Third Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-31

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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and iipward Claiming June 17 1916 138 3 95 HELM AN oil S By Fireman Helen Scott by Contcstor Trainer J B Clark Owner Toppcnish Stable 13411 Tijiana 1 I42 I42sfi8t sfi8t ilf 1171211 7 5 3 = 2 O YoarKiii 12 Ostentatious PTemiv MaudM MaudMG33G1 G33G1 Tijuana ll43fast 5 115 S 7 5 2i 1 = W Taylor 12 LittleOrphan YorkLassie 3oOi 3oOiE3321 E3321 Tijuana 34115 fast in 109 1G 11 13 13l 12 11 Rowe 15 Kof Pythias Roscllis Lantern LanternE2S05 E2S05 Tijuana 1 l43fast 103 100 3 T Rae lt li lt VM Baker AVkson 52277 Tijuana 1 l43fast 43 110 Left at the post D Hurn 12 Mayworth MaudM MhtyLevcr 51978 Tijuana DS l01 ifast 13f 112 48 O Willis 12 Stanley II Mistake Maud M BILLY JOE ch g 9 102 102Trainer By Russell Ethel T by Richmond Trainer A Gibson Owner B H Schaefer fij f 1OS fast It lit 10 10 9 fl 2 II Keltis 10 Thirty Seven Hoover Sinram E3303 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast S 112 4 S r 31 GJ L Gaugel 115 TliirtySevon Hoover GnrtMoIt 53295 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 3310 110 5 4 3 lh 2 L Gaugel Herder English Lady Min Jim 53247 Tijuana 5S l02slop 30 102 2 2E29S9 3 3 32 4 = 3 L Gaugel 10 DulyFusliion AValterMack Mcx E29S9 Tijuana 34 114 fast 40 117 4 1 1 li T O Willis 11 Ooldic Hose Striker Quid Nunc 52955 Tijuana 34 115 good4310 10S 11 11B2792 5 6 6t G J IS Mariellil2 Zainloeh Litrncess AuntAnnie B2792 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3110 114 114B2G73 711 R McCrnnlO MissManage ApJack Dclanccy B2G73 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 125 11G 11GB2G32 33 R McCrnn 0 MParnell PceDirect DlckicW B2G32 Tijuana 34 l15slow 12 114 114B2G12 8 ° R McCrnn 11 Mnnnchcn John Jr Neg B2G12 Tijuana BJ f l09 slow 5 114 114PEGGY 4 ° C Thpson S WMgomery WMack LBeack PEGGY MARTIN br f 4 106 106Trainer By Martinet Peggy by Dr MacBride MacBridea Trainer J Curl Owner J Curl a 53421 Tijuana 55 f 1OS fast l 5 102 0 0B3393 S S S2 G5i E Joslah 10 Thirty Seven Hilly Joe Hoover B3393 Tijuana 34 115 fast 12 07 4 45334S 2 1 1s I2 B Joslah S IloversTopaz Blazer Wdrose 5334S Tijuana 34 l14fast 14 OS 3 1 1 I1 2l E Josiah 0 La Iete Noire MSthem Icher 53320 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast ID 109 7 C 5 51 3l M Buxton 15 Gr Minard Toreador Mlssoula 52941 Tijuana 5S 104 slow 5t 103 5 S3 31 3l B Fator 14 ClovJunia Missouri PerfDay 52915 Tijuana E f lOSysslop 17 107 9 9 S 721 S C Gross 10 Saw Tooth Meda Miss Ouri E2S4S Tijuana 58 l01fast 42f 10G 10 10 10 91 9s C Gross 11 Dy Fashion LadySmall Chrome B2771 Tijuana 34 l15fast 61 105 983 B Taylor 12 Arietta JJMdock BShllling BShlllingB2170 B2170 Tijuana 34 l14ysfast 61 110 1218 C Grosa 12 Gvvendola BBlkwell IHarvej IHarvejMATJD MATJD M ch m 7 110 By Hilarious Mollio Cromwell by Cromwell CromwellTrainer Trainer W P Gaines Owner O F Morrison MorrisonC3411 