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1 AM POSITIVELY WINNER WINNERon on a straight flat play at Bowie from April 2 to April 9 The crucial acid test in wagering on the races is to be beWINNER WINNER ON A STRAIGHT FLAT PLAY PLAYI I have filwl with Daily Kacing Form my information and the Form will corroborate me that I am a winner on a straight flat play playSECURING SECURING GENUINE BEST STABLE INFORMATION INFORMATIONright right on the spot at the track thus sending out lastminute information only on the morning of the day of the race IS MY BUSINESS BUSINESSYou You are not satisfied with what you are winning thats why you are reading this ad This is your opportunity Act upon your impulse to grasp it itYour Your patronage places me in the position that I can guarantee to wager more money for the right parties The more that I can play for them the more interesting my proposition is to the stable con ¬ nections I want cooperation cooperationI I helieve lastminute information is the underlying principle of turf suc ¬ cess Sending out information the nifslit before or information emanating from any other source is obsolete and will lead you to disaster disasterI I Avant to restore the confidence that was waning among turfites I want to rid the racing sport of those Avho have shattered the faith of so many I want to restore your courage therefore I want no money in advance and I will send you strictly lastminute stable information directly from the track and want no money unless I win for you youI I am circumspect from whom I accept information as I daily refuse much stable information I am n veteran in the game I ought to know The interested parties benefit only if the horse wins If it does not I am hot one cent out of pocket If it wins the right parties are handsomely remunerated It is the one and only way wayTERMS TERMS MY PLAN OF OPERATION FOR THE FUTURE FUTUREWire Wire me the winnings of a tendollar straight play after the race Romit by telegraph money order only as I do no business l y mail Unless you wire winnings next day after the race Ill send you no moie wires Xo excuses talccu talccuREAD READ THIS Send me l y telegraphic money order not by mail the thecost cost of six prepaid tenword day tulegrraiiis and J Trill send you my strlctly stable information six times by wire charges prepaid at J a m AVire cor ¬ rect street address and 1 will send you code codeI I DO BUSINESS BY WIRE ONLY ONLYIf If you write to me I will not receive your letter I will not send tele ¬ grams collect You have my proposition Take it or leave It alone 1 am at the track practically day and ni ht and therefore cannot receive callers callersIXONLY IXONLY SEND OUT JHREE OR FOUR HORSES A WEEK WEEKLook Look out for extraordinary specials on Tuesday April 12 Thursday April 14 and Saturday April 1C Remember that you will always jjjet a run for 3 our money moneyI I ask you in all sincerity do I deserve yours and every mans patronage giving you this kind of stable information without money in advance If you say yes you are subscribing to that real Americanism that horsemen now demand JOE MGUINNESS 215 EAST FAYETTE STREET BALTIMORE MD