Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-23


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA CUBA TUESDAY MARCH 22 1921 Oriental Park One hundred and fifth day Cuba American lockey and Auto Club Winter Meeting of 110 days Weather clear temperature 90 Stewards 1 Hnchmeister C 11 Lansdale and F 1 Union Starter James F Milton Ktcing Sec rotary M Nathansori Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 1 7 p in W indicates whip S spurs IS blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horsi and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance CCQQft T FIRST RACE 12 Mile March 5 1921 47 2 120 Purse 700 2ycarolds OOOO C Claiming Not value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPKt U U v Str Fin Jockey O H C P S IMA AV w 105 0 r 41 I1 I1 J Dawson F J AVrispon 3 3 3 1 11 11f f inUKULS w 1U1 2 2 2 CJ Fields Williams ISron 2 21 21 1 1i 5320 ATHCSAKVKX w 115 1 1 1J 2 3 = C Enmes T Hodge 2 2 2 45 25 53117 COSCOHROK w 113 7 7i i I J HoilReJE Alvarez 12 12 12 5 L Lr32703LOTTA r32703LOTTA O w 107 5 7 ik 8s H CdvineJ A Hull 7 7 7 2J fi5 317 TOlTK DE SUITI w 112 3 JE U fiuk W Kelsay K Cebriau fi C 2 1 5 270 HYEUES AV 10 7 4 7 7 J Smith T D MHlin 5 r 5 2 1 1r r 31 sHITTHK ISITING w IOC S 11 fiJ X J F MeriineeP Powers 12 12 12 5 2 3185 XAVISCO w 10SJ10 8 S 9 9 U Keimdyl a Julian 10 10 10 I 2 1320 XAOMI K w 10J i 10 U 10 10 J DomickJ O Kurt CO CO M 20 1J 1JTime Time 24 3G 48 J Track fast 2 mutuels paid Kniiiia W i3030 straight 1380 place 770 show Orris 100 place S480 show Athgarvcn SI 30 show showitiiivalent itiiivalent booking odds Emma W MIT to 100 straight DO to 100 place 2Sr to 100 show Orris 130 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Athgarvcn 11 to 111 show showWinner Winner It f by Hesperus Athcnia by St Symphorien tivined by F J Wrispcn bred by Mr A K Macomber MacomberWent Went to post at 231 At post minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same KMMA slipped through on Hie inside when entering the homestretch where the leaders came wide and finishing fast won in the last stride OUU1S ran well and outstayed ATIltSAUVKX Tiie latter set the early pace but tired in the dual drive COSCOUKON and LOTTA I closed big gaps TOlT DE SUITE piir piirScratched Scratched 53270 Bounce 10JI 10JIOverwHshts OverwHshts Orris I pound Naomi K 4 Navisco 3Vi Lotta C 2 Hitter Kiting 1 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 l05i 5 102 Purso 700 3yer olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Irdev Horse AAVtPPSt U i i Str Fin Jccicys Owners O H C r S w 4 111 2 2 2410S 1 ItuleroftA Lozaina liO 20 20 S t 410S 3 i iwh Ink i t A K Lennhan 444 7 7 10 3314 LVltIC wh 3 102 1 1 1w 4 U 3 = U LcasterF A Herold 3J 3J 3J IT 32K4S KEY HCMP w t 4 10 4 S 4U 4s J Smith U C5omer 7 7 7 Li I 52777 TWO EVES 3 S 7 5 S 71 7 5k C Parrish 1 L AVnde 4 41 41 S5 45 32387 DUAPEHY w 4 10S C i i 2 2i i rm = AV Kelsay Ki Morro Stable 1 1 4 1S 10 53237 IS A IOXHS WH t l HO 8 S 5 51 fi1 71 H Odwiuel A Hall 10 10 II 4 2 2048 IY MEHIUCK wi 10112 5 4 2k li Ss S1 l EameH K liurnside 10 10 S 3 S5 2249 ArIJKSS I 10S 7 J i 9 IS KenuctvO Muckenfuss 0 3 12 C CTime Time 24 49 102 108 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Kibbler 20130 straight SS30 place 1700 show Finis r3o place 400 show Lyric 400 show Eiinivalent booking odds Kibbler tlir to 100 straight 2Sir to 100 place 70 to 100 show Finis Kir to 100 place KM to 100 show Lyric 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner It f by Thco Cook Kacchantc by Buchanan traiicd by L A Daly bred by Mr X Temple iwathiney iwathineyWent Went to post at 301 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same KIKKLKU closed a gap and coming fast on the outside of the leaders on the stretch turn out ¬ stayed FINIS in the final drive FINIS Mt a slow early puce and finished gamely but liring