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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA CUBA FRIDAY MARCH 4 1921 Oriental Park Eightyseventh day CubaAmerican Jockey and Auto Club Winter Sled ing of 110 days Weather clear temperature 90 Stewards J Hachmeister C II 1 insdale and F J Bruen rotary SI Xathanson Bacing starts at 230 p in Chicago time l5i i in Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1520 111 0 102 Purso 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 r Index Horses AAVtPPStH Ji i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S r31243HOXST GEORGE wn 5 111 22 1s I1 I1 AV Kclsay J Umcnsetter SD 83 SD 12 14 52080 AVKNOXAH vltS112 C fi 5 41 21 21 J Francis A Keith fi 7 7 21 CH CH53I13 53I13 = TAVKNTY SEAEN w 7 114 1 41 0s IP J Smith F Boughsman 1 1 1 IG 53123 = PLAXTAGENBT w S 111 4 4 2i ii 41 4 I Eames S Uurnside r r 5 Su4 53124 FRANK BURKE ws fi 111 5 i 2S 5 5 i X J BrnesC R Smith in 12 12 1 2J 53080 THE SIQRADER wn 0 114 1 5 fil fi fi V F Hunt H S Carrier fi 7 7 21 53123 RH ADA SIES wall fi 111 77 7777 H HryclgesL H Baxter 0 SO 1 10 5 5Time Time 23 47 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Honest Jeorge t 50 shaiglit S390 jdace 240 show AVenonah 1510 place 420 show Twenty Seven 230 show Kquivalent booking oddfi Honest fieorge 225 to 100 straight 95 to 100 place 10 to 100 show AVenonah 555 to KM place 110 to mil iiuv Tuenfv svn i t nut ctv ctvWinner Winner B g by Ivenilworth IvenilworthWent Went to post at 231 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third drir ing IIOXKST RKOKCM raced Into a long lead in the early running but was tiring at the end AVKXOXAH closed a gap and tinlshed fast but came wide when entering the stretch TWENTY J5KVEN was running fastest of all at the finish finishScratched Scratched 53125 Scintillate 97 5309S = Onwa 114 529SO Trentino 114 53123 Bcllniain 110 53031 Carnage 111 ET j ff SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 l05s 5 102 Purse 700 3year OO JLvfvf olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSti i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O U C P S 53101 LYRIC AVSB 3 103 11 1 5 4 2 11 R Lcat = terF A Herold 444 S5 45 455290tAL 5290tAL POUTBIi w 4 109 10 I A 2 t F AVilnon AV J Dugan 5 5 T 2 lf lf53124FLII 53124FLII 3 9S 12 1s 1 1 R T Burns AV AAr German S S S S5 S553I25SILACK 53I25SILACK PAT 100 S 1 2 I1 nt 4 G Fields H E Swan 677 2 C51 C51r r 0952TGHTLS BEAlTi 3 101 7 9 Ss Si 7 51 J Smith S A Clopton fi fi fi 21 fio fio53123tGOLDEX 53123tGOLDEX RED fill S 1 Jti 6 S1 fil A Try on C L Mackey 20 20 20 s 4 4S2055 S2055 AAA It 4 112 2 3 IJ S1 VI 7 = 1 AV Kclsay 1 Lowe S5 S5 S5 12 14 1452980J 52980J ALFD CLARK 4 IOU 45 7 7 0 = S J Fnincis T Hodge S S S 3 S5 S553101tPOKEY 53101tPOKEY B so 109 ft 11 11 11 10l US J SinimoiisC H Gilroy 15 15 15 fi 52140 DIFFIDENCE w 10t fi S fi C1 fiii KmU F MerimeeF 1 Kearns fi fi fi 2 5 55l7aEASTERN 55l7aEASTERX 5l7aEASTERX GLOW w 4 4107 107 910 10 101 11 11 X J IJrncsL Crist 12 13 15 fi 3 tSIutnel field Time 23 481s 102 108 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Lyrjc 1370 straight ttH place 450 show Al Porter 1130 place 040 show Flip 020 show Equivalent booking odds Lyric 585 to 100 straight 230 to 100 place 125 to 100 shpw Al Porter 405 to 100 phue 20 to 100 show Klip 210 