Statistics of Tijuana Meeting: Over 00,000 Distributed Among Horsemen during Seventy-Nine Days of Racing---C. B. Irwin Biggest Winner---Marinelli the Jockey Sensation, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-28


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STATISTICS Of TIJUANA MEETING ============= J OVER 00,000 DISTRIBUTED AMONG HORSEMEN DURING SEVENTY-NINE DAYS OF RACING — C. B. IRWIN BIGGEST WINNER — MARINELLI THE JOCKEY SENSATION Seventy nine of the 123 or more days WiBter Bteetiag of the Lower California Jockey Cluh al the Tijuana track were complete rd Whea the ollieials of that orgaahtatioa were forced to close the Kates of r the Mexican course because of the harsh passport restrictions imposed hy the Moxhan authorities. During that period •" £" races were run and KS27.640 distribated in stakes and paral amonj; the winning I horsemen. The ilaily average distribution amoaated to K4.U9, a bigh fkrajre for a wiater meethag of such! duration The raefcag as a whole lias been the best ever held at that far western track, more and better] horses Ihjh available than in former year-. The pnfroaagl this winter ha* also exceeded former Igurea, ; and in every respect the no eflagj was a great sin less. . I.. Irwiau who was the btrgesl money winner at Tijuana last year, is agaia at the top of the li-t. his horses accoantiag for Ihiriy-twa races and [ lei.lUBt, Other owner- who h.ive fared well BPei W. C. Weaat. with 4,530 to h;s credit; J. A. far son. with ftl2,B*0, ami W. Walker, with SlO.tlO. Ihe fidlowitm is a list of the owner- who area , 11,080 or more each: wner. 1st. 3d. 3d. Ami. hwin. C. It :•- -I" Io S21.100i ! Weant. W. C M 3d 17 14.. "...O Iai-oti. J. A I-- -J 21 ll.f.sii Walker W M 23 Id t".!»-"r0 I Boag. II. W -i 3 I 7. lln Broax stable J o U 7.7." J ; I Worthington, f. T s :■ M U.7N0 Blackwell i Criajaea ■ 7 7 J.tiJo Jones, B. A 11 -". - l. •".*•- Sanders. M S 11 tl I.4M Clear Iike Stable 7 14 10 I :t7o | Karnes. II. W 1 o IS I.H70 j Koehler. C •" - :i I.2T0 Good, K. II T n » :;.SMi Tiim o Sh.niler Stable 7 1 - 3,380 Mnjor I.. E 7 •! 7 8,480 i Nevada Stock farm I ." 7 3.8fl0 Ban Oiego Stable s •_• I :i.i.*t«» f i-on. w. r « :* 4 Tate. J. W I 7 • 3.108 Strile and Vah-iUine 8 -J S -..111" Arnot Stahle 8 7 I 2.888 Dahnkea, r .t :t 1 i-,.!»-, i Vail. C 4 10 4 2.W8 North and Howe 7 1 1 2.830 Cooper, J. II •" H 4 J. sun I Neal. :. If •" 4 •! 