Fastest Mile Races Of 1920: Thirty-Three Horses Ran Distance In Better Than 1:38---Man O War American Record Of 1:35 4-5 The Best, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-05


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FASTEST MILE RACES OF 1920 THIRTYTHREE HORSES RAN DISTANCE IN BETTER THAN 138 MAN 0 WAR AMERICAN RECORD RECORDOF OF 135 45 THE REST In no other ountry in the world is speed in man beast or things mechanical more admired than in the United States The recordbreaking feats of Man o War iii our racing of last year attracted nation ¬ wide attention and helped as no other thing did to add to the popularity of the greatest of ollt Ioo sports As in other wayslhe pltcmmicnat Man o War dominated the speed of 1920 All distances were alike to him There is every probability that Man o War could have broken all records from an eighth of a mile to four miles had bis owner elected to put him to the test His mile in 135 at lielmont Park in May was the tirst of the champions successful ifttaeks on our American records and seems to have acted as an incentive for others tlte records showing more exceptionally fast miles run in 1920 than in any previous year The mile has always been the popular distance for displays of extreme speed requiring the necessary stamina that distinguishes the mere sprinter from the horse able to run fast at any distance Thirtythree races at one mile were run in faster time than 138 last year and in eight of these time better than 137 was hung up The best time next to Man o Wars American record was that of Naturalist when he won the Manhattan Handicap at lielmont Park September 2 carrying the crusher of 129 pounds and running the distance in 135 The majority in the following list of horses that ran miles in faster than 138 last year are of stake class as a glance will reveal revealHorse Horse Col Sex A Pedigree Date Track AVt Time TimeMan Man o War ch c i Fair Play Mahubah May MaySeptember 29 Jtelmout Park 118 l3Vi l3ViNaturalist Naturalist b g ft Habelais Nature September 2 lielmont Park 129 1315 1315Alibi Alibi br h 5 Tracery Amicitia June 2 Belmont Park112 135 135Tailor Tailor Maid ch f 4 Fair Play Toggery August i Saratoga 93 135 135Naturalist AugustAugust Naturalist b jr 0 Itabelals Nature August 4 Saratoga 128 13 1351 Knot ch f 4 Jack Atkin Snarl August 25 Saratoga 99 135 H Gnome ch c 4 AVhisk Itroom H rFairy Sprite August 9 Saratoga 111 l3fi l3fiYellow l3fis s Yellow Hand b g 3 Kosscndale YelloW Sea AugustAugust August AugustAugust 28 Saratoga 112 135 i illo Best Pal br c 3 Helmet Padula August 9 Saratoga llo 137 137Afternoon Afternoon b f 3 Prince Palatine Matinee August 24 Saratoga 100 1 137 37 37The The Porter b h 5 Sweep Itallet Girl August 30 Saratoga 124 137 137Mad AugustAugust Mad Hatter b c 4 Fair Play Madcap August 20 Saratoga 117 137 i iAlphee Alphee b f 4 Sardanapalc Noreen Agnes August 25 Saratoga 108 137 AugustSeptember Yellow Hand b g 3 Itossendaler Yellow Sea SeaAudacious September 112 137 Audacious ch c 4 Star Shoot Bold Girl GirlGladiator July 121 137 Gladiator b c 3 Superman Lotawanna LotawannaI July 121 137 I Kewpie ONcilch g 5 Golden Maxim Bettie Landou LandouI Auihist 2 Saratoga 1081 l37 = i I Crank b jr i Celt Crosspatch August 20 Saratoga 112 137 TTia w jr August 2ii Saratoga 110 137 Debadnu b g 5 Iroomstick Leayonara LeayonaraSenuiiigs Seplembe 7 Hclmont Park Ill 187 Senuiiigs Parkch c 4 Jim Gaffnoy Irish Quee Septembe 27 Aqueduct 113 137 = Veto ch g 4 Ballot ISosanna ISosannaHusy Septembe G Itelniont Park Ill 137 Busy Signal c ch f 3 Cimnnl Sweet Alice Septeinbe Itelmont Parklir 137 Captain Alcocke eh c cCirrus 3 Ogden Mallard Septembe 10 lielmont Park 112 137 Cirrus b c cMajor 4 Tracery Mornjugside Septembo 13 Pelmont Parkl2r 137 Major Parke blk c cPilgrim 4 Dick Welles Lady Infallible Septembe It Itelniont Park 105 137 Pilgrim b g gJack Garry Herrmann Zoola Septembe 21 Aqueduct 102 137 Jack Stuart b h hFair Aalens Sweet Sauce May 22 Cliliill Downs100 137 Fair Gain ch c cEnfilade 3 Vulcaiu Fairy Gold August 4 Saratoga 112 137 Enfilade b m Kamrod La Ilille September 14 lielmont Park 125 l3 Captain Alcockeh c 3 Ogden Mallard September 22 Aqueduct 115 137 137C Sway b g 4 Vuleaiu Uuby llight October C Latonia 105 137 Captain Mae ch e 3 The Manager Uoyal Dainty October It Latonia 112 137

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