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I ■ , ! • : | i , , : I I ! ! j I | : 1 1 A i i i i : i i I 1 : 1 • , | ! . i 1 I ; j 1 I | ! 1 , j i t 1 * ■ I I - 1 1 t j . J „ 1 i 1 k e HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1991.— Oriental Park." Highly --..cond day. Cuba-American Jockey and Auto Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more day-. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Steward-. .1. Hrolitneister. C. II. Latt-dale and F .1. Brun. Start., r. .lam..- F-Milton. Racing Se-. • retarjr. M. Najtbasson. Raelsa -tarts at 2:15 p. m. .Chicago tune 1:42 p. m.t. •Indicates apprentice allowance. riRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jar.. 8. 192f — 1:11— 0— 1C2. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and SACafi Ovr«c70 rpward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Irnle-. Horses A Wt ID St !, .. ■-, Str Fin Jockeys- Uwners tt 11 0 1* 9 53007 mam i:s w 7 no .. i i aa P l«j L Penman 1 Doy l 1 l 2-5 1-5 53038*1:1 V AT w 9 991 I 1 V 1 1 9 P Wilson A Teasneal : U 2] 1 1-2 52888 ONWA ws 7 11.". l 2 . 2J 2| 1 W MeehanR PilUna 31 II Si 8-6 3-5 530" I »l! F.i:-A itl.KKNA vv I MO 4 8 I 7 1 1 Is V. I.irnsli J Reatle 10 in 7 99 8-5 .".3079 JAMBH i; • .-. : lii 6 1 5 C Bamcs J de- Batrampea s I I :. v; SS811 BISCUIT 8199 S "■ I* » P •■ A Jbcoba % E WiUtina IS IS .IS C SS888 RRICIIDA » G 198 7 .; ." I : 7 .1 Dawson P f Haynie I 8 8 s-" S30~9*WILL JOHNSON a 1101 11 8 8 8 8 R LcasterE Oaar I M 10 4 ! Time. 24. 49i. 1:1*%. Track fast. .! ntatnela paid. lames, 94.30 Ktraight. . ::.jd place, 82.80 bow; Royat, 84J9 place. sn.7n absar; Onwa, . :: i show. i:.ji.i...b nt booking odds lamea, 123 Io 189 straight, 89 to 189 place, io to 189 shew Royat, 126 ts 1ik place, 83 to 100 show: Onwa, 90 to 180 -how. Wlsser It. g. by Hllarlons DurUag, by Marttsel trained by B. It. Rice; bred by Messrs, Williams Bros and Holland. Weat t.. p,,si al 2:88. Al po t l nlnnte st.nt « 1 and slon for ill bat BOHBR-SA-BREESA. "". ii handily: second and third driving JAMES made no ground and finished gamely and Was going awa at tin- end. ROYAT set the pace, but tired after racing into a long bad when entering the stretch. ONWA ran will. BOHBR XA-BREENa was oft in a Jam and was anlled up. tbea etesed aa immense gap. JAMES t; ipiit. SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jaa. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Pataa 00. 3-year-old; and 50AQQ OvftlFtLF upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; leoaad, S1C0: third, 0. lii.h I Ib.rse- AWtllSt • -, str Fin -lotkeys Owners 0 H C P S .V»8s:: HU8H w41M 1 I r 3 1 W Keteaj G Holmes 4-6 4-6 4-6 1-3 1-1 .-.30X0 PLYING PROG i:4 10-l :■ 2 I] l- T -" L Penman Leydeckcr t 4| 4J 8-6 4-5 .••:ks; WAR TAN wu :. in:: :; i 5 ." «sk ja R LcnaterF Delbarrio I M 19 4 -1 589S8*TAVENTY SEVEN 7 M8 t a • 5] t l»J -I Sinitii I Roughsman 1 3 3 1 l-J 48232 MAJOR DOMO « 5 117 , 7 6j 6» ."•- 6J C Hashes E Alvarea 7 7 7 1:. ;-.. 82913 DRAGOON a-n 6 llfi 1 : Sl 9 6 6* C Eamcs 1 h..i- 7 7 7: 152522 K1G IDEA use. i m:, 7 «: :: h* 7 7 i: KenndvL f: Kraft i :. .". 2 l Time. 23S. 47--,, 1:19%, Track fast, mntuels paid. Hash, 83.90 straight, 83.80 place,- S2-.89 show: Plying Prog, 95.99 ntteS, 93.89 sbsar; War Tax. 83.00 -! ow. BiptlvnUiit hooking odds Hush. 05 !