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SHREVEPORT FORM CHART SHREVEPORT LA MONDAY FEBRUARY 28 1921 Eighth day Shrcveiwt Jockty Club Winter Meeting of 13 days Weather clear temperature 70 ° FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purso S500 3ycar6Uls and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4B2i9 HARKY UUUDBIl wn f 110 7 7R u t ji js jt uorwayl Shelclou Shelclou7J 20 no so s 4 R 0 3FINAX HOOSTKRw 4 113 rt 7J I5J 3A I1 H KrlcksnU Warfiold Warfiold4h 2 2J 2 JTD 14 14x 5 0ri2 UALLYUIHHX ws 3 10 1 1SSOGlSPOKTi 4h s Li 31 L Aron A Luzuder Luzuder1J x 20 7 SSOGlSPOKTi OHAXCK w S 105 2 1J 1s J A UlchcrUl Uuuter S 12 10 f 48855 MATTIK 15 KKXT w HU 1 1 ah k 1 I Huupel U S Brumfield BrumfieldTi 2 n lUr ira 1 iltOTri ROVA1 IILOOD wn 3 110 C 5 Ti 73 C = C F Murpliy It J Horner 4 s 7 2i l 53073 CLEAN SWEEP v 4 110 S 65 4 7 ° 7 AV Brown II JH AVendel 50 50 50 10 5 53052 J E HERTZ wu S 100 IS S 8 S S I McDottAA D Bernhardt 4 S 7 2i 1 Time 24 49 103 111 Track good goodAVinner AVinner Ch b liv Skilful True Step by Handsome trained by 1 E Iluupas bred by Mr Sidney Block AVeut to post at 22i At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing HARKY RUDDER was saved close up until reaching tlie stretcli where lit raced into the lead to viii as Ids rider pleased FIXAXC1AL ROOSTER began slowly but closed a gap and Cnislied fast IIALLYGHIEX raced namely but tired right at tlie end SPORTIXG CHAXCE set a good pace to the stretch and tired MATTIE U KEXT lini hcd lame and dropped back after going tlie first quarter quarterScratched Scratched 52394 Magic Castle 10 53013 Mabel Josephii i sni st Kvii iiv vsiisr AM Sterling 110 113 Ieeswaw 110 53052 Hay 110 Overweights Mattie IS Kent li pounds CTO I ftQ SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming OOJLvfO Net value to winner S350 second 3100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt i i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C 1 5281SASSUME WP 7 115 5 5 4J 4 1J 1s T IIcupol J Leonard 1 U5 85 14 out 53050 ROSCOK GOOSE w 9 115 2 t I1 I2 21 2 1 RodgezG Drumhlller 2 3J 3J 45 25 25530853PETROGRAD 530853PETROGRAD w 7 115 12 2 = 2 = 3l 3X II EricksnRomer U field S 12 10 3 75 530733 PLAIN RILL w t 115 4 35 3 k 4J 41 L Mink Hickoy Bros 15 15 15 5 2 258077CLKJAX 58077CLKJAX UP wn 7 110 7 1 51 5 51 L McDottBriggs Hitclik l 10 10 3 75 7552139SLADA 52139SLADA KATHERX w 7 110 B C G5 6 i C A Collins G C Milton 50 50 50 12 5 53074 OX HIGH w 4 110 7 7 7 7 7 J ShelepetsJ Robertson 5 10 10 3 G5 G5Time Time 24 49 l02l5 109 Track good Winner 15 K by Disguise Chancery by Indexible trained by F M Rray bred by Mr James It Keenet KeenetWent Went to post at 254 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Vuii easily second and third driv ¬ ing ASSUME had to lie ridden hard in the early running to keep up with tin leaders but raced into a long lead in the last sixteenth ROSCOE OOOSK showed the most speed froiii the start but tired in the last eighth PETROGRAD linislied well after being prominent from the start PLAIX RILL tired OX HIGH was away poorly Scratched 53077 Mary Fonso 95 53074 = Mormon 110 3073 Foreclosure 105 530S5 Madras Gins ham 105 53085 Catania 110 3073 Selma G 110 3003 Judge Price 110 ff7 THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value OO JLJP 9 to winner 350 second S100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi V 1 Str Fin Jockevs Owners 0 II C P 234 4 = LAD w 110 4 5 C 5 3J 2i 1 A Collins G Drumhlller CSS 2i 1 152r95RICHARD 52r95RICHARD V w 4 110 7 4 S 2 2 1 2 J II UurkeSder Holmes C 7 7 2 45 4553075tTOXA 53075tTOXA w 4 111 S 3 1 1i I1 3i 3i 1 RodgczJ Leider 10 10 10 3 G5 G53050HOPOAER 3050HOPOAER vi 5 105 3 6 4 4 = 4s 4s 4s L McDottH Oots 4 S S 2J 1 53077 S X K HEAL wit 7 102 G 2 51 G GU G = 53 R HolwayM Giodpaster 12 20 15 5 2 5308fiI5KTSV 5 07 2 7 7 7 7 5 G T Brooks 1C Loll 50 50 50 15 f 1 53078 SAX MARCUS w 4 115 1 1 2 3s 5 7 7 1 Ileup l T B Dwyer 7101 5 14 out 530 i4 KIRSTIES CUB wsr G 107 5 Left at the post A RichckC G Sheldon 477245 JSent out iu entries as Tony W WTime Time 24 48 115 129 Track good goodWinner Winner I g by Durante Murietta by Oddfellow trained by F Heavner bred by Messrs Chinn Forsythe Went to post at 318 At post 1 minutes Start good nml slow for all but KIUSTIKS CUR AVon easily second and third driving LAD moved up steadily and passing RICHARD V in the last eighth won easing up RICHARD V ran a good race but tired in the last eighth after taking the lead TOXY showed tlie most early speed but was done after going liveeighths HOlOVER began slowly and closed jiii SAX MARCtS ran a poor race and was beaten after going the lirst quarter etched r3053 Roisterer 10S VSOiM Tiger Rose 17 30S Terrible Miss 105 r30Si Lady Mildred 110 53013 Horeb 110 3033 Walter Turnbow lli lliOverweights Overweights Richard V iniunds FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Jiet value to winner S350 second 100 third 50 AWtPPSt H k vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners CHOPS i30aOsSANDY H w 4 10S 1 2 5 4 1J L McDottJ AAakeman 2 1352i 4513 53090 SHILLIXG w 110 G 5 2 k 21 2 t lii 2 = H EricksnAnderson Bro 5 5 S5 710 2768 OAKLAVX BELLK w 102 3 I 1 11 1 21 i G Babin AV F Strauss 15 15 15 5 2 52213 JERRY wi S 112 4 G 5 = 3 3 5 4 J RodsczO Dnimhiller Dnimhillerr2830 4 5 3 1 35 r2830 YAPHAXK w 1 102 2 3 4 4l W 5i L Aron K Loll 4 5 4 7512 53090 THE PRTUGSE wi G 112 5 4 4 J Heupel R E AVatldns 2 3J 3i G5 25 Time 25 49V5 116 130 Track good goodAVinner AVinner Ch e by Ilarrigan Heatrice Soule by Peep oDay trained by G Kthington bixd by Mr IJenjamiti A Jones JonesWent Went to post at 343 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same SAXDY II was forced back soon after the start and had to race wide but finished gamely and wore SHILLIXG down in the last sixteenth to win drawing clear SHILLIXG showed liuiih speed and held on well in the tlnal drive OAIvLAWX HKLLK set a gooil pace but tired in the stretch JKRRY had no mishap YAPHAXK tired THE PORTTGtESE was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 8WOOnileeso 92 iiSOUO Resist 107 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purso 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 V = i Str Fin Jockeys 0 II C P S r307XCAPT BURNS AVI 10 Hd 2 3 3 1J I3 1 R Ho IwayI Simpson S5 3 3 1 25 58077 COCKROACH 5114 4 2 1 215 2 1 2 J RolgeztS Howard 21 3 2 45 13 1352839SOLTD 52839SOLTD ROCK S112 7 7 7 5 T1 W J L Aron AA Smith 10 12 12 4 2 253078SUSAN 53078SUSAN M 51C5 5 G C 6 41 I2 41 J Heupel D McDermid 10 10 41 8 5710 5710330G4 330G4 SPEARLEXB w C 110 1 5 4 = 3 31 5 = 5s A RicbcrkM