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SHREVEPORT OUTLOOK GOOD Results So Far Held to Justify Construction of a New Plant and Future Meetings. BY J. I.. DLMfSLY.t RHRRVKFORT I.a.. rebraary 27. Witb * eoa-tiaaatioa •: the present brand of bahay weather hen the "path" mar the eater rail at the state fair grounds race track, to which all of the winners since the meeting opened ap to the third race of Saturd.iv owed their raceaaa. is ■ thine of the past. This morning found numerous horses engaging in exercise gallops ami all of them took the ■hottest waj around, it was the first time sine,. the meeting began that the trainers were able to glee their charges real workouts. The] took ad rentage of the opportunity to the fallest exteat. liarrowa were kept constantly on the track all day and bj tomorrow afternoon it will be even raster -mi! hotter than before it was rained on. as it will nit he so bard. Previous to the opening of tin meeting it was foaad necessary to diL the track ui to a depth of several laches in an effort to put a cushion on it. It wa~ while it was torn up that the rain caaae and left it •■ ■ toggj mess. Bapportcrs of racing, particularly those t.onisi-aaa, have canse tor rejoreiag over the success .. • is being met here with tire experimental meeting now in progress at the state fair grounds, it has found unqualified approval from the majority i tin- town folks and numbers ■■aoag its samporters seme of the nost merchants and fin.iiuier- Whal little oppositioa was voiced at the outset baa i» u tilled and it ia now gi erally accepted thai racing here annually f«Hr a limited period is • fixtare. ,aj efforts Io Mock future meetings in this eater-prising ronimunit] will be fought stabbornly and the "power* thai be" wdl i»- found aligned with the fore* a of S a Orleaas ia the event of threat eaed iegtalatiou. I ins |M ., decided reversaL for this .lion has beea r»;garded ■■ i bathed of 1 efoi in. This lavoiahh sentiment vill probaMj result in the building of a raciag plant over which future meetings will be Inhl. The present sit..- baa loe inaiiy drawbacks lis chief one i~ the unsuitable track, with Its lack of drainage, causing it to be a qBafmire after ■ heavy rain, its claj soil will not respond to sun and wind and retain- its moisture for days. After ■ rain the going becomes trj iiitt and few owners ■are to aead I good lor-., to I. lee over it. There ia available around le be had for track bulMlag purpose* in easy reach of the ceatral section of the town and aa up to date ntaal could he constructed at no great oxnease. The project ilraady ba* the attention ot i:d w. Biauas, whs lias green the racing here his attention for the las tew dj-. w H. Rowi, ipnaaiit for tin present Bkeeting, and identified with Mr. imms in Rouir of his oil holdings, is also ia favor af building a new plant and will qive it his liberal fin:, in i. 1 1 -imp r: A nninh.i of lural people would aii BBCsaae iatereated and he willag tc Coatmued ou •eeaaal aafe, SKREVEPORT OUTLOOK GOOD it oatlased from first page. i Bdranci pari at the capital aaeeaahry M the eaa- j sirin : ion .-. i k. ■ 1 ! Intended futare aapetbapt lure are aimed to lei- ! Ion the racing ::t Sew nrirsas, and it K argued , . that horses and race followers engaging in the j Crescent Iltj meetings nroald ceaae here. There I, also Ihe possibility ..f nm Bprtags resuming :iiil ■ sh it meetiag here woald fit in between i in- ,1 -,- of New Orleans rariag and the opening al Uol Bpriags, a Ibis locality is ahaeat Midway between the twa points. The saaaagemeat feels encouraged with the re -— . ill t — -.1 far and it K aba sal certain that no part of no- . :.ii.iuhi reserve foaad will be called oa, far while no big profits bars been anane, still the meeting lias ls?ea carried along without loss and j this, too, in spite of drawback-, particularly in ! I the matter of had racing cards, due to the esa-ditieii . ■ of the track. With fine u.athcr and a good track there will be big and more attractive field- ill all the dashes and an impnn .incut in the ; sport. j There was real n grel when starter Osborne suf- j ] f.ri.l his stroke and his chain- of recovery appear : remote. He was strickea while in the art al nead-ing a field away la race and few ol the -p.ctators »ii swan of what had happened, excepting that i be w;;- ..inicd freiii the starter- l«.x and Klnier ■ i dispatched Ihe horses. At first it was - | though I be had aa attack of indigestion, but on 1 reachiag Ibe -auitariniu it aras found that the j entire right side ..T his body, including hi- aim and leu. was paralysed. Oshnrte is receiving the i.,--i attention that eaa he had ami his wife is also ■ roastaatly with him, should be rally tram the at-t.ick be will be taken to his beans in Breoklya, "i . The Mr.liile s, days meeting is taking aa an as- tared appearance and aa eaeeUeat stall ol officials s ha- been secured by the Pari sea « Mens Racial As--hi in ion. under whose au-piic- the meeting is to be h«M. According to advices there will I aoagh horses to cany ell the meeting, fot only live races i, are intended to he run daily and it is possible lluil t! not more than eight horses will be abb- to start at t «.ne time aver the half mile track Abaat fifty v horses will probably be shipped from here and it is s said that as many wRl be shipped from Sew Orleans. • Jockey L. McDerinott, Howard Oots promising ap-prentie,-. is kading the riding cohhay here with six rictoriei to his credit, white L. Avon is next in order, he hnving scored five times. A. Knli-creek and 1. RodrlgoeS have ridden four winners s each. The riding colony here is nothing to lxxint t of. there lx ing no stars in it, hut the jockeys on ii hand are pretty well matched in skiB and this - areas matters up lac the owners and trainer* in n belecting a rider for their liorsus.