2.888 Rchaefer. B. II 4 7 H 2.3«0 Bartoa, K. .". ti :t 2,480 McGregory. /.. K 8 2 2 2.400 Davison. C. K 1 :i 2.370 Prltehard and James » s 2 J :wmi Whatcom Stable I L 7 2,280 UcPhersoa, J. J •" t - 2.230 Criaaea, ;. W -i 1 - 2.250 Ktanfleld, W T. 4 :■ I 2.180 Back, W. A 4 ••. S •_ Ili McDowell. I.. A S J 4 2.1H0 Bckcrt. J I 3 "• 2.150 Trowbridge and. Officer I • l 2.12*1 Crawford fc Moody 8 I 1 2.100 llrhy, « 4 :i I 2.000 lirabam, B. K I T 5 •J.ikmi Cloud, V 4 I 1 IMMMl Dean and Parrell 4 I ?. 1.888 Kearney, D :: •". 1 1.888 Mik.l. W. M 1 I •" 1.810 BickaeH, V 4 I l- 1.888 Cassity Stable :: 7 ". 1,800 MeD.-iniei. J. S :. ti :; 1.888 folk, s :t :: :: 1.880 Level, K. AI •■ * 1 i " Binehart, K 4 : J 1,888 Burkhart, X. -t •"• •"• 1.800 Capps, I.. A :t 1 1 1.770 lloskins. J 4 !■ ° 1.770 , folk iV. Askey I " 1 1.720 Humble,-ht. J 4 1 1 1.718 Men i- I . i; I :! 8 1.830 stokes, a. f, •_■ •; :: 1,880 Warren. 0. C • - 3 1,830 Rich ft fcikins :i -J l l.V.o Meadowhronk Btahk :; I 1 1.530 Mannale. V I 0 - 1,318 St. Mark- Stable .. 1 2 1,438 Dra niioii. J. 1 8 - -J 1.4S8 Kelly, t; » l 1.450 Quinlaa k Higel o :t 2 1,438 Bainbotb, J. K 8 J : 1,410 Whyte, C. 4 o i 1.408 De Mille. C o 1 n loin Goodloe, W. C 8 - 8 1.888 se;.fliev. II. S ?. 1 2 1.350 : Me,. . J o J. 1 l.olKI Kipiev. h 2 4 1 1.800 Woodford. J H - - 2 1.281" Harnett. Z -i 1 -J 1.230 i Seidell. It 2 L II I.V40 , Pelter Bra* :t 1 1 1.200 Pai ion. i: -J :: t 1.206 KnlftOB A. Noyes A 1 I 1.200 Moore A Henry :? u J l.H u Smith, l. i -J I 1 1. 13ii Ballinger and Ceffasaa : n 1 1.168 Matthew* « Diniiap -J :t 2 I. loo Allen A. Wilkcrson :! 8 t» 1.058 Archer. : . K 2 1 3 1 .858 Deitz and Owen- J :i 1 1.868 Ilaaeltfae, 8 :t • 8 t 838 Hotter. A. N 2 1 8 1.038 . Wright, W. A J 1 .". 1.050 M i-au A - 1 2 1.040 1 law ,-. l: "J 1 I 1,630 Covaalt, :. - - - 1.686 ! Onues. W 1 6 1 1,016 ; fuller. I. W J :". 8 1.888 1. 1. mau. W •". :t it 1 888 . Russet! Ben ! 1 I I 1.868 Be Kr. inks victor] in the BaJ* California Qaadi- cup. the ajost valuable » the Tijitanit slake races decided to date, •wih its n»t value to the winner of 17.738. fvn that high -das* racar first place aa the list of the Bseatey-wiaabaK horses, of which the olVawiag won 81,888 or mom each; Horse. 1st. M. 3d. Amt Be Frank l n o f 7.7.mi Edw iua 2 l o 4.. .BO They Shall Not Pass 3 :? .-.740 Itiiv.sia ,8 •; _ 8.308 of field 7 I I _ 808 Phraaa Ward I 1 1 2.816 1 Sed.m ;5 : i -,770 Horse. 1st. 3d. :id. Amt. . faddy Whack 1 I 1 2.758 Ikey T 3 " 1 l.740 ■ Horace Lerch 4 H 3 2,680 . ; Reyiw 4 6 2 2, 198 . Wallace 1 3 11 :; 2,400 I.ady la Black -2 I 1 2,378 . Mei ij 2 1 2,308 - i Regress :s :i :: -j.:iio . I General Byag 1 s 2 J. aw , I I . ! John Jr r. :t 3 2 .:5 u The Desert 1 I 2 2.180 |j Audrey K 8 :. 1 2.188 i ! J Little Giak r, :; i iMoo .1 ; Deckhand ." 