Fourth Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-11

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FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 28 1916 105 15 3 118 118BARS BARS AND STARS b g 9 112 By Helmet Follies Bergeres by Himyar Trainer HimyarTrainer W C Weant Owner W C Weant 53539 Tijuana fiS 102 fast 110 10 11 9 9 2 L Gaugel 13 Sea Beach Woodrose P Moody E40G Tijuana 5S lr02Vrfast 1310 107 Refused to go L Gaugel 12 Maid of Ansel El Sabio Viv 53353 Tijuana 58101 fast CO 107 7 7 G2 33J L Gaugel 7 Corncuttcr AnnaRegina Shifty 51S05 Tijuana 51 f lOSl fast 22 108 11 F Chiavtal2 John Jr Lady Small Bob Baker 61541 Tijuana 34 l17I l17Iifast ifast 45 107 S21 F Chiavta 8 HorLerch SliamGreeu ElSabio EOS21 HidnShipELY Kwrth 55 f 107 fast 15 105 10 9 9 71 7 ° 1 F Chiavtal2 Toombeola SandyH HidnShip ELY gr g 4 105 By Leonid Handi Around by Serpent SerpentTrainer Trainer W M Mikel Owner W M Mikel 53524 Tijuana 58102 fast 3710 101 fi 12 13 131 133 B Mariellil4 SeaBeach LettyRee MFranklin 529SS MFranklin529SS Tijuana 34 115 fast 14f 102 8 9 10 93 5U D Powell 10 AiintAnnie Dienero MabelRuIe E2957 MabelRuIeE2957 Tijuana 51 f l07good 41 100 G G C 52 573 J Clements 7 DlyFashii GrudeB SmilMag 528SS Tijuana 1 l41fast 75 102 G 4 4 2 24 2 M Slghterl2 BSliilling MLever RAVilliam E2SG1 RAVilliamE2SG1 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 5310 107 S 1 1 1 I4 3J O Willis 12 MutnGirl MaudM WMBaker E2S28 WMBakerE2S28 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 19 107 8 4 4 4 4 5 = 1 O Wills 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie E2SOG MaudieE2SOG BarShillingEL Tijuana 1 l42Mifast 5 108 33 E Taylor 9 MyFuller JWinn BarShilling EL SABIO br g 11 107 By Sorcerer Scbwalbe by Sain 53572 Tijuana 5S l00fast 19 100 5 3 32 4 J Majestic S Perch ColMurphy Celebrate 53354 Tijuana 34 l14fast 225 105 1 G CelebrateG 3U 32 B Marielli 13 FrkShann Sandab Osntatious E3525 Tijuana 58 l01fast 4110 113 5 4 4ii 443 P Martinez 9 IlazelDale CalCurn Mannikinll 53488 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 15 93 2 2 22 22 D Hurn 7 CAComiskey Ollie Wood Neg 155 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 14 100 5 1 3 31 64 L Gaugel 12 JohnJr Hars Heir Ike Mills 53133 Tijuana 5S l01fast 195 102 3 3 4 42 2J G Yeargin 7 Perch S Maggie Tern Duncan MANNIKIN II ch c 4 114 By Fitz Herbert or Gretry Manzanita by Meddlor Trainer J E Rainboth Owner J E Rainboth 5525 Tijuana 5S l01fast 24 112 1 GO 5nt 32J R Carter 9 Hazel Dale Cal Curn El Sahio Sahiot3444 t3444 Tijuana 31 lllfast 3310 115 3 33 2i 2i R Carter 12 M Hmann L Hgan S Oliver 53318 Tijuana 34 l14fast 39 108 9 99 S25 S12 D Powell 9 La B Noire PMtin MSthem 33321 Tijuana 34115 fast 125 US C 3 G 51 4 3 E Taylor 15 Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern 53269 Tijuana 51 f 109 hvy 41 108 7 G G G5 G ° 2 R Carter 7 Lonely Headman Betsinda 52SS5 Betsinda52SS5 Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 41 111 1 78 5 31 E Fator 12 ColMphy Aolima KathRnkln KathRnklnHUGO HUGO BloomsburyTrainer K ASHER blk c 3 102 By Enfield Febetto by Bloomsbury Trainer I N Womach Owner I N Womach 53339 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 20f 103 S 10 It 11 = 11 = 2 H Tones 13 S Beach R and Stars Wroso Wroso534G5 534G5 Tijuana 58102 fast 48 102 7 C 5 5b 9 ° L Gaugel 13 Sandab LGentry Okla Iris Irish 53407 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 45 102 5 C 7 G1 55 G Yeargin 13 Lantern Letty Ree Cal