• HMt -traight. 85 to 188 place. :!i» ts 100 show; Flying Frag 190 Io Hid pl.-ice. mi ;.. Dm -how; War Tax, 30 la 100 show. winner B. f. bj I-r..u -Marietta, hj OddfeUon I trained hj D. Haauaoad; bred hf Mr Thomas Clyde. Went ts p.-t at _:-".T At | o-l t minute;. Start good and slows Woa ilnim:: -econd and third -the -am., lllsli worked her u.iy 1 1 1 • araand the leaders and. finishing fast and gamely, just e,,t up in time to win. FLYING FROG set a fast early pace and tired in the final drive. WAK TAX slipped through on the Inside in the stretch int.. second place, bat tired. TWENTY SEVEN closed a gap and finished close up. MAJOR DOMO ran af If l iing racing. DOtAGOON and BIG IDEA gait. livers eights Major Uomo, _ pounds. f£ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purso S700. 3-year-olds. 50-8 Ol"" Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, S1C0: third, 0. Index Hois.- AWtllSt i, _■ , Str Fin Jockey- Own.-:- » II C P 8 52884 • MA VEHONA wa IM 2 4 U - V I 1 Wilson W l: Coe 6-5 7-6 7-6 2-5 1*8 ~r,;; Ai:iN iKKI.K wa no ." 2 P* ! Ij 2 I W Kelsay J L Wad I .■ S 1-6 4-5 52898 *J17LIEANNE wa 191 4 C •"• I I R l...-t.rU Kenntlly - 2 2 l-- --•• 52984*AUNT DEDA a M8 1 3 2 3J I L Penroan T Hodg. z 2 2 4-5 J-S 53915 *HRP OF THE x v i ss ,; | |t ;.i ; :, c Pnrrlsh F Beamolt and 8 8 3 K-6 S2948*TUANOREA v. Kk 3 .". i 6 •• -I Smith W 11 Molten 28 88 18 S 1 Time. 23 V5. Kf, 1:13"and. Track fait. 82 nnitu-N paid, Mavehona, 95.50 Btralght, 83.58 place, *.:.: show; Cabin Creek. 88.18 place. 92.90 show; Julicanne, .80 -how. Ciuivab nt Ik... king odds -Ma veh-uia. 17-". to 189 straight. 75 to luO place. 23 to 188 show; Cabin Itc-k, 285 to 1 1 Mr place, 15 t.. umi show; Jnlieaane, :iu to inn show. • Winner p.. f. i. Harmoaksa laette, by Isinglass trained by K. K. Karriek; heed by Mr W R. Cse. Went to post at 3:21. -t post | minutes. Stan goad and slow. Won haadtly; seesstl and third driving. MAYKIIONA. after beusg saved for the firs! half, was brought around the leader when entering tin- ntreteh and, finishing fast, woa going away, CABIN CREEK showed the most early speed and s,-t a fast pace, but tin. I la the last eighth. JlLIEANNE began slowly and was taken wide for the first half mile, then finished, with a belated rush. AI.NT DKDA ran fairly will. /b-j FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. :Jan. 8, 1020—1:11—6—102. Purso 00". 3-year-olds and 501 OAvA tip-ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, S100: third. 0. liatea Harem AWti-ist1, : ■ :, BtrFla Joebeya Owaers 0 H c p s 59888* FELIN M. wa 3 84 7 l +■ c 43 Ill Gordon B B Bwan U IS IS I 33838 NOBLEMAN was 9112 I 3 Ish lb l «ak c Eanaea C E Lenaban t 1 I 8-5 -■■ 53055 MOLINERO WB 3 08 l 2 1 V 2 3s F Wilson A .1 Madera 1 I 1 1 -3 1-fi G30«i l.VKH vsii:;Hl 2 r. 3* S»J 4 V It LcaaterF A Herald 3 2 3 1 1-2 53888* POKRT It. wa 5 ME :: « h 7 * 6* 5 .1 9taYona C ll Glhroy 7 7 7 8] i;-i 52948 HBL.EN I.OAS wit 3 83 .". 7 » «nl- 7 I ": , Penman 1. trisi I I i I 63878* •STILETTO wit ". no « 1 •.• .v gak 7s* W Kelaay I! Bblekla s x s .: ■-.-. ."040i COCKLE w C M2 6 8 71 8 8" 8 T llurn.s .1 M Irimmins :0 :1 98 li Time, 23*-. 471;,. 1:142-,. Track fast. s mtitnel- paid. FeHs If., 871L28 straight. 928.58 place. 918.10 -how: Nobleman. 