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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming June 28 1916 105 15 3 118 TOREADOR b c 3 M By Great Britain Tiffany Blend by Ceiarion Trainer D Sullivan Owner J F Richards on HGf ICO 10 10 10 10 10s L Gaugel 10 VWelles OrclildKing L Harvey 53007 Tijuana 1 lIO = ifast 17 M C S S S SJ G Yeargin 8 llyanpom IIorLerch Hooiicville 52919 Tijuana 1 l42slop 43 91 9152S10 55 5 53 51S B Parke Hyanipom Xelmlous J Hoslior 52S10 Tijuana 34 l12 fast Cl SO 9 i H B Bwer f 1olythia Edwiua Lady inBlack 52733 Tijuana 5i f l07fast 11 113 711 H Rowe 7 JIIoshor WTlioughts RDewey 51672 Tijuana 5J f l105ihvy CO 115 G S Smith i ItDewey JGoodman JHoshor 52564 Tijuana 5Jfl10 mud 73 90 90THE 8 D Hum S Ikey T Sedan Hamilton A THE VAMP ch f 3 M 104 By General Roberts Orba Smile by Smile Trainer H W Hoag Owner H W Hoag 53261 Tijuana 51 f l10hvy 2C OC G 7 7 7 7 C Gross 7 OJames JaekLedi Tawaseutha TawaseuthaozyGS ozyGS ShSfiuirrcl52X16 Tijuana 34 l15fast 1110 lOt 7 G G 5l 551 B Marielli 7 JaekLedi JohuLake ShSfiuirrcl ShpStmirrelG27J1 52X16 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 12of IOS 1 35 G 3J C Gross lJ WJudfie Croupier ShpStmirrel G27J1 Tijuana f l09fast S ICG 3 C Gross 12 Cliurmmit Johul ikc JIialdwin 52210 Tijuana GJ f 1OS fast 28 91 1215 D Hum 13 Ola Lee Crown Sister Polly 5187r Polly5187r Tijuana 5S l02fast Gt 100 914 C Gross 12 JackLee VcrsiWood AuiitAimie 47098 Tijuana 12 4Sfast 2G 105 4 J C Gross C Kirkwood Lettyltee KoyDewey KoyDeweyCHATTAN CHATTAN COURT b g 5 M 109 By Chanter Wynoneen by Morpheut MorpheutTrainer Trainer A Hubbard Owner Jamei Ohildi MaudM5iUij9 53023 Tijuana ImTOy 117 fast 5i 10710 3 G G 61 C CJ J W Taylor 11 Ostentatious MSodalia MaudM 5iUij9 Tijuana Im70y l46sfast 24 109 4 5 3 33 2i W Taylor 12 VonLady Ostentatious ISFaust 12300 Tijuana 1 lWffast 33 109 5 5 5 5 4JJ C Thpson S Itiirilora Maud M Miss Manage 52873 KFaustr2SO Tijuana 51 f l07fnst 10 111 4 4 5 4J 3 C Thpson 11 ColdItosc HsTopaz KFaust r2SO Tijuana 1 l425fast IS 110 Z H Rettig Mary Fullor Jim Wiiin Ely 52771 Tijuana 34 l15fast 17 110 G3 O Willis 12 Arietta JJMMock 15 Shilling 52457 Tijuana 5i f l09V slop lit 111 S II Rettis S DFashion Pastime UMcCarty 52361 Tijuana 1 l14BOod 7 lit 3J R Carter 11 GoldFlush lirowultee Piophecy PiophecyHANOVERS HANOVERS TOPAZ ch g C M 100 By Abe Frank Duchess Phillipe by Sara Phillips Trainer L A McDowell Oxvner L A McDowell 52915 Tijuana 51 f lOSslop C C5 G Yeargin 10 Saw Tooth Meila Miss Om i 52S71 Tijuana 5J f l07fist 7 107 t 3 1 I1 2s G Yeargin 11 liOldItosr Chat Court II Faust 5272y Tijuana fS l02rirjist 119 Hi7 flAV Hlnpliy H Joe Tag Ensllsh Lady JnlyKly 5i544 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 2Sf 111 111F2C1 7 P Clilnvtall J Hoshor Laaga Perfect