Curn 63321 Tijuana 34 115 fast 137 IOC G 95 154 AV Taylor 15 Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern 5S022 Tijuana 34 110 fast 34 118 4 Si 91 B PlnnegrlO Tavasentha JkLedi Sis Polly 52918 Tijuana 34 110 slop 90 107 5 C G 7 1 P Martinez 7 Chow Tawasentha Busy Bird DOCTOR DeceiverTrainer KENDALL ch g 10 112 By Marta SantasPicayune II by Deceiver Trainer Z Barnett Owner Z Barnott Barnott535G7 535G7 Tijuana 1 143 fast C 112 223 3 32 G3 R Dority 10 TulyFly LHarrigan El Rey 53524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 910 111 4 C G C G4 R Carter 14 SeaBeach LettyRee MFranklin 53465 Tijuana 58 102 fast 17 112 2 5 4 4 5 5 R Dority 13 Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish 53362 Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 7 121 2 9 10 102 9 A Zelgler 12 MkGarner FanNail MSedalla 520S1 Yukon5183G Tijuana 58 l014 fast 195f 112 42 A Zeigler 12 Trulane Duly Fashion Yukon 5183G Tijuana 58102 fast G 114 43 O Willis 8 JDSugg CtheAVay EdLeVan EdLeVanALAJAH ALAJAH ScarborougBTrainer ch f 3 M 97 By David Tenny La Rio Rienna by ScarborougB Trainer H C Smith Owner F W Harper 53552 Tijuana 55 f 109 fast 3CE 106 2 1112 2t II Rowe 11 GeoJames Aryanna Full Moon 52791 Tijuana 55 f l09fast 1C 113 1212 R Dority 12 Charmant JohnLake TheVamp 50140 Reno 12 49fast 38 10S 571 R Carter G IIKAsher DixicMason Hypom 4S975 Hypom4S975 Reno 12 49fast 30 111 C2 R Carter 7 GJames IIKAsher DixMason 4GGSS DixMason4GGSS Tijuana 3S 3G5 fast 7 11G S12 AV Mclnre S Littleltaly EugeniaK LettyRee 46355 Tijuana 3S 25fast 15 115 S13 J McBride 9 MDunbar PhilLugo HgoAsher 40293 Tijuana 3S 3S4 3S4good good 33 113 G E Pegg 7 Audrey K SSquirrel MDunbar MDunbarUONDAINE UONDAINE ParkTrainer b m 6 105 By Malamont Garele by Hurst Park Trainer J E OShea Owner J Anderson 53524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast l7f 103 3 3 3 32 433 J Majestic 14 SeaBeach LettyRce MFranklin 53502 Tijuana 5S l01 = 5fast lOf lit It H 10 10A 11 J MajesticU OliveD KillnrneyBulle Viva 52419 Tijuana 5S l01fast 77 112 S 10 9 95 9 = i T McCulh 14 DdeGuise TomCaro KRankiin 53379 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 84 113 0 99 91 ST T McCulh 15 YVCDooly AiNail BSquirrel 53319 Tijuana 5S l01fast 9 114 10 14 If 144 14l B Plnnegrl5 Celebrate Review EmiuaAVeller R2930 Tijuana BS 105 mud 12 113 2 3 5 5s 5 E Taylor 9 TDuncau SeaBeach AVODooly F G MartinetTrainer CORLEY br h 5 M 107 By Jack Atkin Eglantine by Martinet Trainer J Curl Owner J Curl 53523 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 275 103 11 99 92J 914 O Willis 14 DrCorbett EugeniaK VnaNail E3451 Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 12 113 3 3 4 G1 7 ° M Buxton 13 KRankin Pittsburg AionaNail 63008 Tijuana 45 f 54fast 215 10S 7 787 75 AV Gargan S Riposta OAComkey Lit Jake 51747 Apropos4SGOG Tijuana 12 4Sfast 136 109 719 A Zeigler 7 Ccutter Joe Blair Apropos 4SGOG Latonia 34 110 slow 00 109 S 778 82 II King 8 L Luxury SwGlance Converse MASTER SainTrainer FRANKLIN blk g 9 112 By Modrid Zirl by Sain Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Millard Millard5S524 5S524 Tijuana 58 102 fast 15 107 13 10 9 5 3s D Powell 14 SeaBeach LettyRee Mondaine E3483 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 22f 107 4 99 7 7 i O AVillis 11 HarHeir Delancey MofAnsel ES40G Tijuana 5S l02 Afast 52 10S 10 10 9 S2 SJ H Saladin 12 Maid of Ansel El Sahio Aiva 53293 Tijuana Im70y l47M slow 51 114 3 4 G 5 73 II21 C Gross 12 King Agrippa El Rey SadieD E29D3 Tijuana 34115 fast 43 109 C 5 5 C 6 = 2 A Zeigler 5 OlYVood EvHarrigan MParnl 52943 Tijuana 51 f l094slow 21 110 7 SO G 621 A Zeigler 14 Humma Aelvet W C Dooly LADY ENFIELD blk f 4 M 4 99 By Enileld Comette by Bloomsbury BloomsburyTrainer Doyle53GG Trainer R Enos Owner F R Doyle 53GG Tijuana 34113 fast Gf 109 1 7 S 7J 5s T MeCuHhlS Robert Lee Careen Aiva 53537 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 38 107 11 11 11 11 11 II2 J Majestic 11 Prophecy M Dunbar R Hgan 53477 Tijuana 34 l14fast IGf 10412 11 11 H2 9IT D Powell 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 53143 Tijuana 34 I15fast2710f 109 9 12 13 13 13 L Gaugel 13 Review Cobalt Little Orphan 13405 Tijuana Im70y 147 fsst 23t 102 C 10 10 9 9l 8 ° E Josiah 14 Runecf t LOrplmti ChatCourt 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 31f 100 12 11 11 12 12 J Majestic 13 Striker Dienero Miss Dunbar OKLAHOMA IRISH br m 9 105 By Brigade Wild Irish by Pontio PontioTrainer Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan 53603 Tijuana 58 l01fast 13 10G 3 1 C C2 G8 J Noble 14 Olive KillarneyBelle Aiva 53103 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 13f 101 4 22 21 31 E Josiah 1 Sandab L Gentry Felicitor 62SSG Tijuana 55 f lOSfast 105 4 3 3 3l C5 E Taylor 11 Ermitana FanNail GeoJames E2S27 Tijuana EM lOSfast 9 104 9 6 = 1 D Powell 12 OldHomestead ElSabio Lantern 52771 Tijuana 34 l15Jifast 55 103 G5i H Jones 12 Arietta JJMdock BShilling JENNIE SMALL b m 8 195 By Nasturtium Merrily by Galore GaloreTrainer Trainer F Shinn Owner Shinn Gallagher 52969 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 143 IOC 6 19 1 9 9s 9 B Taylor 12 VonLady ChCourt Ostentatus D25GO Tijuana 1 l50mud 7 108 67i H Kettle 9 Argento Ethel Anuu Star 624S4 Tijuana ll46mud 6 IDS 610 C Gross 11 Prevaricate Honolulu AnnaStar 62190 Tijuana 1 l43fast 16 111 11 C Gross 12 Welga Tiajan Gift E2019 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 43 7 C Gross 11 AudreyK MDaly Bof theKit theKit2i E1939 Tijuana 1 l4Gmud 67 107 2i B Burns 10 Plunger Captlivans Hickorynut GOLDEN FLIGHT b h 7 M By Golden Flumes Convent Bell by St Avonicus Trainer W A MoKenzie Owner J MoKenzie 52941 Tijuana 58 104 slow 225 112 13 12 12 11 10 J Htamer 14 Glo Junia Missouri PegMartin 52915 Tijuana 53 f lOSslop 157 101 5 8 8B2885 10 91 9 J HermanlO Saw Tooth Mcda Miss Ouri B2885 Tijuana 51 t lOSfast 949 10S 12 12 12 12 121 J Htamer 12 ColMuri hy Volima Mankinll 52848 Tijuana 58 l01fast 42f 107 11 11 11C27C9 11 11 II J Htamer 11 DyFashion LadySmall Chrome C27C9 Tijuana 6i f l07fast 97 111 111MIGHTY 12 = R McCrnnl2 ThriftyThree EdLeVan Mistake MIGHTY LEVER br g 4 M 114 114Trainer By Ildrim Supposition by Sir Diion Trainer V Cloud Owner V Cloud CloudPS420 PS420 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast 16 106 G 1 1 3 4i 4 J II Rowo 13 FannieNail MissSedalia Zetetic 53395 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 13f 105 1 2 4 4G3293 442 = 22J H Rowe 12 Sadie D LJosephine PPrince G3293 Tijuana Im70y I47y5slow 21 105 6 S 10 9 S1 6 H Rowe 12 King Agrippa El Key SadieD 53023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 13 102 5 C 9 10 1010 910 II Jones 11 Ostentatious MSedalia MaudM P2931 Tijuana Im70y 152 mud 8 21 4li W Hinphy 8 Maudie Lady Josephine Tours D2SS8 Tijuana 1 l41fast 19 107 2 2 3 32 3 W Hinphy 12 BShilllng Ely RedWilliain

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921041101_5_3
Library of Congress Record: