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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances PEPPERY POLLY br f 3 By McGee Mirror by Sir DLzon Owner J Lcishman 5r010 Shport 51 f llrt hvy 1 2 1 1i 1 = L McDott 7 MMcore Parrish MadGinsham 2975 Shrevept CJ f l18hvy 93 2 2 2 15 L McDott 7 LidyMlldred StJust TySuttou 52715 FGnds 5 f l10hvy 20 IOC 7 7 4 C C9i F Smith 7 Doric AVuilswood Julia N 519GG Jefson 34 l18hvy 12 30G 11 115J 10 10 10 = 10al F Smith 12 SilSprinss SCourt LlseAVynne E1924 Jefson 5J f 103 fast 8 103 9 S i 9 9 F Smith 11 Tan Son Bolo Winchester 513S3 Church 1 34 115 good SG 109 2 777 7CJ F Smith 7 AVhiteStar MlersbK Mernuiac 31237 La ton la 34 l15V slow 12 112 S 7 7 GJ 5 i F Smith 12 Acclaim Undine Oralecto 31157 Latonla 5i f lOST mud 5 4 4 5J 5 N Barrett Iousee Julia X Dimples BACK BAY b s 13 By Rubicon Genna by Balgowaa Trainer D Womeldorff Owner Snyder Holmes MOG1 Shport 51 f 117 hvy 75 114 3 1 IU is G Bahin 0 Don Roma TigcrUosc Auiisylvia 5M11 Shport CS f 1 17hvy 1120 111 1 2 I1 li J H Burke Mormon DommUoma RosGoose 52971 Shrtvept 5J f 11S livy 710 115 f f52C01 1 I2 I3 J II Burke 8 MaryFonso MIckMoore Mormn 52C01 FGnds 34 l13fast 4J 114 7 4 C1 fi D Connllyll Orlova Cobalt I ass Old Sinner y KGnds 34 l14 fjist 5 115 4 4IU 2 3 i C5i J Boberts 33 ILBurjoyne Itagazza Cticl iss IU FGnda 3 J 117 hvy S5 311 3 3j 1 I3 I2 T Jarvis 10 Ixtys Hupelrinccss TtheMark j 52153 Tefson 34 l14f fast 10 110 5 2 3 3J T Nolan 31 Bain Girl Ina Kay HBurgoyno 52027 Jefson 34 l11fnst 4 111 4 2 21 2t II Kins 11 Approval Pullux Beusall 34 l15V fas t 5 HO 3 4 3 3 441 T Jarvis 12 Murphy Jock Scot Madrono PORT LIGHT b g 8 113 113Trainer By Hamburg llorningside by Meddler Trainer R McGarvey Owner W 0 Btoner I I5i 53090 Shport 31 f l10h 2 1U 3 15 5i 5 I McDott S Kud Man Trusty Sandy If 52S13 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 11511210 0 3 3l li M Garner 12 Assume TeachersPet Saudyll 52622 FGnds 51 fast 7 109 I 2 45 4 ° M Garner 12 HidJewel Trusty The Nephew 62375 FGnds 3 fast 41 110 1 3 71 C M Garner 12 AleJacklL Jock Scot LouiseV 52292 FGnds 3 34 l14jfast S 112 5 42 2 51 M Garner It MaricMnxhn Hid1ewel JkScot 52036 Jofson 3 34114 slow 133 100 1 11 1 J 2l T Jarvis 10 Trooper Title Ablaze 52039 Jefson 5 55 f l07 rast 135 11C 1 23 3l 3 ° M Garner 11 Marmitc Jock Scot Brisk SHANDON b s 6 IOC IOCTrainer By Irish Lad Wedding Bolls II by Ben Brush Brush7l Trainer S Boland Owner J L Coyle Coyle41QI 41QI Kwrth Im70 146 fast f 109 S 3 2 2 24S951 7l 9 2 W Hinphy 10 Philistine Gourmand Dione 4S951 Kwrth Im70y J47lffast 21 111 C 5 2 51 9 1 W Hinphy 12 SkeerFaee LaKross SolidUocU 4K34 Devre Im70y l4Gfast 15 114 3 = W Hinphy 9 Don Dodge Verity Itaby Cal 5S333 Hainfn 34 l14fast 125f 111 11 77 S1 9 2 J Williamsll TlnirsNiKlitur Hondo Duckliand 4S003 Duffcrin AbOJf 127 fast 4 111 4 