LVKIC saved ground on all the turns lint tired after taking the lead DKAPIHIY moved up after rounding the far turn but was forced wide when entering the stretch and quit GKEY KlMP chxed a big gap gapScratched Scratched 33015 Automatic Ued OS 53214 James C 110 52371 Jack Dawson 110 yrie 1 pound ETOQiRQ THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year t OOvPf olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second S1CO third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPStVi M Str Fin Jockeys O H J P S 53315 ORLEANS UIUL w 4 KiSi 1 3 53342 AlXT DUD A w 3 102 1 21 21 2 21 R LcasterT Hodge 12 12 12 a 21 2153312SAX 53312SAX D1EUO w 4 10S 8 1 I3 1 = 3 J Dawson K 1 Albright 0 t 2 1 5250 SMITE wis 4 103 2 9 s k U 51 4 J DomiekC E Myatt 777 21 S5 53300 AL PORTER w 1 IDS 9 S 51 V 4 t 5 AV Kclsay AV 1 Dugan S5 S5 S5 12 14 14532X2 532X2 ELGA w 5 110 3 2 G SI 7i 1 C Eam s O L Foster rO o 12 G 53315 = LLCIE MA A w 4 ICfi i 4 4 II 7 A Pickeus E Strewbridge 444 75710 75710o3314 o3314 = LOTTA SPEED 3 I 7 7 S S3 U Ellis E Cobrian 10 10 10 4 2 53340 LEJOTAL w 5 113 7 7 9 9 J Smith J J Keyes 21 21 21 1 12 12Time Time 23 48 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Orleans Girl 2700 straight 1410 place 570 show Aunt Deda JS10 place G10 show San Diego iUJO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Orleans Girl 1250 to 110 straight G05 to 10 place 1S5 to 100 show Aunt Deda 305 to 100 place 205 to 100 show San Diego 230 to lot show showWinner Winner Kr f by Jack Atkin Iady Instnliator by Installator trained by J D Millin bred by Mr Thomas Shaw ShawWent Went to post at 32S At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVou handily second and third driv ¬ ing ORLEANS GIRL close up from the start came around the leaders in the stretch and finishing fast won going away AUNT DEDA raced in closest pursuit and finished gamely SAN DIEGO set u fast early pace but tired in the stretch drive SMITE finished fast AL PORTER was always outpaced LEGUTAL was never prominent Scratched 53340Rameau 113 53310 Scotch Kiss 110 52Si7 Orderly 112 112Overweights Overweights Aunt Deda 4 pounds Orleans Girl 2 i Smite 1 Klgn 2 FOURTH RACE 1 110 Miles Fob 3 1918 l44Vi 3 92 Purso 900 3ycaroias Allowances Net value to winner 700 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Jv Vi = t Str Fin Joekey O II C P S 32 0GKX MKXOCAL wr 113 Ii Ii = l = iI lIodjjezArmoiiiit atablu 12 J 2 12 15 out 3228 ALL UK5HT SIU wr 1USJ 4 1 1 = 1 = 1 = I1 2U AV Kclsay A Keith Ji 3J Jil 1 out out532GO 532GO = LK CHAK AVELLS wi lOSi 2 3 33 2i 2 2i 3 15 KenndyX K IJeal 4 1 4 out 53212 IHTOXKC ivr IflC 3 I I 5 5 II IJ U LcwterK A Herobl 444 C3 out out53327nLACK 53327nLACK TOP w 102 1 2 5 5 A IMckciis F S Fountain 10 10 10 3 out outi i Time 23 48 114 139 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid General Monacal 330 straight 300 vlaceAll Right Sir 100 place mj show mutuels sold soldKiltiiviileut Kiltiiviileut booking odds General Menocal i to 100 straight TO to 100 place All Right Sir 100 to 100 place placeWii Wii ner P c by Hessian Wit full by Mirthful trained by AV A Carter bred by Mr John K Madden AVe t to pot at 30 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing G NERAL MKNOCAL began slowly and was cut olT on the turn out of the baekstrotch by 1SLACK TOP tl en was taken to the outside and tinishin fast was inclined to swerve owt in the last sixteenth but woi going away ALL RIGHT SIR set a fast pace to the last eighth and tiring was cased up in the final strides DR CHARLES WELLS raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and gave way HLACK TOP mil a good threequarters threequartersOverweights Overweights General Menocal 2 pounds Dr Charles Wells 2i All Right Sir 4i Hlack Top 1 FIFTH RACE I 116 Miles Feb 3 1918 144 3 92 Purse S700 4yearolds 54 el O JL and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt i i 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 5t453 AVmTK HAVEX W u 107 1 31 4i 31 3s I1 S Lowe L O Sawyer C fi C 2 1 310 AUMISTICE wr 4 10S 7 1 1i I3 1 2 = J U Kenudy Floridii Stable 2 2i 2i 1 12 33H XO1E w 5 103 2 2 V1 r 3i 2k = F PorottolM E Thompson S S S 3 Sj 13317 AVA K w 4 10S 112 I1 5i 4U AV Kelsay J Lowe 5 u 2 1 5323 1MY ADA w I 103 3 t 5 1 sl 51 J Smith Ktmere Fm Sta C fi 2 1 1t t 533 33ir 15 MAY MAYROSK ROSE wi I 1C G y 71 O11 G C P ScheffeIl P llrooks S 5 S 3 83 83rS30J rS30J FLY HOME w 3 10 4 f 8 i 7 7 C OMnhyF Grace 50 SO 10 20 10 r3317 = UIG IDEA w 4 101 S S 7i S S1 7l SJ G Fields G G Denny S5 S5 S3 12 14 C3345 334ii JAKE FELD wis 4 ion 5 7 4 2 2 4l 0 A Pickens E J Sullivan C 2 1 1Time Time 24 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid White Haven 2270 straight 800 place JO show Armistice SIDO place 340 show Xuie SIO sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds White Haven 103 to 100 straight 300 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Armistice 147 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Zoic lV to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 in by liotirboii Princt Miss Thompson by Goldercst trained by V 1orterie bred by Mr Martin Doyle DoyleWent Went to post at 420 At post I minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same WHITE HAVEN racing ilossr up than usual in the early running came on the outside wiien entering the stretch and wearing ARMISTICE down won in the last stride The latter set n good pace until in the final eighth but tired badly in the last sixteenth 7OIK ran well under an inexperienced rider AVA R showed speed but tired MY ADA Io ed a big gap 1SIG IDEA was always far back backScratched Scratched 3202 Ia Kross 107 r33443Sempcr Stalwart Hi HiOverweights Overweights ISig Idea pounds Fly Home Armistice 2 i SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 700 7004yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horse AAVtPPSt U Vi viStrFin JOCICM O H G P 3331 RUCK XAIL w l 10SJ B 7 8 S X 11 H U KenndyL F OLeary 444 444w 5327i HOCXIU w 10 110 4 3 7i 7 5 2 C Eanw AV R Finuegan t G 6 6w S245SHIXTKESS w 10 1081 S 21 2 21 I1 AV Kelsay 1 1 MeXnfferty IJ 2i 2i 2iwi 53342 PIE wi I 10 1 1 1i 1 i I1 Ii 41 G Mnnsran O E Van Winkle I 4 4 5332OTUP ItLXG wsu r 110 7 S 5 3 1 J UonVickP Mock 13 13 13 f 2J I = RIAXC A w f 102 2 2 4J rt i S Ii 1 HmHh T Dasciv 444 73710 73710r r 3i75 POMEHEXE w 5 102 4 3l k 31 7ilk 7 It LcrsterAnnonia Stable 15 15 13 3 2i 2iSIOS SIOS FOSU EMRIIY wisfi 100 5 5 t 4 4t k v Fields K R Allen 2 2 2 71013 71013Time Time 23 47 113 1S9 l43 l43i i Track fast 2 mutuels paid ISuck Nail 2030 straight 1020 place liO show llocnir KSOO place SoO show Huntress i0 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Huck Nail iri to 100 straiglit 410 to 100 place 230 to 100 show Hocnir SCO to 100 place 325 ti 100 show Huntress ISO to 100 show showWinner Winner Hlk g by Leonid Hcssie Rcmhert by Dungarven trained by L F OLeary bred by Mr W C Nail NailWent Went to post at 443 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing BUCK NAIL was far back for the tirst threequarters and was brought on the outside when enter ¬ ing the stretch but closed up with i rush ami won going away HOCNIR also closed a big gap and made a fast finish HUNTRESS was cut otV in the last fifty yards when the winner swerved over to the inside PIE tired after showing the most speed until well into the homestretch FOSTER EMHRY tired us if short and was cased up at the end endScratched Scratched 13331 Punctual 103 103Overweights Overweights ISuck Nail l j pounds llocnir 3 Huntress 1j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921032301/drf1921032301_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921032301_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800