First Race [1st Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-31

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FIRST RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 Index Course Dlst TimeTckOddi Wt St K X Btr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Tlnli TOM CARO b S 8 103 103A By Marta Santa Argon Esher by Eshor Trainer P A Sandidge Owner P A Sandidge 5319 Tijuana 5S l01fast 21f 10S 1 2 2 2U lint II Rowc 14 DdeCuise KatliRankin OliveD C3319 Tijuana 58 l01fast 9 110 2 4 7 9i 111S A Gantnerlo Celebrate Review EmrnaWeller 62729 Tijuana 58 l02fast 122f 103 IQis if Foden 11 Joe Tag English Lady JulyFly 62505 Tijuana 68 l03hvy 35f 110 1020 M Mthowsl2Mannchen Humma Dlvland 62190 Tijuana 1 l43fast 129 113 10 W Perry 12 Welga Tiajari Gift 61876 Tijuana 58 l02fast tit 112 12 ° E Haywrdl2 Josenia Minal Jim GertmdeB 61681 Tijuana 61 l09fast 26 114 873 R Dority 12 SwtTooth GertrudeB Ispham SMILING ANNA ch m 7 111 111Trainer By Smile Mezlcanna by Calvados Trainer W Smith Owner A B Wright 53391 Tijuana 4 115 fast 23 111 1 33 4s I Martinez 14 Dienero Review Last Chance 03319 Tijuana 8 l01fast 9f 113 12 101 7JJ T Kindle 15 Celebrate Review KmmaWeller E20G2 Tijuana 5 f 1OS fast HCf 103 722 T Kindle 11 Hoover CalCurn Clear the Way 61910 Tijuana 5 f l091 mud ISOf 103 8 T Kindle 9 Hex Milda Lewis B 51876 Tijuana 8 l02fast 14f 110 94i C Taylor 12 Josenia Minal Jim GertrudcB 61745 Tijuana 58102 fast 2Cf IOC 87J W Taylor 10 Cover Up J D Sugg Crispie 39476 Cheyenne 58 102 fast 95 104 104MAZIE I1 J De Ford 8 Macmondc Meljen J D Sugg SuggBy MAZIE BARBER ch m 6 1CS 1CSTrainer By Roy Hindoo Chico by Gotham Trainer T Kindle Owner J C Lambert 53419 Tijuana 58 l01fast 16 10 5 Si 10 T Kindle 14 DdeGuise TomCaro KRankiin KRankiin3J 5SOOS Tijuana 41 f 54fast flS 103 4 45S 3J 41 T Kindle 8 Riposta CAComkey LitTake LitTake2U 529U Tijuana 5S 104 slow 6 110 3 2U C = i T Kindle 14 CloJunia MissOuri PegMartin PegMartinIt 5284S Tijuana 58 l01fast 12C 103 3 It G3 T Kindle 11 DyFashion LadySmall Chrome 62580 Tijuana 58 l05slow SSf 103 913 T Kindle 10 Tillotson EngLady Nledovati E245G Tijuana 58 l03slop 41 10S 9 T Kindle 0 Camflagell GeoJames AnnS S9071 Reno 58 l00fast 14 104 510 G Leeds G Reydo Jack K Juan Fredrick Fredrick3i 290CO Reno 58 l01fast 6 104 3i G Leeds 7 KlBlossom HighNote Fitzgerd Fitzgerd48J 2SS6S Reno 58 100 fast 375 102 48J G Leeds 7 Striker Sovereign II Engraver EngraverBy VIVA b m 9 111 111Trainer By Oiseau Cutter by Gotham Gotham3U Trainer T Burns Owner Polo Stable StableC340C C340C Tijuana 58 l02fast 18 103 2 44 3U 3l D Powell 12 Maid of Ansel ElSabio Review 53312 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 25 110 4 34 41 4 = 2 O Willis 12 MkGarner FanXail MSedalia 52989 Tijuana 34 114 fast 31 105 5 10 11 11 11 ° Jj Gaugel 11 Goldie Rose Striker Quid Nunc 52887 Tijuana 1 l42fast 7 103 0 