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ANNUAL RACING AT MOBILE Success of Recent Meeting In ¬ spires Promoters of It Plans Already in Motion for Con ¬ struction of a New Mile Track mv T L DFMPSRV DFMPSRVMOBILE MOBILE Ala March 17 The termination iif racing here was witnessed by the greatest attend ¬ ance that viewed the sport in its siv days Tlie meeting originally intended as an experimental one has been most convincing and Mobile is ripe for racing of a more pretentious order It has the approval of the best citizenship here Tho great success achieved witli the present experiment that too in spite of many drawbacks including a shortage of horses and jockeys a halfmile plant crude in appointment and a general belief by out ¬ siders that it would not be possible to carry on a meeting nd if it could be carried through that the betting would be syndicated all tended to dis ¬ credit the start here hereThe The successful termination has already set in motion plans for the construction of a regulation mile track with a view to its use annually for fall and spring racing of a short period Tlie recent court decision holding that the system of betting used by Frisco Gardner was not a violation of law has also caused the more timid to be enlisted in racings behnlf and there will be no lack of local capital to finance the intended building project projectAt At pr tKciit those who qton r Hl tlu meeting in view a site at the head of Government Street accessible by street car from all parts of the city and within easy reach of the principal center The intention is to build tho plant at a cost of alxmt 200000 and to have it completed by next fall fallThere There was a general exodus after the close of racing most of the visitors returning to New Or ¬ leans The horses will scatter to different iwints vome continuing in bush racing while the big band brought here by Drumhiller and Heavener will go to the Northwest to take part in the meetings there Some will go to Howie while a few will leave for Kentucky Most of the layers will go to New York 1 S Murphy has departed for his home in St Louis 1 H Campltell who served as racing secretary returned to his home in New Orleans and will remain there until the opening at Pimlico where he will work While here he had a conference with 1 H Madigin and it has been decided to change the Canadian Derby to make it exclusively for Canadianbred horses Tlie distance will still be a mile and a quarter and it will have 10000 added