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HAVANA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear thick fast Racing starts nt 280 p m Chicago time 157K Superior mud runner X Oooil mud rynnur Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinker BlinkerFirst First Race 12 Mile Mile2yonrold 2yonrold Allowances AllowancesTrack Track ivcord Feb 23 1919 IS 2 11 Todays liul Horse AVt Hoc AWtHnn 53135 Pacifier 112 1SS 112 725 52771 = Birch Hark 1111 720 7205303i 5303i Kilns O m lSf 120 715 52180 Virginia C It e k kM M 103 710 53135 Lnttii O M 101 10f 105 52853 Artomisii SI 10 53135 Datnsa SI 11 li 50 10S 700 700Foul Foul Weather li f by Von Tromp Foul Play by byFoul Foul Shot 10S Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 1yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Ian 24 1917 105 5 102 r28 7 hOtderly 8 1 Oil 720 521110 Director James 103 107 4 101X715 53092 Mnanita Ill 9S 107 C 101X715 53017 bFinis 102 107 4 ITU 710 710530U7 530U7 Slnjor Fisk 101 1OS 4 109X705 52910 bSain Rose 100 109 4 99x700 53159 Hhadames 113 109 fi 101 700 53113 B A Jones Ill 1OS 9 101X700 101X700fiSOOIS fiSOOIS bSIiss K SI 112 I03y3 4 10UX700 53137 Scotch Kiss 110108 7 109 700 700Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds anil upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 24 1917 105 A 5 102 53079 bTop Bung 118 107 5 112 725 53117 bKddie SIcBride 105 107 5 1091720 52912 = Sliss Proeter 103 107 5 112X715 53149 Orleans Girl 103 100 4 104 715 53115 Lucie Slay 112 107 4 99x710 53092 blim AVood 104 107 1101 710 53115 bSureget 108 l07i 14 114X710 53115 Second Cousin 108105 4 101 705 53092 Fait Accompli 100 lG 4 KM 705 53115 = Starkadcr 115 lU83 5 114 70 52950 Sliss iSrnsh 99 lOSs 11102X701 53115 lilresumption 102 107 12 10 1 j 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 8 1920 lll G 102 52780 = Pansy 104 113 98X725 98X725529K4 529K4 hltainii 107113 107X720 53039 = Wiiiall 103 114 103X 53110 Perhaps 98 l13f 103 10353100s 103i i 53100s Cabin Creek 110111 108 715 52319 Dantzie 105 115 100X710 53039 Boseate 107 l143 102X705 52881 blUaek Top 105 113 105X7M 105X7MFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile4ycarolds 4ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan S 1920 111 0 102 53137 = bAvion 101 112 5 102X721 53137 = bCavan Boy 101113 10CX720 53137 bPrin e of Como 118 111 8 10 X715 X715529IJO 529IJO bXorfolk Belle 98 112 I 107X715 53137 Searpia II 110 l13 7 10 X710 53070 liElniont IOC 113 4 107 710 53084 3 Roundel 110 113 M 51141710 53137 Pomerene 109 112K 5 102x705 53020 Hainan 108 113 4 109X705 53093 hHuntcr Plutt 113115 5 99 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Match 0 1918 141 5 117 53147 bBlazonry 112 1 145 45 f i 108X725 53147 Sylvano 103 l45 l45f 5 105X720 53139 = bJosi de Vales 105 143 5 KMix715 53121 White Haven 5 98 710 5071 = Discord 110 144 l4m 5 103X710 53139 El Ooionol 102 102143i 143 3 5 105X710 53150 bUidy Hester 103 103111 111 5 98X705 98X705i 5311H bBoundlng Through i 4 102X705 53150 = lioyht 105 1 10 li 103 X 705 53147 Velie SI 95 140 4 97X700 53139 bClare Boothe SI 99 111 5 98X70f 53123 Jutland 107 148 0 108X700 108X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearohte 4yearohte and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 3 1918 114 3 92 53081 MATHER 1081110 0 10SX725 52857 = FanvCol 109115 8100X715 8100X71552S57 52S57 Candle Light 101 115 r 108 715 715518l 518l Dood 100 110 5 101X710 53151 Th Pirate 9 110 4 109 705 bLoenst Leaves 99 118 4 105X700