J Kramer 12 12 12 4 2 2330G5CTERUALCE 330G5CTERUALCE ws 5 110 3 1 2 it GJ 6s G A Collins AV O Stoner S 10 10 3 C C52979KOHINOOR 52979KOHINOOR 7107 G 4 ai 7 7 7 7 L McDottH J King 2J 4 4 753 753Tmo Tmo 25 49 115 143 149 Track good goodAVinner AVinner R g by Rockto i Ravena by Clifford trained by J Simpson bred by Mr John Snnford SnnfordAVent AVent to post at 408 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CAPTAIX IURXS raced into the lead in the iirst quarter and held sway to the end to win in a canter COCKROACH set the early pace and lield on gamely for second place SOLID ROCK closed Bap and was going well sit the end SUSAX M had m mishaps KOHIXOOR was done after goiiij threeeighths SPEARLKXE and COUXTERRALAXCK iinit SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 500 3yeaf61ds andupward Claiming F Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 LS AAVtPPSt1 = i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S KING w 6 114 1 2 1 = 1s I1 I5 I8 J Heupel K K AVatkins S5 2 G5 35 13 13JGAN 53005s AVILL1GAN JGAN w 5 104 10 I 41 4 2J 2s L McDottBrtegsHhccck 10 12 12 5 2 527 7 FOUNTAIN FAY wii 11 114 S 4 23 2s 2 2530H9 23 5 T H IurkeT E Crist Cristwsi 10 S 3 S5 530H9 ° DU SHAFKIl wsi i 114 H 5 3 3 3530G5 T 4 = 4 J RpdBezAV Jones Joneswsi 2 4 3J 75 35 35S 530G5 THUNDHRUIRD wsi 4 107 210 10 o B1 tii G G13077PHILIPP1C G1 G 5 F Murphy I J Regan ReganAVI S S 5 S5 7M 7MG 13077PHILIPP1C wr 7 109 7 7 G G1 5 5s 5 5 0 = J She 1potsK K Bryson Brysonw G 7 7 2 G5 3077 CAPT HODGE w G 111 4 1 l S1 7 75307fi 7 712 H 13rIcksnP 1 Miles 20 SO 80 12 T 5307fi = KEUO wfl 7 109 f 3 1 7i 9 91 9 9527G7 93 s Ss L Aron T Costello Costellowsi 10 15 12 5 2i 2i2i 527G7 IIRICKLEV wsi 10 114 S 10 IU 10 9 9s A Collins L A Broaddus Broadduswi 2i 20 20 S 4 4is 53008 COMACHO wi 7 114 5 9 S = 7 7i S 10 10 A ItichcrkP Flynn is o o 12 3 Time 25 50 116 144 150 Track good Winner 11 g by Mint Elsie Harris by Eon trained by R E AVatkins bred bv Mr C R Camp ¬ bell bellWont Wont to post at 433 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing P J KIXG raced into the lead with a rush and won all the way with tlie utmost ease AVILLI GAX moved up steadily from a slow Ixiginning and was going fast at the end FOUXTAIX FAY tired after racing prominently from the start DR SHAFER had no mishaps THIXDERISIRD was far back all the way HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA CUBA MONDAY FEBRUARY 28 1921 Oriental Park Eighty third day CubaAmerican Jockey and Auto Club Winter Meeting of l i or more days Weather clear temperature 90 ° Stewards J Hichmeister C II Lansdale and F J Kriien Starter James F Milton Racing Sec ¬ retary M Xatlmnson fl Tl FIRST RACE 12 Mile Feb 23 1919 43 2 115 Purse 703 2yearolds 5 5fl O JL JL JL Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 5EO second 100 third S50 li Str Fin Jockeys Ownrs O 11 r s 2 1i IJ F AATilson G E Emener 11113 1C 1Clh 3091XAYISCO 10 S 4 lh i Ls R LcasterP G Julian 13 15 15 C 3 3f KLAXY MAE 107 2 G Gr2 f 4 3 II GoodwinJ A Hall 8 10 10 4 2 r2 J85 HYERES 113 3 1 12908OSTELLE 3 J 3 k 4 C Eames E D Springer 2 2 2 45 25 25t 2908OSTELLE 10i 7 5 t 4U i r i J Francis Williams Bros 12 12 12 5 2 27s 8091 BITTER BITIXG 113 9 7 7s G1 fit T CiimronP Powers S 10 Id 4 2 2r 2270 KIXG B 116 3 r 74 7J AV Kel ay U G Denny 444 S5 