2 2 :..0J0 . Martin A. Xooaaa : 1 :! 2.600 Top o tir Morning 1 5 1 2.948 . Thunderstorm 2 0 o 2,640 ■ : Ilaniiltoii A S 1 4 2.0U»i i C«valcad*ar II t t :; 1.999 I Yukon :; ij 3 1.999 i Weinlaud I 4 0 1,899 j Carrie Moore 1 1 1 1.888 1 j Robert I . Owen : i; 2 1,840 j Oingleader 4 :; 2 1.8 hi 1 Olymidan Klag 3 4 1 l.fliOO jj Hyanpom :t 1 1 1.770 ■ Vanessa Welles 4 3 1 1 ,789 I Nepperhaa :t o o 1.750 I 1 j eteran 1 1 u 1.740 I rMiss Tarnell 4 1 4 1,788 . 1 Clear the AVay 3 4 I 1.838 , | Caramha 3 2 3 l.«30: I I War Kmoke 3 1 i" 1,899 1 fob Baker 3 3 I 1,828 l: Keg :; 3 -". 1 ,998 | : Baby Sister 3 3 4 1.379 I Baby Gal •" a 4 1.579 ftl f.e Diuosauie 3 I L 1.550 I 1 George Mnehlebach I o 3 1.550 it j j Private Peat 4 l l 1.5391 , Tillotson 3 3 4 l.55o i : Viva Cuba 3 3 4 1.550 J Dai nay a li L 1,596 I I fie Ira 2 I 3 1,588 I Shifty 3 L 2 1 .530 c Short Stop 3 n 1 1,5311 ii I Anzac 1 !• 1 1.510 I : Joe Geaahuuta 8 1 J 1.516 i Milda a 3 8 1.588 B Kmiliug Maggie 3 3 :t 1,580 ! Verdi Looa 3 -J 2 1.430 I Bees Wiag a 3 2 1.45t. 14 John lloabor a I a 1.420 I* elvel 2 •■ 2 1. 0" lUnachea 1 • o 1.468 II Don Jose a :: 1 1. HW » Battle Mountain : :t 1 1. 160 B Z:in:loeli 3 L 1 ].::7l Corneal let 2 :: : l JM6 B : Crack o Dawn 3 l 6 -1.386 n i Ike Mills 3 -J 1 1.380 • j Sh.-rmnn A a •_• 8 1.390 11 ! Audrey A 2 I 1 1.359 11 i Myrtle A 2 -J 3 1 :;:iii n j King a 1 o 1.318 !! [ Ola Lee 3 1 1 1.960 . Saner 3 I 1 1.306 ii, , Venaak :t l :■ 1.900 11 , Booacrille -■ J 2 1.299 Judge David 2 3 5 1.259 J. J. Maidack 2 3 5 1,238 " Daly Ka-hiou 3 -J o 1.239 ™ Judge EUsworth 2 2 » 1.3491 * May Maul-by - 4 1 1.210- "i Woodie Moiit-onieiy 3 1 1 1.200 1 Lewis B 2 3 4 1,269 "j Christie Hotter* A 1 1 1.208 " j Our Maid 3 1 11 1.180 " Kuhih V 2 1 1 1.1140 0 Honolulu 1 I v 1.170 1 Little Jake 2 1 7 1.160 . 1 ! Cork 1 2 ft 1.199 J! Plunger 2 :: : 1,150 Perch a o 2 1.159 1 Ka- la 3 1 II 1.15U " . i.e;tiiide |! 2 3 H 1,136 . ] : Ureal Gall 1 6 6 1.106 1 fiinc- Direct 2 4 n 1.189 , Midi* a o t l.ioo ■ Pi ! Mike Daly 2 I n 1.100 ■j 1 Mi-s Maaage :. 8 1 1.198 ■ Clear Lake a 8 1 1.108 *] j lri-h Mnid 2 2 3 1.870 j Roj Dewej 1 I :; 1 ,088 "; He I. a ml 2 2 1 1.689 *M Delancey 2 2 3 1 ,658 2 how 2 2 1 1.898 • Ollie Wood a 0 0 1,836 2| Pepper Tea A u o 1,039 " Liola 2 1 1 1,050 Wnlter Mack 2 2 3 1.996 " Modiste 2 1 4 1.000 i , Reveler 2 1 2 1,906 Tie- P. Mi. Mi lion 2 :: o 1.000 «| Aunt Annie 2 1 I 1.000 °| Harrbjaaa Heir 2 l i 1,899 HJ The ridiag ol jockey I!. Marihelli has been a J -en-jitional feature of Hie meetius, the New York apprentice delighting the patrons of tin: Tijuana track by his brilliant - vork in the :jdd . He hus ridden 83 winners, twice ■* mL.n,v lacklag one to the crc-dit of E Tayhnr. ht* aearrst rivi. The following are the jen Ufcv s who rndc oae or more o w inners : Jockey. Mta. InI. 2d. 3d. Tnn. I.C. - MariaelU, R 834 83 88 U 139 .23 , Taylor, R 283 17 :;•■ . :;:. 