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner li c by Bard of Hope Star of Bunnymedc by Star Shoot trained byF A Herold bred bredby by Sir U li Smith AVent to post at 250 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third thr same LYKIC came through fast on the inside on the stretch turn and in a fast finish won drawing drawingClear Clear AL IOHTKlt raced prominently and finished gamely FLIP tired after setting a fast pace to the stretch BLACK PAT showed speed but tired DIFFIDENCE pulled up lame lameScratched Scratched 52841 Mister Jiggs 10S Overweight Thoughtless Beauty 3 pounds CrOl f5 1 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 4year OOJLxJJL olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 14 Vs a Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 53037 = BRIO OF AVAR wn 0 101 f 5 5 2 P G Fields Rosedalc Stable 3 1 out CSIUSOSGOOD w 5 109 44 4 = 4l 4i 2i L PcnmanT Doyle fi5 65 fi5 25 of of530S7IiLAOIC 530S7IiLAOIC PRINCE v4112 5 1 Si 5 S = i AV Kelsay E J Crawford 2 2 2 43 o of312 f312 isED GARRISON w 7 IOC 1 2 t 2 S 4 R LVasterW Feuchter 10 10 10 3 out out53037MERRY 53037MERRY FEAST wu 7 102 2 2 1 1 1J 5 N J BrnesJ Coatello 2i 3 1 out outTime Time 22 47 100 106 Track fast 2 mutuclj paid Brig of AVar 1300 straight 4t place Osgood S320 place no show mutuels sold placeWinner Equivalent booking odds Brig of AVar 580 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place Usgood CO to 100 place Winner in by Bridge of Allan AVar Iass by AVar Dance trained by J llaggerty bred in Eng ¬ land by Sir H I ng Jr JrWent Went to post at 315 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but BBK5 OF AAAR AVon driving second and third the same BKKr OF AVAR propped at the start ami was as good as left but made np ground steadily and coming through the stretch with a rush won in the last stride OSUOOI ran a good raeo and made a fast linish BLACK PBIXCK was bumped hack in the stretch but came again resolutely ED HARBISON tired SIEURY FEAST set a tremendous early pace as usual and iiuit as usual usualOverweights Overweights Merry Feast 1 pound CTOj O FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 0 102 Aspirant Handicap Purse OOJLU d 1000 3yearolds Net value to winner 775 second 125 third 75 index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi I O H J P S 52952 DR HAS AVULSwn 100 14 2 1 11 12 N 1 IVrnesN K Kesil 3i 4 4 I out 53138 WHIPPET wr 10S 3 l 2i3 2 L Penman M Oolilblntt 7T 75 7G 2T out out52K97 52K97 IIUOXKl w 100 3 I 4i 2t I R LcaaterF A Iterohl 1 1 1 13 out out5295i 5295i PLUH ULTRA w lol 5 2 4 W 4 4 1 Smith H Cebrian 15 13 13 5 out 5 383OUBANrrA w JOS I 5 O r r F Merimeo Armontu Stable fi fi 2 out outTime Time 23 47 l145 Track fast 2 imitnels paid Dr Charles Wells 1370 straight 450 place AVhlppet 310 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dr Charles Wells 5S5 to 100 straight 125 to 100 place Whippet 55 to 100 place placeWinner Winner Ch c by Superman Doughnuts by Darebln trained1 by 11 D Carter bred by Sir Henry T Oxnard v vWent Went to post at 350 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same DIJ CHAULES AVELLS showing sudden improvement raced close up from the start and taking the lead on the last turn outstayed WHIPPET at the end AVH1PPET set a fast early pace but came wide when