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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 CAPERS br m 6 108 108Trainer By The Commoner Lady Eastman by Masetto Trainer J J Fceney Owner J J Feeney 52847 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 25 102 C 2 2 2k G31 P Poiuer Ed Le Van Crispie Fireplace 52730 Tijuana 5S l U fast 109 G11 F Chlavtall Perch Ermitana ISaby Faust 50939 Chagrin Ab34 121 fast 185 117 1175025S C22 J Dminick C MMautsby lilancliita PrinLon 5025S Dorval 34 l20hvy s 107 6 778 S H Hanmor 8 PeacefnlStar Mormon MDixou 49039 KingEd Ab5S 59fast 115 110 1104S7S3 5Ji E Martin 7 My Gracie Walter Mack Resist 4S7S3 Delmr Ab 5S l02fast 35 107J 3s A Casey 7 ClearLake Iliedodcn Wai Mack EMMA WELLER b f 4 107 107Trainer By Boots and Saddle Marty Lou by Marta Santa SantaI Trainer E Moore Owner J Green I 53244 Tijuana 51 f l10 sloir t 109 3 352S59 7 4 5 SS2 E Taylor 11 Aiinabellc SeaPench Celebrate 52S59 Tijuana 34 l14fast 12f 102 4 C 6 11 II7 J Clementsll OlWtwd JJMurdock SisPolly 52333 Tijuana 58 l03hvy 4J 105 5i E Taylor 11 DaisyN Little Jake J D Sugg 52237 Tijuana 5S l01Vifast 4 105 10551S9G 4S2 B Mariellil2 HttieMcCarty Chrome Lantern 51S9G Tijuana 5S 102 fast 275 103 67J W Perry 11 Nog J D SiifT Daisy N 51765 Tijuana 51 f lOS4 fast Gl 104 3 = J E Taylor 10 OurLeader CtheWay EWeller 51684 Tijuana 51 t 100 fast EG 101 10 J Clementsll Nes Mineral Jim Stelcliff VOLIMA ch m 11 113 By Duke of Westminster Misinformed by Glen Trainer 3 McFarlane Owner A McFarlane f2929 Tijuana 5S l04muil i9 103 2 252SS5 2 4 Si 911 G Yeargiri 111 Knjr Lady lluiiinia II Princess 52SS5 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 12f 105 4 4G27G9 133 21 E Taylor 12 ColMphy Mankinll KIlnkin G27G9 Tijuana 5J f l07fast llf 113 113G2C07 7 3 II Rowe 12 TliriftyThree EdLeVan Mistake G2C07 Tijuana 5i f 110 slow 11 105 4i E Taylor 12 Chrome Ermitana Clover Junia 52237 Tijuana 5S l01fast 15 IOS IOS51S5C 643 Rowe 12 HttieMcCarty Chrome Lantern 51S5C Tijuana 5S l01fast 33 112 112MONDAINE 914 R Carter 12 Dode Adams Sad Sam Plunger MONDAINE b m 6 113 By Malamont Gargle by Hurst Park Trainer J E OShea Owner J Anderson E2930 Tijuana 5S 105 mud 12 113 2 252S27 3 T r c E Taylor TDiincan SeaHeacli AVCDooly 52S27 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 48 110 1 1 1 13 4J J Murray 12 Oldllomestcad ElSabio Lantern 52720 Tijuana 5S l02fast 03 10G 10G523SG S D Powell 11 Joe Tag English Iidy JulyFly 523SG Tijuana 5S l01fast 2 107 105 N Fotlen 10 MMeelick IJiiiKlcader Tillotson 52259 Tijuana 5i f lOS5fast lOf IOS 11 N Foden 12 C the Way P Direct Hosellis 50395 Dorval 34 116 fast 0 111 8 6 7 7s 713 E Haywrd S Lady Hetty Mouctte Red Post 50327 Dorval 34 llGfast 25 107J 2 3 4 5nk 74 E Haywrd 7 KeenJane Astraea AMiddleton REVIEW b g 4 109 109Trainer By Deutschland Alice Gary by Trappean Trainer G Hazard Owner Bardillo Bros 52930 Tijuana 5S 105 mud 105 9 S 6 G5 fil H Rowo TDiincaii SeaBeach WCDooly 52826 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 7 110 1 4 44 10l P MartinezlS Shoreacres Sea Beach Rosellia 52G2S Tijuana 51 f 109 slow S 104 jsa B Taylor 12 Prin Douglas An Star EdLeVan 52545 Tijuana 51 f l12mud 21 10G 10G524S5 22 E Taylor 10 Nasleciovati Ooma Sea ISeacli 524S5 Tijuana 5S l03mud 11 100 41 E Taylor 8 Cicely Kay Welga Ringleader SMILING ANNA ch hi 7 113 113Trainer By Smile Mexicanna by Calvados Trainer W Smith Owner A B Wright Wright520G2 ht ht7J 520G2 Tijuana 51 f 10 fast HGf 103 103519JO 7J T Kindle 11 Hoover CalCurn Clear tlie Way 519JO Tijuana 51 f l69nud 130f 105 Slu T Kindle l Me Milda Lewis IS 51870 Tijuana 5S l02fast Uf 110 941 C Taylor 12 Josenia Minal Jim GertrudelS 51745 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2Gf 106 1063347G ST1 W Taylor 10 Cover Up J D SiiRg Crispie 3347G Cheyenne 5S 102 fast 95 101 I1 J DC Ford S Macmondu Meljen J D Sugg TOM CARD b gr 8 110 By Marta Santa Argon Esher by Esher Trainer P A Sandidge Owner P A Sandidge 02729 Tijuana GS l02fast 122f 105 103 x Foden 11 Joe Tag English Lady JulyFly 52505 Tijuana 5S l03hvy Gf 110 110G2190 1010 II Mthevsl2 Mannchen Iluinma Divlaud G2190 Tijuana 1 l4Syfast 129 113 1135187G 10 W Perry 12 Wclga Tiajan Gift 5187G Tijuana 5S l02Mfast i4f 112 112516S1 12 E Haywrd 12 Josenia Minal Jim GertrudeB 516S1 Tijuana GJ f l09fast 2G 114 8TJ R Dority 12 SwtTootli Gertrude Ispham 51659 Tijuana 5S 103 faHt 11G 112 112ROSIE 9 V Cloud 11 Tillotson OliveD SmillngMag ROSIE ROGON b m 5 M 113 113Owner By Rogon Rose Sweet by Maxnic Maxnici8 Owner D Hogan 5129 Tijuana M f 107 fast r lt 110 110RUTH i8 A Xeigler I Cacambo Delauccy Milda RUTH HARRIGAN b f 4 107 107Trainer By Harrigan Tyree by Broomstick Trainer E M Phillips Owner A Phillips 52213 Tijuana 34 l14ifast GO 105 105520SI 5 = 4 E Taylor S Little Peach Hilly Joe Yukon 520SI Tijuana 5S l01lifast 41 l lOti i 12 J Callahan Callahanl2 12 Triilane Duly Fashion Yukon 50205 Reno 34 l147sfast 20 102 5s E Taylor i ShamOreen OdFIush ThSeven 50142 Reno 5 5i f l08fast 15 101 5 i E Taylor C CountUoris ThirSeveu DaudyV 50039 Reno oi f lOS lOSfast fast 15 101 4i E Taylor 7 MComiell LStPatk FCline FClineCELEBRATE CELEBRATE TammanyTrainer b m 11 M 110 By Transvaal Red Light by Tammany Trainer W Pinkstaff Owner B Orin 53244 Tijuana 51 f l10 slop Sf 110 S 33 31 3i II Jones 14 Annabclle SeaBeach ItrownPee ItrownPeeISPHAM ISPHAM GlenTrainer ch f 4 M 112 By Rapid Water Barbaria by Canopus or Glen Trainer T Vogt Owner L Lott heim 05 Tijuana I l4fast S3 NX S11 O Willis t Pt io Pt WMBaker Hclman Mistake519x 7C9 Tijuana 5 f l07fast llf 109 11 10 P Martinezl2 TliriftyTlirce EdLeVan Mistake 519x Kick5187G Tijuana 1 l45mud llf 102 714 G Yeargin S Gcii Byng Cobrita Art Kick 5187G Tijuana 5S l02ifast 10 107 7 = 1 E Burns 12 Josenia Minal Jim GertrudeB 51742 ISlazer51GS1 Tijuana 58 l02fast 235 107 32 C Duggan 12 Ternette Hoover ISlazer 51GS1 Tijuana 51 f l09 fast 795 107 3l C Duggan 12 SweetTootli GertrudeB ACarr ACarrKATHERNE KATHERNE CAREY b in 6 M 113 By Joe Carey Katherine Ennis by Bonnie Joe Trainer JoeTrainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity PogMartin52SG1 52941 Tijuana 5S 101 sow 5f 102 12 9 11 7 = 7a P Parke 14 CloJmiia Missouri PogMartin 52SG1 Tijuana Im70y l4Gifast ISSf IOS 10 9 7 G 7 10 R McCrnnl2 Mountain Girl Maud M Ely 52827 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast3110f 105 7 99 101 8 R McCrnnl2 Oldllomostead ElSabio Lantern 52770 Tijuana 34 Il4fast 23f 108 S R McCrnnll Ollie Wood IJShooter ColMatt 52607 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow SO 110 101S C Thpson 12 Chrome Ermitana Clover Junia JuniaAPPLETTO APPLETTO ch h 7 M 115 By Sir Appleby Finette by Vesuvian Trainer T J Grant Owner Grant McGinnis 52100 Tijuana f 109 fust4710f 110 Ss C Gross 12 Limerick ShpSriuirrel ISFaust 47970 Tijuan L 5J f lOSfast G 110 4J C Gross J Capilano Dora Star Anna Star 57772 Tijuan i 5S l01ifast 135f 113 S10 S Smith 11 MayCraig LadyEileen Minstrel 4774S Tijuan i 5S l02 fast 11 113 4 3 C Thpson 12 Jimp May Craig Lady Eileen 47573 Tijuana 5i f 1OS fast 2 110 3 C Gross 8 IadySmall AunaStar Commenn 47437 Tijuana 7S l2Slifast 19 113 113First 3i C Gross S Von Lady Dinah W M Uaker UakerBy First start for the followlne KILLARNEY BELLE b m 0 M 108 By Tuscan Mary Dees by Kenilworth NEOSHO DALE ch m 9 M 113 113Owner By Ormondale Kate D by Ccsarion Owner W T Overby