911.48 place. 95.39 show: M. diner... ."-.Ofl show, Eqalralenl I king odds -Felix M., 9888 to Dhi straight. 137.". to 189 place. It:, to 100 -how: Noble- man. 47o to umi place, 175 to 100 show: MoHaero. 45 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Hessian Faustina, by Star Hbool trained by F. .1. II:,;.: bred by Mr. John K. Madden i. Went to post ;,t 3:17. At post 3 minutes. Marl go..d and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FFI.1X SI. followed the leaders close up until straightened out in the stretch, then closed up with a rush on the outside and woa away. NOBLEMAN tired after setting a fast early pace, but fin- Iftbed gamely. MOLINERO was ■ doee-np contender all the way. hat was tiling at the finish. LYRIC rac.-d gamely. Overweight - --Felix. M.. t pounds; Lyric, 3; Stiletto. L. : fCQ"l A* FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlcnj*. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:05:5—and— 102. First Running «L i i J M ROTARY CLUB HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,130: second, 00: third, S250; fourth. S100. Index Homes AWtlPSt li :: ;, StrFm .b.ckey- OWsers tl II C V S 52228 AMERICAN ACEws 5 122 s 7 4 8*1* p w Relsay I. Cebrian 8-6 8-5 8-5 8-5 1-1 58882 B. OF FJi.l/.T W.v. n 5 US 6 4 2" J Is 1*1 2* .1 Haffler T Hoffkr ■. 6 •; 21 6-5 5i!»K:t TACOLA w 6 188 3 5 7- 7: V ■ .1 Fran la • B Potts t I I 8-5 4-6 C3889*OS4JOOD w 6185 is 8 8 8 4i R McDottT Doyle 9] Sj 7-5 7-lf 58882Ml"MBO JUMBO a 7 111 7 •; •• 2 ■"■ 5J 5» C Dor. I T Doyh. :i? Sj Sj 7-8*48 52983aSIROCCO aitMI 5 1 3* S1 S» 6* A Picfcena O L Fitzgerald 42 Ij 4V 9-6 4-6 5388*DIFF*NT EYES w Sill I » ■- ~ - 7" K LcasterJ I lilliti 4j 42 IJ -.".4-5 52853 *OUT THE WAY wa 6 M8 2 z 1» 2* V 8 B KencdyM Ooldblatt 8 8 8 8 s-5 fConated in betting: no separate place or -how bitting. Time. 23*, 47.. LOO2;,. 1:0615. Track fast. sj mutiicls paid. Ansericaa Ac-. 85.90 straight, si. in place, 98.58 show: I.clle af Bttaabetktown, 912.18 nttce, s7.ihi show: Tacola. 95239 allow. Equivalent bookiag odds — Aasericaa Ace, 105 to 100 straight. 183 t « 10O place. 75 to 100 show: Belle of EUaabethtowa, 505 to 180 place, 258 to 189 show; Taenia, 188 Is li« show. Winner Br. h. by Yoa Tramp— Boot gal, by Oahrestoa trained by J. Lawe; heed bj Mr, Edward Cebri.Ull. Went to post ;if 1:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third drlv hag. A.MKKIi AN ACE began slowly, but worked his way ap on Ibe outside and finishing with, a rush through tin stretch, won going away. BELLE OF. BLIZABETHTOWN recovered her speed suddenly and set a fast pace after taking the lead, in lired badly in the last eighth. TACOLA closed a big gap in th.- in -t quarter and made a fast finish. OHGOOI ais.i made up much ground and finished with a rash MLMBti JUMBO. 8IROCC0 and DIFFERENT KVF.s all finished close as. OCT THE WAV s.-t a fast .ally pace, but qnit in the stretch. ■ i,.d 53037 Redbiad, 98. irrerwelghts- Osg 1. 5 pounds; Tacola. i. gr O-g AQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. 0«Lb.l-"«3 4-ycar-ods and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. index Horse- AWtllSt _• : , str Fia Jockeys Owners o H C P s 1 53000 Ft iSl" I: EMRRYa-n 5 198 8 8 7- P* 1« 1- l1 I Gordon K B Allen 2] . 2J 1 1-2 5S84Ma*BILL H!.i.i:v w 6 103 l1 2 4. 