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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR THURSDAY MARCH 31 WEATHER CLEAB TEACK FAST The figures trader the heading Eeo in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1919 no matter where It finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 155 p in Chicago time 455 Superior mud runner X Good mini runner V Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1020 50 1 107 107Todays Todays Tnd Horse Wt Ree A AWrHsin VtHan 534192 bTom Caro 1131101 8 108X71 53391 Smiling Anna 113 1011 7 111x7110 53119 Mazc Barber 103 101 li 10i X715 r X715r 340i3 Viva 10 101 9 111X715 53107 715r33793 Vail I V 113 101 7 111 715 r33793 Hell Squirrel 105 103 3 103 710 5337 Lady St Patrick 113 101 9 111X710 53451 Black Spray M10S l07li 4 115 705 53434 Miss Dunbar 89 102 3 98 705 r3379 Opal Wall M 98 103 5 105 705 53244 Squash 105 1 02 4 1 110 10 700 53394 Rosie Rogon M115 105 5 111 700 53379 bRobert Lee 115 104 8 113X700 53419 Peter Payne M107 102 9 113 700 53451 Listal M 113 103 8 11C700 11C700Second Second Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds ClaimingTracker 3yearolds and upward Claiming Tracker record Feb 1 1920 143 G 122 53444 bFairy Prince 88 140 5 102 725 72553444s 53444s Lady Harrigau 4 101 720 53444 Rosellis 7105X715 53420 Tours 109 147 9 107X715 53410 Clara Martin 118 143 0110 715 53395 Czardom 118 l51sy 5 110 710 534203 Zetetic 103 145 9 110 710 53400 Heads 1 Win 4 9i705 53420 bKl Key 109 148 7 112X705 53107 Kstlicr L M 1071151 13 105 700 532G5 Stanley S 114 l4Gii 13 107X700 107X700Lady Lady Bourbon uli f by Maria Santa Helen Pink Pinkby by Pink Coat 4 101 Third Eaco 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 17 1910 138 3 93 53411 Helman 117 143 G 112 725 53421 bBilly Joe 103 144 9 102720 53455 Peggy Martin 4 105X715 53411 Maud M 107 141 7 110 715 53445 Trulane 115142 9 112 710 53421 bPrince Douglas 100 140 5 112X710 53435 Al Wick 110 145 8 117 710 710533G3 117X7055339S 533G3 Quid Nunc 113 142 12 117X705 5339S 112X705533GI Iivland 109 142 G 112X705 533GI Go On M 109 143 G 104 700 53421 English Iady 7 115X700 115X700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 17 191P 138 95 9551SOO 51SOO bFrank Waters 113139 G 109X725 53123 Sadie I 102 143 4 10G720 5340 Hhoir Master 110143 G 1121715 53144 Miss Herrmann 110 112 5 115 715 53431 Tokalon March 105 140 7 117 715 53134 Honolulu 108 142 G 1101710 53411 Baby Fanst 107 142 5 115X710 115X710533S1 533S1 llen Levy 10 113 705 53425 Striker 112 142 11 117705 53411 Patsy Mack 114143 10109X705 10109X705Ill 53301 Electric Ill 145 12 100X700 53145 Knight of Pythias 113 142 9 1171700 1171700Fifth Fifth Eace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 20 1910 111 3 110 53441 120X72553441s ORCHID KING 113114 G 120X725 53441s Dancing Girl 10 113 5 110X715 53453 Lonely 105 113 4 105X710 53447 = Woodie Montgom ¬ ery 109113 S 118X710 52705 Thos F McMihou110 114 5 98X705 53437 bParol 108 113 4 108 705 53007 War Winner M112 115 4 108x700 108x700Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 24 191f 14 3 110 53430 Prince Direct 115 149 5 110X725 110X72553448s 53448s Le Dinosaure 113 148 7 113X720 104X715533G5 53455 Perfect Lady 103 148 4 104X715 533G5 George MnehlebachlOG 149 5 112X715 53455 Hickorynut 101 148 7 102X710 53410 Our Maid 107149 4109X710 53382 Bill Deitcliman 103 149 9 107X705 53448 Audrey K 100148 G115X705 G115X705Seventh Seventh Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 8 1921 53 10 105 103X725533G43 53424 = Hurry I 114 54 7 103X725 533G43 3102X7205344G Shifty 9G 54 3102X720 5344G Woo Tag 113 59 3 9 X715 53441 = Conicutter 114 54 7 117 715 53453 111X7105279G Sherman A 107 54 5 111X710 5279G AValter WhitakerlOG 55 G 109 705 53441 Claude Weaver 118 55 8107 700