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SIXTH EACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Allowances Nov 25 1915 148 4 116 GOLDEN DAWN b f 4 101 101Trainer By Golden Maxim Green Dawn by Groenan Trainer C E Mvrray Owner H L Pierce 5S47G Bowie 1 116 1 521fslow 3910 110 10 8 12 7 7 41 r H KricksnKi Kohinoor Jack Reeves Berlin Berlini07 62501 FGnds 1 18 l53fast 4 107 1 1766 7 6 6CI Gl G13 C Ponce 9 SCrafton WthsLast SGmain CI 025 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 8 ClaqucrL03 99 12 12 12 10 62 31 H Gregory 1 Kinipaloiig HarstKin Claqucr 02 FGnds 1 116 I50hvy 31 103 5 7 7 6 5 51 II King 7 LIIerbert RufiisRiley WarClub 52138 Jcfcon 1 18 154 fast 85 102 02 S 7 7 G 51 2h J Roberts 9 ItarOnc Phnty Capital City E2041 Jefson 1 116 147 fust 10 102 11 8 8 7 4 41 2n J Roberts 13 Waukcac NelicYorkc GlcnAVcll SENTIMENTAL b m 5 105 105Trainer By Marathon Animosity by Star Ruby Trainer E R Mitchell Owner W E Jones 527SU FGnds 1 116 l46fast 8 105 4 G 3 3G2GGG 4 11 Il J McCoy 13 Sasin Serbian Speedster G2GGG FGnds 1 110 l17fast 4i 104 544 54452d2i 3 OtirBthdayG 21 I1 Jj McDott 8 Magnoll iud Sasin OtirBthday 52d2i FGnds Im70y l45faat G 107 1 5 5 G 41 31 J McCoy 9 I rMoss LightWinc MFouso 62326 FGnds Im70y l45fast 7 106 5 7 9 7 5 42X J J Mneyll Colonel Lit Walk Up Mab 52159 Jcfson 1 116 l4Sfast 20 101 10 7 3 8 5 ° k ink y Bryson 13 HankODay ColonelLit Necnab NecnabWOODTHRUSH WOODTHRUSH KlnsUioTrninor b h 6 111 By 0ambI LAlouett by KlnsUio Trninor C Morton Ownor C Morton Morton5S199 5S199 Bowie Im70y l47fast 7 110 12 12 11 10 71 4Bi J Heupel 12 Mad eF AmerBoy Antoinette 51550 Bowio 1 18 l59fast 1710 112 2 1 1 1 l i I1 J Heupnl S JklUeves Sentimental CtFool 51189 Bowie 1 116 l53 good r 112 5 6 5 3 23 I1 J Ilcupel 7 Spearleno KingliriKlL Bmarais 61467 Bowie 1 18 200 good 10 117 265 2654 4 41 N J Brncall Siesta Waukcng Great Gull 51447 Bowie Im70y l54mud 1110 113 256 2564 4 2i 21 J Ilcupel 8 Paul Connelly Rouen Spearleiie 51433 Bowie 1 116 153 fast 165 111 354 3543 3 2i Ifl J Heupel 8 Solid Hock Orenzo Handfiill 61205 laurel 1 18 155 fast 6 101 4 4 5 6 6tDisnualified 5l Sl L McAtee C Joan of Arc Fizer Court Fool tDisnualified for foul ANTOINETTE b m 5 104 104Trainer By Santoi Vinaigrette by Prisoner Prisoner4l Trainer O E Pons Owner M R Pona 52499 Bowie Im70y l47fast 126 lOi 10 7 G 8 4l 3 = 1 T Brooke 112 MadscF AmerBoy Wdthrush 51159 Laurel 1 116 149 fast 13 103 S G 4 5 41 KittyIolnifiouS 75 J Shclcpets 9 Verity LadyWard KittyIolnifiou C0997 Laurel 1116149 fast 11 107 8 7 S 8 S 822 F CMtiletti 8 AmorEaglc AttyMuir Wilfda Wilfda5i 50904 Laurel 1 l42fast 3D10 104 7 7 7 7 750f05 5i 5 F Bryson S LinkUoy AmcrEajle Railbird 50f05 HdeGe Im70y l48slow 145 113 1 7 7 7 8 815 J Hcupel 8 Arbitrator Roy Eiinis Calvcrt Calvcrt6s 50127 HdcGce 1 l43fast 41 109 3 6 G 5 6s 52J J Heupel 8 MarLuckett MiswFillcy Napolt Napolto1 602R9 HdeGe Im70y l47fast 10 110 7 7 7 7 o1 5 J Rodgcz 7 Nellc Yorko Rouen Buford ZOUAVE blk g t 