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RIDER CARSLAKES CAREER Talented Australian Jockey Has Worked in Many Lands with Success The Australian rider B Carslake who is ac ¬ counted to he tliu best horseman among riders in Knghiud has had a varied experience For a number of years after leaving Australia Carslak rode for Baron Springer in Austria That owner was one of the leading1 lights of the sporting world in that country He bred horses on an ex ¬ tensive scale and purchased them in a most lavish manner lie probably had the best horses of the day in Vienna and arlsake rode many winners for tht Baron Then the war broke out Carslake mado his way to Roiunania and rode then until the Germans took possession of that country He found his way to Odessa South Russia and rode for Leon Mantacheff the oil magnate Again the Germans moved Curslake on to Moscow and Petrogrud PetrogrudInside Inside of three weeks the Kerensky revolution broke out in the Russian capital Racing was still permitted but only in the nature of trials A start was made at nine in the morning and Ihtj sport such as it was ended at lunch There was no betting and the public were not permitted to attend Carslake rode ninetytwo winners there but matters gradually got worse than ever and he resolved to make for England EnglandIt It took him eighteen days to get to Leeds Eng ¬ land via Bergen in Norway Once there he made a contract with H II Persee the Cleatles Hill trainer for whom he lias ridden steadily until the present season seasonThis This year Carslake is to ride for such owners as the Duke of Westminster Col McCulmout and Clarke and Robinson Two seasons ago he ended up second on the winning jockeys list with sixty nine firsts and fortysix seconds and twenty seven thirds Last season Carslake rode sixty seven winners in 20 mounts and led in percentage of wins Ho was third to S Donoghue and Frank Bullock both of whom however can ride much lighter the former going to scale at 10 pounds and Bullock at 108 yotinds while Carslake finds it hard work to do 110 pounds