Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-20


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX.. FKIDAY. FEBRUARY 18._1921. S, iTtyhftl. day. Lower California -l..ck.-v Club Winter Meeting of ll.". or more days. Weather clear: temperature 70 . Presiding Steward. Fran, is Nelson. Aaaoefalte Stewards. ,1. W. Coflioth and Leon Wisg. Starter Harry MotTissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Whkg. Racing atarta at 1:38 p. m. Chicago time :;:.".ii p. m.. *Isatteatei apprentice aBowaace. QRT flKST RACE— 3 1-2 Furlongs. Fab, 12. 1917— 425— 2— 112. Purse 00~ S-yesr-t-y"*-y"* olds. Maidans. AUswaacss. Net value to winner 50; second. S100; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPBt Btr Fin Jockeys t »-tiers Eqniv. Odds Strt " ."2*72 CAPTAIN GREET w 112 1 4 C WhlCten B A Jonea • :;!l11 HELEN MAJOR w 112 M 7 .V. :, » c rearrin K E .Major jr ioq ..»«•». i -KM. MA WILLIAMS v 112 T. T. jj m j!ux.,n V Cloud nO-lSO r,2872 APRICOT w lis .; g : p Marlines Nevada stock Psrm 52314 ROGOX JR. *• 1PJ 2 .: t i- :,- R McCrnn P 1 Howard too ■•■ » FIESTA v. 112 .; 1 :.:. JJ I! Uadtke W l K ie- 150-100 •-« •-•" AI.Ksn « in ;i p, 7 ij 7| s smith C W Loss 8RW.M0 PL.YCAST v Ha 12 ■ s i: Denny Nevada Stock Farm f r-iH-.-i mrs PAT will s s 10 8] t»l R iTir-r Patterson A Matlock 24CO-10Q 52314 DR TlDF.s a us 7 I UJ 10 K A Zeiglcr Neal ft Bartholomew 4160-100 fCoupled iii bettina as Nevada st,„k Farm entry. Time, 125. 37. 432i. Track fast. nuituels ,,:liil. Captain Greet, si ;.st straight. .80 place. s i."ti show: Heh-n Majai .88 place .88 show; Emma Williams. s:i.sn Khow. I-:.|iiix .ilini I kin ...ids Captain Greet, til" to 100 straight. 230 to luti place. oi„ ,,, i,,,, vj„,u ■ ] i . -1 1 1 Major. 840 to Km place. 140 to Iimi show: Emma Williams. 30 to Dhi Khow. Wuwsei th r, by Harrigan— Mianolette, by Mindora trained by B. A. Jones: bred by Mr. Beajamia A. Jones 1. Went to Pst at 1 :T.ii. At post 1 miniit. Start geod and alow. Won handily: second and third driving. CAPTAIN GREET raced clow ap rrom the atari ami. aawarng FMMA WILLIAMS when an eishtli out. won Koing away. HELEN MAJOR mad. np gronml from .1 slow bepinnlaj; and Bniahed fast. FMMA WILLIAMS sh,,,.,i the most speed nn.hr pood riding and bong on gamely. APRICOT had no mishaps. FLYCA8T raced ereen and probably was in need of this race Scratched 52914-Joe CampbeG, 113; Tatting, 115. Overweight* Mis. Pat. I ponada; Aleso, I. h/Qft SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1 :11 ;„— 3— FloTt Pnrsp 00. sTyear-olils. *JmnJ9J Maidens. Claiming. Net vain, to v- inner S350: second, MOO: third. 0. Index Hoi AWtPPBI , , sir Im Jockeys Owner* Equir. Odds Strt 52883 JAt K I.ITIH wa PM 5 G 3* li! I1 lsi M Slghter Blackwcll ft Cripuen .ipn .T".Hlt JOHN LAKE a IM S 3 ■".-" :;- -- 2 E Tax or W Waller Im ion ."■.Kit; SHARP S.M [RREL w IM I I 2* 2«* 3 :: : H Saladin .1 E Lesria HaO-ltto .■-■.KM! JOE BALDWIN w 101 1 1 l! B* C C, E Joauth W M Mikel • -,. in, 52848 THE VAMP a HM T T ■ B Marielli II W Hoag lio-ioti 52843 DIXIE MASON 105 2 C 7 7 7 »; I Powell Patterson * Matlock l.t.i-i .".-.KKi Miss SPEARS a ii 3 I I» 1- j 7 li Row* Casadti Stable and19t.ppj Time. 24, 485. l:154i. Track fast. iniiiiieis ,,..,i,i. jark i.e.ii. sii.tio itraight, .88 place, s:i.iiu show: John Lake, .20 place, .88 show : Sharp Squirrel, s.i. imi show. i:.|nialent hooknu ...his Jack Ledi, 538 to loo straight, 1 lo to Kki place 88 to 138 show- John I ak. lln to 100 place. BO i,, kmi show; sharp Squirrel. 150 to !im» show. Wlaner B. .-. by J. II. Houghton Myrtle Led!, by Campus I trained* by G. W Cripnen; bred by Mr J. A. i.lackw.lll. Went I., |„,st at 2:20. Al post 1 minute Start good and alow. Won easily: ■ecoad and third driving. JACK I.CHI sprinted to the front after runndius the far turn and. under l;..o.I riding, drew away decisively in the last qaarter. JOHN LAKE was f,,r,.-d to race oa the outside to the stretch then tin ishe.l ramely. hut tired right at the end. SHARP SQUIRREL showed much speed, hut tired in the "••retch. THE VAMP v,as hadl] outran, bat mad.- np some ground 1M the last ijuarter Miss SPI IRS set the early pace and rjuil l.adly. Ilverwfights Mis Spears, I pounds. C.OQ|Q THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards! Feb. 1. 1920— 1: 43 "3—6— 122. Purse 00 c-"*"«"«- 3-ysar-slds aad Spward, Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlTSI . , Btr Fin Jockeys owm-rs " Eqniv. Odds Strt 52887 » VON LADT a K 185 I ■ 1: Marielli F HowUnd 44t-10ti S2S4M CHATT. COURT wa 5 K» 9 4 ;,: :.i. :;-• ::•"■ and - Tayior James ft Chi Ida PM08 .- -, !•.!» OSTENTATIOUS n 12 MO s 7 :: I. I, 1, : 1 Prible R Wilson ISCO-lfta 528O0 BABT 1AisT n , v 1 :; ;, 1 1 .,- .-, t a* rj Powell W B Hunter l01S8-pn r-2888 MAITD BATON a 7 H 7 I 8 8* 7! 8* 8=i 5* C Wbitton Tarn .. Shanter Stable l-.-.o ;n , 52828 PROPHECY waa i 112 T :: _" I I 1 . 11 Rowe l Dennison -t* 529P0-MAUD M. wa 7 MS :. . T * T T 7 W Hinphy O F Morrison S0-1O0 52358 MEDFORO BOY x 1 11: u 1 l« ■ _■ . 1 .; and c Thpson J Looney : ..|nn r.2568 JENNIE SMALL waB 8 105 1 5] M! 3 ! J !•" Tayior Toppenlsb Stable 14289-PM .".".SKK EL REV wa 7 110 6 12 12 12 12 lo" I" • R Cart, r F Badly t32S8-100 .-iKSti ELBA 1: w 1: s 188 11 ll 112 11- in: 11:11 - R McCrnn I: Monaban ." •.•!."." MIKE WXON w .", kit !M J* 93 ll1 12 12 J Clemnta B E Graham tMatael lidd. Time. 241j, 49, 1:18%. F422;,. 1:465. Track last. miitael- paid. Yon Lady, sln.su straight, .00 place. -00 show; Cbattaa Coorl 6,60 place .20 show; Ostentations. S7.ju show. Euaivalenl 1 king ...ids- v..n Lady, MO t.. 100 straight, u» t,. i m place, 108 to khi show; Cbattaa Court. 