latter showed the nasi early speed, but 1 id the going t.... trying and tired near the end WARS AM gained gradually in the stretch and passed GRAYSON in the last eighth The latter Urea badlj . Scratched 52837 sir Craft. .11. 168. u ov.-rwciuiii- Lads Lore. 5 pounds: Warsaw, ::. ■ QTlR FIFTH RAOE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. No track records Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and u7- ~. *J*d*J 6 J ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Hois.- iWtPPSl y 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C p s~ - 5271 1 i*.i;.a/i: w 4 IM 4 :, VI l» 1 1 1. McDottJ Hcffering : lOC-Ml-lO0-:. T."ul ? 38728RESI8T u 5 112 3 ! r ."■ 2 J V .1 II BurkeSnyder ft H*mea 2 " 11-53-5 out f 52814*ETTAHE want 11 1 2 1 :■■ J ShelejKMsJ Kennedy 8 7" 8 2 4-5 2 " 2764 ■; w 1 pi 2 3 11-1 1. a,,,., Anderson Bros 6 7 I - 1-7 . 52813*SANDY H. wb 4 M8 I .. G S E H Oregon J Wakeman g 12 H I Time. K%, 52. 1:08. LlG-s. Track heavy. • Winner- B. I bj Toaj Bonero— Abrasion, by Smile itruiacd bj II. Dots; bred bj Estate of Prancia . • • - •I Pans, I •• Weal to pa I at 148. At post 1 minate. start good aad -low. Woa eaaUy; second nnd third driv. 5 "-- ABLAEE was ..way slowly, bnl raced into the lead with ■ rush and easily held the other-, safe £ through be stretch. RESIST act the carlj pace and bebJ on gaaaelj for scon. 1 place. BTTAHK waa In 5 the deepest going for most of the way and ran a game race. SHILLING had no mishaps. SANDY H waa alwaya far lack. Scratched— 52TJ7Raatler, 188; -33 First Pallet, 00. tNtrweigbt- -Kesjst. -• louimL. •! 2Q7Q SIXTH RACE— 1 Milo and 70 Yards. No track record. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and V «-*aiaHJ 4 €r upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Horses AWtllSt , ,■ -., str Kin .lo.-kcNs Owners o il C V s 88767 WALT. TRNBOW wb 6 IM I 8 I r iu . cTlTii.-. s McXtdU i. x- - ,- -" . s. B2767 SPEARLEXE wb 6 MS 5 1 1-: l llf ?• a Richer kkl .1 Kramer 1 .; ,; j 1 hi .-.K1K BUXDlRIA WB IMS I 1 s SJ P 6 :,- I; Rdfu II-17 V .Moor.- ] |- p, i "j si s., 4857B BOXER w 6 183 7 .i B | 71 7" 7- 1- II OrerorjW Kimmich o :.i :, m -.•.«:« c 1 ■ Kul I I ... i|; w 7 101; :: J "• 13 4» E I1 L McDottll .1 King 11 •.*k:;! n h BBAL Bran 7 111 . ; t; . BJ 11 :.-, ,. aM «: Ipaster .. -j :. 1 ..„ 6 1 1 | i I I : .-8IS SUSAN M. w 3 Ml u 7 7 s 7- J McCoy L McDennkJ I s s gj 8-5 r»i83!» UAH nXi: wsiiCllt s .7 . J 2 J 8 .1 11 B ,t Hm..s;: 1; 1; Z 1 Time. 26*5. 53. 1:23. 1:57. 2:04%. Track heavy. Wiaaer Ch. h. by Orbicalar— Lady Dotte, bv klordotte ttafnrd bv s. McNeill; bred i v Mr. C. I ampbell. W.-n! to Boat ..t 1:28, At peal 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won driving: second and third the sain.. WALTER TURXBOW moved up ateadlly after p. inu the Brat quartet and. under hard riding. just got up to win in the last stride. BPEARLENE shown! the mo t speed in the going, but began tlrinjr in the last eighth. SINDIKIA closed a cap and. uhiabing fust, would have won with a good ride BOXER al-.. cloned a gap. KOH-I-NOOR tired. X. K. REAL and BAR ORE quit bndlv after coins; a half mile. Seratched — 52788 Ahna B.. 0.".. ov. rweiuhts -Walter Turtibow. .. pound-: Suudiiiia. .". : Susan M.. L.

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Local Identifier: drf1921022001_3_1
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