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RACING IS WELL GOVERNED Governor Millers Sensible Ideas About New York Turf Holds Conference at Albany About Proposed Combined Sporting SportingCommission Commission ALBANY N Y April 10 About a score of writers on sporting topics jn this state came to Albany in response to an invitation of V Ward Smith Kfcretary to Governor milter in the belief that their opinions were sought in connection with the governing of sports by commission The gov ¬ ernor conveyed the impression that tho summons had been issued because of the belief that the writers had some questions to ask him He de ¬ clared that there was no legislation pending before him but that he would be glad to hear from any ¬ body present presentOut Out of the discussion which followed and which was confined largely to the fallacy of placing rac ¬ ing boxing baseball and wrestling under a single commission came the following opinion by the gov ¬ ernor when his attention was called to the fact that racing and baseball had been well handled I am frank to say that whie many people think otherwise I do not think that the state ought to attempt any regulation of people who can regulate themselves We have got enough to do to look after the things that need regulating regulatingLater Later when racing and its handling by a Com ¬ mission was being touched upon the governor inter ¬ jected the remark It seems to be well gov ¬ erned ernedNEW NEW YORK RACING COMMISSION HISTORY HISTORYThe The original State Racing Commission was ap ¬ pointed by Governor Lev P Morton when lie signed the PercyGray law in 1S95 It was composed of Messrs August Belmont New York E D Morgan of Wheatley Hills L I and John Sanford of Amsterdam N Y This commission was clothed with a certain and welldefined authority They were empowered to license all running race meet ¬ ings In the state of New York conducted under the reasonable rules and regulations of the Jockey Club and they were enjoined to make in their annual report such suggestions to the legislature as they thought would be helpful to the breeding industry and racing which are so dovetailed that they cannot be separated the one depending absolutely upon the other otherPrior Prior to the appointment of this commission racing was in disrepute Evils had crept into the sport which threatened to destroy it A strong hand was needed at the helm Among the sinister influences overcome were the poolroom ring racing at night tiy electric light and collusive litigation whose object was to destroy all racing authority The light was let into dark places alid the turf was finally rid of many disreputables disreputablesA A period of regeneration followed Racing was reestablished as a popular sport It engaged the attention of men of stability and Influence through ¬ out the country Horse breeding was greatly stimu ¬ lated Many new importations of blood stock were made from England and France to enrich our own thoroughbred families Through the initiative of the commission racing was practicaly subordinated to the welfare of the breeding industry and special events were framed with a view to stimulating in ¬ terest everywhere in the thoroughbred horse horseINFLUENCE INFLUENCE OF BREEDING BUREAU BUREAUOne One of the best influences employed was through the medium of the Bureau of Breeding of the Jockey Club which was established for the benefit of the farmers of this state at the suggestion of the commission commissionLegislation Legislation hostile to racing in 1908 and 1910 however drove some of the largest studs out of existence American stallions and mares were sent to Argentina Australasia England France and Germany The industry was so crippled that the state racing commission which at that time was composed of Messrs James W Wadsworth of Gen esee N Y H K Knapp of New York and Hon John Sanford of Amsterdam N Y employed the following language In their report to the legislature of 1912 The existing statutes have terminated running races in this state and if the present con ¬ dition of affairs be long continued the breeding and development of thoroughbred horses will entirely coaso and the type will disappear from the United States StatesIn In 1908 there were 11000 mares and 900 thor ¬ oughbred stallions in the United States and 4400 foals were registered with the Jockey Club In 113 there were but 7500 Some idea of the loss sustained by the breeding industry may be gleaned from the fact that it is estimated that the supply today consists of only 4750 mares and 500 stallions while the thoroughbred foals registered in 1920 numbered 1841 1841It It takes five years to produce a horse and it will IHJ a long time under favorable conditions before former records will be equaled An established policy in connection with breeding and racing is imperative Racing depends entirely upon thor ¬ oughbred horses passing in a steady yearly stream of two three and fouryear olds in the stakes and purses offered by the racing associations in regu ¬ lated and defined sequence like the curriculum of an educational institution A break brings produc ¬ tion to a standstill and resumption later is a matter of slow growth growthRacing Racing is the only sport that can be injured to such an extent as the figures given above indicate Baseball boxing and all athletic sports of other character have but to possess the patronage of the public and an organization The material required is ready overnight overnightIt It is apparent that the conservation of racing and breeding calls for special knowledge and that a commission eminently qualifield to govern and safe ¬ guard other sports would be at sea In handling problems In connection with them It is an error to rate racing as a spectacle an amusement for the public only and therefore that it is a luxury for this feature is but an incident to a great and highly important industry and should lie treated