7:, i t.. iimi place, 200 to inn show; thtteutatioos, .ir.it t, iiki show. Winner 1 U. m. by Von Troaaa Cirtina. by Orsinl trailed by 1". Howls ad; bred by Mr. A. T. Boon. Went to post at 2:43. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Wen driving: second and third the same, von i.ahv moved up fast after entering the backstretcb, then, after racing in .1 attendance on the pacemaker, passed h, r midway of Iii. stretch and gaately withstood the rash of IHATTAN FOI ItT. The hitler finished with a rush. OSTENTATIOUS took the had oa the backstretcb and hnag ■ 8 !v after being passed. BABV KAIST raced close ap for the Brat three-uaartera and tired" MEDFOBD la Y quit after should n„. BO«| early sliced. Scratched 52861 1 t. X01 ford. Krj. Overweight* Baby Faust, 1 j» uada. lQTft TOUSTH RACE— 1 l-lo BUles. .June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00~ 3-year-?_**_* - ol a!,! spward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. _L"V Hois.- a Wt 11si so i-in .lm owners Equiv. Odda Strt 52842 URN PAVOR1TE w IP . |. R Cart T R H Good -TaTTTi .- i!iHi K*NK SHANNON wa ill i 3 1! !! p p ■■■ ,• Thpson P Marmet 23KMO0 :-.. :i:i .11 DOE DAVID wn 2 112 111 5» 43 :: 0 Marielli P .1 fPRoorke •"O-iinj 52802CH. HOLTERS w 5 110 1 5 I 1 : 1 E Taylor .1 W Tat, •.-;,! 52»24BADY SISTER wa M 115 2 t , ,, ., p Martmez i" 1; Irwin S10-KW 525820. MUEHLEBH w 1; :. II- .. 1 ! | slghter L A McDowell 1429.131 5233DMAUDIE w S M6 7 7 7 r . 7 7 .1 Clements C Bustllloa aPJ-lOU Time. 253-, 50. 1:13*4, 1:42. 1:49-",. Trnek fast. sl niniueis pnid. Brown Pavorite, 3.60 straight, 1.80 placi?, .-• 10 show: Prank Shannon sir. si pla... .s:,.im show : Judge David, .20 show. Bqnlvalent booking odds— Brown Pavorite. 2580 to MS straight, 380 to 108 place 17o tu Kmj shsw Prank Shannon. 080 to iiki place, 138 to H« show; .indue David, ;u to 130 show. Winner Br. - by Baaaockbarn— Oebcimuiands, bj Sain tralaed by W. Pinkstaff; Lied b] Mr Barnej Scbreiber Went to post at 8:11. At post 1 mintit. st.nt b 1 and slow. W„n drivhag; second and third rbt sun. BROWN 1.W0K1TL raced dose up from the stall and. flnishini eamclv, outstayed PRANK .f.eV, ,",, ,lu ,J """"• "" ta*U/ s1 ;l ■ •"• ;il"- ■r"r l""1- rt»l»esied. hung on gameh JLOOL DAMD cam,- around on the outside when entering the stretch and, gaiahing with ., creal rush ■l,lM r"iled t.. g,t up. tllL.lsrii: HOLTERS saved ground on ail turns and had no mishaps BABY SISTER made up ground. GEORGE MUEHLEBACU showed speed for three-nuarten Sera tcbed — 52358 Hg ner, lu7. Qvi 1 weights — Brown Pavorite. "J pounds 5QO-7"! FILTH RACE— 5 1-2 FarJong Jnas 38, 13M— 1:86 ! ,— "uHliir ~ plirersTotTTeTr"-ane«_r g -8. Ms and upward Hsadicsp. " Net value to winner 90: second. il40: third, 0. |,,1,x "" ■" AWtPPSt j , ", sir Pin .i..i.,...s " ouii.rs Eiiuiv.tMds Strt 32800 KILAII I" w 1 Pi.. ... p. Hint* w C Weunt 11 1,0 UtMJ. ELLSWORTH wu C OT J 3 » i 1 , M Slgbtei R S-nleu x./ 188843 JOE GOODMAN a IW I i i 0 . ir ln IV M UUtel ■•!• RIFLE m I 1 1 _■ I ! i " . I- P Martinez C B rin M 0-ion 6 3284.1 ROONE II. Li: wb 4 UK : I B« E Taylor .1 A Parson tl320-100 32884 CARRIE MOORE w and Ml l i ; C O Willi; . a Parson fCovBfcd in betting a* i A. Paraon entry. 1 Time. 232.-.. 482,. 1:00"5. 1:07. Track fast. 82 muni. U paid. Bnlah I".. 86.80 straight, .40 place, 82.26 show: Judge Ellsworth, 62.86 place, 1 5 u . 2n show; to* uoodmaa, 82.40 kImv. | fcoariraleni booklag odd* Ealafa 1. 240 to loo atraltbt, 70 to 100 place, in to hmy thaw; .luigc EUa- i worth. W to Km place, in to KM ahow: Joe Qoodinaa, 20 to IM show. I Winner- Mlk. f, by Ten Point— Buttonbole, bj Stalwart trained by v. C. Weaat; bred by Mr. I Anthony I.. Ast I Went to post Hi :i::!.".. At post 1 in in n i .. Mart g.....i and alow. Won driving; art aad nad third the aaaae. KtI.AH P. waa oajtraa to the stretch, i m rime fdai od the eatable sad. Baiahlng with irreal : Rawed, g..t up to win la the last atride. .n ln;i: ELLSWORTH showed much speed tad raced Into a clear lead In the stretch, ha! finished tiring. JOE GOODMAN did hi- beat. RtPLE aared gronnd when entering the stretch nad looaaed up menacingly, bat tired when ami to a bard drive. CARRIE ItOORE quit -badly after showing the most early speed. ] Scratched- 52651 bloated, in:5: 52680 Sedan, 114; :.2! I7, Corncatter, 104: 52666 Mi— Orb, is ! Overweighta Carrie Moore. 2 pound-. C-OQfTO SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. iJunc 23. 1916— 1 05:,— 3— 118.1 Purse S500. 3-year- KMmdxJ 4 id olds nnd upward. Claiming. Ret value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. j |- lnde iioises AWtllSt , • , Str Pin Jockeys Owner* frJulvToddTstrt j I 82616* RINGLEADER w 5 112 6 4 2 - . ~1 M Ftuxton F Rinehart 350-100 ! 82857 SMILING MAGGIE a S 108 7 » s1 9* M Rlgbter N W Burkbart 23O-M0 1 52656 TOM Li X SE W6 110 1 :: 4. •* 4* ::-. c Thpaon R Ripley R10-1O0 1 ! V.»! .-,1 THRIFTS THREEwb 4 MS S S 1J 1 5 1» 41 O Willie S .1 Keilv 900-100 f 52655 -LITTLE PRINCESSa BMC : ;; :. 6J E Taylor .1 .1 MePherson 1W-1M i 52848HFM.MA waa 6 103 5 i I] f,- c «* ii Row. Clear Lake Stable 1820-108 ■ i 52865 KAsni.A w : 94 4 s 7 7 7 7 B MartelU .1 Cooper 250-100 Time, 23V 483.-,. 1:01V 1:08. Track fast. mntaels paid. Ringleader, simmi straight, .80 place, .90 show; Smiling Uaggle, -88 M place, .40 show; Tow loose, .60 show. Eqoivaienl l king odds — Ringleader. 336 to ion straight, 86 to loo place, so t.. loo show; BaalHng : i Maggie. 