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FIRST RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1920 143 15 6 122 122Index Index Course Dist TiineTckOdds Wt St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishROPHECY ROPHECY ch g 6 113 By Astronomer Fleda B by Falsetto FalsettoTrainer Trainer D Dennison Owner D Donnltonl Donnltonl34C1 34C1 Tijuana 1144 fast IS 115 221 1 I 21 B PinngarlO LJoseno RIIargan CConrt 3405 Tijuana lm0y 117 fast 132 108 488 S 81 72l II Rowe 14 Itunecft Orphan ChatCourt ChatCourt33C1 33C1 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 41 11G 9 2 4 9 101 10 B Pinnesrl2 Helman LitOrplian YkLassie YkLassie32C5 LTpbine29G9 32C5 Tijuana 1 l4Gfehvy 7 117 2 3 3 4 31 4 = 1 B PInnegi12 CliMastcr DandyVan LTpbine 29G9 Tijuana Im70y l1Cfast 91 112 3 2 fi 0 41 C7 II Rowe 12 VonLady ChCoiirt Ostentalus Ostentalus22S 22S Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 40f 11211 778 111 9 II Rettig 12 Anna Jackson Saner Maudie 2751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 20 112 4 C Gross 10 Mayworth Boreas Von Uidy Uidy25S2 25S2 Tijuana Im70y lGOsow 33 lo7 C 3 II Rowe S Gltnehlebacli Plunger Cobrita 2523 Tijuana Im70y l50islop 22 110 34 E Taylor 10 Comniauder VonLady PatMack PatMack23G1 23G1 Tijuana 1 l44gpocl 14 110 4J3 C Gross 11 G Flush BrownBee ChatCourt 2298 Tijuana 1 l42fast C3 111 3J C Gross 12 Tambian AnJackson Comnder ComnderDICK DICK HORN ch B G 113 By Dick Welles Lumax by Mirthful 3477 Tijuana 34 l14fast 13 10S S S S 7 rnj 1 ir tamer 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 344 Tijuana 34 I15fist2710f 10S 8 C S 721 G31 T Htamer 13 Review Cobalt Iittlo Orphan i958 Tijuana 58 l02faHt 31 112 IO3 C McCklel2 CHollers T Duncan LPcess 15G4 Tijuana 55 f lG9fast 44 100 II14 f Yeargin 11 IMooily Chantress Nasliolah 73CO Tijuana 58 101 fast 10 11G 7 W Hinphy 7 WCDooly IkeMills Mclxlland C1G3 1G3 Tijuana 34 l15fast 52 114 Csl A Morgan fl Striker M Manage LitPrincess C422 422 Tijuana 34 l17slow 125 114 7 D Connlly 7 Dr Kendall ProsSon PatMack ICOCO iOCO Tijuana 1 l43good 10 108 108UTH 3 G Yeargin C Leta Bedford Hoy Little Abe UTH HARRIGAN b f 4 102 102Trainer By Ilarrigan Tyree by Broomstick Trainer E M Phillips Owner A Phillips 134C4 Tijuana 1 144 fast 15 102 3 C 7 7 fi 3 = B AlariellilO LJoseph in Prophecy CConrt 3443 Tijuana 31 l15 = fast 32 lOfi 13 11 10 9 S43 D Powell 13 Revi w Cobalt little Orphan OrphanM 13294 Tijuana M 115 fast 11 104 2 7 G 71 S ° 3 f Powell 14 Diet TO Review Last Chance Chance3S 2319 Tijuana 3S l01fast 7 10713 8 8 71 9J B Mariellil5 Celel rate Review Emma Weller 12213 Tijuana 34 l14fast CO 103 CH E Taylor 8 Little Beach Billy Joe Yukon i20Sl Tijuana 58 l01 fast 41 109 12 = J Callahanl2 Trill ne Duly Fashion Yukon 0205 Reno 34 l147sfast 0 102 G5 E Taylor 0 Shai Green GdFlusli ThSeven ThSeveni 50142 Reno i f lOSfast 13 104 5 i E Taylor 0 Coin Uoris TliirSevun DandyV DandyVS 50099 Reno S f lOSAfast 15 111 4i E Taylor 7 MConnell LStPatk FCline FRANK WATERS 3 ch B G 113 By King Tomes Lacona by Potomao PotomaoTrainer Trainer W Block Owner R Firnono FirnonoC4S1 C4S1 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 12f 107 S it 11 I0i 7ci A Gantnerl2 Celebrate GolRose SmMarrgie 13459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 145 113 7 C 8 9 11 II21 M Buxton 11 TokMarch BenUvy Pat Mack IOC 1 C 7 7 7 750 E