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FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 24 1916 1 45 3 110 fJAUER b g G 107 107Trainer By McGee Frances S by Dick Wellei Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson ParsonC 5C323 Tijuana ImTUy l4Gfnst 15 114 C Fell M Euxton S Dickie W Moun fiirl Modiste ES311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19f 112 7 10 10 91 7 ° G Ycargin 11 Gold Hose LBNre Ilansllr 3041 Tijuana 1 11C 151 livy 42 109 747 7 71 S B Parke It Salgcorge RenPaync CIIolters 52938 Tijuana Im70y 147 good27C 108 4454 4 U 13 Taylor 8 RntldArms Modiste IrishDaisy 52903 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 1110 109 G 2 2 2 3l 3 15 Marielll 8 AudreyA PrDireot Mike Daly 528G2 Tijuana Im70y 14C fast 145 107 G r 4 4 2 2J B Marolli 0 GciilSynj LittleGink AudreyK E2828 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast S5 112 222 1 I1 2 n MarclH12 AmiaJackson Maudie ItutAmis E2704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 109 3J II Rowe 0 LitGink GenUyiiK PrinccDircl C2GS3 Tijuana 1 11C l49slow 8 109 109DIONE C11 E Taylor 7 Ola Lee Horace Lurch Yermak YermakBy DIONE b m 5 107 107Trainer By Assagai Bradawl by Pessara Trainer C C Richards Owner Owner534C9 C C Richards 534C9 Tijuana 1 l41fast S 97 S 0 9 0 Gl 57J D Hum 9 Iardora Cliltonian T aPXoire 53452 Tijuana ImTOy llfi fast 14 112 7 5 C 4 3i 4 = 1 M Uuxton 11 Jliiinie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 53347 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast C 107 8 C 4 4 4l C5 W Gargan 10 Dickie W Ilmiuna Xilirila 51307 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 2710 115 G 2 2 1 31 S W Gargan II Sasin Von Lady Miss Scdalia 53230 Tijuana Im70y l49slop 10 109 5 4 G C II3 H23 W Garganl2 TGoose MntiiGiri GMlilehh 52944 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 5 115 115E290C 9322 L 2 = P Martinex10 WMlaker PTcnny SlKndoah E290C Tijuana 1 11C l4Sfast C 110 1105SS51 422 2 7 7Ti G Yeargin 7 lices Wins liItakir SwAppIc 5SS51 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 1 112 112r2035 COG G 31 3l E Fator S Sweet Apple Plielan Al Wick Wick1J r2035 Tijuana Iin70y l4Cfast C5 107 107518GI 1J E Fator S TiltGallant Pierrot Cavdourll 518GI Tijuana 58 l00lfefast 1C8 105 7 E Fator 7 HiltonA OpianKing IlarryD 49101 Kwrlh Im70y 14C fast 8 100 G 5 G 3 21 33E Fator 10 Philistine Gourmand I5al y Cal CalBy MINNIE H ch m 5 5R By Harrigan Minnolotte by Hinder a Trainer R H Good Owner OwnerIm7y I Good GoodC 5S4S1 Tijuana Im7y 1 45fast 51 51Im7ly C 4 4 4 41 r 9 R Carter 7 Salgcnrge Xeppprlian U Faust G3452 Tijuana Im7ly 1 4CMfast C 1323 2 ± 1 D Powell 11 Fannie Nail Pierrot Dioue 5M2G Tijuana 1 11C l4Sfast 9 9Im70y 534 4 32 331 II Howe 7 ISardora Sasin Prince Direct KS3S2 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 14 G 7 4 3 4 0s D Prilile Point to Point Sasin Itardora 53335 Tijuana 34 l14fast 11 f 5 C C 11 10 3 C Whiffnia AinitAiinie Tawtha Slioreaercs E3295 Tijuana 51 f lOSV slow 47 9 0 9 S2 7 C Whittii Herder ItillyJoe Knglisli I idy E2973 Tijuana 1141 fast S 9 G G G Bled E Josiah ISSIiillirifr Don Jose JJMdock B2921 Tijuana 34 115 slop 53 C 4 5 7 7 C Gross 7 Sedsegrass WMontgy JohnJr GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 5 112 112Trainer By McGee Stolen Momenta by Kingston Trainer J McDowell Owner L J L McDowell 53483 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 5J 112 4 222 23 31 D Powell n Pierrot Cork Lady Innocence 534C1 Tijuana 1 11C 149 fast 43 112 7 3 2 2 22 3 13 Josiah S OMaid Audrey PrinDircct C33C5 TUuana 1 1S l54fast 21 107 S 4 G G 71 SJ II Howe 8 LitGink MntnGiH MikeDaly 5S323 Tijuana Iin70y l4Cfast 29 112 1 44 4 58 4 J D Powell S Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste GS fiS Tijuana 1 11C 151 hvy G 112 C 3 3 4 G2 GJ M Slghter CIirHolters TomGoose ISardora CS2 Tijuana Im70y l49Anlop 135 112 1 2 3 3 31 3 M SlBhtcrl2 TomGoose MntiiGiri ItSister 53024 Tijuana 1 18 l55fast 51 112 3 11 1 I1 12 M Slghter 7 Judge David Cork Baby Sister 52992 Tijuana 1 11C 149 fast IS 112 S C G 4 4k 3s M Slghter S Modiste MtnGirl Perfect Lady E2970 Tijuana 1 11C l49fast 14 112 4 234 52 C3i M Slghter 7 BFavorite FShannon JDavid PIERROT b g 9 112 By Galveston Phantasma by Ormondale or Colder Trainer ColderTrainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham Garter GarterCS4S5 CS4S5 Tijuana 1 11C l4Sffast S 112 2 1 1 1 II II T McCullh Cork GMIilelnch LInnocence R54G9 Tijuana 1 l41fast 41 113 4 4 G G 43 43 I 1 Haywnl 0 Itardnra CliMtoiiIan LalSNoire LalSNoireD3452 D3452 Tijuana ImTOy IMGfast 4 114 2 1 1 1 l t 2 = 1 E Taylor 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Dioue TOKAtON MARCH b g 7 112 112Trainer By Marchmont n Tokalon by Tammany Tammanycj Trainer W C Weant Owner W 534S3 Tijuana 1 11C l4Sfast 2710 112 cj 51 C Whiftn 0 Pierrot Cork Geo Miiehlebaoh 52459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 11 117 I I5341C I3 I1 E Haywnllt Benl evy PatMairk ItahyFaiisl 5341C Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 10 109 6l Ss C VanDun 7 Bardora Sasin Minnie II 533S1 Tijuana ImiOy 147 fast S 114 3 2J C VanDun 12 PerfeetLady ClJunia ISenLevy C2828 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 40f 112 9i 775 H Saladin 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie 52SOS Tijuana 1 11C 149 fast 47 112 C = 3 O Willis 8 BeusWing LitGink AudreyK E2435 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 13 115 E J C Gross 8 TFMcMalion TGallant ItLce E2403 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast EG 113 87i E Ilaywdll Cork Our Maid Honolulu E2314 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 110 11G 11GE2240 13 F ChiavtalO Chattan Court Maudie Gift E2240 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 13 109 SJ C VanDunl2 Siienandoah Sauer Baby Sister SisterBy LE DINOSAURE b h 7 113 By Maximum Dogmatic by St Simon SimonTrainer Trainer A Yeargin Owner G R Allen 53485 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 9 113 9 S 9 9 S S41 II Saladin 9 Pierrot Cork Geo Miiehlebach Miiehlebach534C1 534C1 Tijuana 1 11G 149 fast 1310 113 S C G 7 7s 7 ° B Marielli S OMaid AudreyK GMhlebach GMhlebachE3448 E3448 Tijuana 1 1S l53fast 7 113 C 3 4 4 41 322 G Yeargin 7 Bardora Runecraft Audrey K KE3423 E3423 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 13 113 C 4 2 3 5 5i C Whiftn 7 Little Gink Cork Dickie W WE33G5 E33G5 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 5 117 1 S S S S 763 G Yeargin S LitGink MntiiGiri MikeDaly 53025 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 5 103 4 7 7 7 S 8 G Yeargin 8 HorLerch WaterWillow Keydo 629CO Keydo629CO Tijuana 1 1S l55good 8 114 2 4 4 5 21 2J G Yeargin 7 WMtgomcry GeuByng Cork CorkG2S52 G2S52 Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 2 112 4 1 1 1 lk it n Rowe 7 Beruice K Cork May worth PERFECT LADY blk f 4 102 By Dick Wslles Floral Day by Nasturtium NasturtiumTrainer Trainer C Deitz Owner Dietz Owens Owens5S4S6 5S4S6 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 29 101 3 G 7 7 7 7 ° D Powell S Decklmiid Sasin Prince Direct DirectKMOl KMOl Tijuana 1 11G 149 fast 1G 101 C 2 3 3 3 Gl I Powell S OMaid AudreyK CMhlehach CMhlehachC34Ti C34Ti Tijuana 1 1lC l4S fast 12 109 344 4 7 S15 C Whiftn S Pt toloint Runecraft Cork CorkE33S1 E33S1 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 2110 111 42221 13 W Taylor 12 TokaloiiMarch ClJunia BLevy 5 47 Tijuana Ini70y 147 fast S IOC 2 2 3 2 2 4l W Taylor 10 Dickie W Hiiinina Cobrita CobritaKill Kill Tijuana 34114 fast lf 10S 9 7775 ° W Taylor It Gold Kose LBNre 11aiisllr 53011 Tijuana 1110151 hvy 5r 107 31011 11 11 11 W Gargan 11 Salgooge IeiiPayneOHolt rs rsE2992 E2992 Tijuana 1110149 fast G 102 4 2 2 2 21 4J E Josiah S Modiste MtnGirl GMhlebach AUDREY K b m 6 115 By Ballot Ca CaTrainer Captivity by Goldfinch or Etar Ruby Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Gr4SC Tijuana 1 11C l48fast M 110 C S S S C21 C7 D Hum S Dcckhnid Sasin Prince Direct fiS184 Tijuana ImTOy l451fefast 51 111 2 3 7 7 7 C12 Martinez 7 SnlKcorge Neppcrlian B Faust Faust53IG1 53IG1 Tijuana 1 110 149 fast 11 115 G G G G 41 2 P Martinez 8 OMaid GMiilebach PDirect 53148 Tijuana 1 1S l52 fast 10 112 G G C C C2 431 P Martinez 7 Bardora Bunecraft LeDosatire LeDosatiref2433 f2433 Tijuana 1 1lC l4S 5fast 15 110 7 7 G G 42 4s D Hum S Pt toloint Bunecraft Cork Cork53C5 53C5 MikeDalyG33I7 Tijuana 1 1S l547ifast G 110 2 C G C G G73 P Martinez 8 LitGink MntiiGiri MikeDaly G33I7 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 10 110 10 10 10 9 C1 5 D Hum 10 Dickie W Hiiuima Colrita ColritaC3323 C3323 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 3G 110 7 C C C G C11 D Hum S Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste 52041 Tijuana 1110151 hvy Ef 115 5 C 3 4 4s 4T P Martinez 11 Salgeorge BenPayne CUolters CUoltersHJCKORYNUT HJCKORYNUT b m 7 102 By Hessian Lycheo Nut by Sir Moored Trainer G F Hum Owner G F Hum HumCS503 CS503 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 22 110 11 11 11 10 91 S Sci P Hum Hum534G1 11 Siienandoah PinkTenny 7etetic 7etetic534G1 534G1 Tijuana 1 1lC 149 fast G4 102 4 4 4 4 G C4 P Hum S OMaid AudreyK GMhhbacli 53455 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21f 93 10 11 12 12 10s P Hum 12 JohnJr Hars Heir Ike Mills PTennyC3iG5 53411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 12 110 3 7 11 12 12 II11 D Hurn 12 Ostentatious Helniaii PTenny C3iG5 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 32 97 G 1 1 1 31 442 P Hum 8 LitGink MutnGirl MikeDaly MikeDalyIRISH IRISH DAISY ch m 6 110 By Cederstromo Malaspina by Brutui BrutuiTrainer Trainer J Greenhow Owner J Greenhow 53152 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfnst IGf 115 10 7 7 7 71 9s O Willis 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 381 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 23 115 1 3 4 5 72 073 C Whiftn 12 PerfLady TokMarcli ClJunia ClJuniaC3311 C3311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19f 110 10 S 9 10 1011 A Xeigler 11 GcldKoKp LBNre Hansllr 62958 Tijuana Im70y 147 good 14 110 G 2 2 2 42 B Marielli S Sauur Itutland Arms Modiste Modiste52M3 52M3 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast G2 115 S 7 7 7 C2 GT1 E Taylor 8 Audrey A Prince Direct Sauer Sauer52S92 52S92 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 72 ICG D 9 9 9 9si E Taylor Yukon Nc Sedgegrass 52811 Tijuana 1 1S 154 fast 29 103 G1J1 II Jones 7 BMnfn CavldourlL ByCal ByCalLITTLE LITTLE HondurasTrainer GINK b s 8 117 By Tim Payne La Poeta by Honduras Trainer J J McPherson Owner J J ICoPherson ICoPherson521G9 521G9 Tljiia a 1 l41fast 9 11G 5 C C C C2 711 E Taylor 0 Bardora Chltoniais InBXoire InBXoire5rl23 5rl23 Tijua a 1 1S l55fast 1110 107 4111 Il 1 B Parke 7 Cork Dickie V Sam Hill HillE2397 E2397 Tijua a ImTOy IMiiSifast 225110 977 G 4l 47i 13 Taylor 10 Trophy WMtKomery Dkhand DkhandEKiGS EKiGS Tijua a 1 1S l54fast 5 107 C 2 2 2 II 12 B Parke S MntiiGiri MDaly Hickoryniit Hickoryniit5K37 5K37 Tijua a 1 1lC l4Sfast S 113 5 2 2 2 31 0 3 W Gargan 7 Christ iellol tors GenBvng Sasin GS2U7 Tijuana 1 110 l4S slow 2S 109 4 7 7 7 C2 G31 E Taylor 7 Yermak SalGeorge Short Stop 5290G Tijuana 1 110 l4Sfast 9 112 C 4 C C C1 G l E Taylor 7 Iees Wing BBaker SwApple