2 4 4 31 2s M Slghter 12 JJMrdock VonLady SirOliver 52750 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 1 103 1035264G 31 D Powell 9 LIncence MFnller BucklinII BucklinIIS2 5264G Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 265 10S S2 P Martinezl2 Gertrude B Ann S Maud M 62524 Tijuana Im70y l53slop 10 105 6 D Powell 11 FrankShnon BronBee Humma 62401 Tijuana 1 143 fast 86 10S 9 3 J Clementsll Plaything Maudie Modiste 62333 Tijuana 6S l03hvy 46 108 4 2 F Chiavtall DaisyN Little Jake J D Sugg 62032 Tijuana 68102 fast 37 104 104YALLI 6 T Kindle 11 ThirSeven BabyGirl SwtTootb SwtTootbBy YALLI v7 ch m 7 ill illTrainer By Barnesdale Edna Green by The Hero Hero10J Trainer W Thomas Owner L Gibson 53407 Tijuana 58 102 fast 2Gf 103 9 95S 10J 10ls Ai GantnerlS Lantern Ietty Ree Cal Curn 52847 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 187 107 7 75S 0 913 F J Baker 9 Ed Le Van Crispie Fireplace 52580 Tijuana 5S l03V3slow SSf 109 10 F J Baker 10 Tillotson EngLady Nledovati 62335 Tijuana 58 l03hvy 21f 10S 3 F J Baker 9 KTrauter Ndorati JJMdock 62106 Tijuana 58 l01faat Df 103 9 1 F J Baker 11 Little Jake I Brigade DaisyN 61S01 Tijuana 41 f 55fast 242 111 10 F Baker 11 Miida La Bete Noire Annabelle 61511 Tijuana 58 l02fast 70 112 11 R Carter 11 Mex Blanchita Rliwsta 42252 Reno 12 48fast 8 113 CIS J Mulcahy G BeatrlceLucille Forum Eyndla EyndlaBy BELL SQUIRREL br c 3 103 103Trainer By Flying Squirrel Laura Belle by Lamplighter Lamplighterli Trainer P Dwyer Owner P Dwyor 53379 Tijuana 58 103 fast 11 103 2 2 252CC9 li 3 1 G Yeargin 15 WCDooly ViaNail OpalWali 52CC9 Tijuana 58 l04hyy 32f M 10 L Gaugel 11 CtheVay Naslevati MFnklin 52061 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 13f 102 873 L Gaugel 12 Jack Lee Woodrose Brolaski 51877 Tijuana 58 l02fast 23 111 111E1510 1218 H Jones 12 JackLee VeraWood AuntAnnie E1510 Tijuana 58 103 fast 25 112 7 L Mills 9 Nenetto tty Ree Barber Barber78i 60203 Reno 12 4Sfast 185 112 112E0091 78i E Taylor 7 Brolaski BFlower HKAslier HKAslierC E0091 Reno 41 f 54fast 275 112 t t4SGG5 C K Taylor G RDewey OSquirrpl IIKAsher IIKAsherG50 4SGG5 Devre 58 109 hvy 10 115 G50 L Gaugrel r Sandalwood MarDlxon MyRosu LADY ST PATRICK ch m 9 111 By Campus Begone by Prestonpans PrestonpansTrainer Trainer W A Wells Owner W A Wells WellsKK79 KK79 Tijuana rS 103 fast n 113 1 1 3 3U 7 = C Gross 15 WCDooly ViNail BSfinim1 5014 Reno 5i f lOSJast 175 114 GJ K Carter G CountBoris ThirSeven DandyV 50099 Reno 5J f lOSfast 7 111 2h Tt Carter 7 MConnell FCline irHarrigan 49977 Reno 12 4S3 4S3ifast ifast 2710 111 21 R Carter G MissBrush JDSngg MSclifer 49930 Reno 12 48 fast 114 2i M M thews 7 DancingGirl Ebeiiezer Positano Positano4SSS5 4SSS5 Reno 1L 4Sbfast 5 113 21 11 Carter S Forum OklaIrish WCUooly BLACK SPRAY blk c 4 M 115 115Trainer By Shooting Spray Kate Kearney by Sam Corey Trainer A W Hoffman Owner E Valdez 53320 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 007 10S 3 1 1 G 9 T Majestic 15 GMinard Toreador PegMartin 52915 Tijuana 5i f l08slop lOf 99 8 4 3 41 C li Parke 10 Saw Tooth Mcda Miss Ouri 52873 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 8 10t 9 9 9 10s 10tT D Powell 11 Gold Rose HanTopaz CCourt 02026 Tijuana 51 f l0914slow Sf 107 87 N1 Foden 12 Positano Baby Fanst Red Man 52504 Tijuana 5S I0iy5hvy 175 10S 12 R Carter 12 IndBgadc MEurta TJMrdk 52400 Tijuana 5i f 109 fast 45 113 7 i N Foden 12 Limerick ShpSqnirrel BFaust 52210 Tijuana CJ f 108 fast 175f 113 113520SO 13 P MartlnezlS Ola Lee Crown Sister Polly 520SO Tijuana 65 f 108 fast M 112 7tJ II Rettlu 9 Pizarro Rungeorge Ola Lee LeeBy MISS DUNBAR b f 3 98 98Trainer By Von Tromp Arcadia Belle by Emperor of Mot Trainer W Leeds Owner W H Mooro ore folk 52131 Tijuana KS 01faHt 77 S9 9 fi 4 r1 C3 H B Bwer 9 Col Murphy Neg Delancey 53391 Tijuana 34 115 fast 15 91 7 5 81 81E3333 10 102 Gl D Prible 14 Dienero Review Uist Chance E3333 Tijuana 34 lllfast 34f SS 2 1 2 3J 3 i I Prible 13 Striker Dienero Brown Bee 53244 Tijuana 5J f l10slop Sf 88 7 11 1 11 13 13IB D Prible 14 Annabelle ScaBeach Celebrate 1 145 slow 24 S6 913 II B Bwcrll Horymit Brown Bee B Slling SllingP 1 l41fast 47 79 Fell P Hurn 10 John Jr Pink Tcnny Yukon 1 l42fast 32 S6 924 P Hurn 9 TFMcMahon EIRey JimWinn 51 f 1 OSfast CO 92 7 1 P Hurn 11 Miss Meelick B Bird FMooa 58101 fast 89 112 8IS P Martinez 9 Crack o Dawn Shifty Nebulous 58 l02fast 21 109 4T P Martinez 12 JackLee VeraWood AuntAnnlo OPAL WALL ch m 5 M By Orbicular Josephine Johnson by Bowling Green Trainer H Thomas Owner M H Morrison M79 Tijuana 58 ln fast Itt 10710 4 G GK2S7 5 I2 P Marielli 15 WOIVvoly ViXail BSquirrtl K2S7 Tijuana 5i f l07fast Sf OS 7 G W Jl 9 T Priblo 11 Gold Rose HanTopaz CCourt 52730 Tijuana 58 lOlVifast 37f 101 S12 G Yeargin 11 Perch Krmitana Baby Faust 51917 Tijuana 58I02f st 195 10G 10G517S2 45 C McCklel2 DoAdmit AliccCarr ValenLndy 517S2 Tijuana 58102 fast 15f OS OS51C9G 4 1 Hurn 12 Irish Daisy Josenia CloverJunia 51C9G Tijuana 58102 fast37f 110 11051GG9 73 U Dority 11 BcvelryJames Milda Littlclakc 51GG9 Tijuana 58 101 fast 3S2 111 7 3 K Dority 9 Crispie Cancion Lady Small 51543 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 75f 108 108SQUASH 8IJ J Shilling 11 Babylonn BeesWg CtheWay SQUASH ch f 4 110 110Trainer By Deutschland Island Queen by Dick Welles Trainer T Martin Owner F McKcnzie 53214 Tijuana 51 f l10slop LC 103 G 4 9i 1212 II Post 14 Annabelle SeaBcach Celebrate Celebrate52G1G 52G1G Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 9 106 106525S1 7B1 N Foden 12 Gertrude B Ann S Viva Viva525S1 525S1 Tijuana 5S l054 slow 28 103 6 N Foden 9 MissParnell MasFranklin Mex 62526 Tijuana 51 f I15y5slop 51 110 110B24S5 G S Smith 11 Our Leader Lewis B Velvet