188 |8 g| Veargta, : aot 98 89 ii ivt .13 .; - icoutinueci on Beeoad aaae.j i ! j ! I 1 I ! j ; . j ! i . . ; I 1 I j ■ ; 1 ! ! , ! i j I J 1 i i ! , i j 1 ! ! , . j . TIJUANA RACING STATISTICS i Continued from first pnpe.i Jockey. Mis. i-;t. 9a. 9*. Cap. r.c Marline/. P 3iW 19 I". M 194 Ji9 Slaughter. M 18.1 27 LM Ll DHI .1.. Gross, C ITii 29 Sb It 109 ,U I Whittinpton. C 146 Si. 19 17 91 -1J ■ Thompson. C 114 19 20 19 M M Callahan. J «;s 17 11 7 X .19. , llavward. K 133 17 9B SI 67 .KS Row,. II IK*. 1« 24 20 128 .09 ! • : Hitiphy. V 132 |S 11 IS 91 .11 Class .1 lib 11 is ll Tit .12 | rodea, N 1M 1 1 l- II 119 .99 Willi-. 0 129 lL 9 • 11 US .09; Dugg.m. c ;»:. ii 17 it :.:t .1* Hnrn. D 199 U 14 IS 92. OS Chlavetta. V 102 10 IS 19 94 .10 Taylor, v 100 10 14 K. 94 io Zelgler, A 119 10 12 : 91 .99 Carter. R 122 .» 19 11 so .07 C.rav,-. K 43 9 4 9 28 .18 lone., ll su s 9 :. 98 .09 McCrana, R 10» 9 8 8 79 Mill-. 1 77 s VI 5 r.2 lit Perry, vv 79 7 i ; 82 90 PoweU, I si 7 :. !i f." .99 Rettlff. H 01 7 1 9 41 .11 Van Danes, C 30 0 5 I i» 2d, Dmitv. K 01 •". 9 2 "t . ht rator. i: yV •. 7 is ;,: .09 Matthews. M. ..... 99 •". 8 •: in ars i Saladiu. II 20 •". 2 9 10 £» Buxton, M 19 l 9 2 io .21 Benny. K 19 i :: •". 7 .21 Lowe, It. 99 1 2 i 99 .13 "Parke, D 82 9 1 a IS .94 , , Gargau, V 12 i" 1 • 9 17 Plnnogar. 1! 11 2 5 .". 29 .08 Robertson, -1 29 2 9 9 24 »7 Tttllett. II 4 2 11 1 1 .49 Melntvrr. V 11 1 1 » 9 . Ht : Baker. K Ll 1 9 2 is 08 Gaugel. L 59 1 •"• 0 3s .82 Kindle, T 91 1 1 1 31 .89 Male-tic .1 11 1 0 It 1" .89 OBrien. TV. 1 7 1 :t 9 11 Rooney. -l 22 1 :■ 1 M "•" Taylor. C. » 1" 1 I 9 19 .07 C. B. Irwin heads the list of tin- trainers, of which the following saddled three or more winners: Trainers, Wins. Tialaer. Wins. Irwin. C. 15 :- Davison. C. K I Weant. w. c -:i Bckert, J I I I Parana, J. A 22 Farrell. II 1 Walker. W 10 Iloskins. -1 1 Crtppea, G. w 18 Howell, c 4 ! Barton, T " HBL -i 4 ! .tones. 1,. A 11 Irby. C 1 Kearney. Q 9 Mannale. .1 4 j Worthingtoil. C. I . . !• McDowell. .1 4 Anderson. W. T 8 .Mikel. w. M 4 lhikill. .1. M s Officer. C. W I Stanfield. W. I S Tolk. S t Byrne, j. W 7 Riaebart, V 1 r.mmert. C. C 7 Smith. A. K 4 Major, K. E 7 Vail. .. S I Molherson. J. .1 7 Whyte. C I lV-lter, -1 7 Ballinger, S. A 9 I | R«W«, It 7 Be-ry. J. W 9 Smith. C. C 7 Bianchi. 