111 111Trainer By Sain Black Tail by Disguise Trainer M Hackett Owner J B Dahlgien 515S9 Bowie 1 116 153 hvy 7 10S 3 2 2 2 21 G J Pierce 8 Wiiukoag Deckmato Little Kd El 114 Laurel 1 l43fast 95 110 2 1 1 1 23 32 j Gneiseii 9 AmerEaple PadDcar LittleEd 51060 Laurel Im70y l47fast 3310 112 1 1 1 1 I2 I1 J Callahan 8 Zouave KiiiKAurippa CourtFool 60X10 Laurel 1 116 l48V0fast 61 1131 322 3222 2 21 2n J Bell 9 ReKreso Ragnarok Farmingdtilc 50636 Laurel lm0y l4Gfast 112 7 7 7 7 51 3J J Heupel 8 RollickiiifrAirs Suparmint LIJoy 60551 IIdeGce 34 117 slop 8 118 2 11 11LADY 1 I1 ink j Heupel 7 Link Boy Kirah El Primo PrimoBy LADY EMMELINE b f 4 109 109Trainer By King James Auntie Hum by Helton Trainer J J Casey Owner Crown Stable 53499 Bowie Im70y l47fast 55 IDS 2 10 9 S1 5 ° G Babin 12 MadjrcK Amor Boy Antoinette 52325 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 20 100 10 9 9 9EI297 9 9 9 J C Robsonl2 liimpiiloiig HKins JoldDawu EI297 FGnds 1 116 14S fast 25 106 13 12 12 11 II2 11 F CltllettilS Lucky B Voturan Prospector 62102 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 20 105 7 5 5 5 6 C F Cltiletti 7 Ldllerbert RufusRiley WClub 51652 Jefson 1 13 l53fast 12 98 1 G G 5 55 441 F Cltllletl 0 LuckyB ChourLeader NYorke 61509 Jefson lm0y 145 fast 7 99 3 4 4 4 42 5 J F Cltiletti S Lucky B Ncllc Yorke Fizer 61349 Pimlico 1 l41fast 20 101 9 10 9 8 T 3 F CMtllcttllQ MumboJumbo AlvoVd Berlin SIESTA b h 5 114 By Out of Beach Napping by Peter P a Trainer W A Burttschell Owner J R Sltinkcr 53499 Bowie Im70y l47fast 2310 114 5533 6HO5 L Ensor 12 MadgcF AmerBoy Antoinette 61618 Bowie 1 116 153 hvy 5 119 5 3 2 1 G1 S20 C Jackson 8 WBedottc Manoevrc Hendrie 51467 Bowie 1 18 200 good 3i 117 1 1 1 1 1s Il J Butwell 11 WaukeaR Great Gull Dcckraate 51433 Bowie 1 116 l54hvy 215 113 6 3 2 1 I3 1s J Mooney 8 Dcckmate Waukeag Manoevre 51418 Bowie 1 116 l52V fast 145 114 3 3 2 2 I1 I2 A JohnsonlO Refugee HclloPardner Ra 61363 Pimlico 1 316 201 fast 7 112 G 1 1 1 I1 2h A Johnson 8 WIIBkner GtOuIl KjA 61279 Pimlico 1 18 l55 fast 9 114 2 5 3 2 2 41 J RodgezlO Challenccr Benevolent Begreso NEBRASKA b g 7 100 By Ballot Star of the West by Montana Trainer MontanaTrainer J D Heard Owner G H Abott 51849 Jefson Im70y l50hvy 910 108 3 2 2 2 21 1JJ J J MneylO Peggy 0 Lady Ward Lad WAR LadWAR CLUB br h 5 111 By Javelin Torpenhow by Torpolnt Trainer TorpolntTrainer C N Freeman Owner C N Freeman 53514 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 4 110 3 3 2 3 3l 43 C Ponce 7 Berlin Summer Sigh Hem Hendrie 62325 FGnds 1 11G l47fast 15 111 876 8 81 77J C Ponce 12 Klmpalong HKIng GohlDawn SPEEDSTER ch B 6 106 By Hamburg Greyhound by Peter Pun Trainer G Peterson Owner G Peterson 51629 Jefson 1 l41 fast 21 108 7533 31 3 ° k j Mney Amaze Bar One COURT FOOL b c 4 By Fitz Herbert Courtisane by Meddler Trainer R B Jackson Ownor W S Murray Uenpel 8 Nnptlialiiis Benevolent Am Boy 61377 Pimlico 1 11 208fast 17 101 4 5 7 Jrriflscn 7 CommeCi SolidRock AmcrUoy