7o to 106 place, 70 t.. loo shoa : Toaa Uoom . §0 to loo -how. Winner -Ch, g, by Uarrigaa Beatrice Boole, by Peep o*Iay trained by r. Riaehart; bred by Mr. : Benjamin A. Joaes. Went to post .- i 4:46. At nasi S minutes. Start good aad slow. Woa easUy; second and third driv- ; I inu. RINGLEADER raced in closest parsull of the leader aad. passing her with a rush ifter entering the stretch, won easing tip. BMILING MAGGIE finished resolutely nnd outstayed TOM GOOSE for sec- Ii end place. the l.-tt r l m it Well and iini-hed gamely. THRIFTY THREE set .1 fas, pace, bUl tired . 1 RA0OLA raced disappointingly. Scratched- 52957 Babylonian, 110; 7.2 tis Croupier, 07 : 52862 Mouatabi Gfrl lot;: 98874 Xaaledorati , :l 11U: 52860 Bevehry .lames, int. Overweight* Little Princes-, i pound: Rasola. 1. ! KOQfTO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and i t-FAalaJ 4 O upward. Claiming. Net value to w.nner 50: second. 00: third. 0. linli-v 11. i-M- AWtPP8t U M •-. Str Fin Jockeys owners Bquiv. Odda Strt I j j 32888 BAR. SHILLING w 6 104 3 2 : i B Marielli V Cloud 290-100 i 32878 : DON JOSE wa 6 1U 2 1 l - VI 2* B Taylor A Noyea 160-100 1 • 52887 J. J. MURDOCH wa 8 115 b; * :- ■■ Is Wilila l: H Bcbaeter 910-100 I 32882 CAXDELARIA wNI ! 3 7: 7 ; i;. . I* «V Perrj .1 Looney U .-100 1 I .-•.94-: DICKIE a I M 7 1 4. a A 4» 5lJ W Taylor H V Harries .s;;.,i-100 1 I r»-i!»4« OLA L.EE we. 4 no s % | :. ;i - i: r Marttnea C H Irwin 1S89-18S 1 I 52875 * PERFECT LADY w 4 187 5 7 :- B» 8i s- 7, G Tcargin Ditz .s;- Owens 11 ln-100 I .-■; »7 MIDIA v4W t S 81 81 7 8= g m sighter V Maanale 8488-Mt ."•»!•?! M1X.MK II. w S 187 I S "• ••- ."• Bled. 1". Josiah It H Good 700-1hj Time. 88%, 45%, 1:18%, 1:41. Track fast. S2 mutueis paid, Barbara Shilling, : 7._o straight, .88 place, .s:!.lo show: Don Jose, 88.48 alaee 82.M si ., m -; .j. .1. Murdock. 84.88 ahow. Eqatvaleat booking ...Ids Barbara ShiUlng. -Jw to 160 atraight, M to 180 alaee, 88 to 100 show: Don Joae, 7o to loo place, 46 to loo show: J. J. Murdock. l s to loo show. 1 Wiaaer— B. at, by Coateatar— The Laundress, by Magiaa drained by V. floiid: bred bv Mr. Charles Praaer. i Went to pest at l:J7. At Boat 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- 1 in;;. BARBARA SHILLING waited on the pacemaker until pasaiag the half, then raced to the front j j 1 and won in a canter. DON JOSE set a fast pace end. after being passed, made a same finish. J. .1. I jl MURDOCH raced pi eminently, l.nt was tlrlag at the end. CANDELARIA made up much .round anil is : hatproviag. DICKIE ". ran a good three -q Barters. Scratche,! .-,L77L 1oite Drapeau. Ill: 32803Audrey A . ill: r,L ir,i; Mann. hen. Ill i:

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921022001/drf1921022001_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1921022001_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800