Canadian Racing Dates: Spring Season Opens at Woodbine Park, Toronto, May 21, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-28


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CANADIAN RACING DATES • Spring Season Opens at Woodbine Park, Toronto, May 21 i Schedule Announced Does Not i Cover Late Summer and Fall Meetings. 4 TORONTO. Oat., Fehraary 27. Raeiag vi r tin- tracks of the Canadian Baring AasoclatioBs for the year 1921 will begin at Woodbine Park Saturday. May 21, and after t li* - anna I seven darn allowed under the Miller law I be scene will shift to the home af the Dorval Jeekej Club at Montreal. open-int. on May 80 and continuing to Jane 8. Tax re aril] be twenty-one days af continuous racing with the exception, of Sunday* in the vicinity of fclea-tiv.-tl. After the Oanral am ting the homea will bmtc to Brae Bonnets, where the; will hold forth lor -.even aaj - and then Btnceed to oiinaught Pnrfc for ■ like period. From Montreal to Hamilton will be the neat move then on to Koit Erie, the aarrtlai at the track acroaii from Rnffalo taking up the *ert ■ days from July 3 to July si inclusive. Moving ares* there will be foarteen days of racing in the vicinity of Windsor, the Windsor Jockey Muii being ■Heard the date* from .inly 12 to 19. While Konilworth will entertain from July Ill to 27. This completes the first swing aroaad the rir-rait, ijui ao mention is made of the bite miauner and fall dates. They will be announced later. The receal favorable eoarl decision declaring that the provincial legislature has no power over mat ten .- iriaiiy v.-r t i,.,j i,v the Dominion fwuHamciH in he ease of the rouatitatioaal iiuestionK acl regarding race track brttiag has clarified the situation here la Ontario and everyone is looking forward to ■aether successful racing acaaon, ~in.ii as was enjoyed last year. The complete dates for the ■priug .iik! eartter -iimnicr meetings felloe : Ontario Jockey Clab, Woodbine Park, Toronto, Ratnrday, May 21 io Saturday. May 28. thtrral Jockey I lab. Ifoatreal, Qae., Moaday, •lay 90, Io Monday. Juno G. Ifoatreal Jockey Clah. Blue Bonnets. Montreal, Qae.. Tnesday. Juno 7. to Tuesday Jaae II Coaaaught Park Jockey Clah. Coaaaaghl Park. Ottawa, Oni.. Wednesday, Jnne 15 to Wednesday, Juno 22. Hamilton Jockej Clab, Hamilton, Oat., Friday, Juno 24, to Frida . July 1. Niagara Kacing Associatioa. Fort Erie, Oat., Ratarday, Jnly 2, to Ratnrday. July 6. Windsor Jockey Clah. Winds or, Oat., Tuesday July 12, to Taesday. Joly l». Keailworth Jockey Clah, Wiadser, Oat., Wed-BCMjay, July 20, to Wednesday, July 2T.

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Local Identifier: drf1921022801_1_2
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