VelvetB24S5 B24S5 Tijuana 68 l03mud 12 103 103490G6 Gi M Slghter 8 Cicely Kay Welga Ringleader Ringleader490G6 490G6 Reno 58 l01fast 29 105 53 S Smith 7 Gila T Chandler Duly Fashion 48910 Reno 61 f l08fast 13 93 G i J Clements STPinkTcnny Indianola Dinah 48753 Reno 58 102 fast 40 102 6i J Clements 7 BeesWing MParnell AJkson AJksonROSIE ROSIE ROGON b m 5 M 111 By Rogon Rose Sweet by Maxnic MaxnicTrainer Trainer T D Howard Owner W Kinsman 53394 Tijuana 34115 fast Suf 11112 12 14 It 14 A Eeigler 14 Dionero Review Last Chance 53319 Tijuana 58 l01fast 108 115 14 13 13 15 15 E Haywd 15 Celebrate Review EmmaWeller 52129 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast G2f 110 9 A Xeigler 9 Cacambo Delancey Milda MildaROBERT ROBERT LEE b g 8 113 By General Roberts Princess by Cheviot CheviotTrainer Trainer J G Stadler Owner R S Irwin 53379 Tijuana 5S 103 fast G 113 14 12 12 H2 ll ° i P Martinez 15 WCDcoly ViNail BSqnirrel 52435 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 41 110 32 G Yeargin 8 TFMcMahon TGlant VLadj VLadj420G2 420G2 Oaklwn 1 l42iifast 7 112 S 8 S 7 3 1J J Bell 11 TliScvcn LitString LPrincess SilvShapiro41G94 41997 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 15 109 9 32 I2 I5 A Johnsonl2 Sureget HighNote SilvShapiro 41G94 Oaklwn 5 f 108 fast 35 111 9 10 11 11 11 F Stevens 12 Lib Star LitPrincess Steicliff 41071 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 30 109 11 U 12 12 12 1230 F Stevens 12 OldManCrit Bombast Yermak 10937 FGnds 61 f l08 slow 20 107 9 88 92 918 F Stevens 10 Ophelia W Langden Tom Caro 40777 Jefson 58 105 good 45 107 2 11 1140G66 21 3J F Stevens 7 Jtianita III LitD DrCharcot DrCharcot10G6G 10G6G Jefson 61 f l12 l12hvy hvy 4 112 4 55 55PETER 556 682 H Stearns G 0 Man Grit Dartworth BrBilly BrBillyPETER PETER PAYNE b g 9 M 113 113Trainer By Kapanga Colt Golden Cress Trainer J E Lewis Owner J E Lewis 52 9 Tijuana 5S l01fast 21f 113 7 78 7 G3 P Martinezl4 DdeGuise TomCaro KRankiin 51978 978 Tijuana 5S l01fast 51 107 107LISTAL 68i II Jones 12 Stanley II Mistake Maud M MISTAL LISTAL br h 8 M 11G By Lissak Kitsilas by Kitimat KitimatTrainer Trainer A J Christie Owner Breadin Christie 379 Tijuana 5S 103 fast2310f 113 S 11 S 10 91 H Rettig 15 WCDooly ViNail BSqnirrcl 326 Tijuana 5 f 103 fast 5f 110 9 12 11 II2 11 H Rettig 13 Shoreacres Sea Beach Rosellls 1646 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 60f 113 ll R Carter 12 Gertrude B Ann S Viva 1458 Tijuana Im70y l485 slop 19f 113 10 R Carter 10 Modiste Honolulu Busy Bird 1277 Tijuana 1 l43fast 22f 113 9l B Pinnegrl2 Mayworth MaudM MhtyLerer 192 Tijuana 1 l42fast 19f 111 H23 W Hinphy 11 Boreas JCetetic Centerville CentervilleLS76 LS76 Tijuana 6S l02 fast 104 113 S H Rettig 12 Josenia Minal Jim GertrudeB

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921033101_4_3
Library of Congress Record: