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and ad ,|r ■g of of of of are ir. ball all pie To To the thai the the ion " BURLEW TRANSFERS ROSSETER HORSES N1AV o K K . N. Y.. lchruai.v S4.— •evrgc Blratc. j u Boaseters racing maaager, is m Sea Vorit ,,,„] has been here since Saturday lust. He came - from California with Albert Johnson, the rider, who with II. Hamilton, is still under contract to Air llosseler. Mr. Stral. and Fro. I Fall lew had a baajaess conference al Betaaoai Park haraday morn I lag, after which the Eoaasatr horses were taraed I ,,ver to Berate. So anaoaacesaeat of the traiaei t.. Imp, .el I.uileu lias jret beau made.