Josiah 7 GcoDnncan PConnelly Corson 31C25 Jefson 1 11G l49good 7 109 2 3 4 3 It 2U M Buxton S Cockroach Itrooklaud II ODay 04G Acfduct 1 l39fast 10 lie 51 711 M Buxton Dark Hill Lovely Aiiriini 19963 Devre 1 l41good G5 113 7 9 9 10 10 H4 M Buxton 11 Cant Rees Harry Glover Hope HopeI9S21 I9S21 Devre 1 110 l4Gfast 5 108 1 2 2 2 4l 45 M Buxton S Lazy Lou Nelle Yorke Hush HushI9G42 I9G42 Windsor 1 11G l4Gfast 31 113 422 1 3i 4 3 M Buxton S Refugee Ballybell Nelle Yorke YorkeMISS MISS DtJNBAE b f 3 87 By Von Tromp Arcadia Belle by Emperor of Nor NorTrainer Trainer W Leeds Owner W H Moore folk folkD3502 D3502 Tijuana 5S l01fast 7 100 7 877 9 L Gaugel 14 OlivoD KillarneyBolIe Viva Viva534GG 534GG Tijuana 34 115 fast IS 100 5 454 44 J Noble 1 Tawaseiitlia Aryamia GJames GJames3345G 3345G Tijuana 58 l02fast 41 98 7 1 1 Z 2 J Noble 14 PPayno Bull Suiiirrel TCaro TCaroK431 K431 Tijuana GS l01fast 77 S9 9 G 4 5 G3 II B Bwer Col Murphy Keg Delancey asm Tijuana 34 115 fast 15 91 7 8 10 10s Gl D Prible 14 Dienero Review I ist Chance ChanceDIXIE DIXIE MASON ch f 3 M 92 By Discon DisconTrainer Discontent Margaret Randolph by Longstroet Trainer A E Patterson Owner Patterson Matlock 334G4 Tijuana 1 144 fast 5S 92 fi 4 4 S S = S3 A GantnerlO LJosene Prophecy RIIargan 3J443 Tijuana 4 1 15fast2710f 93 7 13 9 SJ 953 B Parke lit Iteview Cobalt Little Orpliaii 53394 Tijuana 4 115 fast 3Tf 91 10 97 C = 5s B Parke 14 Dienero Iteview Last Chance Chance4114fast 53333 Tijuana 4114fast 34 92 C 88 S V B Parke 11 Slrikor Dienero Miss DnnVar J29GS Tijuana 4 l154 fast CO 103 G 7 7 7 G D Powell 7 JackLedi JohnLakc ShSUirrel 5284G Tijuana 5J f lOSfast C3 104 12 12 10 10J 98i D Powell 13 WiseJudgc Croupier Tlie Vamp 52791 Tijuana 5i f l09fast 123 IOC 9il D Powell 1 Chariiiant JohnLake TheVamp 52503 Tijuana 58 l05ihvy 33 103 10 D Powell 11J Sistcrlolly Woodrose Frivolous 51715 Tijuana 5i f 110 fast 22 107 5 C Thpson Full Moon AudreyA HKAsher 50203 Reno 12 4Sfast 1G 104 6 2 J DeFord 7 Krolaski BFlower UKAsher 50140 Reno 12 49fast 6 112 23 J DeFord HKAshor Hyampom MRuIe MRuIeFITZGERALD FITZGERALD br g 11 113 By Hurst Park Helen Connolly by Uncommon UncommonTrainer Trainer H Thomas Owner H H Morrison 53394 Tijuana 34 115 fast Kit 10S 14 14 13 12 12 T Kindle 14 Dienero Review Last Chance 52484 Tijuana 1 l4Gmud 35f 109 10 C Whif ton 11 Prevaricate Honolulu AnnaStar AnnaStar5229S 5229S Tijuana 1 l42fast 131 10S 9 ° C Whittonl2 Tamilian AnJackson Prophecy 52190 Tijuana 1 l43fast IS 113 7 R Dority 11 Wclga Tiajan Gift Gift5214S 5214S Tijuana 1 142 fast 12f 112 S R Dority 12 Plunger Bof thelCit RWlllm 52019 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 8Sf 109 S1 R Carter 11 AudreyK MDaly IJof theKlt 51939 Tijuana 1 l4Gmud 104 107 7 C McCkle 10 Plunder JliieSmall CaptEvani CaptEvaniSTANLEY STANLEY S blk g 13 113 By Jack Point My Gem by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity Garrity532G3 532G3 Tijuana 1 l4GJfchvy lOf 112 11 11 12 12 11 10 B Parke 12 CliMastcr DandyVnn LJphine 52SU Tijuana 1 18 154 fast 4 10S 7 = R McCrnn 7 ItMntn CavTdourlL UyCal UyCal52GSS 52GSS Tijuana 1 31G 204 slow i 2 104 C83 II Jones Le Dinosaure Lit Cink Cork 52558 Tijuana 1 lrO mud 15 115 9 R McCrnnIO Canute LJosephlne IJleFlowcr E2330 Tijuana 1 18 l5Shvy 100 111 7 R Dority 7 IySister KMoiiiitain Honolulu 240 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast C5f 110 12 J Clementsl2 Slicnandoah Saner Itaby Sister 52019 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 221 111 10 R Dority It AudreyK MDaly Uof theKH LADY ENFIELD blk f 1 M 4 107 By Enfield Comette by Bloomsbury BloomsburyTrainer Trainer R Enos Owner F R Doyle Doyler3477 r3477 Tijuana 34 l14fast Ifif 104 12 11 11 IP 9 D Powell 14 Capors Cobalt York Lassie Lassier2443 r2443 Tijuana 34 Iirffast2710f 109 9 12 13 13 13 I Gaugel 13 Review Cobalt Little Orphan 403 Tijuana Im70y 147 fst 23f 102 C 10 10 9 9 8 = ° 13 Josiah 14 Uunecft LOrplwi CliatCourt CliatCourtir ir 3 Tijuana 34 l14fast 34f 10G 12 11 11 12 127 J Majestic 13 Striker Dienero Miss Dunlmr 53292 Tijuana 34 11G slow 137 113 8 8 10 9Z1 9 3 J Majestic 12 Kthel WODooly Ha by Faust 52947 Tijuana 5J f l08sluw 137 103 8 999 0l W Hlnphy AnnalJegina Riposta UobUaker UobUakerD2877 D2877 Tijuana 58 E9J fast 12 111 6 7 7 7 G8 C Gross 7 Ring T o thf Morning Shifty ShiftyGO GO ON ch g 0 M 108 By Setback Green dOr by Bowling Green GreenTrainer Trainer E V Winters Owner E V Winters Wintersr34G4 r34G4 Tijuana 1 114 fast 11 108 G 3 5 3 Gi G3J J IltamerlO LJosene Prophecy RITargan RITarganrSSGl rSSGl Tijuana 1 l43fast 21f 110 10 S 7 G 5 4J D Powjll 12 llehnah LitOrpUan YkUissie 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 34f 107 7 12 12 10J S D Powell 13 Striker Dionero Miss Dtinlinr Dtinlinr528GI 528GI Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 183f 107 3 7 S 9 ll10 J Murray 12 Mountain Girl Maud M Ely Ely2SOG 2SOG Tijuana 1 l42fast 22f 109 51 R McCrnn Mary Fuller Jim Wlnn Kly 52732 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 285 109 8 ° R McCrnnIO Frivolous Ilusyliird AVMISaker 52559 Tijuana 1 l49mud 3 110 10 R McCrnnIO UerniceK AudreyA PatMack 5243G Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 37 110 G ° R McCrnn LeDinosre BFlower AudreyA 52299 Tijuana 1 l41fast 13f 111 S R McCrnnl2 BattleMouutaiii Prairie Striker E225S Tijuana 1 l42f st 7f 112 77J R McCrnnl Gila T F McMahon Blazer D2170 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 115 115 S i U McCr nnl2 Gwendola 15151kwell Illarvey CLASS A ch g 7 M 103 By Salvation Colonia by Amigo AmigoTrainer Trainer E E Buchanan Owner G M Clemans Clemansr347S r347S Tijuana 1 l43 fast 74 100 3 11 10 10 SX C J Noble 11 PkhonilL Cardom LPointer LPointerE2523 E2523 Tijuana Im70y l50islop 2I 110 10s P MartlneilO Commander Vonljidy Prophecy ProphecyC2381 C2381 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast 07 109 8i H Mthexvsll Madrid llumuia Gift 52313 Tiiuana 1 l42fast 9 110 8 = Rbwu TFMeMahon KIKoy JimWinn JimWinnC2190 C2190 Tijuana 1 lV tnsl 121 108 53J W Hinphy 12 AVelga Tiajan Gift Gift3G159 3G159 Reno 1 l41i fast 11 103 7 G Embry Frances G If Coming Crankle CrankleG070 G070 Reno 5S l02fast 175 10S IJ A Johnson S WampCat NoraLee Conuulgan 25952 Reno 1 l43fast 17 103 2t J Mason 0 Salpeal Mnlighter LLchmund LLchmundDR DR C P FRYER ch h 7 M 113 By F W Barr Chita by Herald HeraldTrainer Trainer W J OBrien Owner M Capon 52477 Tijuana 34 l14fcfast llif 113 11 10 10 S1 713 E Taylor 14 Capors Cobalt York Lassie 53419 Tijuana 5S l01fast 21f 113 11 12 10 10J 8 II Rettig 14 DdiGnise TomCaro KKaiikiln 51857 Tijuana 34 l15fust 51 115 8 13 llaywd 10 Chas Cannell Striker Modiste ModisteC1G3S C1G3S Tijuana 51 f l09 fast 90 110 5 i R Lowo 11 Dora Star Cluvcr Jiinia Isphani