Day F2C1 Tijuana 58 101 Vttsnt 24f 112 112i7J085 81 N Foden 11 CACkej D Adams LewtsB i7J085 Tijuana 5S 1W fnst 281 91 711 P Hurn 7 Phrone Ward WHS Harry D 47431 Tijuana 5S l01fast 29f 116 11 E Smith 11 HMcCarty Aline It Minstrel 10795 Tijuana 08 102 fast tit 1H 12 C Tliijson 12 JiiUtieWllldo BlackWiug Dinah GRACE WagnerTrainer MINARD br f 3 M 104 By Frontenac Roses by Wagner Trainer J M Hukill Owner W C Goodloe Goodloe4SG07 4SG07 Latonia 51 f 110 slow S 112 4 22 4i C VanDunl2 WGMCock TVntha liItton 4S512 Latonia 5 f lOSfast 10 112 C 2 2 31 5 i C VanDun12 Penwell G Autumn Eleanor S 58424 1 vtonia 51 f l07fast 11 112 1 12 5 5 J C VanDunl2 Bettlna Tawasentha Penwell 4S371 Latonia 51 f 1OS fast 18 105 7 7 7 5s 5 C VanDun 7 AphieDcar MaryJ Baker Peko BLACK SPRAY blk c 4 M 108 108Trainer By Shooting1 Spray Kate Kearney by Sam Coroy Trainer A W Hoffman Owner E Taldez 52915 Tijuana 51 f lOSslop Jflf i9 S 4 3 41 G P Parke 10 Saw Tooth Meda Miss Ouri 52S73 Tijuana 51 f l07fast Sf 101 9 9 U 103 10 D Powell 11 Gold Rose HanTopaz CCourt 52G2G Tijuana 51 f l09fslov 8f 107 S N Foden 12 Positano Baby Faust Red Man 52501 Tijuana 5S lOiVhvy 175108 12 R Carter 12 IndIJgade MEurta JJMrdk 52400 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 45 113 75J N Foden 12 Limerick ShpSquirrel BFaust 52210 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 175f 115 13 P MartlnezlS Ola Lee Crown Sister Polly 520SO Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 9 112 712 H Rettig 9 Pizarro Rungeorge Ola Lee LeeBy LONE PINE b c 4 M 118 118Trainer By Deutschland Pepperwood by Eddie Jones Trainer P Lynch Owner P Lynch Lynch4C402 4C402 Tijuana 5S l05imid 207 101 714 S niguera S Review lieu Payne Coronado 45919 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy S 10 10 S Hlfjuera 10 Ivaumist Gold Flush lieu Payim 45755 Tijuana 5S l01fast W 103 G16 S Higuera i HAiigletoii CCiirn JFrederick 44111 Reno 41 f 57 fast 38 109 418 S HiKUera 5 Plaything Sage Hen Lottio Lee J40J9 Reno 5S l02ifast 45 109 C S Hlgucra 11 Mountain LotLee Plaything PERFECT DAY ch f 4 M 102 102Trainer By Prospero Pansy King1 by Kingston KingstonI1 Trainer C Deitz Owner Deitz Owens 52941 Tijuana 5S 101 slow 50 IOS 2 31 I1 43i W Taylor H CloJunia MissOuri PcgMartiu PcgMartiuSJJ 52873 Tijuana 51 f l07fast G 102 S 7 S Sijuana SJJ 814 M Slghterlt Gold Uose HiinTopaz CCourt ijuana 34 l14fast S 105 7 B Mariellill Ollie Wood RShooter ColMatt ColMatt45i 52579 Tijuana 5S l05Mslow lOf 100 45i M Slghter 11 Daisy X Pretty ISaby McCroan 52544 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 113 103 3 M Slghterll J Hoshor Lavaga 15aby Faust 52400 Tijuana 5i C 1 09 fast 43 105 11 L Gaugel 12 Limerick ShpSquirrel ISFaust ISFaustW 52239 Tijuana 1 11G l4SVsfast 7fi 103 Pulled up W Hinphy 7 Slike Daly Weinlaiul Per Lady 52213 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 117 107 ii w Hinphy S Little Beach Billy Joe Yukon CONICHON b h 5 M 103 By Reformation Janice Marian by Rubicon Trainer Dr Lovell Owner Van Gorden Lovell Lovell5151G 5151G Tijuana 51 f lOSMsiast 49 101 10 II Jones 10 Sedan Myrtle A Wallace L LPEGGY PEGGY MARTIN br f 4 M 104 By Martinet Peggy by Dr MacBride MacBrideTrainer Trainer J Curl Owner J Curl 52941 Tijuana 58 104 slow 5f 105 5 S 3 31 3l E Fator 14 CIovJtnia MissOuri PerfDay 52915 Tijuana 51 f lOSslop 17 107 9 US 7 = 1 S = 2 C Gross 10 Saw Tooth Meda Miss Ouri 52848 Tijuana 5S l01fast 42f 106 10 10 10 9 9 C Gross 11 IVyFnulilon LadySmall Chrome 52771 Tijuana 34 l15faat 6f 105 93 E Taylor 12 Arietta JJMdock BShilling 52170 Tijuana 34 l14V3fast 61 110 12 C Gross 12 Gwendola ISISlkwell IHarvey SADIE STROITP b m 7 M 93 93Trainer By Mint Lady of Melbourne by Rainbow RainbowGz Trainer W Mikel Owner W Mikel 5292 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 1S5 IOS G 7 G G52SSS Gz 5 J H tamer S I Harvoy Headman Hel Hayes HayesHI 52SSS Tijuana 1 l41fast 74f 110 12 12 11 11 1152GS1 HI 9 R Carter 12 ISarShilling Ely MtyLever 52GS1 Tijuana 1 145 slow G3 110 10 C Whittonll Ilorynut Drown Bee B Sllins 52559 Tijuaan 1 l19mud 70f 108 7 ° M SlghterlO ISerniceE AudreyA PatMack 52544 Tijuana 5J f 111 mud M7 10G 10 H Jones 11 J Hoshor Lavaga Perfect Day DaySi 52238 Tijuana 1 142 fast 53f 103 Si M Slghterll OurMaid RedWilliam Mand M 51917 Tijuana 5S l02fast 172 114 114LITTLE 810 C Taylor 12 DoAdmit AliceCarr ValenLady ValenLadyBy LITTLE MOTHER ch m 8 M 9 By Stalwart Stormy Petrel by Box Trainer J W Overly Owner C B Boyer t 52579 Tijuana 5S l05slow lOf IOS 11 T Miley 11 Daisy N Pretty ISaby McCroan 51978 Tijuana 58 l01fast 47 107 II2 G Yeargin 12 Stanley H Mistake Maud M 51917 Tijuana 58 l02fast 15 111 1115S 121 C Duggan 12 DoAdmit AliceCarr ValenLady 51742 Tijuana 5S l02V fast lOf 107 1075S II1 J Glass 12 Ternette Hoover Ispham 51G59 Tijuana 5S 103 fast llf 107 11 H Jones 11 Tillotson OliveD SmilingMng 235SO Latonia 51 f l10hvy IGf 97 11 11 11 II2 12 = T Henry 12 Lachis BusyJoe WaterWarbler SWEETWATER ch m 8 M 103 By St Maxim Louise Wood by King Eric EricTrainer Trainer A J Glasscock Owner Melvin Glasscock 52915 Tijuana 51 f lOS slop lOf 10510 10 i S3 7S H Rowe 10 Saw Tooth Meda Miss Ouri 52123 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast IGf 105 10 E Taylor 11 MabelRule BecsWiug SisPolly SisPollyPAT PAT B ch c 4 M 105 By Prospero Lulu Marr by Florist FloristTrainer Trainer G W Crippen Owner Blackwell Crippen 52877 Tijuana 5S 59 ifast C6 M 7 G C G1 7 = D Prible 7 King T o th Morning Shifty MISSOULA ch f 4 M 102 102Trainer By Edwin T Fryer Reene W by Star Shoot Trainer J W Hunter Owner W E Hunter First start