45 281 ACOSTA 10S 0 9 S S3 S5 AV MeehanE C Knebkamp S S S 2 S5 53091 3091 COL TEX will 111 1 IS S 9 999 9 A Tryou Marianao Stable 30 30 30 10 G GTime Time 24 36 49 Track last lastSL SL miitiiels paid lil tina K siSO straight 290 place 210 show Xavisco lt0 place Si50 show Flaxy Mae 33300 show Eijiilrnlent booking odds lustina E 90 to ItlO straight 45 to 111 place 20 to 100 show Xavisco IJSO to 100 place 22 to 100 show Flaxy Mae lViO to 100 show Winner Ch f by Ialo Alto Mistlchloom by ISorgia trained by K K Karrick bred by Mr A K Mi comber comberWent Went to post at 231 At post f minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing JlSTIXA K raced into the lead after forcing the pice to the stretcli turn and drew away in the last eighth XAVISCO began well and set a good pace for threeeighths before tiring FLAXY MAE came through on the inside and llnished fast HYERES tired in the stretch drive OSTELLE showed improvement Overweights Flaxy Mae 2 pounds SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year olds Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt V = r Str Fin Jockeys vwifrs 2G5GRAAAXXA wi 1K 7 5 4J 5 = 3 1i L Penman E D Springer 15 15 15 G 53080 GKORGE AV 112 G G 5 = 4A 2 2i 7 Francis if Seifert 8883 S5 53091 DISTUHBAXlE v 105 3 2 1 1s li 3 B KenndyA D AVoiley 12 12 1 5 i 53091 BXPERIMEXT v 112 S 4 3nk 3 41 l AV Kelsay K Cebraln JO 10 10 4 52856 LITTLE DEAR v 109 5 9 9 7t G 5 C Kanits H Xash 7883 S5 S55801CSKHY 5801CSKHY AXX 1 107 1 1 Jk G 7i G F AVilson AV R Coe 2i 21 1 1 1i53055JOSI3PlHXE i53055JOSI3PlHXE K i 112 9 7 2U 2 5l 7i J Hoffkr T Heftier 7 7 7 Cr 58081 KIXGS BKLLE A u 101 2 3 S S3 S S R Lcasterl A Herold 75 75 75 12 14 0579PEiPLEXITV v 100 I S 7 9 9 9 J SmitU S A Clopton 3 4 4 S5 45 Time 45Time 23 = i 47 107 Track fast 2 nnitllels paid Rivaiina 770 straight 2330 place si 70 show George W 2190 place 1010 show Disturbance 12 SO show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Ravinna 3SSi to 100 straight 105 to 100 place 385 to 100 show George W 1115 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Disturbance 510 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner lir f by Heno Arrowshaft by Ogden trained by F J Stevens bred by Itelair Stud StudWent Went to post at 301 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing RAVAXXA was outrun for the lirst half but closed up with a rush in the stretch and was going away at the end GEORGE W ran a good race and finished gamely DISTURBANCE quit after racing into a long leid while rounding the far turn SHY AXX dropped back after beginning welL KIXGS BELLE was shuttled to the rear at the start startScratched Scratched 53015 Automatic Red 110 110Overweights Overweights Perplexity 3 pounds Kings liclle 1 Little Dear 2 CrO A THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 4year OOJL JLO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 092 s HATRACK w I 105 G 2 2J t 2 I R Lcasterll A Cotton 1099TAVEXTY SKVI w 7 103 I W 4 4U 2J 1 Smith K Boughsnian Boughsnianwii 5J91I DU1FF1KLD wii 7 103 9 snk ink ok 311 BryrtgesA C Xiehaus Xiehauswi S 10 10 1 5OISJAK1 FELU wi I 102 7 I1 5 = 5 11 L Wirtii K 1 Sullivan Sullivanws 4 I ii C oi llMISS WUIGHT ws Ija 2 I S1 8 0s 5 F Wilson II iJ NVooila 53081 BDG THROUGH wi 4 103 410 10 91 7 Gl B Kenndy1 II Baker 15 15 15 G 3 3in 53081 R A JONES wi 9 107 S 5 5r in n i 7U H Gtlwin E M Hall 0 3 30 10 C r 8098 SUPERIOR w 4 110 3 S 9 MO 9i S k F MerimeeAV Dugan 10 10 10 4 2 2Gi 52949 BIBBLER w 4 UK 10 1 Gi Gnt 8l 9 J Dreyjr A Lezama 20 20 20 8 4 53017 SINN FE1NKR wu 5 10S 7 9 71 71 10 10 L Penman AAr L Oliver 21 8 3 G5 8 Time 23 48 l071s Track fast 2 mutuels paid Ilalrack 920 straight 410 place 330 show Twenty Seven 4510 place 380 show Driffield 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hatrack 3iO to 100 straight 145 to 100 place 03 to 100 show Twenty Seven 115 to 100 place DO to 100 show Driffiold 135 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Rr g by AVrack Hanover Queen by Hanover trained by II A Cotton bred by Mr Thomas Hitchcock AVent to post at 325 At iwst u minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the siime HATRACK close up from the start finished fast and Avon in the last stride TWKXTV SEVEX ran well and was gradually wearing the winner down DRIFFIELD raced into the lead but tired Iu the last sixteenth S1XX FEIXER pulled up lame JAKE FELD and MISS WRIGHT ran well wellScratched Scratched 53092 Tiianitn III 103 52910 Sain Rose 100 100Overweights Overweights It A Jones 2 nounds trOJj TJ A FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 6 102 Purso 900 3yearolds and Oi JL JLTC upward Claiming Handicap Net value to winner 700 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 V Str Fin Joeiws vnc 53009 = THK BELGN JL wn 7 105 1 3 23 25 2 ° 1 A Pick us Florida Stablu 111 13 out 53020 = POLAR CUB wn 1 95 2 2 1 = 1i 1 27 L Penman T Doyle 2 2i 2i 45 out 53082 11KLEX ATKIX wn G 106 4 1 35 3 3 ° 31 B KenndyT T Buckley 5 5 5 S5 out 52985 DARXLEY wis 5 10G 34 4 4 4 4 J Dreyer P Graham 222 35 out outTime Time 23VS 47 S 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid The Belgian II 410 straight 270 place Polar Cub 880 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds The Belgian II 105 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place Polar Cub 03 to 100 place placeAVinner AVinner Ch g by Rabelais Suffragette IV by Voter trained by X L Snelson bred in France by Mr Herman R Diiryea DiiryeaAVent AVent to post at 355 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same THE BELGIAX II followed the leader closely for the first half mile then finished gamely when called on and outstayed him at the end POLAR CUR set a fast pace saved ground on all the turns and finished resolutely IIELEX ATKIX was outpaced but ran well DARXLEY was a distant follower all the way and can do much better Osgood 101 ETOg fir FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 4year U JL JL J olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third S50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U 54 Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S r3057 = BREAD LINE rn 1 103 1 5 52287AZUR1TA 7 k 71 1 1 J Smith AV C AVestmoreldS1 S5 S5 35 13 132i 2287AZUR1TA w 4 101 L i 2i 3k 5 2 L IVmran AVilliams Bros 85 85 1 35 12 128s 58084 STARKADER wit 5 115 N 8 8s S5 4 3 A AV Kolsay J J McCafferty 12 12 12 5 2i 2ijuk 52994 SECOXD COITSIX w 1 10S 1 juk 511 2 4 T Burns O L Foster S S S 3 85 52821 PRESUMPTION wi 12 109 2 6 G1 3 5 C Raines M M Shields 15 15 15 G 3 53092 = LUCIE MAY w 4 10G 7 752880CLARK 3 2 G1 Gk B KenndyK