0. A 3 Heath, W. S 1; Black. M. V 9 MoCregorv. Z. E 0 Burkhart, N. W -i Nettl. c.ll 0 Cappe, C. c -I Piakstaff, W 8 Carney, .1 :t Kitsch. F. W C Coffey, .1 3 Wright. B. V 8 Coodin. A 9 Billerinan, ;. W " liraham. I.. K 3 Buck. w. A •" Haaeltine, s :t Cassiiv. W. M -r Henry. T A Cloud. V -". Hasg, II. W 3 Crawford. . A -" Hutchinson. I.. D.... 3 Potnoa, W. 1" S Level. M. p :? Sanipies. I .", KatlMSB, .1 3 Strife. .1. T -". Noyes. A 3 : 1 Allen. . I I QalaUn, .1. J :i Barnett. Z 4 Rslnboth, .1. K :i Bicknell. F 4 Rice, -I. -1 3 Behind. G. II 4 1 The follow ing stakes were decided: Stake. Date. Winner. Valn. Sacramento Handicap. Dee. 19: Anzac 81.199 A Oakland Selling Stake-. Dec LH: Sedan 1.10O i New Year- Handicap. .Ian. 1: Ikey T 7nu Mexican Handicap. .Ian. 2: Thunderstorm.... 1,539 [Par West Handicap, .Ian. 9: Carrie Messrs.... 1,530 i San Ysidr" Selling Stakes, -laii. 10; Great Hawk 1.189 i San Francis ■ Handicap, -lan. 29 ; The Deaett. 1.!*" I is Angeles HigbWeight Handicap. Jan. 30; K.-Ul.v in Bbrck 1.9IHI, i : Baja California Handicap, leb. 0: Be Frank. 7.750: i Tijuana Business Mens Handicap. Feb. 13; They Shall Not Pass 1.9O0 i Speed Handicap. Feb. l »: Top o1 th Morning. 1,188 I jSau Diego Business Mens Handicap. Fib. 22; Fdwina 4,000 1 The percentage . f winning favorites fell just below normal, as the following table discloses: Number of day- 79 1 Somber of races 303 : • Winning first choices LL , Winning second choice- 1291 | ! . Winning outsiders 1*23 ; 08 i 1 I Winning at odds-oil Defeated at ...Ids-on 48 j 1 Percentage of winning favorites :;9 I Several changes ha v.- been made in the track recordo, which revlaed to date are now as follows: | Dist. Horse A.Wt. Date. Time. 1-4 Ikey T 2 113 Feb. 7, 1920 :23% 3-8 Kosellis ...2 105 Jan. 8. lflic, tSft* ! Pepper Tea-2 115 -Ian. 1. 3921 ::t"c:-, 8 1-2 f Avon Carey. 2 112 Feb. 12. 1917 42% Cstwd Bsx2 113 Feb. 28, 1921.. :!:.". 1-2 Rollin Laird. 2 123 May la, 1»IC :A7% 1 4 1-9 t Joe Blair. 1" 10". .Ian. S, 19Ll :.".3:-, 0-8 Phne Ward. 4 107 Hay 20. 1920 :0» 5 1-2 f Sangallo ...3 IIS June 28. 1910 1:05H , 3-4 Slip. Elm. ..3 110 Dec. L0, 1910 1:11% G 1-2 f Sempsltla ..7 111 Jan. 9. 1910 lOb j 7-S Bank 3 115 Nov. Di, 19111 1:25 1 Sangallo 9 95 June 17. 1911 1:99 lmSOy Vesta 5 108 Jan. 14, 1917 1 :." 24f, i 1m70r Breeze 6 122 Feb. 1. 1928 1:48% 11-16 Sangallo ...3 110 June 24. 1910 1:4.1 1 1-S Wvnnetvood 4 100 May s.:. 1828... .1:53 Baraay 0 187 Jan. 8, lir.l i:r,: Coffiehl . . .:. 10 , Feb. 11. Urjl 1 :.-.:! 1 9-19 T.S.N. lass K»7 .Ian. 1. 1921 2:00% jl 1 I Breese 8 115 May 10. 1920 2:05/» t

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