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z I f ,, ". " P " a w a: H I h he » jH « b a at p b |M p, ||„ sl for «. - n s - ul P • the jj N oi pi j -«. |; el are a| tt the tl WINNER OF SEVENTY RACES Record of Byron McClellands Consistent and Gallant Thoroughbred Badge. Byron McClelland :is a famous turfman ,,f his day and fortunate in ewaiag a sacceaalea of hiii class race horses, but of the** all Badge Was thej horse of his heart. This w:,s a Bclmont-bred baraa thai he bengal when a yearling and started te racing early, his first start as a 1 wo-.ioar old having been made at New Orleans March 1, lv 7, for pane of St3P. At the same place. April 11. in-won the Huistbonrne Stakes from Beret, Lily Virgil and five mole t wo-year-olds. Three days later be ran second to Jack Cocks fee Ike Boatoa Club Stake*, ami then taken north. At Lexington ran senoad te Perkins for the McGratb Stake-. sjad Won the Breeder- Slakes from Amos, Patlon, Huntie-s and fear others. Taken ee*l he first .an seconil |„ King Fish for the Plash Stakes at Saratoga, and in his next essay won a sensational race Sheepehead Pay. It was only for a purse at three-quarters ef ■ mile, hat be defeated such older star- of the lini- as Cyclops. Kingston. Santa Bita. Pearl Jennings. Hritauiiic. Gleaner and Branch. He waa at ;iit to 1 in the betting. Subsequently be wea the Autumn stakes and aeveral pur-.,-. The career of Badge as ;i Ihrce-ycar-old was a busy one and ef tweaty-niae races in Which be started In- wea fifteen. Mo-t of his race- Wert purses, but be wea ;ho PaBaadt stake-, and Cape May Handicap at Moaiaoutfa Park, the Ka-touah Haadteap at Juroaie Perk and the Finality Welter Handicap at Washington. In the Palisadi-Stakes he defeated three line racer.- when he fia tehed la fjraat ef BaceJaad Geargti o»tcr and Taragon. He was ,i bigh-ctaM toiir-yeat old. win-uing the Meichauts Handicap aad the Keutucky Handicap at Louisville, the Midsummer Handicap and the Railway Handicap at Monmouth Park and Baciag Btdke* ai Skeepahead Ha., defeating among others such noted bone* ah Tcuny. Tristan, Hypocrite. Montrose, beviaia Belle, Bella B., Bess, Now r Never, Htadoocraft and Little Miticli. Out-of his best races waa a mile in 1:10 flut for u purse at Hheapebead Bay. Tiiis ract- was run June lSsp. and Badge wea easily from Dwyet Brea. fast filly, BeBa B. and nine more. Miles In 1:40 common now. but at the ml ef thai year only Maori. Badgci Htayveaaal and AI Farrow had credit of bavins won at a mile iu a race |g that tteM or belter, so it was then a notable cx- bibition • f sped. When a five - ear-old. Hadgc won fifteen races, or or but all were purs,, races except the New York Jockey lull Handicap at Llizabeth. but be niet and defeated soefa fast ones a* Lou. Foidham l Farrow. Ball-to,,. Barrister, Be Math, Ca»taway II., Grnosnre and Kerasassr. The next year be wea six races in eleven stalls. :,ll for luir-c-. Hi- |« last year of success-, was 18*3, when he won twelve races. His chief success that year was in ibe ff Spin. • i Handicap at Saratoga, iu which be dc-eated Versatile, Santa Anna. Charade. Kimbertv. Dundee, Blltaca and India Bnbber at a mile and a naarter te 5:07. Dnndee was the favorite at 8 to ;, and Hadgc was at 10 to 1. His record in all wa: as follows Badge, b. Ii. 1835, by The Ill-Used— Tlie Baroness. . Venr Age. Sts. 1st. 3d. Sd. lap. X ou i te i7 - B I •"• ". :j $ 7.1.-.:, e* lh :i 2 a 10 1 3 Is-oVm ■■■ I -!» U 8 •■• :t lfi.lia It It im* S is fa ii 3 l.i.twu „f ls;" ,; 11 •• 3 -i 0 1.073 . hi hi., ls»- " «S 12 ! I V M.S30 e! IandPJ S ]|| Q 4 ,; g :;; , had , Tetala 7 DiV To -47 l-7 21 |n2»lj« Joe