W Taylor Diadi El Mahdi Lucky Pearl 47635 Wdbino 34 l15fast 2310 110 7 41 41474G1 I2 I2 It Morris 8 Sweet Apple Key Mar Betsy 474G1 Wdbino 34 llifast 3710 111 12 12 12 1245G97 11 11 L Morris 1L BillieB PlasterUly 1retBaby 45G97 Bowie 34 llGsrnud CO 109 7 60 604CXS 95 9JO J JudKe 13 Onico SuiiRold Ettahe 4CXS Jerson 34 117 hvy 7 110 12 12 11 11 = 11 W Heinchl3 Gnmipy Le Balafre General GeneralBy SANDY H ch c 4 121 121Trainer By Harrigan Beatrice Soule by P ep oDay Trainer G Ethington Owner J Wakeman C310S Shport 78130 good 2V 10S 2665 41 11 Ij McDott i Shilling Oaklawn Bille Jerry 53090 SHport 51 f l10hvy 15 115 5 66 4 i6 J Shelpets S Kurt Man Trusty Shilling 2978 Shport 51 f l16hvy 10 10D 4 55 5 5 II Gregory 5 Ablaze Resist Kttalie 52813 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 4 111 6 34 Ct 4 = 1 J Kodgezll IortWjtlit Assume TchersPet 52622 FGnds 51 f lOOVifast 15 102 10 0 9 10 10 J L Aron 12 IlidJewel Trusty Tlie Nephew 52445 FGnds 34 l13ifastt 41 107 4 2J 21 Li Aron 13 Murphy Blaise Miss Minks 50919 Kwrth 34 113 fast 5 Ml 3nk 2i L Aron S Diomed Onico Toe the Mark 5CS21 Kwrth 51 f 107 fast 2J 107 6 55 5 2J L Aron 12 Toombeoln Hidden Ship Sturdee 50713 Kwrth 34 l13fast 195 103 5 32 32TRUSTY 2 = 2 L Aron lli Lonely Susan M Earnest TRUSTY b g 7 121 121Trainer By Broomstick Loyal by Loyalist Loyalist2l Trainer F Mallory Owner C R Daly Daly5C090 5C090 Shport 51 f l10hvy 31 112 4 22 2252S14 2l 2 = A TMchcrk S End Man Sandy II Shilling 52S14 FGnds 34 113 fast 7 1061 5 33 4h 4 B Smith 13 Herald AAlexdcr ILBur oyne 52711 FGnds 34 l14mud 5 103 6 CO COf2G22 C 611 T Jarvis Itolo Ablaze Tago f2G22 FGnds 51 f liOGlifast 6 106 6 43 2J 21 T Jarvis 12 IlidJewel T Nephew P Light 52375 FGnds 34 l13fast 3 113 7 66 4 4 = 1 E Pool 12 AMeJackll Jock Scot LpulseV 52030 Jof son 51 f l07vifast 20 116 7 56 56E15S7 6t 5J L Mink 11 Marmite JockScot Port Light E15S7 Bowie 61 f 123 hvy 13 115 4 54 54ORIENTAL 3s 4 J J Mooney 7 Manouvre TBullant S Emblem ORIENTAL PARK b f 4 M 111 111Trainer By Theo Cook Top Rock by Rockton Trainer P J Miles Owner P J Miles 50740 Kwrlh 34 l15Vbfast 18510911 10 10 12 8s W Hinphy 12 JKUoche OldMcKna Mistake 50114 Thcliffe 51 f l06fast C 107 I1 E Harbne 7 Kulah K Sirotco irlora 50239 Thcliffe 51 f l07 gooa 78 112 1125C070 615 1 Uminick 8 TothMorn CobaltL M House 5C070 BBonts 34116 mud 75 10G 2 S S S4S445 5 7IC W BogskI S The Decision Resist Lillian G 4S445 Mt Royal Im70yl45fast 51 100 21 E Fator 12 DottasPest Contestant Sunale ifilSS Hamtn 34 l14fast 30f 10S 10 11 11 114SG20 11 II11 AV Bogskill Dimitri Hondo Allah 4SG20 FtErie 34 l157ihvy 41 9S C 66 664S2S3 6 614 I Fletcher i ANAkin TtheMark Tnrascon 4S2S3 C6nght 34 115 fast 129 103 7 77 774S073 61 631 J Pierce 7 Knklux Marmite UobaltLass 4S073 BBonnets 34115 fast 150 105 7 77 7 7o o 7 w Bogski S LitMaudic Uellringer Tarascon