C3411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 135 110 1 1 4 C C1 4 = 1 E Josiah 12 Ostentatious Helinan PTenny 53346 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 8 107 3 1 1 1 2h GC3 O Willis 10 PrlnccDirect Sadie D Ilartluru 53335 Tijuana 31 l14fast 12 107 G 75 41 4J O Willis 13 AtiiitAiinic Tawtha Shoreacrcs ShoreacrcsC3245 C3245 Tijuana 1 l45slop S 107 2 3 2 1 I2 1 O Willis 10 Sasin Patsy Mack Maud Bacon 53023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 215 105 344 4 2l 21 J Lowe 11 Ostentatious Maud M El Key KeyB29G9 B29G9 Tijuana Im70y l4G4fast 45 105 2 7 S 7 75 7s W llinphy 12 VonLady ChCourt Ostentatus 52000 Tijuana 1 l40 fast 13 107 7 4 3 2 22 23 W Hiriphy S Bardora Miss Manage ChCourt ChCourt2S61 2S61 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 13 10G G 2 2 2 22 2t W llinphy 12 MountGirl Ely W M Baker Baker52S26 52S26 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 175 101 12 11 10 10s 74 E Taylor 13 Shoreacrcs Sea Beach Rosellis RosellisC2C46 C2C46 Tijuana 61 f 112 mud G 10S 43 H Rowo 12 Gertrude B Ann S Viva Viva52GOS 52GOS Tijuana El f l10slow 19 110 4 G Yeargln 10 E Harrigan M Eurctta DotH DotHPINK PINK TENNY ch m 5 115 115Trainer By David Tenny Fraim by Pacemaker Trainer G Lyon Owner G Lyon 53111 Tijuana 1 l42fast 7 115 4 G 5 5529S9 3 21 3 C Gross 12 Ostentatious Ilelman MaudM 529S9 Tijuana 34 114 fast L3 Ha 3 S SE2941 10 10 97 C Gross 11 Ooldic Rose Striker Quid Nunc E2941 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 12 113 1 2 3 352S50 4 3l 37 C Gross 10 AVMBakcr Dione Slienandoali 52S50 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 17 112 2 3 3 3B2772 2 2ii 3 C Gross S John Jr Mike Daly Honolulu B2772 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 10 112 4SJ G Gross 12 USister Lobelia T 15kenridge 52731 Tijuana 34 115 fast 51 115 115G243S 3 = 3 II Rettig 12 Ringleader Blancliita CCannell G243S Tijuana 1 l41fast 7 10G 10GB2401 2i C Gross 10 John Jr Yukon Muriels Pet B2401 Tijuana 1 143 fast 16 113 533 E Haywrdll Plaything Maudie Modiste 52334 Tijuana Im70y l51hvy 11 115 115B2126 S B Haywd 11 Welga Sauer Plaything B2126 Tijuana Ei f 1OS fast lOf 113 113TRULANE 25 E Haywd 11 Divland Welga K of Pythias TRULANE b S 9 112 112Trainer By Atkins Princess Tulane by His Highness Trainer R Ripley Owner R Ripley 53443 Tijuana 113 10 9 6 41 4 J R Carter 11 Celebrate Stanley G James 53425 Tijuana 5J f 1OS fast 11 110 G 8J R Carter 12 MEuretta Dclanccy Applejack E33G3 Tijuana 112 S 10 9 7s 6s M Buxton 13 TlilrtySovoii Hoover GcrtdeB B302G Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 15 110 12 B29S9 Tijuana 31114 fast 11 112 H 11 9 7 = 5 E Taylor 11 Goldie Rose Striker Quid Nunc Nunc52S59 52S59 Tijuana 34 l14fast 3910 112 10 9 9 9 7 H Rowe 11 OlWood JJMurdock SisPolly SisPollyB2081 B2081 Tijuana 58 l01fast 195f 112 In R Carter 12 DlyFashion Yukon DrKendall DrKendallB1859 B1859 Tijuana 5J f l08fast 3i 112 2n R Carter 10 Bob Baker Yukon Blanchita 51768 Tijuana 34 115 fast 39 110 4i R Carter 7 SmiLMaggie Pierrot V Loon 50135 Reno 34 l14fast 710 109 121 R Carter 8 PDirect PinkTenny EHarrign EHarrignE0094 E0094 Reno 58 l01fast 51 109 32J R Carter 6 Muriels Pet SMaggie LewisB LewisBPRINCE PRINCE DOUGLAS ch g 5 112 By Princo Frederick Lady McNally by Miser MiserTrainer Trainer I N Womach Owner I N Womach 53121 Tijuana 5 f 103 fast L2 110 7 9 10 10 7S2 W Hinphy 10 Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover 62943 Tijuana 5i f l09slow 0 11G 6 4 11 11s ll W llinphy 11 Iliimma Velvet W C Dooly 52848 Tijuana 58 l01fast 30 112 7 8 9 Si 8 ° W Hinphy 11 UyFasliJon LadySmall Chrome ChromeB2G81 B2G81 Tijuana 1 141 slow G 114 31 P Martinez U Irish Daisy Busy Bird Lavaga LavagaB2G28 B2G28 Tijuana 51 f 109 slow 24 113 I1 W Hinphy 12 Anna Star Ed Lc Van Htimma HtimmaB20CO B20CO Tijuana 34 115 fast 24 115 8 3 P Martinczl2 LitPnccss An Jackson Prairie 52020 Tijuana 5J f l07fast 14t 108 73i W Hinphy 10 Ringleader Velvet Gertrude B BE187G E187G Tijuana 58 l02V fast 12 110 51 J Glass 12 Joscuia Minal Jim GcrtrudcB GcrtrudcBAL AL WICK ch g 8 117 By Albula Rubywick by Hawkswick Trainer C C Richards Owner C 0 Richards ri3ri Tijuana 1 11G UlSfast 14 101 223 223E2S51 3 3 3 G2 II Jones 8 Pt toPoint linnetraft Cork E2S51 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast II 109 3 3 6 G 4s 413 II Rnwc 8 Sweet Apple Pliclan Dionu DionuG51 52774 Tijuana 1 116 148 fast 13 112 112B2703 G51 I Martinc 7 LitGink UaliyCal LcDinosanre B2703 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 17 114 114E23G5 6 R Dority 8 liiposta Wolga 1enipy Duncan E23G5 Tijuana 1 14 2OSV4food 24 106 711 C Gross 8 Reydo Cork 15aby Sister 52315 Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 15 109 2nk C Whitton 7 Audrey K Cork Montana Belle 52149 Tijuana 1 11G l47 fast 145 113 113B2111 711 J Callahan 7 Coronado MuuntGirl Honolulu B2111 Tijuana 1 1S 15G fast 9 113 113QUID 2n J Callahan 11 Zamloch MIielle Bof theKHn QUID NUNC br g 12 117 By Woolsthorpo rDictynna by St Blaise Trainer L Matthews Owner Matthews Dunlap Tijua in 5i f 108 fast 9 11 a J 10 105 iji I rinnegri ThirtySeven Hoover CertMilt Cr9S9 Tijua la 34 114 fast S 117 2 2 2 2J G Jlipson II OoldieUose Striker MissScdalia 52871 Tijuana 58 101 fast OC 110 S SC2793 U 9 8 2 C Thpson 10 Dodo Adams El Sabio Chronic C2793 Tijua la 34 114 fast 23 114 114E2731 4 C Thpson It SmilMag McrLss Hgansllr E2731 Tijua la 34 115 fast 19 117 117E2435 5s O Thpson 12 Ringleader Blnnchita PTenny E2435 Tijua la Im70y l4GfCast 3110 113 113C2191 G8J W llinphy 8 TKMcMahon TGallaut RLcy C2191 Tijuana 1 l42 fast G 113 I2i W llinphy 11 Hnilt Fsriannon Dandy Van 51998 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 20 112 112E1856 2l L Mills 10 Cancion ChrMastcr ReyAUalfa E1856 Tijuana 58 l01fast 11 112 112DIVLAND 10 C Gross 12 Dodc Adams Sad Sam Plunger DIVLAND b g G 112 By Deutschland Divina by Bassetlaw Trainer G H Boland Owner J Humbrecht 5S39S Tijuana 5i f l07fast J I9 4 li 0 G = T 15 Parko 