4 S • L Penman T Dsyle I :; 3 I 1-2 53000 HUNTRESS w Mibi 3 t :. -"1 -l 9* 3» W Kebnty -I .1 McCafferty z 3 . 1-5 2-5 52381 wn ! 108 I .■ 8* ■• 3* :: I-. B KeendyL Grist I 6 i ! 8-S 53889«PAa DE QHANCEws 7 1«3 1 1 2 6j 6 6j 5" .1 Smith W Ii Padgett s s :; | :. 53884 HOCN1R 1" i|!S 7 7 8 8 7- i; . W MeehanW B Fhaneann S S .". ! 1 ."■:l0H:tsvi,A i at ."■ io:: .". .: I1 Sj 6j 7; 7- R LcaaterM Willianaa 20 28 l-o s i 53888 TI51 J. HOGAN 6 118 • 5 5*7 B 8 * C Kam-s : Warwick 1. H 18 l . Time, 2345, 48. l:13!Jt l-. L43V Tracl: fast, sj miituci- paid. Foster Bmbry, s7.:t straight, si on pUce, 82.90 show; l.ill Haaley, s."..:t0 place. sn.Ki sh..w: Hnntress, 92.70 show. I nt 1 kmg odds Foster Bmbry. 285 to 1 straight, lisi t.. mo place, i" t.. inn sbsw; l.ill Huniev. 105 to 100 place. 55 to lmi show; Haatress, ::.". to nm s|,,,. Winner Cb. ". by stalwart llnrgarel Hastings, by Hastings trained hj i! B. ABea; hred hj Mr. Charh - Nn. k.d-. .1 1 . I Wen? tn pi. ■■! ..I 1:41 At post :t minute-. Start good gad sb w. W • .11 handily: second aad third driving FOOTER RMBRY was off slowlj aad takca wide while roaadiag the tir-t tu-n. but moved np with ;, rrtsh in t" tl. lead OB the baekstretch .and mad.- a fast aaid gam. finish RILL HI Nl F.V slipped through "ii th" in-id. • when entering Ihe stretch, was in close qaarters in the la-t itxteentli ami crowded slightly hj the winner or he might have won. lit NTWCss ran a g 1 mi game race, but was tiring at th. finish. CLIP and 1AS BE 1 HAM I: 1.111 g I races. KYLVANO quit after setting a fast i.nlv pace. S.-rat. I . ll 53089 Zoic. .is. Overweight* -Tim., thy .1. Uiogan, J pounds. CTQ-j/b | SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1 :441:,— 3—92. Purse 00. 4-year-a uOlu"! olds .nn apwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 09: third. 0, , Horses AWtllSt , Str Fia Jockeys Owners « ll « V s 5S828RUNNYVEN wa I MC ! I ::■ I 1- -;1- B EenndyA L Austin 6-5 7-5 7-5 1-3 *-4 52883 •HARLOCK w 8 189 I 3 1* l l| 2 -" 1- Penman J H Moody 2J 23 3| 1 L-5 59988 REDHTART w 6 lid S ■■ B I fi W Kebm] J .1 McCaffert M 38 39 |0 6 52985 * EXHORT ER wa i la :.:.;.;.. - R LcasterJ Walter* 3j 3] 3j 7-6 7-W 1 St888 * LACKAWANNA « 6 -198 ■■ •• :•■: .1 Smith irraogJa stable »J 2j ■:_ 1 ■:■:. 58871 ARMISTICE we 4 188 I J 1- . ■ . V •■ A Pickens Florida Stable I i - I 5-5 Time, 23-!J, 47i5, 1:18, 1:39, l:464j. Track fast. 92 mutuel.- paid. Runny veil. 95.88 straight, .So.-O phice, 92.80 sboa : Hariock, 93.89 plan, 93.M sbsw: Redstarti 85.38 shear. Iif|uivuicut bookiag ids— Ktinn.wen. 180 t,. 100 straight, 80 to loO place, io to 189 show; Hurli. so to 108 pluc. 53 to 100 show. Redstart. A to 100 show. Winner -B. g. by Runnymede- Ventura, by Virgil trained by A. !.. Austin; bred by Mr. Adolpfa R Bpreckels. Weal to post at 5:1ft. ,t i . -• i minute start go...i and slow. Won easily; socood and thinl drlv ing. lit NNYVFN was saved .md waited with t-. tiie stretch tarn, then cum.- ..a fast when called on aad easily passed BABLOCK in the la-t sixteenth. HARLOCK - t a fa-t pace and waa mu.-h Seed la ! racing EXHORTER Into defeat aad tired in tie- final drive. REDSTART dosed a big gap and finished i fa-t on tin- iu-id. . EXHORTER tired in the stretch drive AU.MiSTUT: failed to stay the route.