entering the stretch and swerved over to the inside at the sixteenth post HLOXEC raced gamely and was in close quarters in the last sixteenth PLUS ULTRA showed speed Overweights speedOverweights Cubanita 4 pounds Plus Ultra 1 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 700 O 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses rses AWtPl AAVtPPSt i i Str Fin Joe 53HiDUKE E RUFF W 5 10S 1 153128SFIREVORTH 1 li IJ I 1 I3 G Fields J do Estrampes 777 2 C5 C52WORTII 53128SFIREVORTH 2WORTII wn 4 10f 5 8 ill ru r = i 2 T Smith H E Davis 4 4 7 5710 5710fA 3 llfiEMMA fA 1 w 4 102 S 4 21 21 2 = 23 SJ T Burns IJ Mock S S 8 3 Kr KrLIB 53050AV1LL1E LIB AVOOD8 jv 5 ins 0 fi j i 4 = 4 = N J irrnesF Delbnrrln 0 10 5 53083 70IE kv w v 5 103 4 47 0 4l 4 I 5l 5 F Wilson SI E Thompson 2J 25 2i 1 12 12AM 5299 52999 HOM HOMAM AM w 7 105 2 253I28OMALLRY 2 4nk 7i 7 fi fi R LcastcrO Tuggle 3 31 T S5 S5VLLEY 53I28OMALLRY 5 VLLEY w tMlrt 7 7 7l fi1 Ck 7 7 = AV Kelsay Pojjolotti Stable ST S5 S T 12 1t 1tSIMS 53098 AM SIMS KS w 7 10S 3 S S S 8 S J Fnincis T Doyle 15 lf 13 C 3 3Time Time 24 49 115 140 143 Track fast 2 in Inels paid Duke Run 1190 straight 000 place 41o show Fireworlh 010 place 120 show En ma J 070 show showEquh Equh ilent booking odds Duke Buff 195 to 100 straight 230 to 100 place ILO to 100 show Fire worth 22 to 100 place 110 to 10O show Kinliia J 235 to 100 show showWhin Whin r B g by Duke Slichael Bed UiilT by Collar trained by J Hope bred bv Sir Thomas F Ryan RyanWent Went to post at 415 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing DUKE BtFF recovered his speed suddenly and taking the lead at once raced EMMA J into de ¬ feat in the tirst threequarters and drew away in the stretch FIUEWOKTII was shut off at the start but closed driveScratched a gap and finished fast and gamely ESISIA J ran a good race but tired in the stretch drive Scratched 53147 Blazonry 103 53095 Prince Bonerii 10S 53123 Jutland 10S erOg ft I SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles Feb 3 1918 l44l5 3 92 Purse 700 4yearolds tJO JLvJJfc and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO P S u311G3BIAXCA w 5 101 S 1 = 1J 1 I1 1i F AVilson T Dasca 444 7535 7535C3103 C3103 = BILL HUXLEY w fi 103 2 23 2 2J 2 21 L Penman T Doyle fi5 65 C5 l5 15 53090 = RHYMER w 7 103 i C 41 1i 4i 43 R LcastcrH Shields 21 331 l l53116DEW1TT 53116DEW1TT w 4 101 1 1 21 S1 V 4U J Smith AV R Padgett l H 4i S5 13 1353000BUCIC 53000BUCIC XAIL w U 110 4 5 0 fi 53 5 51 O Fields L F OLeary 4 4 f Su 45 455313JHOPE 5313JHOPE wu C IS 5 4 5 5J C fi 6 C Parribh D B Jones S 10 10 1 Time 24 49ls l1415 140 l46i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Biancu 1110 struight 110 place 200 show Bill Huuley 350 place 250 show Rhymer 310 show K uivulent hooking odds Uiauca 470 to 100 straight 105 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Bill Huulev 75 to 100 place 25 to 100 show niiymer 70 to 100 show showAVinuer AVinuer 15 in by Assagai Alpaca by Tremont trained by V Portcrie bred by Sir Walter 0 Partner Went to post at 110 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing BIAXCA I raced Into a quick lead and setting a good pace all the way won casing up BILL HUXLEY ran in closenp anil game pursuit but tired iu the last sixteenth UHYSIEI raced well Overweights Dewitt 1 pound i