Strewbridge 4 5 5 2 1 52880CLARK M wit 11 110 9 9 9 9 S 7 k W MeelianG Holmes 5 G G 2i i G5 53057 DOU FAIRRANKS w I 110 4 I1 I1 7i S10 R LcasterArnionia Stable 15 15 15 G 3 53035 SUREGET wn 14 110 7 G 4U 4 9 J N J BniesC Grand 30 30 30 10 5 5Time Time 24 48 101 l07 i Track fast 2 mutuels piid Rread Line 010 straight 250 place 280 show Azurita 240 place 230 show Stnrkader 020 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Rread Line 205 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Azurita Id to 100 place 15 to 100 show Starkader 210 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Rr f by Delhi Hunger by Hanover trained by AV C AVestmoreland bred by Mr James W Corrigan CorriganAVent AVent to post at 420 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same RREAD LIXE began slowly and was far back early but slipped through on the inside when entering the stretch and rushed into a clear lead but linished doing her best AZURITA had a rough race was cut off tit the halfmile post then was brought extremely wide when entering the stretcl1 came fust but loo late STARKADER closed a big gap saved ground on the stretch turn and i good race SECOXI COUSIX and PRKSIMPTIUX ran well DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS set a fast pice to the stretch and tired Scratched 5303SOrleans Girl 10S 53079Top Rung 118 32 35sMugivan 111 111Overweights Overweights Presumption 1 pound SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles Feb 3 1918 3 92 Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to ivinuer 550 second 100 third 50 Mr Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 52741 DRAVITT w 1 100 4 5 S 7 74 713 V J Smith AV R Padgett S 10 10 4 2 5309 7 FIRST CONSUL wi 4 108 1 1 I1 I1 1 l t 21 AV Kelsay El Morro Stable 4 4 4 S5 I 53072 = BIANCA w 5 100 C Gi 5h 5J 3 T Burns T DSKCO 3 3 3J C5 35 58083DUKE 3558083DUKE RUFF w 5 303 5 3 41 4t 4 t 41 41 F AVilson J de Estrampes 3 3 3 1 52999 3LENORA P w4 JG 3 4 3l 8l i Gi t I Gordon M E Thompson 21 3 3 1 53059 EMMA J w 4 102 7 S 7l 5l Gl 3ik fii F MerimeeP Mock s 5 5 i 53072CHIMERA WHI 5 101 2 2 21 21 3 2U 713 R LcasterF A Herold 7 7 7 J5 5809CSEM J55809CSEM STALAVART w S 302 S 7 GI S S S S X J PrnesJ C Eaton 13 15 15 f Time 23 48 114 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dewitt 1330 straight 910 place 570 show First Consul S3 40 place S3 40 show Rianca 810 show Equivalent booking odds Dewitt 555 to 100 straight 355 to 100 place 1S5 to 100 show First Consul 70 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Rianca 55 to 100 show AVinner Ch g by Everett Miss Pamnure by Iaiiinurc trained by W R Padgett bred by Mr I E Clark ClarkWent Went to post at 441 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same DEWITT was far back and outrun to the stretch turn but finished with a rush through the stretch and got up to win in the llnal strides FIRST COXSUL set a good pace to the last sixteenth and linished gamely but tiring RIAXCA saved ground while rounding the far tirn and when enteriii the stretch and finished fast and gaining DUKE RUFF ran fairly well LEXORA P and CHIMERA quit after being prominent to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 5309GMy Ada 103 103Overweights Overweights Dewitt 5 pounds Semper Stalwart 2 Emma J 1 First Consul 3