Shreveport Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-25


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SHREVEPORT FORM CHART , f SHREVEPORT. LA.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1981. "pifTn day. .siircv-purt .1... k. v Club. Winter ; Meeting yf 13 »J.i - Weather clear: temperature 70 . __ | I P-rcsidjiy Jhdge. Joseph A. Murphy. Starter James Osborne. JBacjng Secretary. . B. Campbell. Rnriiag starts ra 2:39 p. iu. Clfacugo time J:30 p. hi.. "Indicate- apprentice allowance . Ao-J A EIRST RACE— 3 1-2 Eurlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. 50 OUDU Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Homes AWtIf"st _ ", str Fin Jockey* Owen O H C P 8 L 530?8-lirflXR WRACK w~ MS ■ 5 l4 V I" J HeUpel N II-rn.iidez _-., l-H _-7 out ■■- 330t8*MALZAVEXA w 1 »4 11 2«| 2] ! 1. MeD*ottE W Moon- I M 7 :: : 330S8*BAP.Y EVELYN w 188 ! 2 S*» 8 3] A Ilieli rkT Doyle I B S-a i-I B8814 MITZZEY vM E I Ej ih V .1 H BurkeW 1 Bernhardt M ft ft ! 7-18 ; IMMMALA K « 104 :; •"• : • kfcCoy .i .1 Malon* E 12 1- 2 7-1" 330t8 MADAME X. w MS 4 4 41 r I H GregoryH PleM 1" IS 15 4 B-S • Time. 2745. 41. 482.,. Track heavy. Wkenec B. f. bj Wrack Trojaa Belle, by Hamburg trained bj St Keteel; bred by Mr. Arthur B. ■ Hancock. I Wont to pest :u 2:28. At peat 1 minute. Btart I I aad slow. Won easily; second and third drlv- I lug. BELLE WKCAK toak i quick tead aad, being kept in the best going, woa all Hie way and Unbilled pulling ni». MALZAVKKA, nwaj faat. wna in eleaest pursuit from the atari aad aatatayed BABY J I KVELYN in tin- Baal drive. The latter had i" be hard riddea all the way. Mt/.ZKV dropped far hack " I in the earl] running, hat closed unite ■ cap. Overweight* Madame X.. 1 pound. B[QAni SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. OOlfOI Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 550. ~li~ide_ Hoi-.- "AWtlTSt t - :Tt~Str Fin Jockey Owner- OH C P S 33088 DIXTY w i MS - l l r 1 : A RlchcrkW II Brown 3 S 4 7-S I J BSSSt*ORIEXTAL DRESS v, I M3 "1 - - 1. McDottJ White Jr 1 S-5 1 2-5 oat 38iS4*8POBTO CHANCBwa 3 SBJ 3 3 3 1 2] 2] 3 .1 McCoy 1- Beater 3 E -.7 ::-7 .-.304! VERSAILLES w S MS 4 5 :• I E Ms B MolwayG Rous 4 I E 8-5 7-11 Slttl KICK LONDON nIM 1 I I 1 U ■"•" L Arm. A Cleal ■ t 12 12 :; S-S 53648 ANNES PET a 1"" - I • E .1 SbelpeUL J Brown N 20 21 I 2 Time. 26*.-,. 54. 1:10. 1:19. Track heavy. Winn.-! B. f. hj Tony Bonerw Tallaha— ••-. by The r. mi r tralaed bj I. glmpooa; bred by 1-:-i.i t.- ul Mr. l1-.iii. i .1. Paaa. Weal to peat .it J:".l. Ai i»-t 1 ailaate. Btarl ".ii and nlow. Won eaallj : xeotmd miu! third drir-laa DIXTY t-».k a qnk*k lead, raced la the i»--t ruins anil held ORIENTAL l»Ui:ss wife throuabnnt ORIENTAL DKE88 had ao uisbapa aad aaJabed tauaeiy. SPORTING CBANCK tired in tin- atretch. VKItsAll.I.Ks eloaed a gap. HverweixbtK B|iortlag Hhaace. i% poaada; VeraaMlea, 3; Auni- Ii t. ■"■. ___ THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 5* fk£**y OvfO Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. liTlA n77,r-T AWtPPSt H ± ** Btr Fin Jockey Owaera M II . JP B _ Saw2«*TERRIELE Miss wb 5 MB " I I1! lS W " H GrtgoryBrira A Hitchck I »-5 3-2 1-2 out 5M8t ATAXIA 1 MS 1 :: :■- -: - - I" Murphy J L Oruber 2 1 3] 1-5 2-5 r.Wi.t I in ; l : « 7 MS 1 - - 13 3* 3J E Smith II .1 King I I" 13*54 5 I 3 .-.303J GLADYS a I :,v: - I 5 5 E I .1 McCoy I. A Broaddua 12 -" 28 7 3 33«ia TON1" SITTON wa 3 MS] 1 E 4- r V E .1 Henpel Alfil vV Baipton 2| S E S-5 3-5 i Time. 26=. 54, 1:09;5. 1:1835. Track heavy. Wiim.r rii. in. by Iraa the Terrible- Mi- Muaaey, by My Boj II. tralaed by it. Bitraroek; brad by Mr. W W. Bardea. . in to aoHtal 1:15. At paal I ntiaate. Btarl | I aad alow. Won easily: aeeoad aad third drlT- in. TERRIBLE Miss began taut and. boldiag the path throoghout. held tin- otben safe and won in ;t caater. LATANIA awred up Kteadil] after goiag the tirst quarter aad ln-i l il» others aafe for am ad place. VIROE was prooaiaeat all tb- way, bat wis ttriaa at the ead. The ethers quit badly. Bcratched SSWCilMaad Bweep, !•:,. :._".»7r. Brbolaad, !»-■ . IKerwetglitw Utadys. Ife puands; Tea? Battoa, 3... I XQAft FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. uOvUO Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. * lades Horse- " AAVtTFst , _■ "4 SrrTin .h ickeya Owaera j _ II C P s BSMS:*VALKRIE WBBT wa 7~10J 3 I 1 1" 1" l*J ShelpetaJ P Lyona 7-104-5 3-5 1-5 oat .M«17 CLEAN DP wa 7 MS I 2 . 2" -" - L MeDottPraa * Bitehck 2 5 13 S-5 2-5 53010 MADRAS GGMAkl a S MS I 3 3" 3" I. Aim M Reiae* 1 5 41 1 1-:; .-,:;o:; ckmacik are 1 111 - E ..441 F Murphy B Flynn E 872 *-» .7301 l»Jl*DGE PRICE wa 7 MS .• 1 4 i.o-t rider. H Gregory H Field 1" 1" 12 :; 4-.". Time. 26. 53. 1:08. 1:17. Track heavy. Winm-i Br. in. by Baaaorkbara Sinii. by Loyalist tralaed by l. Babartaaa; bred l v Mr. Baraey Bebreiher. Went t" post at 8:44. At past 1 aiiaate. Btart good aad slow. Waa easUy; aeeoad nn.l third driving. 1 VALERIE WEST raa aa it she oatriaaaed the others aad won all the way in raaaway stylo. CLEAN l"P raced in cloaca! parsall aad was aerer in daager of tasiag serosal place. MADRAS OIKGHAM was . cviag «.ll at t.- ead. JlDGE PRICE staaibled aad l"-t lii- rider, riicil i.".:;il."nliMi ki Moor.-. JUS. pr OADJ FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. JO"D4 Net valuq to winner 50: second. 00: third. S50. hull-; ilorses AWllISt ■ ■. ■■4 Str Fill .loik y- Oviier- »__] [J 1 S _ i.V.Oll 1 |:AiK BAY w 13 114 •• "• la* 1- 13 1 U Babin Snyder A.- Hntea 4-5 8-5 7-5 1-2 out .73011 * l XXA ROMA w JSJ 3 E _: 9 S» 8* J McCoy Wakteck .Stublt- 4 •; ". s-: 1-C BJMf "TIGER ROSE w5 S5 - 4 I S3 2 3a 1. McDottJ Rohertaaa •; l" 10 H I 1 530SJn VANS-.I.VIA wb £ 184 I z ::■ 4- 4; I- I. Aron P Renter 8-5 2 8-5 1-8 out fS838sfw SPEABLENE W C U4 1 5] E S3 - V Kuli-kM . Kraiij-r 10 10 10 23 1 .-.3011 KIKSTIKS CUB wb « US 1 •• 0 0 E S W Brown C G Sheldon 28 SB 88 E ! Time. 2620. 53-. 1:08-;,. 1:17. Track heavy. Winner B. c. i y Rahieon Geaaa, by Balgowaa tralaed k. D. Wanaeldorff; bie.i by Mrs. Bertha Laaicaa I . Went to pact it 4 tl7. At Boat J minute-. Stan g 1 ami -low. Won easily: Itcond ami third driviim. UAiK BAY raced into the lead at once aad. showing the asoal anted, easOy won all the way. BOXNA ROMA waa hard ridden and made a anio finish. TIGER ROBE ran a j..h„| race. VANSVI. VIA fiaiahed close up under a weak ride. BPEARLENE becaa slowl] and waa far hack all the way. Overweights -Donna Ronia. 3 1-2 pounds. : fTQAaQCC sixth RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarns, Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. OOVUt Net vaiue to winner 50: second. 00: third. *lnde i I aw M AWtllSt 1 .■ ; .■ StTiin -loils.;- h.:i:s 0 ?! C I S " 5305". -fTlirNIvKlUl wan 4 MS 5 » 3 4 S V 2»| lJ J McCoy I .1 Regan - 13-52J 7-181-3 - ; .300» COCNTBAIjCE sraa 5 112 4 1 r- 1 1 13 1 A Collins W • Btoner 3 4 4 1 2-5 .73033 HAKVKY S.MAKK W 5 107 3 E -i V R llolwayW I. BntSbett 1 1 8-188-6 OUt .-3053 WILLIGAN w o 103 2 3 - -" 4- 4 4- •; Bnbin 1rcs te, Hitchck 10 St 28 ■ 2 .-.300! OLD PATPHFUL v. :; 90 1 4 E E ."• 5 i L McDoUD McDennid S I 8 21 1 Tli-iiiulitiid for fool. Time, 28-3. 5825. 1:28. l:K%, 2:07. Tiack heavj-. Winner if. f, by i i k Wtlha CaniprBsatr, by Coanpnte trained by R. McGarrey; bred i » Messrs. • .1. 1 . t.irr »t 1. Went to post at 1:28. At post 1 minute. Start goad and kIow. Won easily: second and third driving THFNDERBIRD aaoTed 1111 faat, bat Hnffered from utterfereace, then caaae acaia in the stretch and took the lead in the tasl stxteeath, but waa disquattned for rrosaing in front of COUNTERBALANCE. The latter showed sudden haproreaaenl and the asoal early speed nearly all the way and Shushed gamely. HAi:vi:v BMARR wna almost left when be waa bumped into at the start aad suffered from Interference 6 in the race, bat ran well. WILLIGAN had ao mishaps. Bcratched —59053 Boxer, h»7. Overwebybta WUlican, 1 i»ouinl.

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Local Identifier: drf1921022501_3_1
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