12 Hrder Harrigans Heir NCR 53363 Tijuana 5i f 108 fast 25 112 2 11 2i S52 C Whittn 13 ThirtySeven Hoover CcrtdeK CcrtdeKE2505 E2505 Tijuana 58 l03hvy 110 117 3S2 B Taylor 12 Mannehen Hnmma Md of Ansel 52126 PythiasB18G2 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 115 103 1 = B Taylor 11 PkTenny Welga Kof Pythias B18G2 Tijuana 1 l41 fast 22f 109 5 i J Callahan 8 Miss Orb Reydo The Gallant 51803 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 17 103 ol E Taylor 12 John Jr Lady Small Boh Baker BakerE1G69 E1G69 Tijuana 58 104 fast 95 114 G2i C Duggan 0 Crisi ie Camion Lady Small Small477G3 477G3 Tijuana 34 l13fast 26 113 3J C Thpson 8 Sybil Cy Merrick DrKendall DrKendallGO GO ON ch g 6 M 104 By Setback Green dOr by Bowling Green GreenTrainer Trainer E V Winters Owner E V Winters WintersE53G1 E53G1 Tijuana 1 l43fast 21f 110 10 S 7 5 HI 4U D Powill 12 Ilelman LitOrphan YkLnssic YkLnssicr3333 r3333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 34f 107 7 12 12 10 S D Powell 13 Striker Dinero Miss Dtinbar DtinbarE28G1 E28G1 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 183f 107 3 7 8 9 1110H J Murray 12 Mountain Girl Maud M Ely E2SOG ElyE2SOG Tijuana 1 l42fast 22f 100 100E2732 R McCrnn Mary Fuller Jim Winn Ely E2732 ElyE2732 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 285 109 810 II McCrnnlO Frivolous BtisyBird WMBaker 52559 Tijuana 1 l49mud 298 110 110E243G 10 R McCrnnlO HcrniceE AudreyA PatMack 52436 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 37 110 5l ° R McCrnn 0 LeDinosre BFlower AudreyA AudreyAB2299 B2299 Tijuana 1 l41fast 13f 111 111E225S 810 R McCrnnl2 JSattlcMountain Prairie Striker StrikerE225S E225S Tijuana 1 l42fast 7f 112 112E2170 7Ji R McCrnn 12 Gila T F McMahon Blazer BlazerE2170 E2170 Tijuana 34 l14fast 115 115 115ENGLISH S i R McCr nn2 Gwendola BBlkwell IHarvey ENGLISH LADY ch m 7 115 115Trainer By Dick Welles Miladi Love by Flying Dutchman DutchmanCloud Trainer V Cloud Owner V Cloud CloudG3421 by Wagner WagnerIf G3421 Tijuana 51 If f 108 fast 39 KjG 3 G 0 V 5511 Uowo 10 Thirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover 53363 Tijuana 51 1 f 108 fast of 110 5 4 4 Si 75J P Martinez 13 TlitrtySeveu Hoover OertdeB OertdeBI 53295 Tijuana 51 I f lOS slow 10 103 4 4E324G 34 3U 32i H Rowe 9 Herder Billy Joe Mineral Jim E324G Tijuana E8 l03slop 7 OS 5 2 3 42 B Marielli 12 MadPyng Blanchita ApJack 3026 Tijuana 5 II ApJackII f lOSfast 39 101 4 47 Gi S H Rowe 13 Ringlder CtheWay HgansIIr E29S8 Tijuana 34 115 fast 215 115 7 G 4 41 83i M Buxton 10 AuntAnnie Dicncro MabclRule 52929 Tijuana GS l04mud 1710 93 1 1112 l i B MariellI12 Hninma II Princess R Shooter E2849 Tijuana 5S l01fast 42 109 1 22 2i 22 P Martinezll HiiAngleton Ternette lobelia E2729 Tijuana 5S l02fast 7 101 23 H Rowe 11 Joe Tag July Fly Ely Ely5S E2CGS Tijuana 5S l01hvy 15 110 S9 T McCgh 10 CauiflagelL DFshn LitJake

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921033101_5_1
Library of Congress Record: