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HAVANA f The horses which seem beat la Fridays races arc: Havana. Cuba. February 24. 1921. 1 I i |i Bung. Stiletto. Light Fantastic. 1 George W.. The Ba*aar radtr, Frank Bark*. ,, :: Sybil. Flip. Kddic MeHride. i ATTA HOY II. . Mumbo Jumbo. Belle ..f BBSS- ". bethtowa. B- Duke Huff. 1-a Kroaa, Night Wind. , " ■ Boaadel, Mather. Black Thong. P T. K. Lynch. I " a New York Handicap. | w 1 Top Knng. White Haven. Stiletto, Light I a: Fantastic. H _ Tie- Mas,|ncr.ider. George W.. Frank P.urke. I Kayman. h he 3-Sybil. Eddie M« Pride. Flip. Taraseoa. j » I Aita Bey IL. Maaaae Jumbo. Belle of Eliza- jH bethtowa Helen Atkin. « :. Duke Kuif. Zoic. Night Wind, La Kress, b n MATHER, Beiph, Black Thoag, Polar cub. a at Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. 1 Light Fantastic. While Haven. Stiletto, Top j p Rang. b 2 Plying Prog, Kayman. George Y., The Mas- |M qaerader. . i p, 3— Eddie MeHride, Flip, Sybil. Tarascon. I Munil... JunilM.. Atta Bay II. , Hclle of Eliza- ||„ bethtowa, Helen A i kin. ! sl /.OIL. Duke Huff. La Kru-s. Night Wind. for «. 1 -Black Thong, Mather. Discnaalaa, Detaa. - Observers Handicap. n 1— Top Bung. Light Fantastic. Stiletto. James G. 2 Oeorge W., Flying Frog, Kayman, Flunk s Barke. - 3— Eddie MeHride. Sybil. Flip. Hounding Tlitough. i I ATTA BOY IL. MaatBO Jumbo. Belle of Eliza- ul bethtowa, Petes Atkin. P 5 — Eoie, Duke Buff. Night Wind, La Kro.-s. • a -Mather, Hlack Thong, Hocnir, BooedeL the Conaenana of Handicaps. j jj 1 Tap Hung. Light taataathl, Stiletto. White N Ilaun oi j Gearga w. The Maau iaa i, Plyiag Frog, i pi Kii: man. j -«. S Sybil. Edandie MeHride, Flip, Tarascon. |; i ita hoy IL. Maaabo Jaaabo, Belle at el are BliaahotfctoWB, Helen Atkin. a| :. Duke Raff, late. La Kros-. Night Wind. tt the t Matbrr BeaaaeL Btoek Thong, Uolimt tl